Jean Klein - Dialogues 1 1987

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heavens you know refers to our eternity we can never think of it I presented because we are it is an instantaneous a perception that it refers to our totality every step undertaken to fight it is going away it is the ultimate goal in every human being to know it to be it but this everlasting please enjoy it of the any question you've said that it's only through inquiry through asking the question Who am I that we can come to know our our real nature ourselves at what point in a lifetime does the question really come up when when does it when do we really feel the question it needs a certain maturity to come to this question by maturity I mean that you know the certain way already what you are not this knowing what you are not brings you to the fore feeling what you are the moment you know what you are not you are free from all directions and you are brought back to the starting point it means Who am I in this moment there's no more reference to anything anything known and then I would say you are taking my reality yes no more and Noah in something no one just only being no one but how can I ask the question so that it doesn't remain mental so that it has real transformative power to change my life otherwise it remains a mental repetition or a mental inquiry how do I make it a really existential question living question when you ask the question you don't know the answer so automatically you find yourself in a state of not-knowing in the state of not-knowing your mind is completely unfurnished you are free from all the presentation it is only in this state of not-knowing in this openness of not knowing waiting for the eventually known than the beating becomes free from but that it is baking for in this way think without rating they are see living answer what does it mean to be enlightened it suppose that you're somebody to be enlightened as long as you take yourself for somebody you will live in darkness when you realize that somebody is a mental image so that is when you think of it when you produce it when you give it up this image has no more a hoarder to play and in this instantaneous giving up it gives you up into the others I would say great laughing is this laughing yes light you will feel yourself free from all the presentation you function in daily life but all functions if to you many teachers teach different forms of meditation practice if a person sincerely follows a meditation practice will that lead him to the consciousness or the non state that you have referred to going to meditation means to find yourself in a laboratory the entity which looks for peace joy security now that was good we'll never find it because our frivolity can never know what those serious so as long you can find the mini theta meditation is an illusion and the skill of the meditator and even the meditation and what remains I would say it's a kind of a flower we are snot a lava below but the conditioning to take ourself as a person run so deeply don't we need some kind of technique or process to break ourselves of this identification to decondition so to speak the mind and the body and the state of the object we fast doesn't know it appears in the now and it bothers you now every technique remain few in the realm of the mind but that can never free yourself from the mind free from memory so I would say serially what is next to you what is in here to you look at your nearness that can never be an object that can ever be a state you are you are nearness other both yes conditioning and conditioning to see it really clearly means wisdom Shawn isn't isn't this rather confusing for someone who would come to one of your seminars and find that there is meditation there is bodywork a Nevada yoga you might say where we're working with sensation and feeling the energy body all of which ultimately have to be objects all of which are existent and not eternal what do they have to do with this nearness this this presence you're speaking of the up liking this objects sensation feelings but clearly we don't know this original perceptions original feelings we know only in certain pattern in this fashion you become familiar with listening listening to your sensation to your feelings to your reactions resistance in this listening you give see feeling the sensation the optional opportunity to unfold itself in your observation it comes to a new real castration of your feelings and sensations this unfolding is only possible because you are open to it you there commit not very coming as an idea but really it's a whole being peak being open to it what refers to your totality you realize that it is in you but you are not everybody in the perception in the feeling sometimes we use certain techniques which generally used in progress evade but it is only occasionally is the idea behind that we are looking for we are at fundamentally because in the end all things appears as an hour and it has its reality in the now let us see now which gives the perceptions if you have a perceiving x' its reality I would say only then they have a certain reality they have an expanded reality but at the end of a long student now to the present or what appears is a pollination the expansion of an out of consciousness of awareness so that brings you back in other words - you're really sure because all that is done emphasized not on the object part but the item at subject thought consciousness this listening that you speak of is this a integral part of being or is it an attribute a way to toward being listening of which we are speaking this free phone or nomally there's no expectations there's no Goyal then this listening we are looking away from looking away from the target through this unconditioned listening been listening The Listening is open to itself it refers to itself and at the end it knows itself you've said that all objects point to our true nature or the background to do some objects point more directly and just what do you mean by this all objects points where you are real nature but then you see near an object the smallest sense perceptions it belongs to our five senses so generally when the mind is not informed that you are behind our sense perceptions so you are more or less fixed to the sense perceptions so your question if there are other forms of objects which reveals you are real nature I would say these are objects which points directly to beauty that means these are objects which has been conceived produced in beauty and these objects the artist which of us it to you in a certain way don't emphasize the object part of East what you think it is very he produced it in the very economic way he flees the object of its objectivity so the listener the person you look at it they'll be free from the senses and brought back to be a beauty the artist has from time to time the feeling of absolute beauty free from the person and then this state free from the person the artist likes I would say to thank thinking to be allowed to be and this thinking brings him to offering you offers it and the object which he offers is free from any an exotic part and free from keeping it for the census so in a certain way the shares with usability disputed in your own built environment it is so listening to music and this also and looking at any art objects sculpture painting architecture and so on in this enlightened non state what about feelings and emotions do you feel anger or happiness and joy in the same way or is there a difference when you are established in so now it's a cousin there's no place for somebody who he acts who resists or what appears to you appears to your totality all counterparts positive negative I would say abolished you may say certain things appearing in your life are not completely appropriate and sure but it will not be a reaction when you qualify it it is more or less that it's not functional but you're not not psychologically involved in it Shawn I'd like to ask a question about relationships when two people come together like a man and a woman and live with each other and one one of them is interested in this kind of approach to life and the other perhaps isn't it's often a lot of ground for conflict which has led me to feel sometimes that it might be better if I were living alone it might be somehow easier to accomplish this kind of awakening and I wonder what you had to say about that it is love which brought both together and it is this oneness that the personality of each and fourth but both personalities refers to oneness to love when the personality of the woman of salmon don't refer to the oneness to love you can be sure there's a kind of degeneration because the personality the character or what we call the individual as its reality in this oneness in love it is so on every level every activities and it's our level refers to this oneness otherwise yes a moment just know most humiliation it is this oneness which gives life to all activities at the moment we believe in this restricted being of personality to personality of man and woman and you can be sure there's not only a kind of degeneration in its form of energy but there's constant compassion because the personality is completely insecure looks for security the moment that doesn't refer to the oneness whose just only asking demanding so you must in fur the original encounter USML is a woman that means Jean you just mentioned referring to the oneness I notice that when I experience fear I identify almost totally with my body and biological survival how can I break that restricted identification when I'm in that state fear is first the perception you feel feel and then feeling you qualify it you name it you say fear but so what fear is memory refers to a certain pattern but you have the notion but you mean by fear so the idea of fear doesn't refer to the actual fear the actual perception so pedagogically I would say free yourself from the concept fear then you face really the perception which is localized in your body see in this moment how you function you try to change the fear we try to escape you try by all means to refuse it intern refusing escaping you give modest fewer to the fear and you see it clearly there's a moment naturally that you allow the fear to be fear and it becomes energy really energy at life you accepted completely that is not psychological upset acceptance but this functional acceptance you accepted to know it more more deeply than the perception refers completely to your accepting it isn't this accepting position that but you accept freeze itself and it desires your presence it reveals really what you are profoundly lift is a fear more and more deeply accepted even love it you know not my bound to it moment you left my bone to it won't you let my adverse tend it it frees itself it is a reaction but in accepting it we will completely so the fear you remain completely witness to it punishes and Yabut nursing it means intimate living you are able to do it well this question has probably come up many many times but it's the issue of money and our desire for it and how we use it and our feeling that it is going to provide security for us could you speak about the issue of money and our proper relationship to it I have observed that many people have a long relationship with money first I would say you are not the owner of your money you are the administrator and being administrator of your money you are detached in a certain way you have not and non-relative non-relational is your money it was an ownership there's ability yes diving becoming when you administrator is only functioning quiet function ignition money and spending it and then earning it but the first thing but I think is that you are completely not my emotional psychological involved with your money and it's generally when you take your money for yourself an expansion of yourself belonging to yourself that you will have a bad death you will only dying you'll never really die and it is your money which keeps you from dying many people taking risk if your body and mind but it would never take risk with the money so money is something which keeps you bounce you that's you never go because there's a moment and life that has to go but what is important that when you be really an administrator of your money you a distribution and and the earning comes really functional this term has been coming to you because somebody has spent it about the Adhan see that you spending money in Hungary under the Navi the question may be more atlas with the mind I think in daily life he should come often take to the starting point and the starting point you can never think of it because the moment you think of the starting point the point is already in the past starting parenthesis cousins the aterna know all flows out from the now and all appears disappears they don't know and so now is a kind of original perception it is a dialect a perception where you know yourself in your totality that's just not enough that's only known
Channel: Herald Of Truth
Views: 40,029
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Keywords: Jean Klein, Direct Approach, Non-duality, Non-dual teachings, Spiritual teachings
Id: LhW3_m7za_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 5sec (3365 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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