Japanese way of "Finding purpose"

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finding purpose is not really a straight line sometimes we feel like this is a purpose but then we start to lose the motivation and a passion later down the road most of the time it's so hard to find a purpose because you think that all the impossibilities and risks that comes with it and then you start to lose the motivation and passion and then now you don't even want to find a purpose but it makes you feel like there's something missing in your life even though you have a good career that pays well even though you have a good family good girlfriend but then there's something missing within yourself and now deep down that you know that there's purpose that you're supposed to have and nowadays we have too many options and out there and we have so many people telling you this is better than this and this is better than that and all the people are trying to brainwash you with this mindset of benefit first thinking but the truth is having ten thousand dollars that follow your strategy cannot be ten thousand people follows your purpose that's how powerful your purpose can be so in this video I'm going to share Japanese philosophy this full life path that can help you define your purpose and then actually start following your path welcome to my channel my name is show and in this channel we share love and positivity with the Japanese philosophy twist a little bit in it so if you like that make sure to subscribe button notification Bell and that helps me to reach more people so that I can help on people so let's dive in so in this video I'm going to explain this full life path and how you can implement this idea and how you can actually find a purpose and how you can follow your passion and your mission and here's the full life path in Japanese your own path that is given by the god the path that your spirit has um the path of love and creation the path that you have to challenge yourself to accomplish so the first path we are going to break down is the temme this pass is your own unique path that is given by your God and this word is made by two letters which we're going to break it down so the fourth letter is a 10 and then the second letter is a May the 10 means sky or heaven and then mer means life so it literally means that life from God or life from the sky the tembe is something that you're given so it can you can say that your own trait that your nature something that is already within you from the beginning before you start receiving the education in a form the part of who you are this is something that you already have when you're born and some people even interpret this is a promise that you make with the god when you're in heaven so this is your nature this is your trait this is a core part of who you are it can be your strength but sometimes it can be a flaws we all have both strings and flaws something that we're really good at something that really not really good at can be the insecurities but either way the most important is less than that from this path is to acknowledge and pay attention to what you are strong at what you're really good at what is your strength and what is your flaws so that you can sharpen your knife and then you can make sure that you're really good at what you're doing but at the same time avoid Mistakes by improving some part of your flaws so that you can take a balance and then your strengths can cover the flaws so for example I'm an Aries person I really struggled that inconsistency Within Myself and I had a very I had a low passion and I really like I burned my fight I leap my fire in a burn my fire and then like spend so much energy and time to it and then three days later I don't feel that so that was my flaws that was my strength and flaws so that was absolutely in unbalanced condition so I worked on myself because I found out that as my strength I really love the challenge when when something challenging coming up I want to challenge myself that the fire is lit and I use that fire and I use that sign of myself and this by Nature my trait and to build a discipline within myself so that my flaws are no longer flaws but I understand that my nature doesn't waste my life on spending my time and energy onto something that I don't feel passionate about something that I don't even want to do and obviously there's things that I have to do the tasks and then things that I need to do in order to pursue the things that I want to do so what happens that in order to take a balance with my strength and their flaws that I build a discipline and intolerance towards to the stress and this inconsistency so that I can actually find a passion and then keep my fire lit for a long time so being aware allows you to find a solution to it and how you can actually take a balance and how you can actually alchemize your flaws into something powerful because this is also what you're given is your nature and in this life path what you have to do what you have to know and what you have to do is to be aware and acknowledge because you're not perfect I'm not perfect either but understanding embracing our imperfection embracing there's something that we might call it as an insecurity we might call it as flaws can actually become such a powerful thing there's a lot of people who did so much effort because of the flaws and then eventually that becomes like whole empire of the business and then it can be the whole Talent so you never know how you can alchemize your flaws but it's all it all starts from embracing and accepting and then trying to find a solution and trying to do something about it so keep working on yourself and sharpen your Katana because even if you have a strength even if you're talented if you don't know how to use the best sword best Katana in the world it doesn't do the next life part is these two letters Shook and May and when we break down shuku means exist it do well and in the mayor also means life so every life path has a same worth obviously as you can as you already know that it's there's a life in each word means the life that exists within you the lives that dwelt within you so if you think of the spirit that is existing within you the spirit within you that is the teaching from this path in Japan because of the traditional way of philosophy and the way we respect ancestors the spirit we believe in the karma we believe in a past life we believe in The Reincarnation we believe in those kind of things and then we show our respect to it and in English you can call this shumer as a fate so this pass is basically the things that you cannot change you're given but then something that you can't change such as your skin color your parents the environment that you raised and the whole thing that we Embrace this question of like why why do I have to be Japanese why do I have to be broke why I don't have this why I don't have that quite a lot of time that rainforest is a victim mindset like we feel like we feel like Unlucky One but this is exactly what this life pass teaches us because the most important aspect or the theme of this life path is the overcome is the conquest so this is a challenge that's in pain that you have to overcome and go beyond of your fate and in somehow we all come here to learn and hear I don't know why I don't know why but this is apparently this is what we have to do we have to come to this planet to learn and we have to come to this planet to heal ourselves from the pain that may be carried from ancestors maybe carried your past life every time that we come to this planet we have to heal we have to learn and honestly many people carries up parents generational pain as well just because that how our parents are taught from our grandparents how they how they program to to their kids and their child and then grow on child that has now just come on to us and even though the things changes you know it's completely different 100 years ago it's completely different than 200 years ago so we don't need to believe the same thing of course we have to respect the fact that we are here because our parents and because our grandparents it's a miracle but at the same time you don't have to carry all these pains and and limiting beliefs from our parents and from our older generation we can be the one there who face these Fates and then actually overcome and then beyond go beyond of a fate so in this life path what teaches us is that there's a certain things that we cannot change and a fate we cannot change we can't change our parents we can't change our skin colors we can't change where we come from we can't change that what we've learned when we were kids the past experiences that we had shaped the limiting beliefs and then trauma we can't change it but we can learn from it and then we can heal from it so that we can overcome the pain we can overcome the obstacles so that we can conquer what is holding us back so this life path is your hero's journey the next PATH is so when you break down this um means move deliver transport and life so it's gonna it's gonna mean the life that moves the life that delivers in English it will be a destiny in a fast two path that we've done and these two path actually you cannot change it you cannot change these paths and then we have to learn and we have to embrace the way that we can actually go beyond the things that we cannot change but the destiny you can change by your will the most important wisdom from this path is your destiny is not your destination it is the journey itself we think that Destiny is somewhere that we're destined to be but that's not how it works the destiny is that as you go through as you walk through your journey that is the destiny that it's constantly changing as you step forward it can be your choices the life path this life path the the um is always changing by your small choices in a daily basis it sounds like it's it's a very romantic idea it's massive Vision that we can think of but the truth is power of the ummah is a hold within these small choices in your daily basis so this life path teaches us to make a conscious choices understanding why you're making this decision even if you go to the gym even if you'll eat healthy why are you going to the gym why are you not going to the gym why are you not eating healthy are you conscious are you aware of the choices that you're making on a daily basis it can be so small it can be just ordinary moment that you don't even pay attention and even don't even link to the words of Destiny but that's how much powerful that's choices can be because that choices that we are making is shaping your destiny so be aware of the choices that you make and always understanding why you're making these choices does it help you to be a better person does it help you to enjoy your life does it help you to be happy does it help you to love yourself or are you making decision choices or small choices because you're lazy or you're making this decision because you don't feel like it because you're afraid so think why you're making this decision and keep moving forward in a bigger picture that is your destiny and last but not least and when you break these two letters the she means use and serve so this is life so it's gonna mean the life that serves in English you can say Mission you can say purpose so the fast two path you cannot change and this other two path you can actually change by your will however here's the most important lesson from Schumer this life pass teaches us every single one of us come to learn and heal and pay forward as a human being your life purpose one of the your life purpose yes to pay forward to serve because if you look at it this word means a mission yes but if you break down that means that life that serves so our mission every single one of us me you and parents our biggest Mission as a human is to become the life that serves and here's the interesting thing that actually we feel the most happiness the strongest feeling of Happiness is when we are contributing other people's happiness and they don't have to be the massive thing it can be as small as writing a letter it can be as small as teaching people how to cook rice and don't get me wrong I've told so many people how to cook rice properly and I feel good about it it can be as small as that you don't have to be this famous popular amazing excellent brilliant Elon Musk or I don't know why the Elon Musk came up but it doesn't you don't have to be there Michael Jackson you don't have to be the prince you don't have to be the Dre you don't have to be the Snoop to contribute other people's happiness so your own purpose that resonate and intertwine with your passion and your desire can be something different but in the bigger picture your mission always to become that life that serves because that's why we are here but we often struggle in this life because when you start something then you start to feel like oh I don't know I don't have enough time I don't have enough money to start a business I don't I don't have I don't have this or that and I don't feel like I'm lazy and I'm too busy so we have to deal with so much impossibilities and so much risks so that you lose the motivation to actually pursue that path so the most important aspect or most important lesson in this life path is the challenge you have to find out how you can challenge the impossibilities and then the obstacles The Logical obstacles that you're seeing you have your work nine to five or you work in certain hours you work six seven days or you have families or you don't have enough money at the moment what is a logical solution what can you do to actually change the current situation what you can you do rather than saying that I can't do it or I don't have this so you change the way to communicate with yourself because this life path is all about challenge without challenge you're not going to accomplish there's no way that you can walk through a flat path and then to get to the Kilimanjaro there's no way that happens there's going to be bumpy road and rocky road you might fall off the mountain you might fall off from like this road you might get injured you might bleed but that's the risk are you taking right the mission the purpose Ain't Easy but the real question is are you willing to go on that path and I know most of the time we're just afraid it's not about I don't have this I don't have that it's just fear and I've been there and I was so afraid when I started the YouTube channel three years ago let me tell you I did I did make contents on YouTube English and Japanese and I put subtitles and I tried this and that and then I worked so hard for one year and I gained 89 subscribers so let me ask you if you've worked your ass off and gained 89 subscribers in three things 365 days would you keep going or would you stop it and I kept going I kept going on a tick tock I kept doing the YouTube I kept doing Instagram and to actually start kicking off but to be honest if I didn't work the fast three path I wouldn't probably be here I couldn't be here but I had to keep challenging myself to keep going and it's funny now but it was not funny back then and obviously there was a lot of things that I wish I could have done better because I didn't have anyone to talk to I didn't have anyone to get get the the advice from I was just doing myself watching YouTube and reading a book and just literally I was in the dark Forest crowing the bushes and I don't see I don't understand nothing but it was the path that I was taking but as I said the reason why I am here making YouTube and having so many followers on Instagram and Tech talk and the growing YouTube channel right now is because I worked the three fast life path the 10 minute that I acknowledged my flaws I acknowledged my weakness and identified and what do I have to do in order to take a balance in order to alchemize my flaws into the powerful strength in order to have something that unique and original using not just a string but they might also flaws so that I kept sharp in my knife and then I kept working on myself so that I am balanced even though I was not balanced and that's how I found out and I got to know myself better and the Schumer the connecting Within Myself and aligning with my spirit so that I know that who I am and I feel the connection Within Myself all the higher power you can say that the Universe of God there's always there is a strong power there's a bigger picture than us and as I said I came here to learn and heal so I faced my trauma I hate haste my pain and then I appreciate the wisdom and then I embrace that my profession Embrace who I am so that I can go beyond of my fate and in ume I started to learn how to make a conscious decision how to be aware of the decisions that I'm making and then being aware that I how I have been making a decision and then actually making a change on a daily basis it can be as small as brush in your face if you brush your teeth once a day then you get the bad teeth but if you're aware of your decision-making pattern and start making a conscious decision hey like we I should have a clean teeth and then I know the example is a little bit off the topic from the mission but it can be as small as brushing your teeth because there's so much power the movement that delivers your life into a certain direction and every choices that you're making is shouldn't come from your laziness shouldn't come from your fear shouldn't come from your ego it should come from your intention the positive State why you're doing this because I want to be better why are you doing this because I have a dream and then we keep challenging ourselves because you are becoming the life that serves and then that's how the purpose find you if you're looking for out there and always like ah where's the purpose where's the love where's the happiness you know we're gonna find out there you will find everything within you you have to find a question that matches with the answer that lies within but you cannot expect oh I want to be rich in six months I want to find a purpose and I want to pursue my dreams in a six months you should take time you never know I thought I will accomplish things in six months but apparently it took me two years to three years but that's okay if you have that willingness and attitude that I am willing to take two years I'm willing to take three years that patience is the new way of success don't try to be right or don't try to be quick and again having ten thousand dollars that follow your strategy cannot beat ten thousand people who follow your purpose your spirit already knows your purpose your spirit already knows within you okay so don't give yourself too much pressure just be aware of a daily basis the choices that you're making and go through this full life path one by one and actually really let it sink in and go through it write things down and actually making a change by taking different actions when you practice this full life path the purpose will find you and then you feel the complete alignment within you and with the said thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed the video I hope you enjoy the wisdom from Japan and Japanese philosophy if you like the video make sure to subscribe all the notification Bell and I'll see you in the next video ciao live your life like a movie [Music]
Views: 612,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to find purpose, find your own purpose, Life path, Japanese philosophy, 4 Life path, Japanese wisdom, Ikigai, Eastern philosophy, How to love yourself, Self-love, self-care, self development
Id: ct0XqhpBg3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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