JAX'S DARK SECRET?! The Amazing Digital Circus UNOFFICIAL Animation

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[Music] [Music] not again you silly Vanishing [Music] act not this [Music] one [Music] huh where are you oh there there you are the magical exit door you have no idea how long I've been looking for you here I [Music] come what the not so fast little girl [Music] ouch no no no no no no you might want to reconsider kiddo before things take it turned for the worse why should I give up I'm determined to find a way out of this Wacky World if you're that set on it go ahead see what unfolds of course I [Music] will this is going to be fun oh my seriously you GLS give me back my stuff let's see if you can still find a way out H did those glowing swipe my gear and leap down here to hide is this pit [Music] deep you Scoundrels give me back my [Music] stuff finally got my gear back let the journey continue any chance there's a secret door around here well well well [Music] ah ja I'll kill you looks like aside from being a bother you're into some dressing up too you look so funny ta ever consider that you might be the reason everyone is so crazy what you said what py no of course I'm not the reason I just hate people always yapping about an exit that doesn't exist you lunatic you can't stop me from digging into the truth about the exit [Music] Jacks bet he's got some secret stash around here where is it where is it aha found [Music] it don't watch how intriguing he's definitely hiding something in here oh no clearly heard a noise somewhere probably just a mouse huh I'm [Music] safe bust it oh things aren't what you think it's a long story actually I'm just on the hunt for the exit door is that so get out finally sorry Jax turns out you're not the only Sly one in this circus Jax what sketchy secret you're hiding what kind of nonsense are you pulling kmo I just want to capture this fateful day on film my B's been a bit wonky lately and rolling J I've spotted the exit door we can get out of here dude there's no such thing where are you going look this is a special exit door door K can't control it for sure how'd you find it not important what matters is we're getting out of this dead circus wait fine I'm coming with you wo it disappeared next and next turns out they've been to this Corridor before let's fast forward to see if there's anything interesting how many rooms is this already I'm exhaust it this room seems special there's even a desktop computer so laggy what here is this computer from Who Dares touch my control bar no no no no dang it what just happened what the heck no no no I got to get out of here Cosmo dude you good no way out coo look at me tell me where did you go what did you see no way out dude no way out no way out you've lost your mind sorry I should have stopped you from sinking that exit so Jack prevented me from reaching that exit to protect me oh no I've accused him wrongly still searching for that exit huh you silly goose you do know it's not real right skip the drama I know what's up no what I'm not as weak as you think I'm pretty sure I'll get out of here in one piece I'll show you this kid's got some Spirit H I spotted the exit door popping up inside the tent and inside there's this Eerie office hallway I just swung open this door to that door going from this room to the next from this hallway to another then I stumble upon a room with computers and I just keep cracking open exit doors I would have made a clean getaway from here if I hadn't been lost in the void where is everyone kinger ratha GLE [Music] zubu why are you guys hiding avoiding pomy she's obsessing over exit doors kfo she might morph into abstracted any minute now or we might end up as abstracted you guys chill let me handle her heard your spooked by exit doors what no girl don't deny it if you want to know about exit doors chat up cfmo he's got just what you need wait but cfo's gone all abstracted and it's stuck under the cellar there's actually a way to get down there I'll show show you all right so first things first ride the elevator down like hello basement Adventure it'll lead you to Glo cave the glittery Rock Paradise then stroll deep into the cave where rocks are putting on their Shiny Disco outfits flashlight on you'll spot it at the end of the tunnel the secret VIP door and you open it W hey um I'm just wondering you got any info on exit [Music] doors guys I didn't do anything I was just [Music] asking oh w w holy this a a help help me oh rtha I'll definitely save myself first take care those abstracted sounds something bad is on its way got to hide got to hide no matter what goes down please don't let it happen to me [Music] ouch why does life just suck for me oh my gosh got to find cover before it's game over po it's just an almost dying situation Kane where are you I heard someone shouting my name Kane Kane the abstracted Broke Free and are wrecking our circus [Music] what 1 2 3 how the heck did three abstracted Escape unacceptable you guys better stay put where you [Music] belong OD how can the abstracted Escape uh maybe the underground door got left wide open why don't you go check it out right right it's got to be that place oh no hold up hold up I believe in the exit kofo we're in the same boat I know you've got a way out of here right if you do show me the Escape Route this is [Music] it weird how did these abstracted manage to break free is the door here busted or something this is not good hurry up and go before everyone catches you omne why are you here all alone well well got chased by the abstractor ended up lost down here oh let me check the door [Music] then huh this is bad did someone just barge into the void who's causing trouble this time kmo how did you get in here wait wait wait wait CMO stop it's stay dangerous there's nothing tangible in the void my watch must be busted where were you when everyone was losing it did you open the cell door or something don't put it on me I have no idea I need to go [Music] now
Channel: SM Toons
Views: 107,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload
Id: xrJ4KUoo3A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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