Jeep Liberty: No Start / No Crank

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welcome back to the sofa hello Jana no no Sarah 2007 Jeep Liberty just got towed in came from another shop it does not start does not crank I'm pretty sure the ignition switch has gone bad why don't the double check it and if that's the case get a fixed first thing I notice besides this sweet thing light saber is lots of aftermarket stuff we got radios we got we got flashy lights outside strobe lights we got blinky lights in the back all kinds of stuff I do here the fuel pump and stuff run there and when I turn the key forward it feels kind of funny not like haha funny it just doesn't feel like it goes all the way we got no blinky security light which is good but I do see the radio actually turns off and then back on so that's plugged in we go grab a scan tool [Music] let's feel kind of funny well anyways we'll take letter Auto ID here and then we'll see if we can get ignition switch input data see if it's even sending some kind of start request signal find out where this is gonna be what are our options here go body control I assume let's possibly let's just see what kind of data pits we have here ignition bolts nope nope I don't want that I want it to cancel let's see we're gonna back back out maybe we'll just go in the engine if not we might have to go into the security Garrity security uh what do we got Indian data yeah sensor switch inputs maybe we'll see what what we have in here it's like what I won't bore you with this process I'll do some poking so I found this in security the ignition switch status it just says on and then when I go back one click everything turns off and it shows a position off then I go back again to lock I'm not finding any accessory so I'm pretty sure they're on the right track as far as that goes and just the fact that this feels a little bit wonky we'll just look up the starter circuit see what it takes to make this little guy run and we will see if well perhaps we can just jump a starter relay and the thing technically should run I would think because everything else looks like a sign so I'll pull that diagram find out where that is see if we can do it mmm a little bypass according to these wire diagram the start of relay should live in the Power Distribution Center blankey so that's gotta be started right here come on get you this money and get out for you have to come by I got that let me grab a pair of pliers did the long skinny needle nose up on my magnet bar it is in park and the key is in the onward positioning see well can't Hotwire this baby nose pickers didn't start what basement for right okay interesting unless there's other portions of the ignition switch that are non-functional or as part of the security but it does crank so that we know that's all right well let's continue on with our diag we'll find our ignition switch on a diagram and see what kind of inputs we have or don't have I think these are Torx bits up in here will be near I thought maybe can't see maybe I just got the wrong size if I grab two yeah oh there we go so I printed out some diagrams for the ignition switch a little surprise that didn't start but guess I shouldn't be could be looking for more inputs than simply that ECM might be looking for the actual start command so we'll look and see if we're getting that the ignition switch oops oops come on fall out of there I know you're in there story of my life I want you separate there we go hey that was easy whoa dusty down there well I just don't know why comes a long time I don't know why they do you don't pull your trim panel often yeah absolutely I don't want it up okay stick them screws and stuff to the side so folks in case you're wondering you're doing yours that's how many clips are couple clips on each side and then the two screws all right and then the ignition switch should be this little guy right here I feel like it plugs in very well okay well let me see the camera sitting on the keys so I'm gonna have to exchange the keys with a screwdriver loading like that seamlessly seamlessly transition well let's see there Murray papers oh I printed in landscape does that read I don't see that and it's supposed to be from the start circuit is that a starter diagram - no it is not it is light blue with red and then we have pink with light green this is colored blinding me oh there it is way up in the upper right-hand corner okay fantastic let's do some testing equipment I'm gonna need some kind of I don't know I'm gonna be smart I don't think I'm not gonna take this off because there's a lot of aftermarket gizmos behind there that are being detained with this so I want the one with the vise grip clip please I got a tee pin in my hat look at that do give that a 90 so hopefully I can reach back there and touch everything I need to touch first in the run position we should have pink and yellow and pink and yellow soap in a tin pin 7 and pink with light green so all three pink wires with traces should be hot in the run position so we'll try that and our ready our red wire should be hot on the way in so our red wire should always be hot that's not always the case but it is the case in this case we get me a pair of needle-nose young lady quick like a bunny I can't I don't really want to poke all the wires so boom thank you so we're gonna check there the red wire first this is the red wire and we have power on that okay and then all of our Pink's should also be hot wow you're so hot back up in there and that one's hot so we got all three Pink's are hot of course one that we really want to check what's the purple with something the black is the ground violet to a tan that is violet with tan and that goes to the body control module alright so maybe that's some kind of ground it is a ground side switch of some sort maybe that gives the start signal don't know it doesn't have it in my diagram but light blue with red is the one that's supposed to go to our starter relay and that hides way back up in there let me try to get to it blue with red wine on rice crap I just lost my helper so now we're to try to balance this oops wrong way they get all the heck I'm gonna have to unplug it listen it down mighty pin forgot to unplug this we got it it's unplugged now we're gonna have to t pin it into the start position get my teaching off the floor bear with me folks its way on the back side gonna be a tricky little sucker to get to hmm let me go get a different back problem because we want clear and definitive testing on this when we're gonna have to pierce this wire because it's so tight to the back there I don't think we're gonna get to it so we're gonna have to cut the tape very gingerly cut the tape need to help Josh Josh is working on this old rotten top chevy aveo can't get it in reverse but the shift linkage is so freakin wore out on that thing but the whole rest of the car is pretty wore out too so but the where the two halves of the shaft come together then bolt was loose there and kind of we're doing around so I just told them tighten it up where it was see if it worked if not we got to kind of play guess that position it's fun game so now we know we're not guessing whether or not our probe is in the right spot on the back side here I'm gonna take give this relined get it plugged back in come into our back probe a wire piercing tool make sure I'm in the hole yeah they have a look of my eyes then we hit the starter and we got nothing which is kind of what we suspected anyways so that is not lighting up when it should so without further ado we do need an ignition switch I believe take our probe off there and or we need lock so longer I don't know which one is causing the lack of Turnage [Music] this accessory in the reverse position and this thing out is does not know that [Music] that's a lot of beeping an accessory is key backwards well you don't see that too often nowadays that's the way it was baptized a kid but let's get some directions on how to tear this thing apart proudly check some availability from Chrysler for both items in case we need one of the other because I know we need well one or the other know how it's sold if it's a hole lock cylinder housing or if the switch is just separate what dealio is so it looks like it's behind this multifunction switch which I think the screws that hold the column together also hold this on so it seems that's fun so that to the side no no I can see the little screw I don't see a plug in on that traction button so I'm just gonna leave that just kind of hang and we don't think we really need to take it off won't come back over here and there's one little tamper proof Torx in the side of this ignition switch what I want to know is you know there's something with our shift interlock that's holding this up or what that looks like semen yeah that's a semen right on it it does not look like semen it would click probably remotely key I see it's got the the ring around it for the transponder because I don't know if you have to pull the lock cylinder out there not but if we do wonder if we can then perhaps we could just retreat in there with the old screwdriver so there's locks oh here they come here though nice and easy it's an easy we got the screwdriver tight what's in there that's the key n dong er okay let's just see how this feels this apparatus feels like it turns nicely alright so that's good well we'll just leave this out for the time being so to get the lock cylinder out you turn it one klick on you'll see where this little banger sticks out at the bottom of the le mininum housing and I just turned it on push it with a screwdriver and give it a Yank and then your key will stay in there in the wrong position you won't be able to push that in so that's not too awfully difficult you need me only looks like one screw this tamper proof it does not want us to touch it oh that's too bright for you or not oh wait too big for the whole fella let's go with the t15 still too big t10 oh yeah first track let me close this before 7,000 bits of the lore my favorite route but just annoying you know that screw out stick that down no man's land see that's my tab or if we could push it Oh we're not I said bull [Music] yeah it does whoa there's a piece of broken aluminium just fell down all right let me get back up in here where we can carry on on enhance so there's a piece of Lu minium that fell out up in here man it's part of rocks older [Music] unit you're the clock sooner goes into that is actually broke so I'm assuming our ignition switch here is going to be a-okay but what we need to do folks in and I just turn that off like a movie it means this is not going to go back in that's lovely I'm gonna get our lock cylinder back in so we can get our key actually you know what we just need the old key I'm just gonna stick the key in the blink hole over here by the transponder hey go get a little screwdriver and we'll turn this and dick I should start I'm thinking brain will you go ahead go get us a flathead I'm the magnet bar I got my little four little screwdrivers there get the bigger of the two please and like I say we'll hold this so security will be happy with it and then I'm assuming that this here will turn normally all right just kind of Sofia and I just wedge it up over here right we get it we opened the other door on the other side and just hold this key for me I'm not a real good thief even with the key listen just hold this key here near this boat Hey the cop Shawn I need to keep its are you know I can still look if I have a key I can steal all right boom so they're good thing I didn't just buy the ignition switch look killer shop said - yeah we are throwing a bus so so that's it folks we need to find out how we get this little guy I believe this light is big and stupid people don't but I'd seen it's huge it's 20 volts the wall not a sponsor let me find out what I got to buy here folks to get this piece there's a broke and I will take it from there a little looking it appears they make just the kibbles and bits that go inside this thing so I think I see a couple screws on the bottom here everything unpack stuff clock Springs stuff I'm thinking the bottom half of this comes down now this is the shift interlock cable here alright so so so buttons I'm underwear that should come unplug when all else failed let's take some screws out of someone all right they didn't want us to take it apart they wanted to put it together with screws so when the picture did show a big hockey spring so somewhere is inside of here there's a big spring that's by gonna jump out and bite us so cover your eyes I'll hold that up in when I take out the last screw hold that with that finger and then we'll just kind of keep our hands oh I feel it feels springy oh that's not a big screw in the picture looked huge so there's that spring now that went inside the little cup here alright so let me set that to the side and I don't know oh boy I feel like I just screwed something luck I'll take this whole kitten caboodle boy that looks like a little hand grenade and I think it'll be okay so here's all those parts and pieces that's the steering column lock right there okay not a big deal there's our broken piece now oddly enough the Advance Auto Parts and battery not a sponsor I had one of these in stock well I see that's how the key and buzzer works yeah I get it now okay well let's wait for the new parts to show up and see if we can't get this mess back together and yeah with any bit of luck it'll work forward when we're done so we've got all the new kibbles and bits that just showed up so we will very gingerly stick that up in place so we got all the new kibbles and bits that just showed up so we'll stick it off in place before it grenades there she goes it's kind of got a wiggle it in on it I just wanted to see if it before we put the spring in I wanted to see if it's gonna fit flush it kind of does that's the steering column block so I make sure it's up in all the way and I tell you what before I spin that let me get the lock cylinder I want to make sure it's in the correct position I'm gonna come on inside here where you guys can't see I just gotta look in the hole make sure everything's lined up how I want it before we get much further make sure which direction does that go that goes that direction so that it's gonna be slightly forward so I'm gonna reach over here need to rotate that just a little bit the position we're gonna leave it there in the authorization it's gonna feel slightly weird because the steering column lock I think they lock upside down I've got to go answer that where are we the spring the spring is sprung so I'll stick the spring in the spring goes on the bottom of the lock steering column lock this kind of holds that up in get everything realigned here I might have to flick that key I don't have to get the column lock correct we're gonna put the keys you ding-dong actually I'm gonna pull that back out I want to have another little look-see here drop that spring down I'm gonna pull that shouldn't matter okay that just matters how that lines up with the housing okay I just wanted to see how that functioned quickly just so I could make certain that everything is in the correct order and it's going to function I think on Chrysler columns they lock in the upside down position so that held up poet needs to be and I set one of the screws down somewhere adults I've got another one right here and it's gonna hold back oops everything great in your way you can't see crap Kenya trying to get you an optimal viewing angle there's my other screw stuck right to my screwdriver we got that one started so they won't get the other one that was conveniently right where we I don't want to break anything so like I say it's not gonna feel right until we stick the switch on it okay that is in the off position which our switch technically should be that does look like it's sitting up there flat snug that one up snug that one up shifter is locked let's make sure the unlock portion of it works it does relax beautiful take our switch you should be able to put that switch right back in you should be in the off position let me have a look see him yes yes yes yes let me just flick the key just just in case I'm an accessory or something up kind of some funny lock tabs but it did lock on I just want to be sure someone put our last screw in that so now let's see how the key feels good now it's got some positive clicks accessory mode that works that's off run and really run all right I'd say we did a good job now we gotta put this back of course we're gonna have a bunch of lights on the dash because of all this stuff we have unplugged where's that no we should be able to put our multifunction switch back in come on slip on pass there little guy it's kind of like one little puzzle games you get for Christmas you only use once you know you solve it you never touch it again did I just bury the connector a little bit there's one connector there's one there's another one hiding over here right where are you little guy all right there's that so now we should be able to stick this back up on top I like so in case you guys didn't know why you wouldn't believe me I heard it run [Music] we've got the light that says we need to check the engine that's probably because we're meddling with the relay so I love this boot up I'll see what that is see if we can't get that clear in the meantime beard well we're gonna stick this back on because everything's plugged in right we tighten everything up but he's happy I'm happy you're happy the other shops gonna be happy they can come get their car the same day they dropped it off no fancy stuff required you go get a Torx bit for these and I'll put these back up in yeah I was gonna double check this one even though until I tell you that one it no longer exists oh there it is that one's tight that's one tighten up in here somewhere where ya fella know I told you once well that one's tight we know it's tight and what we're gonna do is we will in case you guys are wondering there's some codes speed control switches we cause them problems unfortunately I can't just clear those so we'll just take him back out this fellas light has been on let's see I guess like wow why didn't I just clear when I was in there the first time every time I do that I just want somebody to get sidetracked with speed control you know I don't want to start changing a bunch of parts of it that it doesn't need at least this way they can change gallic murder and EGR valve got half a shot at getting it right this thing right over here lady right over here and that's it now it starts and runs so that's good key works let's make sure [Music] [Applause] shift their interlock works the steering column lock works and most importantly the card starts and runs can't believe we didn't set any uh starter relay circuit codes but that's neither here nor there it wasn't too bad we didn't have to put a switch in it as I was originally hired to do so that's good they'll be happy about that although I think that part was more money than the switch because the switch was abnormally cheap it was only like a twenty dollar switch but I think that thing how much I think was like forty bucks I think but it prevented us from having to buy the whole you know rigmarole through Chrysler and the fact they had one on the Shelf in advance all the parts and batteries not a sponsor but helpful in this case why don't you guys be helpful to me go down there and click that subscribe button ring that bell and leave a question comment criticism or concern you might have down there in the comment box and just remember viewers if I can do it you can do it thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: South Main Auto Repair LLC
Views: 229,285
Rating: 4.9684563 out of 5
Keywords: no start, no crank, no crank no start, jeep, no crank no start diagnosis, starter, start, jeep no crank no start, jeep no crank, jeep no start, starter no crank, jeep grand cherokee, chrysler no crank no start, engine no crank, car won't start, intermittent no start, dodge no crank no start, crank, no start condition, car no start, intermittent no spark, no crank no start chevy, jeep wont crank, jeep cherokee
Id: PwbEmSCX8kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 22sec (2182 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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