JAX Falls in LOVE?! The Amazing Digital Circus UNOFFICIAL Animation

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it's almost ready it's perfect he looks so handsome I can't help but hug him and over there are sugar what am I going to do now also taste delicious I know see that let me show you everything could be eaten this here so delicious you can also have hot chocolate if you want more soft and spongy cotton candy like some how dare you ignore me what's the matter princess oh no you look better well love is like that just look at us oh don't you think we're made for each other oh no but it's PU St it from me don't cry I have an idea I won't let her get your way you'll see and this elephant is all Cy Hi friend you're thck you're so sweet heavens of course I am what's wrong you're scaring me of course the chocolate crocodile oh I love it just a thank you Jack don't let me hug you never Happ honey careful that one doesn't seem very friendly where do you think you're going ouch make a good sh of you he'll be mine that Jack I don't know but we've lost it where did that go maybe not you're hidden but I can smell your fear what are we going to do you think you saw us why does he want to eat me I'm scared I want to die little girl got I think we're safe pomy yum so delicious yum sh too noisy let's see what's that oh you are my little Jack and now we to per it wasn't the best idea I'll destroy you like a couple of cookies I'm so sorry B me that's right take itby you'll soon be mix with wait don't get B here I go I think this is the end don't be afraid it'll be so quick you won't even know quick that's it come here OU what I don't believe this that darn little oh leave this work to a specialist he's dead so it seems wow you seiz us you're welcome even though I'm pretty good now see how strong my CLS up the best what's you see how funny you find this not again take this you come with me we're going to set things straight let me go what's going on in this Kingdom what do you think you're going littley no I don't think he can save you this time where am I hi are you your worst nightmare I don't care well you might care when I make your boyfriend fall in love with me yeah yeah enough I ruined everything I've taken pomy sweet sugar it was my fault I think I know what was hi sweetie for this B how are you handsome come here what about going for a walk huh you're behind all this circus give me back pal oh so sorry that'll never happen well I only wanted to see her so I can do this what I knew that okay since you have thank Kevin you're okay sorry um how fortunate to find you I only came to give you this we're through I'm sorry you won't understand wait can't do this my prcess you just a minute another chance treas gra it you'll pay for this oh no now there are two of them nobody is the princess that's it I have to do it andt quickly come on Pony hold on tight I'm crazy it's the craziest idea I've ever heard we'll do this together off we go we'll make a cake out of these candles I can't wait to eat to we got him where are you resist we're almost there these two are going to be sorry they got between us catch careful what happened here Cy shut up you good Jack come back I just want to talk get away mad woman boo you can do it what the heck I say I'm not in there old man it's better in this idiot friend I'm just going to good P it worked take this too much good job boo what's your problem old man take that kinger stop you need help it's on the call it ambulance for me a enough cool it it's better for you just what you keep maybe you went too far Maniac nothing to worry about man boys I'm offering you a deal here sign here and you'll have the best jobs in the world I promise you won't be sorry will you please sign please I need the best employees from my new Candy Shop okay no no way your last chance so will you sign I said no never huh okay I tried don't come crying to me he's very hungry okay so I hope you've got it now what's your dental plan shut your mouth great we start now rabbit your uniform what is this looks let's go you must break the record zero clients nobody came last chance is idiot good luck this is your post at the end of the day this box must be full of money understood perfectly give me a hand sorry you signed a contract I think you need some help this goes here cool what the heck it'll help you focus now get back to work looks good on you is the cash register too much for you do you even know how to add do you want a calculator don't you dare steal any little ball huh I want a real shiny t the cookie it can't be clean I didn't ask you could get revenge I'll create a distraction you run not a break yet such a good friend must try escaping my still 96 hours until your bre you deserve this and you also need some help At Your Service ready get to work El I love how you work and you'll be compensated when you do good work oh thanks this isn't so bad how much longer must we be here nobody comes in nobody how's it going did you sleep stay up all night I'll bed good morning how's your record H I suppose it's not that easy I can't get the table gler nobody said to stop just admiring my maybe you forgot to write down the client hi employee is the drawer full full look how full nobody came into your disgusting shop so oh maybe it's not my thing wait I didn't wait not good they left let's try again quickly Now or Never oh No Just freed up not sure about this okay not to worry I've got a plan distract the hand and I'll Escape through the back okay let's do it oh hand I um it's uh I think that heck no you wao he not going to it works trigger wasn't so lazy Fool's hot did you forget me you can't stop me you'll never stop working Quiet Partner great oh maybe this shop was a bad idea are you open I'm looking for candy holy gummies a client C we have plenty of candy are you paying cash me give me all the candy what I should have thought of this nobody wants to buy anything here I suppose you could take it all not good this is our special at least he's enjoying them bring me more leave them wo don't worry Chief it's under control boys this deserves a raise trigger oops duty calls let's see could you aim please what you he saying oh maybe I'll be luckier with that one Jack you want it stop playing got it here's some back no ohoh what happened huh stop playing around Give It To Me Maybe if I kill someone they'll take me seriously say goodbye rabbit no oh not possible why did it have to happen why princess no no why did you do it for complaints come to me I'm the manager what a fool Prin princess why'd you do that why princess my employees you're the best you murderer how good you it's time to get rid of you do you know my friend what's that your goodbye forever princess God I'm glad you're okay princess you did the best you good right huh wao so you work here excuse me boy I'd like a lollipop our first C here you go very fresh here end your tip is that all I need you to donate more money okay here pleasure to do business with you princess look at all we sold we managed not only that look over there we broke the zero client record ium made my dreams come true a it was nothing princess oh no time's up she's in a better place love I'll miss you so much my he's the best boyfriend did you see this amazing ring he got me thank God I fell in love with him and not with someone as lazy what the hell did you say about my bunny I'll show you what happens when you talk about wait a minute it doesn't matter you're just jealous because Jackson's real you don't know what you're talking about watch my love kinger is really powerful do you really think that of me powerful me Well Jack is way more handsome than kinger this was my real face before coming here oh goodness you're so sexy I must control myself the all King more handsome if he say so sweetie of course I'm always right never agrees with me he's a bad boyfriend shut make me ladies calm down there are less civilized ways to solve this what about you fight for who right you will regret it amazing a door to entertain the king my axe will destroy you you hit like a girl I'll slice your head oh heavens she isn't stopping I can't keep looking that was close I simply Tri this was not what I had in mind charge now eat this I told you we could have fit the day in the pillow Fortress touch my I'm going to end you oh yeah with what sword oh no crap Brave now right this is it ja quick do something what's going on why doesn't she die no way this is made from Rob try killing me with this you didn't expect real weapons right now this is how we solve problems we'll win you'll see not let the race begin Ready set go be careful on your eyes come on to the Finish Line oh no at least that didn't happen to me are you tired already loser you get stuck here here easy peasy let's show them darling where nothing stop me now this hurs where are you just the finish line so close don't stop now just a few yards away who will win this competition for love will it be poy will it be R it's it's it's you piece of how could this happen amazing it's a tie I can't F my ears will you let me go Mr Snake well then we have to play another game Ching when I'm did you hear that R all right my dear Crazy Girls the rules are simple first team to earn 100 points wins without further Ado jump those robes so fast so soon am I doing it right takes the lead Jack what the hell is going on you're a rabbit don't quicker PNE go slower incredible PNE is surpassed dra now F I won't allow us to we're down to the last 20 jumps and the winner is I'm sorryy as far as I you are done I clearly won it's another time you're so annoying I guess you're the ones who lost but we have another game I'm not so sure about this oh chill if misses at least the competition is over right I will not miss I can't stand this much Morey that was too close I don't want to do this I uh the B is whatever I was just aim loose look at that speed what happened where did it hit me K call him oh she got this went too far already Jack I have a plan I'm all here unbelievable accuracy what you shot Jack and kinger too kinger I'm so sorry Jack don't follow the light talk to me mommy listen to me you need ratha so that both of you can help Raa not in a million years ladies please you need to join forces save us my love they are right we need to work together well let's do it together I know where the first e kit is we need to disinfectant let's see everything is here keep the patient still this will burn a bit now we need to bandage them over the ears and perfect you missed a spot right good as new great team your best friends forever is it over I think so so that means we free free to your girlfriend you are lame holy circuses FR emergency meeting right now what my Kane want now what the heck they can't this is a prank right right I can actually die in here you didn't know that there are no accidents in the circus this is a homicide which means we have a mystery this all Bravo I'll give you my full support for my room where do you think you're going suspect suspect Kane I have nothing to do with this stop messing around okay I just need you to tell me how this got to the crime scene I see it would fit perfectly with your overalls sh impossible I knew it my friend why I never would have thought that's right now confess how and why you murdered your friend wait I can explain even though it's well we are all here you better stop talking don't worry this has a simple explanation I even have a witness I was minding my own business I wanted to try my cooking skills so I could surprise you all although you may not know it I'm quite a good cook oh that's right this delicious grilled chicken I asked Kane to get me I just need to get it from after all the trouble I took the cook zubble stole my chicken I can't wait to wait what who the heck told you that you could take that chicken it's mine you were trying to cook something who would want to try your disgusting do you better take that back I bet it tastes awful we had a disagreement freaking face don't mess with me dumb rabit at that point zubo must have ripped off one of my buttons and it simply rolled up to the crying scene Listen to Next time I catch touching my things what you completely ruined it what am I supposed to do with my student now everyone was going to see how great I am you pay for this you freak I'll need a replacement hey what do you think you're doing I'm taking Desperate Measures we'll have to eat a tasty zuil stew let's see if your flavor is as bitter as you are m does taste awful now and that's why I can't be guilty and zubu is my witness my leg almost melted you idiot I'll kill him so who was it funny that you asked suspect number two I didn't well so then how do you explain how this got here comeo what did you do to our friend confess now wait just a moment I can explain why it wasn't me I was drawing then my crayon broke out of nowhere I wanted to finish my drawing and then I saw K had more crayons I thought he would be nice enough to get me one hey buddy I need to borrow a crayon stay clown I already gave you many look what you did with them I'm done waiting them on [Music] you I was so mad that I almost had an episode but then I had an idea remember can I calm down think I could do something what what was that oh my fishes it's coming after from my AR really and I thought I was the clown that was very easy but when I got what I needed it was for nothing damn you kinger and you were making fun of me and that's why I had nothing to do with riar you think that F will jump on you I'll kill you anyway there are a couple suspects left am I right I I don't are you finally going to admit it that you're a cold blooded killer I just wanted to although I don't think you could have done it but gangle I always thought you were a professional St Kane you spend all this time pointing at everyone but you haven't explained your Al uh I would never commit such an atrocity blah blah we'll have to take your Tey now wo wo wo wo I have an explanation here it is watching over you can be boring from time to time you know I saw Jax so I planned a little prank after all he enjoys harassing others this is Jax's main dish yeah well I think sub will enjoy it more huh oh great now we wait and see I've already you so many I get easily distracted another opportunity to have some fun oh CBO don't you know that one must suffer for his art h no he'll have to steal from kinger what's that rotting smell oh my goodness Raga and that's all I've been doing since we got here you see I could never do something like that now hang on guys there's one more suspect Hy would you tell us how and why you did it she didn't even deny it it was her no wait a minute mercial tra come here have you lost your mind I have to uh there's nowhere to run don't try to run okay yes I killed her but but let me explain one thing I don't like about my body is my hair it's a bit dull right but then I saw her she had the perfect hair I have to have hair as pretty as hers you I'm sorry pomy your hair is a mess just give up on that she didn't say anything I already didn't know but I didn't like the way she told me those things at all do I plan my Vengeance let's see how nice her hair looks when she puts this on she never refuses a gift hey R who's there Hi ragy how are you doing oh hi pom me I hope you're not angry for what I said earlier not at all I even brought you a gift wow I love it thank you so much yes why don't you try it now of course I was just getting hungry so good Bo P's at home and think it's food I didn't want to poison her need to get out of here right now I killed her but it was an accident you really think we if you don't tell the truth I'll have to huh what's going on Ry I'm so sorry I never wanted this to happen apology accepted after all you gave me that delicious snack I'm so happy I'm sure I looked it somewhere yes I saved the [Music] rest
Channel: Cartoon Games
Views: 444,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the amazing digital circus, digital circus, pomni digital circus, jax digital circus, zooble digital circus, ragatha digital circus, kaufmo digital circus, caine digital circus, kinger digital circus, gangle digital circus, digital circus abstracted, the digital circus story, the amazing digital circus love story, Pomni Abstracted, pomni x jax, but they're THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS?!, Digital circus song, Amazing digital circus song, PRINCESS LOOLILALU, pomni
Id: StLDGu_cZ6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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