Jayme Closs: Hometown Hero | Full Episode

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foreign [Music] on behalf of the state of Wisconsin I am so proud to present our hometown hero award to miss Jamie Kloss it's amazing it's amazing and she is an extraordinary child can't wait to see what she becomes she's I hope she has a chance to be a kid again thank you [Music] for 88 days I have stood before you and said we would work tirelessly to bring Jamie cost home today I can report we have done just that 13-year-old Jamie Kloss who disappeared the day her parents were murdered in October has been found and she is alive and she is safe [Music] thank you I was crying and talking and he's like what is wrong I go Jamie's phone it's unbelievable it is miraculous Jamie is the hero in this case there's no question about it she's the one that helped us break the case it's amazing the will of that 13 year old girl to survive and Escape [Music] I was finishing my walk right at the end of my driveway and Jamie was coming towards me she just said I'm lost I don't know where I am I knew she needed help so I knew I need to get her out of the cold I knew I needed to get her to a safe place hi hi says her name is Jamie cloth okay have you seen her photo ma'am yes Jessica I 100 think it is her okay I've got multiple deputies just hearing the story My Heart's beating a little faster just because I can't imagine what it was like for this young girl who's gone through who knows what to finally see somebody that can help her whatever it took I was not going to let anything happen to her the sheriff showed up and they gave us that news and we cried and happy tears and cried [Music] this was truly a community a country coming together for one purpose solving this is the will of a 13 year old girl solving this case and coming home and saying enough is enough of impact this child has already made on our world the talk of Hope the talk of love the talk of Faith the talk of family Jamie has already made such an impression on this world this is the suspect he targeted Jamie Jake Patterson is a 21 year old male with no criminal history this guy tried to do his best to beat us and he just did Mr Patterson will never terrorize her again he's not sorry for kidnapping Jaime and murdering her parents he's sorry that he got caught exhibit seven your honor shows where the defendant confined Jaime for 88 days this was her prison they're grown people I think that would have been paralyzed in fear yes yes we don't know what she went through but to beat him in his own game and to survive and get out of there I mean wow [Music] two innocent people were murdered and a young girl taken after 88 days in captivity that young lady found her way to Freedom ladies and gentlemen that young lady Jamie Kloss is with us here today last month Jamie Kloss appeared in public for the first time since her kidnapping Wisconsin state representative Romaine Quinn on behalf of the state of Wisconsin I am so proud to present our hometown hero award to miss Jamie Kloss looked out over the [Applause] over the guide for Aunt Jennifer Smith speaking for her entire family I have to say that Jamie is totally deserving of the Hero part of this award her courage her bravery and her spirit are things that Inspire us and make us stronger and better just like you we want Jamie to know how much we love her thank you thank you Jamie Claus went missing in the early hours of October 15 2018 when a man the family did not know pulled into their driveway Jamie's Father Jim was murdered shot at Point Blank Range at the front door her mother Denise barricaded herself with Jamie in the bathroom and called 9-1-1 Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald described the call which was recently released the 911 call is very inaudible you can't hear words you hear yelling or maybe a scream and it ends by getting hung up by the time police arrived Denise Claus had also been shot to death in front of her daughter the killer drove away with 13 year old Jamie in the trunk of his car the time from the 911 call and tell our deputies arrive is less than four minutes the timing is just it has to be perfect on his part so we think this was well planned out we are asking for about 2 000 volunteers to walk specific areas there was a massive surge but no one had seen any trace of Jaime Kloss until January 10 2019. it was a little after four o'clock in the afternoon I was at the end of my driveway and then I saw a young woman who appeared to be in distress all I knew is whoever this child is she's in trouble what did you see that made you think she was interested well because it was 19 or 20 degrees outside and I she only had a sweatshirt on and maybe some black leggings did you recognize her right away right away because her pictures are everywhere yeah and she just sort of fell into me and said I'm Jamie and I said I know Jeannie Nutter was out walking her dog that afternoon on a remote Road in the Tiny Town of Gordon Wisconsin that's about an hour north of Jamie's home this girl whatever it took for her to get out of that house I was not going to let anything happen to her as fate would have it Jeannie is a retired trauma counselor she focused on getting Jamie to safety and keeping her calm I just kept saying don't worry Jamie everything's gonna be all right you're gonna be fine you know just hang on to me because we were walking on like three inches of glare ice Jamie immediately told Jeannie who had been holding her captive the man who killed her parents his name was Jake Patterson so she named him right then yeah she named him right away Jeannie was afraid to take Jamie back to her cabin knowing Patterson's property with these two cabins touches the back of her land Jamie even asked me do you live around here and I said no I'm just walking my dog because I didn't want her to know that I didn't think our cabin was safe you stayed calm I was in a calm inside so I did not want her to know that in fact she was terrified Patterson might find them out on that road did you start to get concerned that maybe Mr Patterson is following her that was in my head you know I just wanted us to be moving moving in a direction to safety because literally that word was going through my head safety safety safety luckily Jeannie found Neighbors at home one of the few families who live here year round Kristen and Peter kozinskas she just opened the door and said this is Jamie call 9-1-1 right now a young lady at my house right now and she says her name is Jamie cloth I mean we've been seeing her for so long Billboards commercials all this stuff and it was like I was seeing a ghost in front of me Peter loaded a gun and went to the front door I was pleading with the person on that line saying this is not fake this is real Kristen is the neighbor that walked her up is she still there Christian passed the phone to Jeannie she was walking towards me crying saying you got to help me you've got to help me and she thought I am Jamie class yes she said he killed my parents I want to go home as the minutes tick by Jeannie told police all she could about Jamie's Captor call her if he works anywhere does he work he doesn't work and I asked her what kind of car it was it's a red to be in the military and did she say he's gone right now yes and she doesn't know where he went or what he does he might come yep so if the cops could get here soon I have I have many deputies out of that way I'm going to keep you on the line okay Peter and Kristen's two young children were also home they were telling us to get away from the windows and get the kids downstairs so that the kids were pretty freaked out 20 minutes into that phone call their fears were mounting are they close a second and then finally 29 minutes into the call they're in the house the cops are in the house police arrived at long last Jamie Kloss was safe after the brutal murder of her parents after 88 days in captivity and after her incredible Escape there was at least for the moment relief I didn't believe she was alive I can't imagine the parent I mean the parents aren't gone but they still have family but I don't know it just it just gets to me when I talk about it foreign [Music] Deputy secure Jamie and went looking for Patterson and they found him just 11 minutes later driving around looking for Jamie it was less than an hour since Jaime found Jeannie on that road honestly I feel privileged that I had this little piece of you know the puzzle of finding Jamie and I just happened to be a social worker I happened to be there at that time sounds like it was meant to be Genie Nutter if Jaime hadn't escaped when she did if she had not met Jeannie things could have ended very differently I think it was God it was it was none no doing of any man that did this it I mean our neighbor was late doing things walking her dog late I happen to be home everything happened I mean nobody could have planned this it happened for a reason whatever happened that day it started with Jamie what 13 year old has it in them to endure what she has and then find the courage and just to get out for her Aunt Jennifer back at home those last hours waiting for Jaime were perhaps the longest it's driving me crazy I just got to see her I just got to give her that hug [Music] [Music] I was crying and talking and he's like what is wrong I go Jamie's phone Daddy she's found she's safe and he just started crying and crying and he's just like oh my gosh I can't believe it this was a news they had all been waiting for those three long months we spoke to some of Jamie Claus's family just days after her Escape it was the most amazing fabulous thing in the world Lynn Claus is Jamie's Aunt we've all been wearing Jamie bracelets uh you know bring Jamie home and we all took him off and threw him in the kitchen it was like you know we've got her we don't have to wear our bracelets and you just feel lighter you just feel so unbelievable so you get the news that everybody has been praying for hoping for longing for for the past 88 days tell us how you each heard that you the news that she was okay dad had to call my neighbor and she'd come screaming in my door Jamie's Aunt Sue Allard I'll never ever forget her screaming so so they found Jamie and her cousin Lindsay Smith and my brother called me and he's just screaming on the phone we have Jamie we're getting Jamie home and I burst into tears I'm so excited it's like you're covered in Goosebumps you're so excited you can't breathe you can't think you can't it's just incredible Jennifer Smith is not just Jamie's Aunt I was her daycare provider that's why this has been so hard on me I watched her every day for 12 years Jennifer was living as they all were with the unbearable mix of pain and hope ever since that terrible October night my heart was shattered left a hole in her heart and we just wanted to find her and we I just had hope that she was alive out there somewhere and we get her home you know we went to day 88 and normally when these type of stories come they do not have this ending yeah please help us understand how you all all of you say we never gave up hope remember we had this little girl that we couldn't find we kind of said okay as horrible as that is we got to put it here and we gotta find her Jamie spent the first night after her Escape in the hospital the next day Jennifer and her husband Bob could finally bring Jamie home I get to her reunite with her today it's driving me crazy I need to see her first inside the door waiting was Jamie's grandfather Grandpa Rod first yep Grandpa Rod was standing there at the end of the hallway crying before she even come in the door but he got to be the first one to hug her so her grandfather it was just so good just to really see her you know and just to give her a hug she had you know I said a couple things to her quietly and she had a little giggle and I mean it's like you want to record it and dig it with you but even as their eyes filled with happy tears there hung the shadow of their loss of Jaime's parents Jim and Denise have you had time to grieve no no no no all we've done is search for Jamie My Hope for Jamie is that um she will recover and we'll get through this together we will grieve together because we have not grieved as a family for my sister and brother-in-law and we will grieve together for her mom and dad Jamie is Jim and Denise Claus's only child they were people of Faith who worked side by side for 27 years at the genio turkey plant here in Barron and they doted on Jamie known for her love of volleyball ice skating and her dog Molly Jamie was Jim and Denise's life oh man everything they did that they worked for Jamie yep for Jamie yep Jamie will now be living with her Uncle Bob and Aunt Jennifer I will never take her mom's place her mom will always be her mom and I'll let her know that I will be her aunt but yet I'll be like a mom to her the thing I wanted wanted to express to her immediately and we all do is the pride we have in her for doing this for getting out for making it for the power that she has you know I mean that she took the power away from this man that she did this are you all surprised by the strength because we keep hearing her described as shy and quiet I am I'm you are I am I think there was the power of God behind it all these people in this whole nation um the prayers that were said she's a Survivor yes she's our little Survivor now the long road of healing lies in front of this family and a set of hard truths they will have to face together so there are many questions and I know you want answers everybody wants answers how will you go about getting the answers to all of the questions that so many people have and yourself included Due Time gee we can't we have to take Little Steps Jimmy when she's ready to talk she will we ask her can we hug you we ask her you know we're just not gonna take her and you know be gentle with her one question her family could not help asking themselves since the day Jaime was taken was why why this crime this family this child nothing made sense it still doesn't yeah it still doesn't I think there's a lot of a lot of questions why with Jamie's captor due in court they were about to get some answers [Music] hear more from close family friends on how they're helping Jamie heal on Facebook at 48 hours [Music] tonight's 48 hours will continue [Music] when Jake Patterson was pulled over by police on January 10th looking for Jamie in that red car he told deputies he knew why they were stopping him sane quote I did it we're still in the active stages of the investigation we're still serving the search warrant four days later on Monday January 14th Patterson appeared in court by video phone to be charged with two counts of first-degree intentional homicides and one count of kidnapping uh Mr Wright the state's recommendation regarding bail state is asking the court to set cash bail in the amount of five million dollars by this time Patterson had given a detailed confession he was going to shoot anyone inside that home including children because he could not leave behind any eyewitnesses details that didn't help his defense I will set bail at 5 million dollars back in Patterson's hometown of Gordon Wisconsin the community was in shock you can't believe it your own neighbor you know doing something like that and here she's been in this house all this time and we had no idea whatsoever Daphne running lived next door to Jake Patterson who is the youngest of three siblings we see him all the time working in the yard working on cars they were typical teenagers typical kids when Patterson's parents divorced in 2008 he and his brother continued to live with their father in the family cabin [Music] eventually he would live there alone over the past few years Daphne saw less and less of Jake I haven't seen him in quite a while Kristen kaczynskas who made the 9-1-1 call after Jamie's Escape had been Patterson's Middle School teacher this wasn't a kid that I ever would have thought would be involved in something like this he graduated high school in 2015 voted the most quiet person in his class in this photo he sits removed from his classmates in a corner by himself it is up to you it is it After High School Patterson enlisted in the Marine Corps but he was dismissed after five weeks of basic training he returned home to Wisconsin and had two very short-lived jobs there were no other Clues as to why he decided to commit these violent crimes why why did Mr Patterson pick Jamie why did he feel he had to kill her parents those are really key questions that we want to address during this investigation after two months in the Barron County Jail Patterson pleaded guilty to all charges how do you plead guilty Mr Patterson do you understand that by pleading guilty you give up your right to a trial yes two weeks ago on May 24th Jamie Claus's friends and family packed the courtroom on the day of Jake Patterson's sentencing waiting for answers and justice investigators learn Patterson had plans to kidnap multiple girls and kill multiple families Barron County district attorney Brian Wright explained how Patterson targeted Janie he had been thinking about kidnapping a girl for several months and was just waiting for the right opportunity in early October 2018 the defendant got a job working at Saputo cheese as he was driving to work on the morning of his first day he saw Jamie getting on the school bus that stopped in front of the class home his thoughts immediately turned to how he could kidnap her Patterson made elaborate plans to take her and avoid detection he prepared himself to try to beat the forensics of law enforcement things like he cut his hair off so that he wouldn't leave trace evidence of his hair that night he wore steel toe boots a black ski mask two pairs of gloves he brought with him a knife black gorilla tape a flashlight and his father's 12 gauge Mossberg shotgun that was later recovered from the defendant's residence in Gordon attorney Wright told the court what Jaime endured for almost three months of captivity Janie went into survival mode he kept her in constant fear by yelling at her and threatening her he physically hit her with a curtain rod exhibit 7 your honor shows where the defendant confined Jamie for 88 days this was her prison no bathroom breaks no movement no sound out of her for up to 12 hours at a time those were the defendant's rules rules she better follow or something really bad would happen to her Patterson also addressed the court I would do like absolutely anything to think about what I did you know sorry that's all prosecutor wasn't buying it he's not sorry for kidnapping Jaime and murdering her parents he's sorry that he got caught but the most powerful statement came from Jamie herself read by her court appointed lawyer Chris gramstrup judges is the statement of Jamie Kloss okay last October Jake Patterson took a lot of things that I love away from me but there are some things that Jake Patterson can never take from me you can't take my freedom he thought that he could own me but he was wrong I was smarter I watched his routine and I took back my freedom he thought that he could make me like him but he was wrong Jake Patterson will never have any power over me I feel like I have some power over him because I get to tell the judge what I think should happen to him for 88 days he tried to steal me and he didn't care who he hurt or who he killed to do that he should stay locked up forever thank you the judge had the last word not only were you a danger to the cloth family you are in extreme danger to the public in general Anton's Patterson to two consecutive life sentences for the two murders and 40 more years for kidnapping district attorney Brian Wright I hope the result in this case will give Jamie some measure of comfort in knowing that Mr Patterson will never terrorize her again on behalf of Jamie I would like to thank everyone involved in helping us through this very difficult time today was a very important step in the process of helping Jaime to move forward Jamie will very likely have more to say in the future but we are grateful for you allowing her to do that on her own terms thank you to that 13 year old girl Jamie who led us with her strength and the will to not give up your smile is now contagious across the world see the evidence photos presented in court at 48hours.com [Music] tonight's 48 hours will continue [Music] when we were confirmed that was her you know my leg started to shake man it was it was awesome when the news first spread that Jamie Kloss was alive and safe 88 days of holding on to the faith that our authorities would never give up and they certainly did not thoughts turned to another celebrated case and when we hear that you know a Jamie has been found how wonderful what another miracle Ed smart knows the anguish of waiting for a child to come home you know night after night you just want to wake up and this is a bad dream and it's going away it was 2002 when Ed's 14 year old daughter Elizabeth Smart was snatched from her Utah bedroom it was one of the most publicized and memorable child abduction we have not given up on you Elizabeth we're gonna find you it took nine months of searching in sorrow before the smart family could celebrate Elizabeth's safe return they took me to this room and when they opened the door and she was there I just I couldn't believe it I I just couldn't believe it Elizabeth had been abducted by this man Brian David Mitchell Whom The Smarts briefly hired to do work in their home Mitchell and his wife held Elizabeth captive hiding and disguised Mitchell is now serving a life sentence his wife was released after 15 years today Elizabeth Smart is 31 she has three children is a network news commentator and is authored two books these stories are indelible and while rare still too frequent for those involved there was the case of John Paul Getty III the grandson of oil tycoon J Paul Getty who was kidnapped in 1973 at the age of 16. the story was told in the movie all the money in the world if I start paying ransoms I'll have 14 kidnapped grandchildren held by the mafia in Italy his ear was chopped off eventually a ransom was paid and he was released five months later Mom Dad I'm okay I just hope that you'll do what they say Dad and just do it quickly in 1974 19 year old newspaper air Patty Hearst was kidnapped by the California radical terrorist group The symbionese Liberation Army I have chosen to stay inside a year and a half later after being involved in a bank robbery she was found during an FBI raid Hearst served a two-year prison sentence as question swirled about whether she had willingly committed violent acts I am a soldier in the People's Army or was brainwashed I think about you know what it was that I had to do in order to survive it's amazing what people can do to you today she's a philanthropist mother and grandmother another missing child made news in 1991. eleven-year-old JC Dugard was abducted on her way to school in California she was hidden for nearly two decades by a couple Philip and Nancy garrido Philip garrido was a registered sex offender JC lived behind a series of fences and Tents even giving birth to two children fathered by her abductor in this ramshackle backyard compound guard was found when she was 29 when a campus police officer noticed garrido acting strangely she now heads a foundation for families in trauma when Jamie Kloss escaped JC sent her a message writing the road ahead will have many ups and downs allow yourself to grieve and move forward October 6 2002 was a Sunday it was about one o'clock in the afternoon Sean was bored and I asked if he could go out to play he wanted to ride his bike to his friend's house something that we had let him do you know hundreds maybe thousands of times before to me he was just my sweet little boy the parents of Sean Hornbeck also know the pain of waiting after a child goes missing Sean was 11 when he vanished in Missouri in 2002 it would take four and a half years before Sean's parents learned what happened I didn't really know it was behind me next you know I was in the ditch that's when he picked me up tied my hands behind my back and put me in the truck he had the gun he had the power a random stranger a child predator named Mike Devlin abducted Sean the thing that sticks out the most is he said you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time Sean's nightmare came to an end when Devlin kidnapped another boy this time from a school bus stop a witness helped law enforcement track down the vehicle Devlin drove which led them to find both boys at devlin's apartment and then the parents who didn't know if they'd ever see their son again laid ice on Sean and that was just the most wonderful feeling that you could have and then it was like the Water Works were just on there there was no off button on it it's like a water main broke since then Sean has mostly stayed out of the spotlight he was last reported to be working in a factory with hopes of obtaining a college degree in criminal law of course it's too soon to know how Jamie Kloss will now move on unlike these other cases her parents weren't there to welcome her home I think it's going to be hard not having her parents there but but making the connections she can and finding the love and support from the community and the town of Barron has been giving Jaime exactly that [Music] [Music] citizen is small and tight-knit they never gave up on Jamie Claus and now that she's safely home they're still coming together to show their support this community just if it wasn't close before it is now my heart is just in a new place [Applause] last month the town held a fundraiser for Jamie and her family in the high school gym we're at a beautiful benefit for the Kloss family school superintendent Diane Tremblay just a lot of beauty and love Rapture on this event people's True Colors show in these times a lot of love in this town I love in this town the town of Barron showed the world the true meaning of community starting the day Jamie disappeared day one the town was left reeling in shock and horror I've been doing this for over 20 years and it's a crime scene like we rarely see it's going to take a toll on our people law enforcement launched a massive search we all have the same goal in mind and that is to bring Jamie home the entire Community joined in prayer fear and hope we will overcome the world began to learn a little bit about the 8th grader who disappeared Without a Trace Jamie wrote down one of her assignments in response to the question what would you do if you were given a million dollars she said feed the hungry and give the rest to the poor time was of the essence every second counts in this case more than 100 officers combed through neighborhoods and searched for Clues over 200 tips came flooding in Jamie's Amber Alert webpage got 30 000 hits and friends like Melissa solomonson organized a prayer vigil everyone's feeling very helpless right now and being able to pray together and just feel like maybe those prayers are helping in some way thank you [Music] four days in the sheriff asked for a hundred volunteers to search the area new paragraph 300 people showed up foreign to find something of Interest let your team leader know the sheriff called upon more citizens to join in the investigation we are asking for about 2 000 volunteers to walk specific areas in or around the crime scene to help with our investigation they came in droves they swarmed the area in line formation through the woods across the streams and into the corn fields I believe she's still alive I believe she's still out there and the hope is what we're riding on and that's what we're going to go with [Music] but in the middle of all this Hope Came a solemn reminder of what was lost two people who were deeply loved Jim and Denise Jamie's parents why why they're normal people They go to work they go home if they're they're about their families As Time passed the leads dried up and the cold reality set in [Music] investigators who had set up shop in the command center started leaving town you know we were averaging sometimes between 100 to 250 a day now we're down to that 25-ish range so we need to scale back the operation itself life for the most part went back to normal but the people of Barron never forgot Jamie Kloss [Music] on day 77 people of all ages and walks of life called upon the spirit of Christmas to bring Jamie home Sportsman overwhelming Jamie's Uncle Mike loss addressed the crowd our families like hubris we just want Jamie home that wish came true that was a pretty great hug when you got to tell Anne she's coming home my phone does not stop ringing if it's not somebody calling me it's somebody sending me a message all good things but everybody's just so happy and excited that she's been found because she's got a whole huge family out there besides us [Music] she's loved by everybody [Music] [Applause] what's your message the best thing that we can all do to help Jamie to help this family at this time keep her in your prayers because she's got a long road you know she's got a lot of stuff to deal with patience love and mm-hmm keep making sure she's feeling safe yeah and kindness just be kind don't be nosy just be kind Jamie's powerful statement read by her lawyer at the sentencing shows she is taking back her life Jake Patterson can never take away my courage I was Brave and he was not he can never take away my spirit can't stop me from being happy and moving forward with my life I will go on to do great things in my life he will not friends say Jamie is doing very well since coming home she is seeing family and friends a distorted therapy [Music] Can't Get Enough NCIS walk the streets with real agents Don piocheck was a stellar Marine on the cases they can't forget this is one of the worst cases I've ever seen newlyweds murder that the Killer's identity is almost as shocking as the crime this is my son his of him is finally home Wednesday this is terrifying this is a senseless murder this is not a minor point this is really a whodunit this is a heavy gun this is hate this is real this is crazy this is the Moment of Truth this is terrifying this is exactly what I tried to stop CBS News original reporting [Music]
Channel: 48 Hours
Views: 766,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 48 hours, cbs news, jayme closs, missing, true crime, 48 Hours full episodes, kidnapping, barron wisconsin, abduction, Jake Thomas Patterson
Id: 3A4X2exTnaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 52sec (2572 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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