Jean Klein - The Flame of Being

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hello my name is Michael Toms I'd like to welcome you to this conversation that I'm going to be having with John Klein join us John welcome John what is your idea of Life what is life to you life is consciousness and Consciousness is life but one must makes a distinction between Consciousness life and its Expressions its Expressions appears in space and time are objects but this objects refers to Consciousness to life as long as you not have understood life Consciousness these expressions are still recognized as objects but once you understand life that you are that you are the life then these objects are not more considered as objects they are simply Consciousness that refers to Consciousness and they have its own ground in consciousness that is a very important moment otherwise there's only relationship from object to object which means conflict but when the object refers to its homegrown Consciousness there's no more conflict life consciousness we can never objectify it Consciousness is the ultimate subject the ultimate subject of all objects as we said it can never be an object and Via Consciousness we are really when we are when we are absent we are the absence of ourself in the absence of ourselves there is life there's Consciousness there's happiness I love life and life is love we usually see something out there and what I hear you saying is that you're suggesting there is nothing or no thing out there that rather we're a part of it there's nothing outside of Consciousness objects what you see what you hear what you smell what you taste refers I would say has its home ground in Consciousness in life and refers to life so so there's nothing outside all is inside all what is outside is perceived in space and time but Consciousness or life is a Continuum if so the expressions of life points to life they are more or less pointers but they are not life they are really life when you are knowingly are established in life and Consciousness then this objects refers to Consciousness and there something different they are still in a certain very objects but not more objects in the ordinary sense this is a larger definition of Consciousness than we in the west are usually used to what I hear you saying because I think we usually refer to Consciousness as either waking or sleeping Consciousness we don't think of Consciousness residing outside of ourselves yes he speak of these three states of waking dreaming sleeping the underlying reality is consciousness M we are awake in the objects but we don't be awake in Consciousness Consciousness our real nature if then there is an absence of our s we are really our absence our absence is presence Sean when you say there that our absence is presence who is absent but we are we can never objectify it so all kind of becoming achieving attaining is going away from what we are but we are is our nearest in achieving and becoming it can be only an object but with v are can never be an object we are the ultimate subject becoming achieving any technique is very good to learn a language to learn a science but to know what we are fundamentally we are it it is our nearest I think it most most important to see that there has nothing to attain nothing to achieve when you see it really when you understand it really all energy that you spent to achieve to become comes to a stop comes to a Stant and I would say this
Channel: uttaraka
Views: 82,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jean, Klein, Advaita, Vedanta, Ramana, Non-Duality, Nonduality, Tolle, Atmananda, Satsang, Nondualism, Yoga, Guru
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2011
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