Javascript Functions & Parameters | Javascript Tutorial For Beginners

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alright welcome back and this part we're gonna cover functions and why do we want to create functions how do we create them and why they are awesome so let's start off with creating another variable here so we're gonna call this Const and we're gonna call it name all right super original and we're gonna call it dev add like so good we're gonna save this and now we're gonna create the function so what is a function a simple way to explain a function is a set of code that we're gonna write to do things for us so we just we just separate a specific task that we had into a function so in a real-life example it would be something like it is a function because it has more steps so you go into the kitchen grab the food you prepare the food then you're gonna eat it and then if you want you can wash the plates if you want and that's the whole process okay so the function would be a set of code that you write that does a task alright so rather than doing like grab food eat food whoa and write a whole bunch of crap down here rather than doing this we can create a function that's gonna isolate everything that we want it to do so to show you a great example we're gonna I'm gonna introduce you to something that we can do on this name so what we can do is the way we create a function is we're gonna write function like so and again we can give it a name like let's say this function is gonna take our name here and it's gonna put everything in uppercase alright so we're gonna name this upper case like so and it's a good convention also to use a lower case here and then upper case here so let's say you want to have a variable called gallery images cons gallery images like so so this is how we're gonna write it just because it's gonna make everything more clear it's gonna make everything more visible on what's going on and it's just basically a convention that people use so rather than doing it lowercase like this and then everything just goes together like this it's gonna look ugly and it's gonna be hard to to read it and like this is everything it's just gonna be more visible so anyways this is why we wrote it like this and what we're gonna do here is we're gonna open up some parentheses like so and then some brackets like so all right I'm gonna go over what all of these dot do but what we did here is we created a function and in here we can give a set of instructions of what we want it to do now let's for now remain this rename this to logger and here let's say we're gonna console.log Party Time party time like so alright multiple times and the way I did that is I just hold shift and alt and press down on the down arrow and it's just gonna multiply it's gonna create a copy of this down here alright so this is our function it's just gonna console a quick time pretty time four times good but if we look at our code our console here nothing's happening why is that well this is now gonna execute so when we run this code what's gonna happen basically is JavaScript is gonna take a look at this and it's gonna say oh okay so we have a name variable alright it has a value of Devitt cool I'm gonna save this in memory nice okay we have a function here and it has console logs or whatever you want cool I'm gonna save this in memory so whenever we want to run the function we need to run it we need to run it so this is just saving it to memory all right it's not actually doing anything right now so the way we run this code is we're gonna write the name of it like so logger add the parentheses and then we're gonna close it like so so the way we did it so far hit save and now you're gonna see Party Time party time party time party time so this is called a function invocation all right so this is where you want to execute your function so this is all it does cool but why do we need to add these things here and why are these brackets here well the thing is that the brackets mean that everything that's available here is only available here and what I mean by that is if we take the sconce name and add it in here like so our name down here is not gonna be available so what's gonna happen here is we pass the variable in this function so it's only gonna be available in here all right name is not gonna be available down here all right so whatever variables you add inside the function are not gonna be available down here outside of the function all right so basically what these are called to quickly go to this is called the global scope and this call this is called the function scoped all right so but however if you add this to global scope then in here console.log name so this is gonna be available here so everything from global scope is gonna be available in our function scope however variables declared in our function scope are now gonna be available in our global so whatever you have in your function is closed and whatever you have in global is available everywhere okay that's all you need to know for now all right cool so let's delete this and why do we need these well now it's the time to change this to two upper is we're going to do our text to uppercase cool so let's invoke it again here to upper like so close let's see if we get partytime good well rather than having party time we want to get this and make it uppercase cool so what we can do here is we can add the reason why we add these parentheses is that we can add key parameter to it and what the parameter does is basically you can inject a variable or a value inside of it and it's gonna run down here you're gonna have access to it down here so what I mean by that is let's say we have actually I say let's say we want to add two numbers together so to let's say either like so so here what we can do is we can console.log and we're gonna say let's just add two values here so you can name these whatever you want you can say number one number two with comments okay so here we can console log number one plus number two all right now this doesn't make any sense what is number one and what is number two we don't know and we can't log the addition down here cool well it makes no sense until you invoke the function so either here we can pass in here the two different numbers that we want and that's going to be injected in the parameter here and then it's gonna pass down here and add the numbers together so if we add five here and five or ten then the five is gonna go in here so basically it's gonna be injected in here ten is gonna be injected in here and then the console.log it's gonna add these two numbers together so if we save we're gonna get 15 here so that's that's why we use the parentheses is because we can add different parameters and here now why is this useful well again if we go back jumping around with this to upper case 10,000 times but if we had the two upper well we know that we are gonna get a text that we want to uppercase now we can we might need different kind of text to be uppercase so we don't want to just execute it on this and I'm gonna show you in one bit so let's just say we have a text in here and what we can do here is we can get the text and if we add dot we can call additional functions that are built into JavaScript so as strings so texts have different functions built into them numbers have different built-in functions that we can use on our code so we can do text dot to upper case like so and then we do the parameters again this is something inbuilt in JavaScript that's gonna make our text uppercase so now we can say console.log text like so it's safe and down here we can say to upper and now what we can do is we can inject the name from up here down here so if we say name and we check well actually what we need to do is we can take and create a new variable rather than just console logging text because that that the value that's going to be console logged what we can do is we can create a cons called upper case like so so we create a new variable and dysfunction and we just set it equal to our text that we get from our parameter and then uppercase it so we can console.log uppercase t' here so if we hit save then you're gonna see that everything is uppercase like so so again to walk through this super fast we create a function like so we give it a name so just like variables this is a parameter here we create a new variable and we just set it equal to our parameter that's going to come in which is the name so we're passing the name this one from up here into here so this is dev add here and then our uppercase is going to be equal to dev ed dot to uppercase so this is a again a a function that's already built in for us that we can use on our text and then we just cancel out the uppercase so that's how we can use functions so the cool thing now is that we can create cons YouTuber is equal to you name a youtuber and Trevor C media right so down here we can just save to upper youtuber and boom we should have traversing media all uppercase so there we go that's how that's the basic sub functions that we can use and later on we're gonna cover again different functions that are already built in for us that we can use alright so this is one way we can use a function I'm gonna delete everything here another way we can use one is by doing the way we do variables which I prefer actually rather than this so then this method so what we can do is we can do const and we can right give it a name so two upper like so equals u and we can set it equal to a function just like normal okay so this is another version you can use and the last version which is the modern version we can use this is rather than writing this whole function thing we can make this one shorter so we don't even need to write function so what you can replace here is you can remove the function keyword and after the parameters you can just add an equal and a bigger than sign so this is the shortest way you can write a function so you set it equal to a some empty parameters that you have here and you do equal and bigger than sign so you don't need to write function anymore so these are the three ways I prefer this way you can use different ones but I thought I'd show all three of them for you all right so that's it those are functions basically and in the next video we're gonna cover Ray's objects and all the other good stuff so thanks again for watching the next videos are gonna be up and like one or two days so I'm gonna release three parts again for you alright thank you so much for watching again please drop a subscribe and I'm gonna see you in a bit bye bye
Channel: Dev Ed
Views: 122,739
Rating: 4.9045672 out of 5
Keywords: javascript tutorials, javascript tutorial, java scripting tutorial for beginners, learn javascript for beginners, javascript tutorial for beginners, learn javascript, java script, javascript for beginners 2018, programming tutorial javascript, javascript, learn javascript in one video, Javascript Tutorial For Beginners, javascript functions, javascript parameters, javascript arrow functions
Id: xjAu2Y2nJ34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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