Jeep Trail Turned Recovery!! Paradox Jeep Route

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the hip bone oh yeah [Music] so you got four hands put [Music] your that is beautiful so we just had our driver's meeting we're getting ready to head out and I'm going to go ahead and tighten up the header bolts on this thing because if you guys remember this is the eBay JK and it has eBay headers on it and the header bolts keep going loose so might eventually need to get a hold of stage eight and get some locking header bolts right guys welcome back to the channel and today is something special we are actually in Narita Colorado we're getting ready to go do the Westend 4x4 Jeep Tour which is going to take us all around a part of Colorado that most most people never see the back of our shirts they sponsored it so like say the chamber is not taking a political all right so we just had our drivers meeting getting ready to line up and head up towards Nua where we're going to start this trail system so we're heading up the hill over to Nua and we got our poker cards I've never done a poker run before but basically you buy a card your deck and you get a card at each stop and then whoever has the best hand and wins I think I don't know I'm not much of a gambler I don't really gamble so Shannon and I are trying to figure it out as we go but we'll figure it out I don't know either I know I want lots of Aces and lots of kings that sounds good or Jack's good I like J Jokers we want Jokers we want Jokers Jokers wow Jokers we don't want Jokers I I don't know yeah we do all right so we aired down a little bit uh more or less just for the ride because you know I mean obviously air down for traction but air and down lets that tire flex and it's going to make for a nicer ride on the bumpy roads looks like we're getting ready to cross a narrow bridge I wonder what gave that away so so right in front of us they're pointing out this little crescent moon Arch that's just been cut out from the wind and it looks like just little crescent moon and it's right there so we're cruising on the uh dirt road here eating a little dust I'm glad we brought this rig cuz we got the AC it's 81° right now but we're going to see what cards we got cuz we got two different deck hands here now I'm not really sure what that means but we got a five of diamonds six of clubs a five of Spades so maybe we can get more fives I know you want two pairs or three pairs Jack of Spades a 10 of Spades and then in this hand so I don't know if these hands are different because they're different cards we have a six of clubs and a five of clubs so if we can timee them together we got lots of fives and sixes the two of spades a 10 of clubs and a four of Spades so I said I don't know if the cards if we can put the decks together because if that's the case like I said we got fives and sixes and T we got Full House action going on here with this thing so yeah I guess we'll find out I'm I'm assuming we're probably coming up close to another card stop soon I don't know I'm not really sure how this works I don't know what any of it means one thing I do know is that the proceeds to this poker run go to the Narita Visitor Center so it'll help them be able to direct people better probably pay for some things that they have in there and it was all a donation deal so it was worth buying some cards and seeing what maybe we'll win something I don't know I don't even know what you win Maybe maybe you don't win anything the only thing they were talking about earlier was a pink helmet so maybe I win a pink helmet so we're just cruising along taking a really Scenic very Scenic dirt road hey there's a puppy hey puppy hey puppy that's a happy Rottweiler it's like people people are here they got to be here for me most of what we've been in so far has been really dry uh really hot and it's still over 80s but this is really green and Lush where we're at right now I feel like we'll get back into the Canyon Land part of it pretty quick just kind of a little Oasis spot probably why the little doggy's happy so we are on the Paradox Trail and if you're unfamiliar with Paradox it's a little area next to a little town called Bedrock yeah Bedrock Colorado it actually exists I didn't see anybody pedaling their feet to get their vehicles going yet but I'm sure that'll happen in the future once we get rid of combustion engines all together all right I think we just made it to our first stop we'll see what our cards are I think it's a card stop I don't know cactus flowers are in full bloom check these out this is cool oh don't pick that one I'm just kid I don't know all right shann is picking the cards now so better be all Jokers you want me pick those five want to pick those five those are Vegas cards there these are lucky fives these are lucky bees here just going to pick two here two here and this one that's the Joker right there I'll tell you what this has got to be the winning hand one of these has got to be the winning hand don't feel totally confident in that all right be positive come on what are you doing so how how does it work then do these hands go together can I pick the best out of these or how so this is what this is the best part this is what you're going to hate okay so four four this is one hand and you're building off of that okay so when you have all five cards you're going to lay those all out match your numbers up and see you got the winner winner chicken dinner so gotta okay now we're now we're learning now we're learning it's a science I'm sure I'm I'm the guy with the serious poker face cuz I'll be like I don't even know what I got right well you know what there's some perker shirts I'm sure so you just lay on your that's what I have to do I don't right here you didy all right so we got our poker cards and now we are headed up the hill here they've told everybody else to get into four-wheel drive I'm going to stay in two and then just kick it in four once we get to wherever we need to get but I guess there's a ditch that uh might might require 4x4 so we'll find out I think at this point now we've actually turned off of dirt roads and now we're on two track dirt roads which is honestly one of my favorite things about Wheeling I enjoy two track dirt roads probably as much if not more than like hardcore rock crawling because usually a two trck dirt road will take you to cabins mines and history you'll get history with them where a buggy the buggy stuff is just a challenge of your driving skills but you don't really have the same kind of History A lot of times so I'm really excited about being on the Paradox trail out here near Paradox Colorado uh the probably the most popular trail out here was probably the rimrocker trail if you've ever heard of that so right now we're driving through an old forest fire that was burned in 2018 and it burned over 36,000 acres and they believe it was started by lightning but it's crazy how much how much Forest you can see burn but it's really nice to see all the greenery and the lushness coming up from the bottom around the trees that's growing up many [Music] [Music] [Music] Yeehaw Yeehaw a hip bone oh yeah [Music] [Music] w hey I got some really cool facts here about it established in 1995 was a joint operation between the West End Trails Association BLM tell ride Foundation Colorado Historical Society the trail is 118 miles Al together and it links in on either end with a Coco pelli Trail on that side and tabh trail on this side so great spot it goes all the way from 9,500 to 4,800 ft so back in the 1880s were a bunch of uh less than reputable people out there people who had challenges understanding what was somebody else's property versus what was their own property most of these guys you probably haven't even heard of many I've heard all of you have heard Butch Cassidy sundan kid all those guys right well these were kind of Butch Cassidy's forerunners that included people like LZ L and Tom mccardy and um Big noos Bill and guys like that and it also included I I have to say this my own great great-grandfather was part of that Bunch um yeah Alfred Sydney Haden was a very famous horse thief for his time and as a matter of fact this whole paradx Trail here is kind of based on a couple of things that my own great great grandfather did there were stations along the outlaw Trail where guys could H cattle one way and horses the other way and it started up in Wyoming and ended up in Mexico for CR out loud this portion right here they called the Paradox Trail because it dropped through Paradox and the reason it did that is because my great great grandfather had a homestead in Browns Park he kind of had homesteads all over the place and these homesteads were all linked up on the outlaw trail to where you can cash your cattle or your horses at one spot and then move on pretty soon they would drive horses through one way and cattle going the other way and it was a lucrative trade for everybody and the Paradox Trail what you're on right here was part of that at the time and I would have to say that the the history of this place probably for human history probably began somewhere between 20 and 25,000 years ago we know there were clo people in this country at least 13,000 years ago the oldest site in the state of Colorado was over by Delta it's on the Gunnison River it's called Eagle Rock shelter anybody been there great great sight isn't it with you 800 ad you had series of droughts starting by 1250 ad the people we call Anasazi heard of them Anasazi they had all abandoned this area that's the conventional wisdom oh by the way somewhere along the line the ancestors of the Navajo people took to flight and they flew over this whole country and landed down more down in New Mexico and Arizona over the recent years we've had the chance to kind of re-evaluate this concept a little bit and look at it more closely and this is the process of archaeology all right new Poker Run I'm there you go what's your numbers three four like three 11 it's four 4-1 4-2 just a little bit see you got this all figured out so we just finished lunch we're headed back on the trail we got our third poker cards we also learned a little bit of history about the Paradox Trail it actually ended up being a kind of a bad guys trail that they put in to trade off horses and cattle and everything else to you know and stay out of the Limelight and then they would work it and make money off of Telluride because hungry miners didn't care where they were getting their meat F they just wanted food so this was kind of set up for the bad guys originally which is kind of a neat history to the area now we're kind of coming out of the desert and working our way up the mountain a little ways Narita nla are known for really two things and that's farming and ranching and Mining and those things are kind of getting put in Jeopardy right now and the reason they're putting these Jeep events together is to bring awareness to their area that trails are being pushed to get closed down along with roads and accesses that they need for their jobs so if you're interested in more information I'll put a link in the description that you can check out and see what's going on around the Dolores area [Music] you [Music] [Music] there we got some moomo mow they look like they eat healthy usually when you have cows out in the desert area they're a little thinner nice thing about being in the eBay JK is that the air conditioning works great so even when it's been staying in the upper 80s we still have the AC so we can even roll down the window roll back up pretty nice I don't have many vehicles that got good AC that's true he gets hot a lot it's kind of cool this Trail just like keeps going over all these ridges so we work our way up one and then we come down the other side and we work our way up one and come down the other side and it's kind of neat to see all the different ridg oh there's a hornet in here oh where got it went it's kind of neat to see trail that is not taking the easiest path but it's taking kind of the toughest path through here to to work your way up and down over these all these plateaus and I think a lot of that had to do with like they said it was a you know they were hiding out and they didn't want people to see them so you get them down these valleys it's you know that were full of trees before it got into fire and you could hide all your cattle or all your horses that you just Acquired and then uh work your way into town to get get them sold Flex testing that Skyjacker suspension so we just went over that Ridge and we dropped down in and we're now in a valley and I think we're getting ready to go up that Ridge see that green rock right in there and over there I believe that's Limestone there's a lot of sandstones and different things here and some granite and quartz and all kinds of stuff obviously gold the green rock I believe is uh Limestone so he's just been driving everybody's just enjoying the views look at like the Rocks here and scenery we're just sitting here thinking of jokes one I know of is uh cuz you know we're kind of out here in the desert area you you have rattlesnakes out here and did you guys know that Chuck Norris got bit by a rattlesnake 3 days later the rattlesnake died true story you guys got any Chuck Norris jokes let me know down there here's a fun true fact Chuck Norris was born the very next day Hitler died and the Nazi regime surrendered coincidence I think not it's a little rocky sometimes I think I need to be part mountain goat all right we are going to take a little bathroom break they just stopped everybody they're going to let everybody go to the bathroom and of course standard rule of thumb men to the left ladies to the right because ladies are always right we're at our bathroom break but I still haven't checked the cards that we got from the last card stop but I kind of had it explain to me a little better so like they marked these four so these are the same deck and then this is one hand right here this 41 and then the 42 is its own hand each one is its own thing so that's my hand I thought I had like Pairs and stuff and I got Queen 26 that's not going to do anything I don't think is there a queen 26 hand I don't know let's see what this one is 658 maybe I can get a seven and a nine and I might have a winner get a straight but I'm going to say that I got nothing yeah Jack 24 and whoever's getting the Jokers man they're just destroying us all cuz I got nothing that's pretty much all my hands so hopefully things will pick up in the next two card draws after we get going again right so we're coming off the side of this mountain somebody broke a hub I guess it's just sheared their Hub right off so they don't have a lockout right now and and they're at the bottom of the hill so once we get down here we'll see what we need to do if we can even access them because there's probably about 20 Vehicles ahead of me but if we can help help them get their winch line ran or get them up out of the way we'll do that we're almost on the main road right up here SOA repair got a log I've I've hooked a log up under there and just uh strapped the axle and Drug them off a log to do that yeah if we got a saw we could cut that chunk out ratchet strap it under the ax hole want a signal for me when ready yeah for sure I don't know if this going to work or not we may need yeah you're digging you're digging you're digging pretty hard s yeah we get something under the front end we can jack the front end up and then get something under that axle and ratchet strap it up or even use the winch line wrap that axle get and hand shim yeah if we can get it up in the air there's the bushing what's y a to a lot of cool yeah Best Thing I think would be the winch you just pick it up set this right under the leaf spring Y and then WRA the winch cable around it suck it back to itself there we go what I would do is come down real close to here and we'll winch and it'll kind of pick the front end up and then maybe just ease him out yeah all right he's coming in right right there that's good oh yeah we're winning this is a complete win okay I'm going to let him down I'll disconnect it real quick so you can get squared out now you're good all right all right oh yeah can you turn there you go cool looking good too [Applause] sharp see that's pretty good huh all you need needs a little bit of [Applause] [Music] wood let me step on the BR we'll see how it goes worst case scenario I'd say we take channel locks put them on your rubber line and just pinch it off I can do that too yes that one's one that's really bad it's this other top one above this one more step how many we got four four of them all man that's that's all that's Street worthy at that point I wouldn't bet money on that we're we're High R unit now man up a little more man you need about a full inch there we go is it Lefty tidy it's yeah reverse yeah the reverse mess with your soul they are yeah all right well any of you out here on the Paradox Trail there's your log you need if you break your hub off right there all right well that worked out I mean it's a bummer to uh break but at least we were able to actually get it back together and we didn't have to drag him out on three wheel wheels and a log so he's going to lead up we got the brake line pinched off we didn't see any fluid coming out when he was pumping them so hopefully they'll be good and he'll make it down the mountain without any more issues tell you what that's what Jeep and's all about you know I I was like well we'll stay and help and the tail Gunner and then everybody else just kind of hung out too and few people went ahead but there was at least 10 Jeeps that hung out behind we got him back together he's on on the road [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wild [Music] Horses so we thought we were done with the trail you know we're here next to the Dolores River and then we found this hanging Flume walkway down here that is just on the side of the road put in by the Spanish explorers that were out here so in 1776 are you feeling lucky no do that one two three four five first top five all these cards I still lost that's why I don't gamble I did get some Bushwacker Fender Flares that fit a so I'll tell you what for a small town community good trail unfortunately we didn't get to see the last bit of it because we were with the broke down Willies but they had some cool stuff at the end they went up to a Confluence where the two rivers come together then we all had dinner and then everybody won prizes won something I even scored some bushwhacker fender flares now I got fender flares for the old eBay JK that I got for cheap so super win on us uh real happy that everybody was so nice totally worth it if you guys come out here if you want to see a new part of Colorado that you've probably never seen this is something you should put on your calendars for next year so I hope you guys enjoy this video we'll see you next time bye-bye bye
Channel: Colt Builds It
Views: 32,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colt, colorado, adventure, history, mining, native, american, explore, overland, jeeping, jeep, break, recovery, repair, winch, river, creek, rockcrawling, how-to, diy, learn, teach, discover, saved, family, toyota, ford, bronco, tacoma, wrangler
Id: hfbHCLleU0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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