Jefferies Relies on Prisma Access - a SASE Solution - for their Network Transformation

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with this I would like to introduce our second customer today Josh dice senior vice president information technologies at Jeffrey's just please join us on stage good morning how are you feeling first time in Spain right yes first time is fame beautiful absolutely beautiful here you arrived two days three days yeah Monday night okay so no jet lag anymore yeah got over that okay so when using stage until Saturday right yeah fly out Sunday morning okay good families as well you know a little bit the city yeah good okay good so great to have you you yes so it's not me with a first question sure okay tell me a little bit about yourself and Jeffries sure so at Jeffrey's we are actually the largest independent full-service global investment bank headquartered out of the United States we have about 3,700 employees spread across 33 global offices are as mentioned headquartered in New York but we also have a regional headquarters in London one thing that we do at Jeffrey's we actually have helped a few big technology companies recently with their IPO acting as the book runner for example you may know of CloudFlare leading CDN DDoS and DNS service provider so we recently helped them with their IPO as for myself I look after everything network security cloud security laughs are seeing you BA and a few other things as well okay so but I understand you also find customers yes of course yes a little bit right yeah so that that could be gained for us in 2013 got our first pair of 30 20 s got our hands dirty since then we've expanded greatly to numerous 50 50 s 50 60 s 50 - 50 s multiple virtual firewalls running in the cloud as well and we're leveraging all the fun features that Palo Alto is really offering us user ID with Active Directory base group controls SSL decryption fully enabled we're leveraging wildfire ids/ips is enabled URL filtering is flowing through it we're also doing a lot of cool dynamic address grouping with mind meld and the cloud plugins so a lot of cool things so you use it all basically we try almost all the new stuff to come and that's course we're going to talk about this as well so as a financial services from what are the expectations set from your executive team sure you know I think it's like most other companies the it boils down to that we really need to secure our clients information right and we need to do that while still enabling a very modern and secure mobile workforce for our employees mm-hmm so following on this what are the initiatives you are driving with your team sure again I think it's most like other big enterprises well but one of our big things is cloud transformation that started about three years for us and three years ago and we really started to tree initially the cloud as an extension of our data center and it was only connected to our data center to start off with the egress and the default route was pointing back to our data centers and then flowing through those on-premise firewalls Palo Alto firewalls to the internet and since then we've just recently started deploying a lot of VM series to host the ingress and egress in and out of the cloud which provides us with that enterprise grade layer seven firewall and not just layer three and four rules mm-hmm okay any other key initiatives which you were driving yeah starting about a year and a half ago we wanted to replace all of our laptop VPNs mm-hmm and we looked at and started to deploy Prisma access all right no we start to talk like yes so so what were some of the challenges you are facing that were actually leading you to look at press maxes at the time yeah I think most of our challenge were centered around the functionality and the security of the laptops we wanted to provide our end-users with a more unified faster localized and secure laptop experience and that boiled down to three kind of key challenges that we are facing the first one being we had a very complex configuration putting a very big burden on our operations teams for example depending on if you were on a VDI or if you had a physical desktop or a laptop there were different technologies managing the security for each of those different devices one of which was Palo Alto and so as you can imagine with every change that came in had to be manually synchronized across those three different solutions so a big burden and very prone to operational errors a second challenge would be our end users would complain of the incan inconsistency across their devices so for example you know an employee would come to me and say hey you know I have my VDI but when I go travel or I go to a hotel and I'm hopping on my laptop one thing worked on my VDI and when I'm sitting in the office but it doesn't work in my laptop and it's hard to explain to him that you know it's there's different technologies you know they don't care they just want it to work right needs to be consistent and our third challenge was we had some DLP concerns you know nothing would stop a end-user of going home and plugging into a home network and copying files that they had on their laptop to a local home share Drive so those are our three big concerns that we had while talking to the user I totally feel what you say yeah so how did Prisma access help solve the challenges you were set out to solve in a better way than other solutions here yeah so one thing is I mentioned earlier you know the the manually managing the three separate security policies you know VDI physical desktop laptop as a company we've kind of taken the approach of moving to a VDI as your primary computing device and we already had panoramas and the on-prem firewalls managing those so Prisma access just made a logical and a made sense it was it was a natural extension to what we were doing with panorama with you know SSL decryption and everything else it was the same exact security policy we didn't have to change anything we no longer had to make the changes to all those other products at the same time it was just one policy and so that was a huge benefit another challenge we were able to solve with it is it fixed our localization issues you know historically we had all of our traffic tunnel back to a data center back to our regional data centers and so if I had a uk-based banker traveled to New York you know he's looking for a local pub and he's getting a search result based in UK not New York right so now with the over 100 Prisma access connection points the pops that are globally deployed it really fixed our localization when our end users are connecting in now that UK based banker gets a new york-based search result when he's in New York right and with that we also saw an increase in our speeds the internet for those users and substantially decrease latency especially accessing those SAS apps because Prisma access is literally sitting right next to those major SAS apps in the cloud and so you know I I think Prisma access you know thinking about it principe axis is really moving the edge of the network closer to the end user whereas before the edge of the network was always your perimeter firewall and your data center right now with Christmas access it's moving closer and closer to that that user you know on the laptop it's connecting directly to the cloud rather than routing all the way through the internet right so what Gartner has started to define as the Sassi the you know secure access service edge if you really break that down in each piece the secure access service edge if you think about it Prisma access and its offerings are really aligning to that definition and in the end it's it's really about the consistency of the end user experience you know if a solution that we deploy does properly balanced the security and the usability for our employees of that technology you know I think we've kind of failed as security engineers and architects because we need to make it easier or better for our employees to be able to do their jobs security can't just be you know an afterthought but it also can't be too hard right so we have to find that balance which works best for our company and for us Prisma access was able to really help us find that balance hmm it's awesome to listen to you yeah if you ever look for a sales job please give me so so what's next for Jeffries and how is Christmas setting you up to support Jeffries cloud transformation you know Prisma access has given us the ability to support the concept of the shared office workspace so think of like Regas or we work and we're able to support that without the worry of the underlying network since we're able to block that local access to the network and force the full tunnel VPN back to prism access and it's able to secure it right and it's also enabled our users to work from home more and easier with this solution mmm it's also enabled like the desk space Hotelling model for one of our offices and we're also investing very heavily in building a cloud native internal app called Madison and Prisma access provides that critical role and that reliable secure effective connectivity to that cloud app for our mobile workforce okay so I could continue now with you for sure but let's come to the last Church yeah so so you saw the announcement yesterday where we have traduced the st-1 DLP and a bunch of other new functionalities and prism access so which pieces are you most excited about you know I think it would be it probably the DLP DLP functionality DLP is a big foe because for us at Jeffrey's its it's a large project we've been working on it for about a year and a half and seeing Palo Alto provide that level of DLP capability at the edge of the network and also as I mentioned closer to you the edge of the network it's very exciting for us okay awesome it's an awesome story I really want to thank you for coming in or taking the way for this yes all down here to ignite 2019 iniya what an impressive story and I really want to thank you for being worse okay thank you and then if anyone has any questions you know about prism access happy to help out you're going to have a lot of questions like it thank you
Channel: Palo Alto Networks
Views: 1,330
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Id: UfpvkPuXGk0
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Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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