Jaws Movie 2 - What Really Happened to All the Sharks!? (Minecraft Roleplay) #1

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oh man such a slow day we haven't had any luck just uh we maybe got a quarter a quarter of our quota that's it only one laughs turn that crate we're not gonna make ends meet no I know why don't you go check the yeah this the radar one more time see if we got anything on the sonar darn it well whit wait there's a cluster there's a cluster below the boat left to let start herd side to the left is port port side back oh oh I they're not big but I mean I found a crab let me see you got one oh no oh yeah we got some we got some crabs on here this might might turn out not to be so such a bad day after all no sticks oh no I was down too long I forgot my scuba gear huh are you are you joining I was but it's okay I mean I got three crabs I'm gonna go back down for another dive you do that I'm fixing the boat dinner purrs what happened to the boat we can't get back on it oh here's another group of them this one come here gotcha all right I think we got let me just get a couple more I think we'll be good to go back I hope the boss isn't gonna get mad at us oh man they made it I got about six crabs you want to take a dive uh yep hold on I'm literally breaking the boat so we can get on it that's a struggle what are you doing well the boats too high we can't get on it again grab another swim ladder there's a swim ladder I don't know how we're gonna get up here I you to install the ladder I thought you were doing that what do you mean you did you know you didn't put it on the wrong side did you well look it no I don't know that gets here sure do you I'd put it aside to get if I was to do it on knowing me I put it on the other side did you I'm gonna smack you no you're not all right you need to hurry up and get down there go do it Hey what are you doing it's not funny I could not stir hey houdini how's it going beanie says get down there and get a few crabs I got one two three four five so if you get about I don't know five or six more I think we should be good what'll be left side they're just all down there I like that sound a little bit like a little bit everywhere oh no I picked up little otter on the other side with a kid I saw I literally saw that as I came up wit work I don't see any crops or lobsters oh I got one what I got one over here yeah there's a bunch oh no I can't not they're under me - where are you I'm beside the boat come over here quick quick quick I don't know what that means we got there right below me oh I see you know okay so yeah get a deep breath going here here there there we go got one what are those those are crabs there's some small I know all the big ones have been gone for you pass yourself oh I'm joining right alright I made it I got three I'm not gonna make it I'm not gonna be good I got one you got you got one no would probably go back down I'm not the best at swimming I can steer a boat mighty fine but I can't swim I was thinking do you realize we've been out here fishing for five years now five years yeah five only came here in the summer so brick yeah well we came here for spring break five years ago until we ran out of money and had to join good old Jimmy's die see Jimmy he hates when I call Jimmy Jim rustles whatever yeah here fishing every day for 16 hours just to make ends meet I'm getting sick and tired of doing this and catching only these small crabs are you saying you want to start your own business no I'm saying I'd be I'd be happy where you can form if you would let us go out to the deep side to catch them out all the big fish yeah you know what I can't catch them fish I can't hold my breath Artemis crabs I can't hold my breath long enough yeah we need to be running them the big rods we need to be running the big directors look at Beauty boat some small work you can fit three people wide I know it's ridiculous very fat person did we get it are you gonna dump all your stuff in here yeah we got few crabs not many lobsters how many say man we got which where'd you get crabs you got full crops I got a crab leg well that's it kind of beat him up a little bit we're gonna get less money for that one told you I'm not the best did you kill it instead of using your neck oh yeah I did that yep oh my gosh we've been doing this for five years and you don't even know how to catch a crap I'm always signed the one that steers the boat yeah which I'm gonna do right now i jus want to get up top sitting you're sitting you're spicy yeah I guess I'm gonna close the cooler I'll bring her back the talk and do our thing get our get paid you ready can't call it that yeah symbol ship mark ship oh all right I made it you're in yeah is Houdini strapped in Houdini strapped in Houdini's the oil by the way right there right there right there all right yeah as you can see I don't I don't drive anymore yeah I don't want to tell him why well I I just I'm I have bad perception of space and I kind of destroyed our last boat on unicorn Rock he did like I thought I totally just like slammed right into it full throttle it was not a pretty picture he didn't even try to stop or turn or anything really I was looking at the turtle because I'm pretty sure she was having big she had eggs all over there and I thought I saw one hatching and I just forgot to slow down you you almost hit that I know I didn't we just got to do a full turn I'm going to 17 nautical miles an hour we're gonna make it back to the dock in one piece I am a captain of the ship you're not captain I'm not whoa whoa dude you went into the back bay and I'm pretty oh my gosh you're not Cugini off the boat Oh God okay can everyone stop themselves ain't obviously Houdini didn't I'll put on a seatbelt we're gonna back ourselves right we're gonna buck ourselves us 3-3 Anolon yeah it's shallow make sure you have the trim up beep beep all right now you're gonna go further down this time buddy you know where we are here we go or making our way back to the dock and Houdini is dead he's not dead you just disappeared he lasted a whole 20 seconds yeah oh there he is is he taking us one I don't think you walls to mess with my cells a little head piece okay here's our dock right here or nothing 90-degree turn is that Houdini on the boat again there's yeah there's unicorn yeah yeah that's the rock I huh kind of destroyed our last boat on the same pumps pants on the rock I not gonna question it see that's Turtles still out there though all right a backup Oh slow it down slow it down all right good okay I am the captain and stop Oh how'd I do how'd I do looks like you did pretty good yeah yeah that one's dead that's pretty yeah pretty yeah perfect all right you know we have a gate yeah you got oak wood slabs bodies a little cold today that you thought yeah that's good you wanna go see how he did today and his mom here yeah Jenna just asked him like straight up asked yes yeah see how he made out hey buddy how'd you how'd you do you on your feet he's not even looking at me he's out there every day and he never seems to yeah I'm get lucky did you catch anything I see you got a new fishing rod hey boys I was the fishing today it's been dead here not a single seat right I guess my wife and I won't eat tonight oh well I think it's fair a couple four of you we want to give them a bit of fish yeah can you come grab the rest of the lobsters I don't have enough room yep hey man we didn't do too good either but it's been really slow this year but uh we have a few for you man III I just feel bad for you every day out you're out here so here have a couple salmon and we'll even throw in a couple of lobsters just don't tell anyone you know because then we'll have everyone up here begging just Sakai for salary yeah keep it under the down-low all right should we go find get old Jim Jim yeah what would he be he's probably over by the fish market I'd say aye I heard they were going out on a on a shark trip I'd be kind of interesting if they see if they got anything because no one's coming on a short trip Jim I thought sharks haven't been around here for that's why you gotta go out far far far far far away think I'm out Jim is three islands down he's a spooky guy I hope he's happy with our catch I'm just cutting through I don't want to walk around here Hey ladies redhead are you okay maybe I'll just let me have a seat beside her huh hello madam oh dude she just turned away from you Wow hold on I got I got I can fix this I got you a bowl of rice with veggies are you doing yeah it's gonna she's got she's got the eyes for him she's their eye on each other up oh yeah you're out I'm gone leave me alone jumped up taking it give me this you just got turned down I'm taking the bowl of rice and veggies let's go pay for that what if the person comes back from the bathroom anyway not my issue we live in a boat we don't pay taxes yeah I'll teach you my ways of picking up the ladies but not today oh that's right dude so what are people taking a little nap out here catching some rays talking some race there's an elephant what are you go mister elevate that's kind of freaky what is he doing in the water I guess you want in the bath or something well he's freaking me out I can't wait till we can afford on your boat man oh we're gonna get such a cool boat I know we're gonna have like a trawler with like everything in it you tell them I don't want to tell them that we didn't get a full load today Jimmy's with his buddies dude they have a shark they have a shark what I mean I'm pretty sure look at the tail I think that's a tail is it a shark or a Marlin tell me Oh hang in there yeah oh I didn't even see uh oh it's a shark dude looks like a shark that's a big shark out hey Jim I see you made a really good catch today unfortunately we didn't but seeing as you did not makes up for everything we didn't get right yeah I mean we got you know we did better than last week so I don't know can you pay us no I yeah but let's put him in a crate so he can see what we get yeah I want the crabs I want to go to Pier 64 oh and I also caught a bowl of rice and veggies that was like the deep sea blue type of fish so I'm how much do you think you can give us for this I know prices have been up lately so and man that shark is awesome I'd love to get out there with you sometime that was a freaky looking shark you realize they get paid four hundred gold pieces for that that could feed the families for weeks I love puny crabs could feed a small child for lunch man we've been out here for five years I think we're ready for a big trip yeah Jim better soak though let me Adam all right Jim please I know our couch was a bit a bit poo but I need a month we need the money to survive like there's a lot of lobster and there are a lot of a lot of salmon a few few crabs and a bowl of rice and veggies that's where they're very rare right all right I've never seen one before I was before my life there's a crab leg in there - yeah I got that I killed grub that's mine for the pace and also can we go with you to catch sharks that's a disgraceful catch lads oh you can't come up with hardened fellows like us to catch sharks because you can barely even catch bloody crabs your pay is in the create no no no sixteen each I already took sixty okay John Eagles well it's want to go get ice cream here 60 for sure you're buying what last last I heard the ice cream cones were two iron coins each two - yeah sorry man I messed up your card game did I jumped on a stable AJ oh yeah you might want to stop doing it so you got a pipe what can are you are you okay okay I'll tell you later people listening where's the ice creams and it's not nurse in this next bit ice cream ice cream I wonder if that girl still day that you can't totally embarrass yourself reckon she is ice cream anyone got ice cream Oh ice cream ice cream to iron coins each they've only got two ice cream cones one you want well I'm buying so I'm taking the I'm taking a strawberry one is a strawberry yes I'm taking strong one two three four coins seeing as I'm so generous there's your four hour and coins don't try talking to her see if you can do any good [Music] hey miss uh I bought you this ice cream cone oh she said hello dude oh good okay um so how's your day going yeah okay well um I'll see you around I gotta get running with my buddy over there sorry about earlier you know just uh he's a little awkward at times she's gonna you do that maybe we could all hang out sometime I'm sure you have a another friend or something so anyways yeah now she's turning man oh hey she's I'll talk to you later bye [Music] get back we've lived with the woman I told her I bought the ice cream is this a buggy ball pit yeah it's free it's for children that's probably why she she's watching him oh okay okay let's go clothes good he was just testing it out to make sure it's safe for kids wait they see a few of our height is they're not our friends from high school and then oh yeah dude set your own example yeah should we go say hi let's young jib there's young Gible with her you know okay I think I better better people I know yo Jim oh you did you got a bit of old look at he's got a bit of old looking at this chip I'm pretty sure that's Colonel Sanders look at what over there he's Nicky will fish it on here what dude I want to join him are you okay I am a fishy I'm a fish what what he's got a million i'm officiai a fish this is weird I am I am leaving this guy here I've got some icy troubles that's disgusting I don't think he's allowed to do that in public he's not he's gonna get caught [Music] okay I'll talk to John yeah yo John what's happening my shizzle hello prof. pickle is do you want to pull over chair just laugh the night away Rachel know what I'm not so John what you've been up to I don't know let's hear your story John our job alas good touching up of you sort of late night we got to get back to a boat tie it up tied up to the dock and yeah or get our jammies on started sleeping look Colonel Sanders girls like that I I can't see she's pretty cute she's I think you actually me oh she's not me wait till later okay well John we'll see you later we gotta we got a good thing yeah tie up the boat why not so it's good yeah track we have a boat you're catching up with you he's a bit of weird all right oh my gosh old sea storms sea storm sea floor sea storm hi I did it get inside get into ball pit know nothing about it that's about it it's a spongy a thing what did I tell you you look like you look like a little cake it's okay dude look at these owls yeah we're soo Dini wonderful dealings out here maybe he's playing with all his friends there's tons of them well you know what they say this is the oil capital of the world hello sir he's that I get me today he's Jeff darling you're gonna bet is this Houdini no well it's hard to tell yeah yeah guys we did not tell you we kind of still can't afford an apartment so we're sleeping about yeah but it's kind of nice you know you sleep you got a perfect view of view of unicorn Rock you know it's right there yeah look at all the stars yeah there's nothing better than sleeping out on the moon it's like having a constant water bed because the boats just swivels and rocks back and forth and rock seriously hey I got an idea what you want a chance to win your four coins back from the yeah I bet you I bet you five coins oh that I can swim team unicorn Rock faster than you I bet John yeah you suck you sure how much coins do life I of twelve you want to make it all twelve twelve nothing I don't make it all twelve oh I know I'm gonna wait dude I I was a captain of swim team in high school if you're forgetting I was part of the swim team as well so it does not count you were the benchwarmer I was not why doesn't everyone a water point swim Touche but dude we're not supposed to be out there yeah I know all those police boats here do not gonna expect us to you go for right I think it's there's lightning as well all right so let's let's put the coins in here that one bed okay yeah twenty it I even I put on line in all 16 that's how confident I am okay you ready well starting to mark start right here in the line right three two one go
Channel: Kraken Kid | Minecraft
Views: 3,193,721
Rating: 4.6605783 out of 5
Keywords: theatlanticcraft, minecraft mods, shark attack, jaws, jaws shark attack, minecraft shark, minecraft jaws shark attack, minecraft lets play, minecraft roleplay, minecraft adventure map, minecraft interactive roleplaying, roleplaying, role-playing minecraft, jaws movie, jaws roleplay, jaws roleplaying, minecraft jaws, minecraft jaws roleplay, minecraft jaws roleplaying, jaws roleplay map, minecraft jaws movie roleplaying, kraken kid, attack, die, death, what, happened, missing, attacks
Id: Mjc7lMSnarY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2016
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