Japanese town putting up 8-foot barrier to stop Mt. Fuji selfies | April 29, 2024

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[Music] [Applause] hello and welcome back hope you had a fantastic weekend I'm Ki wire this is CNN 10 the best 10 minutes in news and I don't say that in a solipsistic way I say this is the best 10 minutes in news because of all of you thank you for making what we do Simply the Best let's kick off today's show with some news on South Africa 30 years ago an historic event took place in South Africa the country's first Democratic elections this was a significant moment because it marked the end of Apartheid a system of racial segregation that ruled the country for nearly 50 years under apartheid South Africa was dominated by the minority white population leaving its majority black population struggling for basic human rights apartate was an ideology and a system aimed at controlling ing every aspect of people's lives it sought to humiliate and to degrad black people now fast forward to today and South Africa has seen remarkable progress there's a growing black middle class and its education system is more accessible but despite those advances issues like inequality crime and Corruption still remain there's a gap that continues to grow between the rich and the poor many people still struggle with basic needs like electricity and water and some black families are still fighting the long-term consequences of a parthe as we reflect on South Africa's Democratic Journey CNN's David McKenzie takes us to the rainbow Nation as some experts warn that a silent crisis is underway when thousands of students were bravely marching down these streets they were fighting for a better future for South Africa but decades later here's a staggering statistic more than 80% of great fours cannot read has it gotten worse over the 18 years of you being at the school yes it becoming worse and W at Morris isacson High School famous for its role in 76 teachers like Prince malela say that jobs in education are given to the politically connected and Corruption is RI Primary students now come to his classes unprepared he says corruption Watchdogs call it a silent crisis we're living in a world in in South Africa where it's all about politics everything is being politicized so the education system is also being politicized so that is the reason why probably we experiencing such problems I feel honored being in the school because then I get to learn about history some put their lives in danger for better future for better education I spoke to two leading students at Maris isacson they are proud of their school but acutely aware of the challenges that lie ahead is there enough opportunity for young people like yourselves in this country right now no it's going to be a struggle yeah and it is scary for us to be sitting at home and doing nothing especially when you know that you went to University for so long and you have a degree a qualification but you're still struggling to get a job because of the unemployment rates those rates are some of the world's highest an uncertain future despite the bitter struggles of the past Pop Quiz Hot Shots Mount Fuji is the tallest mountain in which country United States Japan Mexico Nepal Japan's Mount Fuji was designated as a UNESCO world heritage site in 2013 hundreds of thousands of people travel to the mountain each year ah Japan a truly remarkable place to which tourists are flocking when the nation reopened to visitors after the pandemic this pictures spot in front of Mount Fuji became selfie Central tourists routinely flocking to this convenience store to capture the quirky contrast between the glowing neon lights and the Serene mountain behind it but now locals are fed up they're putting up a giant mesh barrier to make one of the town's most iconic photo spots disappear this is part of a larger problem of over tourism in Japan after the country experienced a record number of visitors in March this is requiring the Mount Fuji area to put new policies in place such as daily limits for hikers and mandatory fees locals are concerned that the mountain could lose its prestigious status as a UNESCO heritage site due to overcrowding erosion and the mess that tourists leave behind last year CNN's Christy L Stout traveled to Japan to learn more traffic jams on sacred Mount Fuji very Co just just like a traffic jam an ambulance on route to an injured hiker litter on the mountain side it's a side to Japan's popular tourist site that is not in the guide books but for Mount Fuji Ranger mios Sakurai it's just another day on the job there are definitely too many people on Mount Fuji at the moment the numbers are much higher than before famous for its snowcap volcano Mount Fuji has inspired artists and been a pilgrimage site for centuries less than 2 hours away from Tokyo Japan's highest peak attracts visitors globally and in 2013 became a UNESCO world heritage site over tourism has become a big problem this year a postco tourism boom has brought thousands more hikers to Mount Fuji according to a yamanashi peroral government official the environmental damage being done could cost Mount Fuji its her Heritage status according to the local government fujian is screaming out in pain we can't just wait for improvement we need to tackle over tourism now volunteers take away tons of trash each year climbers are urged to donate $7 to help keep the mountain clean but not everyone pays up as Sakurai says some behavior is even harder to control people of all experience levels come here including first timers we want to prevent accidents so we give them advice the risk of altitude sickness and hypothermia has been increased by a trend called bullet climbing where hikers begin their assented night pushing on until dawn according to the yamanashi tourism board according to the local government they start their hike from a place called Fuji's fifth station where the number of climbers arriving here from Tokyo has more than double between 2012 and 2019 the local government also says it wants to shift from quantity to Quality tourism it says replacing the main road to Fuji with a light rail system would be a more sustainable solution I'd be devastated if Mount Fuji's world heritage status was taken away I wanted to have that status forever so we'll do our best to keep it that way but with no easy fix inside Sakura will keep doing her bit to protect the mountain she loves Christy lout CNN Hong [Applause] Kong has anyone ever just started ringing your doorbell over and over and over again not cool right well in today's story getting a 10 out of 10 it wasn't someone ringing the bell it was something CNN's Genie Mo has more we don't mean to knock the do-it-yourself woodpecker door knocker or even Woody Woodpecker himself using a finger to ring the bell Hi neighbor but both pale next to the real thing making the doorbell ding as far as we can tell no one ever answered the door the last woodpecker story I did featured a woman in North Carolina ringing a doorbell to get help removing a woodpecker Tangled in her hair this isn't the first time a woodpecker has been spotted ringing a doorbell this one in Tennessee caused such a crack the owner posted on Facebook looking for suggestions for a woodpecker proof doorbell and a woodpecker that Rings a doorbell is no dumbbell Ginos CNN New York Bill all be darned Woody taking knock knock jokes to a whole new level thanks for helping me ring in the week and uh thanks to the Mariners at Mariner Middle School in Milton Delaware thanks for showing some love and this shout out goes to the Cougars at Cascade High School in Turner Oregon you rock rise up y'all go on and make it an awesome day see you right back here tomorrow same time same place I'm KY wire and we are CNN 10 [Music] [Music]
Channel: CNN 10
Views: 93,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cnn 10, cnn10, cnn student news, cnnstudentnews, carl azuz, puns, news, news in 10, channel one news, channelonenews, fridaysareawesome, fridays are awesome
Id: EApC3oIBwdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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