Baptists Explained in 2 Minutes

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baptist churches have a bit of variety today but there are several constants there are at least two ordinances baptism which is for believers and not infants and by immersion some baptists will have you re-baptized if you are baptized by pouring for example communion is viewed as only symbolic and normally it uses grape juice not wine many baptist churches teach against drinking alcohol some baptists like free will baptist and primitive baptists also have foot washing as an ordinance on salvation most baptists teach that a person needs a conversion experience in their life where they're saved or born again there are reformed baptists who believe that some people have been foreordained by god to salvation and cannot lose it there are armenian or free will baptists who believe that everyone has an opportunity to be saved and likewise they can choose to reject god and fall from grace there is also a between group that teaches that anyone can be saved god doesn't elect some and not others apart from their faith but they still teach that a person who gets saved cannot lose it baptist churches are congregationally governed churches normally select their own pastors and manage their own finances baptists have also been historically opposed to state churches so there are always free churches baptists vary in eschatology today though they have been one of the groups that have had a lot of premillennialists baptists on the whole have been less prone to have women in ministry but the more moderate and liberal denominations today do allow it most baptist churches are not highly liturgical but there are churches that use mostly hymns and traditional music like a lot of independent fundamental baptists and also churches that are more contemporary in america baptists are the second largest religious group after catholics making up 15 percent of the population and they are especially prominent in the u.s south worldwide they number about 100 million people baptists are one group about which there are competing theories about where they come from one view is that they were influenced by anabaptists and the similarities and differences they hold with anabaptist groups like the mennonites is a valuable study click over to the next video for a quick overview of mennonite churches or if you want to watch a video comparing some baptist denominations click here
Channel: Ready to Harvest
Views: 104,435
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Id: ZdqnjmPM-Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 7sec (127 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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