JELLY & SLOGO Trapped Me! (Speedrunner vs Hunters)

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I am the lucky speedrunner today and as the speedrunner it means that I have to mine this trophy with a diamond pickaxe to win and jelly and Josh just have to kill me to win let's do this I'm the speed Runner today y'all R goodbye losers can you still hear me so yeah we can still hear you but when you walk away we won't what about now guys he's really quiet now guys okay look away and I'm going to start okay I'm going I'm going I am the speedrunner today and as you can hear we have a mod turned on that basically allows us only to hear each other when we are within a reasonable distance from each other so that means as soon as they get close to me I'm going to start hearing them and the other way around as well first off we're going to need wood and then I'm going to need a sword because they're probably going to come after me and try to kill me pretty quickly they are pretty mean those two dudes okay let's try to make our first crafting table some sticks put that down make a little pickaxe like so then get two Stone so we can get a sword already and then I will be able to defend myself from the evils of Josh and jelly at least for now before they get any gear themselves and we should probably see if there is any loot in or around the village for me to grab okay first off we got some bread that's a good start there's a bunch of bread get ready right here for me to take I'm going to grab some of these so that I can have a bunch of food and I don't hear them yet which is kind of scary but I also prefer it that way so I have mixed emotions about this to be honest I don't like it but I do like it killing the Iron Golem might might actually be my best sort of action right now so let's see if I can do it okay up he can reach me he can reach me I did not plan for that he's angry at me and he can reach me I did not plan that well okay let's leave him alone he is scary and I don't like him at all that could have actually gone so wrong I'm so happy I didn't die already that would have been terrible if that happened already dude embarrassing to say the least wait what is this the amount of luck I'm having right now dude dang look at that I even got a swag helmet and an even better sword bro okay this is going to go so good for me maybe we should try to find them why do I not hear them are they just being quiet this entire time what's going on dude okay get the bread now we sort of want to chill back a little bit and see what they do Josh Josh Josh hello Jelly yes come here jelly come here wait Josh is behind me what is he doing he's naked get out of here you Noob right next to you sneaking up on you but ruined it jelly get out of here dude I am too strong for you okay I have officially scared them off for now but they're probably not going to remain scared for too long let me see if I can take down this Iron Golem and get this iron without them seeing me do it oh man okay but he didn't die H that's scary oh okay you know what I might leave him alone then I'm too busy I need to go ahead and get out of here now we got to make sure that we get every resource we can and that includes this gold block up here too I want to bring that with me I mean who knows I can use this for something right where' the block go hello all right well I need to get out of here then I ain't got time we need to follow the compass and see if we can get some Loot on the way I do need to also get iron and gear like that that'll help me out a lot in the future I want to go down down here and see if I can get some iron or some coal or something like that that would be very useful to me at this point in my life coal iron anything at all please coal okay good I can take that get a bunch of stone too so we can make a furnace eventually okay let's build up here real quick and let's see if there's anything of use in here good got a couple of those hey get out of here Buddy ain't nobody got time for you right now I'm on a mission dude okay get ball this nice oh don't I hear him I hear him I heard him I heard him I heard him hello how you doing I'm I'm pretty how are you guys I'm pretty good yeah I'm really good in fact you've got iron crater have you got iron yeah I got a ton of it dude so they are close to me but how close I don't know let's leave while we can still leave okay it is scary cuz they are two people and I'm one remember that okay they are on the other side of that Hill I just saw them on the other side so they are definitely still after me oh man okay let's continue in this direction do they have more gear than me already I really hope they don't that would be terrifying for me why did I not get any iron World why remember I do need a diamond pickaxe to get the trophy 2o so I can't just be fluffing about this entire video I actually need to do progress as well I really just want like some iron or maybe just if I could find a good cave and they don't know went down into it that would be nice I could always try for a different strategy though what if I didn't go down into a cave but I simply instead made a hole and they don't know that I did it and if they follow me they will die uh yeah I think he's running oh I see oh no that's a b oh sh sh Wait green no he's okay he he's near us he can probably hear us right now hey ker just so you know I got a full stack of iron well I got a full stack of kick your butt and you're not going to like it why are you be why did you go quiet all of a sudden are you following me somehow no I would never I think you're lying to me Tilly and you know I don't like liars uh crer are you underground no why would I be are you trying to fetch some iron Craner no why would I be doing that oh I found a workbench wonder who that is wonder I wonder whose Dad iser we're right on your coming for you I don't know if I like you guys talking like this it's creeping me out that's the whole point Craner what's the point of what what's the point point of what's the point what's the point of you coming for me I don't I haven't even done anything to you at this point actually definitely haven't definitely get that Josh take that what do you think this ah Jelly's behind me what CR what do you guys think this is you're so in such trouble crer you're in such trouble this is the end Craner the end for you ow the the end for I don't have any torches I can't see any oh my God yeah it's a bit dark in here it is really dark and I don't like that you guys are on top and beneath I got him I got him locked in I got him locked in he's got nowhere to go Josh I got him locked in yes he died oh I got your buddy's loot Josh I got your buddy's loot Josh I destroyed your bed idiot [Laughter] I'm out of here I'm out of here sucker no did you get diamonds no unfortunately not but I got what I was after other than diamonds Josh okay wait why am I being honest yeah why are you telling me things gosh dang I don't know I'm too honest of a guy man what route have you taken up here as well well I was trying to confuse you guys anyway goodbye Jos can't keep talking forever bye-bye woo I can't believe we actually got ourselves out of that mess so jelly needs to somehow regroup with Josh now that's going to take a little while and while they're doing that let me just get a bunch of random materials because I also need to cook this iron that I have so we can get a little bit of armor before they eventually catch up with me again and I don't want that to happen ladies and gentlemen I really do not want that that to happen so let's just cook this put down this get a little bit more wood and stuff why not what is all of this oh I shouldn't drop that actually never mind I should drop that this is my only stop for a little bit and then after this I'll run as fast as I can okay like that like this good we are now on track to get ourselves the diamond pickaxe oo this will definitely put me ahead of them a little bit those idiots never use boats so far so good though guys I think we are doing pretty amazingly right now let me just get out of here get this back there we go and then I really need to start looking for some diamonds guys that is definitely next up on what we need to do okay our to-do list is basically just diamonds at this point but it's that's easier set than done I kind of feel like I at least need to find an exposed cave in order to find diamonds you know don't want to do the same trick where I just dig straight down again that kind of got me surrounded sounded a lot easier than I thought it would have speaking of okay let's try this I'm not going to place torches down just yet okay I don't want them to see it from upstairs so is this going to be something that leads me to something or is it going to be another dead end gosh dang it at least I got a little bit more cooking material now and it leads me straight up okay that was a giant waste of time and I'm officially scared that they may have caught up to me because of that so that would not be nice would it no it wouldn't okay I tried it was a fail ooh that looks a lot more promising than what I have been going through so you know what we'll take it you know what I kind of do want to make a bucket if I can I feel like that would be a good I don't have enough for it but at least I'll cook a little bit more now can also make a flint and steel I mean that's pretty useful if you want if you can set like Josh on fire or something like that or jelly for that matter I don't see them behind me not for now at least okay I seriously seriously need to stop start finding a diamond somehow somewhere but I don't feel like we've come across anything that looks like it could have diamonds in it I really don't I do see them they are right over there guys I really need to find a cave this is not fun anymore dude I just need diamonds it's all I need bro just diamonds for goodness sake how how could that be defi bro how no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way how do I get down I'm good I'm okay okay not the right way not the right way not the right way something's happening here okay but how do I get to where it's oh look at this beauty it's got to be down here somewhere but where is it and how do I get diamonds for goodness sake I thought it was them it wasn't it is them hello it's Josh he literally saw me I saw him I did see him I could I I know Jen you're going to help me a second oh what is this oh my goodness I found something I have found something okay I'm just looking looking for gosh dang something dude give me something cave oh no are they going to get to the trophy before me they might dude oh this is bad but I have to I have to kind of let them cuz I can't even get it anyway so they might actually Camp the trophy no no jelly please don't do that CR J where my where's my little crane boy did you guys get to the trophy did you guys get to the trophy Maybe we're coming for you buddy why what have I even done like honestly Josh torches Josh behind you which little tunnel did you go into that I can't see well I kind of tried to hide in from you jelly so the thing is can you guys still hear me yeah I kind of want to make a plead with you guys what what's that a a plead a plead okay I'm not sure that works in uh speedrun but the thing is I don't have diamonds yet and I'm still trying to fight them Diamond think he's at the trophy uh Josh is he no I'm really I'm really telling you the truth I'm not lying oh I don't have diamonds how am I going to get the trophy without diamonds jelly are you C so what you guys could do right you guys you guys could go to the trophy right and let me get diamonds right that's what you could do if you want it I don't want Craner to hear me getting louder or quieter why is there XP here are you Whispering on on on purpose Josh what maybe stop doing that one I don't like it and two you I don't like it oh this could be something I could be on to something here boys but there's so much stuff that you can die from here how much do I have to work to get a couple of dams it can't be this gosh stank difficult bro okay I have I have an idea what I can do but I need a little bit more time little bit more patience and I'm going to do one of these right I'm going to get this right then I'm going to go over here I'm going to try to get one of those right right right right right right okay good scary scary scary scary scary scary scary scary scary scary scary scary scary scary scary scary scary scary is that it but it's I gotta go past all of these okay wait a second wait a second let me get this good geez Louise you had to be right next to all of these monsters huh boy okay one it's just one okay so I'm going to need two more oh oh yes one gosh dang it my luck is so bad right now but at least I found two so I only need one more uno mas it's all I need just one dude let me go up to a high Vantage Point again it kind of helped me out last time on scoping where they are any diamonds laying around would be greatly appreciated right now cuz I only need one more you suckers it's all I need okay I got it dude so let's just make ourselves a little crafting table okay this one and do I not have any sticks left like what the heck is even going on in my inventory right now I feel like I'm stressing so much because of like how stressful this is that I don't know what to do anymore dude it's actually so painful being the speedrunner I don't ah get away from me buddy okay we need to head up now and somehow find the trophy where did we get up from oh down from I think it was over here okay I see my path so let's just head back up this way and I think that's going to work out in our favor honestly oh hello that jelly it now becomes obvious you see my issue hi TR hey how we doing were you not meant to say you Hur me jelly did Josh yell at you i' I've explained that to him so many times in this video that when he hears you he should be quiet and he says it every time but jelly jelly doesn't really listen does he okay okay now give me where the trophy is buddy I am ready and able to take it down yes Josh so is it like over in this way I don't wait are you or is it down hello where are you crina why would I tell you I'm trying to get the trophy Josh oh oh this is where we came from okay so this is where it is I assume do you know where I am maybe this is a very dangerous path I'm taking it would really suck if you got me yeah why don't you stand up hey how we doing buddy I'm actually I'm pretty good I think bro I don't know where the trophy is yet though so if you guys can like give me a little bit jelly move what is that I top my lava bucket hey crater what's the strategy here bro oh now we blocked ourselves from getting to him y he is dead he is a dead you guys keep putting down la yeah you got to be careful you're going to step in lava yourself I need to grab lava you trying to get me with lava like I'm trying to get you with lava where did this lava come from fire fire why I stepped in my own lava he I think the trophy is down here I'm running he's blocking I'm am I going to die is this going to stop is this not about to die this is not where the trophy is are you do you not know where it is CR no I I thought I was going in the right direction but I no D oh I missed you GED up on me they got me before I even saw the trophy you know let me jelly you are too oh jelly died too okay well that was my attempt at being the speedrunner yay
Channel: Crainer
Views: 283,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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