Japanese Weapons of World War II

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have you ever asked yourself how the Japanese succeeded in controlling a large swath of the Pacific during World War II despite facing enemies many times their size the Imperial Japanese Army apart from The Bravery of its soldiers had modern weapons that tipped the balance of battle in their favor today's video reveals some of the weapons in the Japanese Arsenal that were behind the Japanese conquest of the Far East the arisaka rifle was one of the most significant and iconic rifles Japan used during the first half of the 20th century including the second world war it was named after its designer Colonel naraka arisaka and the ti 38 was introduced in 1905 the rifle was comparatively small in relation to other rifles of the time this gave it a lighter recoil and it was easier to handle particularly important for Japanese soldiers who on average were shorter in stature than their Western opponents it was also known for its accuracy and reli ability in harsh conditions its manufacturing quality was high with painstaking details this was the standard rifle of the Imperial Japanese Army during the Ceno Japanese Wars the first world war and the beginning of World War II the type 38 rifle was replaced in 1939 by the type 99 designed to match the needs of a modern Battlefield the type 99 was manufactured in copious quantities and in various versions during the war including simple ified models produced by the inovit due to limited resources the nambu pistol is one of Japan's most unique Firearms produced during the 20th century named after its designer General kijo nambu this semi-automatic pistol was used by the Japanese Armed Forces prior to and during the second world war the nambu was notable for its distinctive design and features the nambu pistol had two main models the type 14 and the type 94 the former introduced in 19 25 was the most widespread and recognizable the type 94 launched in 1934 was smaller and had a slightly unique design most nambo pistols used an 8X 22 mm nambo cartridge itself less powerful compared to contemporary European or American pistol ammunition the nambu was renowned for its elegant and ergonomic design with a long thin handle that fit nicely in the hand it resembled the Luger p08 Pistol a clear influence on nambo design the Japanese type 100 submachine gun was the only mass-produced weapon of its kind in Japan during World War II brought into service in the late 1930s and introduced in 1942 the type 100 was a Japanese effort to modernize its infantry Weaponry to better match the Allied Armed Forces its introduction was a direct response to the efficiency of the submachine guns used by other nations in the conflict the firing rate varied between versions but was typically around 500 rounds per minute the eff of range was short typical of submachine guns of the time the weapon had a simple and sturdy design featuring a long barrel and a wooden stock the design Simplicity was aimed at facilitating mass production and maintenance in field conditions the type 100 was first used in the Pacific Theater where Japanese forces engaged in intense combat in jungles and on Islands it was especially suited to close range and Close Quarters combat the type 92 heavy machine gun was a key piece in the Arsenal of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II it was first introduced in 1932 and was designed as the Japanese Army's main heavy machine gun used for a wide range of roles from defending positions to providing fire support for infantry attacks the type 92 used a 7.7 mm arisaka cartridge a larger caliber compared to the light machine guns of the time providing greater Firepower it worked with a tape feed system allowing it to fire for longer times it was air cooled making it lighter and more mobile than water cooled machine guns it was generally operated by a squad of three to four soldiers and mounted on a tripod providing a wide firing Arc and stability for continuous firing the Ty 92 machine gun had a significant role in Japanese combat strategies offering vital support in many major battles the type 97 hand grenade was the primary hand grenade used by the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II introduced in 1937 this grenade was a critical component of the Japanese infantry's Arsenal Meant to Be an Effective weapon in trench combat and urban Warfare it was a fragmentation grenade aimed at inflicting damage by scattering metal shrapnel upon detonation it was ignited by a Time fuse set in motion by pulling a safety pin and hitting the grenades base against a solid surface to start the fuse burning while an effective weapon in theory the grenade had had some design shortcomings the ignition method requiring the soldier to strike the grenade could be risky owing to his potentially dangerous nature the effective use of the tipe 97 required training and caution from the soldiers the type 97 hand grenade was a key element in the Japanese infantry Arsenal during the second world war echoing the abilities and limitations of Japanese military technology at the time the Q guno sword was used by Japanese officers until the very end of World War II Kanto literally means old military sword in Japanese these swords Mark a momentous transition in Japan's military history blending traditional Japanese elements with Western influences the Kanto design combine traditional Japanese sword Styles such as the katana with features of Western swords especially sabes this hybrid reflected the modernization of the Japanese armed forces and the adoption of Western military practices during in the Magi era and after the blades ranged significantly in quality and style some were reused Katana blades fitted into new grips and sheets While others were new Western designs apart from being practical weapons the C guntle were a symbol of status and honor for the officers they indicated Rank and Prestige within the armed forces and encapsulated the warrior Spirit of the ancient Samurai the type 96 late machine gun was an essential weapon in the Imperial Japanese Army Arsenal during World War II first introduced in 1936 this light machine gun was intended to improve the Firepower of Japanese infantry units drawing on previous designs and adding technological breakthroughs partly inspired by the French hotk light machine gun and tailored to meet the specific needs of the Japanese Army the type 96 was renowned for its robust and reliable design the machine gun fired 6.5 mm arisaka cartridges the same caliber as the arisaka typed 38 making ammunition Logistics easier it was prized for its lightness and ease of Transportation plus its reliability in difficult conditions something essential on various Pacific fronts the type 96 performed a decisive role in Japan's infantry combat tactics being one of the main stats of fire support for the troops during the war the type 97 sniper rifle was the primary precision rifle for the Imperial Japanese Army snipers during World War II first introduced produc in 1937 the design was based on the arisaka type 38 rifle but with specific changes for the long-range Precision role such as adding a telescopic sight which generally had a 2.5x magnification it also had a heavier barrel and Trigger adjusted to ensure greater accuracy in longrange shooting the rifle used the same 6.5 arisaka cartridge as the typ 38 rifle were known for its accuracy and flat trajectory like many other armies of the time the Japanese military started to Value snipers more as the war progressed acknowledging their crucial role in specific combat situations enabling them to invest significantly in training and improving their equipment the tight 30 bayonet was the gold standard bayonet used by Japan's Armed Forces particularly during World War II first introduced in 1897 this bayonet was designed to be mounted on a variety of Japanese rifles including the famous arisaka rifles the steel blade was straight with a sharp single edge and a pointed tip its design was sturdy and effective for both lunges and slashes the handle was usually wooden with a metal cross piece serving as a handguard it came with a metal sheath to protect the blade and make it easier to carry it was also used as a trench knife and as an all-purpose tool by Japanese soldiers
Channel: See U in History / Mythology
Views: 63,850
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Keywords: history, See You in History, See u in history, Japanese Weapons of WWII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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