JB TVAM interview - re-upload

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those celeb and Sensational trials in which I have figured but rather to those incidents which have given room for those faculties of deduction and logical synthesis which I have made my special fathers kind of you to say so homes you have heard perhaps much play with props good morning to you now is well I suppose is the current health campaign and so on we should be should we be lowkey on this title smoker of the year I think um I think think of it as incense rather than nicotine I mean also it does Curt your lungs in a very gentle way and you know with all these frightening flues going about maybe it helps you I haven't had flu everyone else has you think it insulates you I think so in a way pickles you you mentioned in actually Sherlock um there was a dark sign to Sherlock one of the things was it opium that Sherlock Holmes actually cocaine cocaine on and opium and opium well then it was like snuff yes you know to a degree and there were opium dens all over London now you've got and I know that if you get the details wrong you get slaughtered don't I brought these because I haven't got the one I'm being given cuz I'm not allowed to see that to lunchtime I tell that's very special because I was robbed when I was doing um I think the Greek interpreter and we had some VIPs around and they stole my pipe I think it was either the young conservatives or the Royal B I bet it was the young conservatives anyway it was I think I get someone something like that which has an Amber stem this is the one that he smoked at this is all in the books in the cover beaches that's that's a lovely pipe and you can gesture with it now he used that when when he was relaxing in his disputatious moods yes when he's and this was in his meditative mood just like popey yes that's great is it and that hold up it gets very hard about days and we was talking about the getting the details right if you get the detail wrong absolute Mayhem Breaks Loose doesn't yeah well I'm getting about 3,000 letters a week and many of them are saying listen you left out this or you left out that and uh it's it's that's really exactly there could be 6,000 letters this week saying why am iar not wearing earrings well I tell you exactly why I found it on clap common which is D near where I live and I found it just before Christmas and I thought that must be for me it's my Christmas present from somewhere so anybody watching who's lost a ring on CL I'm going to lose it again being worn by Sherlock Holmes that's right it wasn't time I know in no sense are you uh worried about being so linked with shlock h you're actually proud of it well I tell you this business is tough and um I mean my profession I I can better call it profession well I can and uh I think that it's to do with if you going to make a success for God's sake don't be ashamed of it but there was a time wasn't there Jeremy when the character and the character is such a fascinating he got so many dark sides to him that you yourself went to the very age of sity didn't you in playing him yeah yes I don't find him easy still I have a noding acquaintance I've almost met him now but I really resist him I saw him on the other side of the street when I started to work on him yes and I thought I wouldn't cross the street to meet him he very dark damaged penguin I call him or the black beetle but we have so many children coming to the play which we're doing at Windam now and I never thought children would come I didn't think children ever read it or even thought about Sherlock Holmes but they're coming they think of him as kind of Batman or Superman I don't understand it yeah so I'm having to really rethink I mean I've been so subjected to him Mike that I'm having to rethink him myself now and I see him less threatening and I'm not frightened of him anymore and I was and you're right I was Ill of course how much has it invaded your life because there's such enormous interest there all these Sherlock Holmes fan clubs and so on and you must be recognized wherever you go and people want you to be him I have to be honest I love it they don't really they they actually they want Jeremy and that's the great relief and I think that's fun enough to do with something very beautiful in this country I think people have compassion actually and I think um that because I've been ill people are very aware that I've had a battle and I think I'm I think they they're kind to me they really are people on buses are kind to me and I'm that I walk among the Blessed yes you say that you've been ill wouldn't that really make you want to give up this whole smoking lck or you're not really one of these is the thing is that it's getting back on the bicycle and in 1986 when I was I got back on the bicycle in ' 87 and that was to get myself through it now we have the play which is an enormous success and we're taking it to the states and we're taking it to China we're taking it to Japan Australia and we've got six more films to make the series starts again in April which I'm thrilled about and we're get to do six more apparently no no no let's just get on and enjoy it have you ever um come across in your in your own life a sort of a misdeed or a minor villain and you found yourself actually thinking precisely the way Sherlock uh would think has it ever no I tell you what is so extraordinary I'm so far away from him yes and that's why I think it I mean acting s like being a sponge at least I think it is you take your self you learn do all your research on the part like say Sherlock Holmes you then drain the liquid of yourself out and you draw the liquid into the character you're playing now the only trouble about Sherlock that he's Fair fairly smarting it stings a bit because he's a genius and no one is he's on the darker side of the moon he's also compulsive and I find him the hardest part it's harder than Hamet is harder than MC Beth this is the hardest part I've ever played but now having got on top of him I'm going to enjoy him that's great uh good to meet you Jeremy and as Sherlock would say you know he senses music in the air he senses music and uh that's what we've got coming up right now Sherlock
Channel: PoisonApple37
Views: 127,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy, Brett, TVAM, Interview
Id: 8g7AsMpYXEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 06 2009
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