Jay Cameron’s African Ancestry DNA Reveal - Watch To See Which Tribe(s) Jay Comes From

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there you go there you go all right so we're live Sami over dr. Gina page of African ancestry dot-com and we're gonna talk about my African ancestry groups that tell us what's the difference between African ancestry and other genetic testing sites there are a lot of difference the first difference is that we're the pioneers so we were first look we started our company 15 years ago okay and 15 years ago there were only two other companies in the industry and they weren't checking for black folks oh so they were just telling black people that they were African which is basically what's still happening today so our our test looks at individual branches of the family tree we look at one branch at a time so in your case we looked at your mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's on going back 500 to 2,000 years Wow we're not looking at anybody else in the family just that one branch we could and we also you did too so we also looked at your father's father's father's father's father's line good going back 500 to 2,000 years not telling us about any of those other branches in between just those two okay right oh that makes it it makes perfect sense to be other companies they look at all of your branches of your family tree genetically yes combined together okay and then they say you're some percentage this some percentage that some percentage of the other that's what I did because I did the other companies and they were telling me they were it was like 75 percent African but it did a little breakdown and then 25 percent European and then it kind of gave me general areas but not the specific this is where you the tribe and that's what we do we get down to when it's African because you're not 100% out you already know that there's a 25% chance that we're gonna find a European right there not in Africa this work I'm so we get down to the present-day country and the tribe or ethnic group the other thing is with that test that the other test you took you don't know who in the family was African and who was European you just know that out of everybody 75 percent comes from Africa 25 percent but you don't know if it's your mother's mother's line your mother's father's line you don't know the details it's very general and this is what African ancestry does it gives me the details I'm about to find out very specifically so when we tell you your maternal ancestry those results are the same for everybody in your family who comes from your mother's mother mother's mother got it I got it or everybody in the family who comes on your father's father's father's father so now my father's mother know so I won't know what now they okay you did two tests for those two lines of the tree okay if you wanted to know about your father's mother and drill down there then that's a different test and we can't get that from your DNA we need a different family member to take a test like is no oh so to get your father's mother we need one of her direct descendants but you'll be able to share the results you get with us with all these other people and everybody on Facebook live too but it'll be the same won't be the same for them the same for your kids your brothers and sisters okay your mother her brothers and sisters their kids your grandmother her brothers and sisters their kids their kids their kids no I got it you can't share those other results you got with anybody except your brothers right right because that's what we have in common all right so what you did was a novelty and it doesn't necessarily inform how you view yourself as a black man or as an African person I don't think that's what we've been told whereas if you find out you're from this people and this place then I can get home in a little bit more yeah you're gonna be able to explore the traditions and the practices go back to that place and look and see what's going on Wow then there's one more difference I have to point out okay so I don't know which other touched you to but they have anywhere from 621 to 1400 samples for the continent of Africa if you look at your fine print I did the two most popular ones okay hey kee what he did to others before he came here so here's what happened so we met each other in Atlanta at a conference and so dr. Paige came along and she said well let me tell you about African ancestry so she handed me the flyer you remember this yeah and I was kind of well I've already done my you know my testing everything is just like no it's about the African that's it yeah but it told me where she said so you don't want the flowers that hold on no give me black no no but give me black and I did immediately went in ordered the two kids I said I want to make sure that I get both kids and so I'm excited to find out what's going on so we have 33,000 samples from all over Africa the other test had when you did it one half 464 samples from all of Africa the other one has 621 samples at all for the whole so when they come on right yeah and they gave you regions so within the region Cameroon Congo region what does that mean what does that mean Ivory Coast Ghana region it just means your West African and you're smart I'm excited yeah I can't wait to see what uh and you didn't tell them that we we're homies that's right Joyce out there so when we met at the conference he's like raging out of high school hop out he went to the lower school of the school I went to the high school Georgetown grasshoppers the grasshoppers but that's the truth continue to talk we we were able to discover that and that even confirmed for me even more I needed to do this African ancestry just I wear this t-shirt not interview Oh DC that's right DC DC okay so when you walked in you said I think I have a feeling I already know what you're gonna say we're glad you took those other tests okay so what was your feeling and which cuz you know we did to live so which what were you well here's the funny part they just updated their results because they added some examples so when they updated it it's like it switched things around so I'm a feeling that I'm gonna see some Cameroon Congo Nigeria Ghana Mali that's what I can strange feeling somewhere in there so how do I explain them when you look at all of the family tree all combined you can't get specific to a plane gosh which is why they gave you all those regions just to say just give them but one branch comes from one place yeah one branch doesn't come from a whole bunch of different place right right so you're not gonna see all you got a pick one all right I'm gonna take off and you have you have two sides though okay so on one side I'm gonna pick I'm gonna stick with the Cameroon area okay then on the other side I'm gonna go you know we gotta see we're here I'm gonna see you just throw it up there so somewhere I'll never once close to Africa we're gonna find the tribe for two tribes that the two branches came from okay so I'm gonna do this reveal a little differently we're gonna start with your paternal okay and I want you to read what it says watch me me all the way off is gonna say someplace like Zimbabwe read it don't know it they don't notice that wait a minute okay African ancestor hereby certifies that J Kevin shares paternal genetic ancestry with people living in Spain and Portugal right wait a minute you already told me that 25% of your DNA is European well part of that comes from your father's father's father's father's line there was a white man yes on your paternal honor yes yes and we found matching DNA on my men that live in Spain and Portugal today I'm not surprised I'm not surprised because I know some of my father's guess where everybody came from but I know his mother sighs so does the paternal side say Cameron male God wasn't white man gachi well actually his his name was different than mine yeah man yes your father's father somewhere lying there with the way that is that confirms it Wow and it's consistent with what the other company told you it is they told you you were 25% European but they didn't tell you which we're to look for it in your family trees no they just said it there so we found some of it all right so that's not that's my Spanish my Portuguese best so we don't know what we're gonna find right no but it's consistent it is consistent with history and in fact 35% of the black men that take that test come back European African no so that all right then on your mother's side 92% of the time those results come back African because of history right because of how things France exactly it was usually white men who were having brown babies oh not white women and so we found your maternal ancestry in Africa was consistent on the west coast of Africa in a very tiny country hmm that probably didn't show up in your other results because they didn't have samples from this country because remember they only had 621 and 464 samples attorneys so they didn't have all you can't have Africa in this country it's funny because you went to school in South Carolina you told me yeah that's where my mother's side of the family is from okay and so enslaved Africans that worked the rice plantations in South Carolina were taken specifically from this country because they were rice farmers and we in South Carolina you eat rice every day rice is still today 20:18 yep all right so slavery was a business and they went those rice planter rice planters got their labor specifically from your country because of their ability to farm right okay I thought another interesting fact for you was in this country the people that you share ancestry with had a secret society oh really that brings mint brings boys up into manhood okay so many voices go through an initiation process where they learn ancient traditions they learned rummy and they still do this man they learn drumming they learned the songs they actually go into what's called the poro bush room took to be segregated from the rest of the community while they learned so it's almost kind of like with the Jewish community does like this one it kind of sort of it's a long process that you go now that we need to implement that just today anyway okay the conversation and so that's called the poro society Pio ro okay and then the last thing I can tell you is that the people from this country or on the Amistad mmm I do I do so there you are about freedom and not being enslaved that sounds like the boat how I rolled and so it is with great pleasure Oh can I tell you okay you and your kids and your I do your brothers and sisters your mom but you know what this is all my mother sighs yeah no I'm my mother's only my father sighs okay so did your mother have by the incentive oh she had one sister who recently passed away but she you have children so this is all right those cousins are kinda late you all share maternal ancestry with the Temne people and Sierra Leone I don't know what's going on is that still on could you see it still okay so you can see we're on the map Sierra Leone I'm gonna have to blow into Ghana but I'm I have to get to see early on next Wow and it's a great place there there you have a lot of people a lot of notables that we've traced to Sierra Leone people like Isaiah Washington okay dr. Dorothy Height dr. Maya Angelou Kay Coretta Scott King okay now the pleasure meeting her so so I'm Sierra Leone as one of the countries that we find the most often really because I know right because I guess that's where folks will being bought and sold in that area and then do that the castles there too there is the where the most of the of the enslaved Africans were taken through what's called bud's Island I don't know what kind of structure is remain on months island but Bunce island is where the slave trade came through is it a modern country like so Sierra Leone does have development it has been developed I think like most countries there's a mix of development and still undeveloped or underdeveloped areas I shouldn't even say underdeveloped but just traditional traditional areas I don't know if it's as developed as I cried because I haven't had the chance to go there yet John but included in your materials I just pulled these out but included in your materials there's a brochure that has a map and I should have gotten it but we have going on community okay and so we posted in the online community that you're going to be getting your results hopefully they they have already started shouting so brothers and sisters from Sierra Leone so you can lie and then you can download a guide that has more information about Sierra Leone but you'll probably get to Google first before you this is cool I mean this is really cool because I would have never known because I wanted to be other too they told me to go Cameroon Congo and maybe that's coming from the other side but I don't think Sierra Leone are we close to something here where's mommy is that near Molly Molly and then I saw Ivory Coast in Ghana and Nigeria so for that whole when you say a region the right then but that's just it you don't know what was included in those regions that's really that's why you came and finally took the right test yeah congratulations taking the right I took the right test it you also take your right test because the end that's one a reason why in African ancestry calm because now I have something specific that I can go to and I the funny part of it is this I actually have something specific on this side I go to well so what I'm looking at the European side this was what came back so I got to get to Spain to Portugal to some point to but I have to get to Sierra Leone because this coming from I was born in Charleston my grandmother and my grandfather were both from the low country of South Carolina rice and then all of my cousins because whoever my grandmother her siblings their children and grandchildren will come from the same line my great-grandmother so definitively before South Carolina your ancestors were in your maternal ancestors were in wow this is really cool and anybody watching can go to African ancestry.com to order your kits because I did both because I wanted to know now you told me on the front everybody you probably want to find some European on your father's side but if you were to look at him he looked like definitely African descent so you wouldn't know so I would let's see what else pops up black but that's cool but on my mother's side this is good to note because this will have a lot of people on because my great-grandmother my grandmother had a lot of siblings and that's the beauty of this is that you've taken a test now and you've done it for the entire family if you guys have a family reunion and you go to the family reunion who knows how many people are gonna be able to share that exact same result so it's not just about you it's about the entire lineage that you represent now we're going to find out more information about those rites of passage so it's the poro Society all righty damn thank you No and then you know their books gonna help help understand our help us understand a little bit more about that but then with the 10 day people what type of people were they are they as far as like you said they weren't for once for being enslaved well I you know that that's my own interpretation because and that's how that's consistent with how I roll that's why I was asking cuz I'm not one for a bunch of craziness so it's kind of like okay I think it's cool to that you can explore when you're looking at the 10a you can explore what about the artistic side what do they do in the arts what forms of arts if any are they known for I don't know maybe that's part of where you got that yeah those skills that you have and then you're sharing those with young people which to me is a form of helping young people develop into that's why I was just curious about this is fascinating I would have never thought I was thinking I'm all the way in another country somewhere and I'm glad for you know this journey because now I know where my next step on my next visit to Africa needs to be so that'll be Sierra Leone that is for sure and I'm going to do all of my homework and research on this now so again if you're out there and some people don't realize you might have very fair skin and you might be thinking well I don't have any African ancestry in me well necessarily true you may have as a matter of fact this is the funny part based on the previous test in this bit so you see my son over there right but you know this is a complexion right is lighter than mine but in the general when it all came back he has more African DNA than I do so with so if somebody's just looking I'm thinking about the person who's out here like oh well you know I already know I have this and I have that no you might want to get a check to find out who and what and where you really come from because some people what they can Nathan yeah you know how folks out yeah and skin color is not a determinant ancestry I think it's interesting too because when we when we take those tests that when you take the Terracotta admixture test and look at percentage it it's a different conversation yeah it's about how much African ancestry how much of this are there and I don't as black people our mission at African ancestry is to transform the way we view ourselves and the way we view Africa and the way one way to do that is start to understand where specifically in Africa you can connect it doesn't matter how much access you have your son who looks more like my complexion is not when he gets pulled over he can't say well I'm I have twenty percent European ancestry it's not gonna matter I'm only 80 percent Africa it's not gonna matter it's not gonna matter when he goes to start his business and she lives alone it's not gonna matter you know it just how much is nice to know but where and who you need to know and so I appreciate that you took that step to get to the who and where now you know part of what that's right and this really helps to answer a lot of questions now we're going to be studying the template people and learning more about them now what I want to do is get other relatives to find out those other branches because that part was even more fascinating that's why it's good for families to do it because as families do it now you can bring the complete picture together and discover even more tribes and more regions and kind of holding in a little bit more and and filling those gaps that have been placed there as a result of the transatlantic slave trade you know because there are a lot of gaps there and that's right because you know had your cousins pitched in right you should you know he got when people start to look at it as a family project it then becomes even easier to obtain Wow well I know I'm not able to look at any comments or anything like that and a lot of people will be watching this later okay so I can't see but what we'll do is I'll make sure that if you do have questions we'll comment oh here's a question someone did ask after someone does the swab what happens to the DNA so our lab destroys the other genetic material we don't sell share or research any personal or genetic information because I mean there were quite a few people who said listen I just wanna know but I'm down I'm ready to do it so it's destroyed yeah it's destroyed we're not here for that yeah we're here to tell you about your ancestry we're black-owned all of our scientists are black scientists so we're very sensitive to the way our genetic material is handled good hello we've been that way since day one good that's excellent but I'm gonna do this I'm gonna make a code for your viewers okay so if you all put jj1 promotion code in you'll get $25 off your test kit there we go you got right but my name jae-in and then when you put in that promotional code twenty-five dollars off of the I guess if they order if you order any anyone test you'll get twenty five dollars off if you order more than one you'll get $25 okay all right well that's cool so how we lookin man Eric you good all right so uh well I want to thank you doing this I mean I am now I have to go home I know I'm gonna be up tonight research on the ten make people for Sierra Leone and then I'm gonna understand why the rice now I know our rice is a part of my life I was gonna say I think Louis Gossett jr. oh let me find out see now we got it all the way so that's it this is perfect it might be to be I don't know I am I'm really excited about this oh you can have your logo right here alright everybody you know what you need to do go ahead and order your kids and enter the promo code jjy in so you can determine where exactly this specific tribe in the specific area that you come from in Africa I tell you it is really to learn this is really cool and I was thinking one thing all along and to discover something completely different so yeah so that's to do hey you're gonna you know how to turn it off on this one this one in this one all right so we're bout to sign off right now make sure you visit African ancestry.com and get your kids today alright talk to you soon
Channel: Maximum Impact with Jay Cameron
Views: 38,901
Rating: 4.9011765 out of 5
Id: MKumfZlr9Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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