Japanese Reacts to Mind Blowing Facts about TEXAS !!!

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hi guys welcome back so the video i watched a couple of months ago every states in the us every state in the u.s a video where this guy gives you just random facts about different states or all the states in the united states and it was yes it was confusing but also it was pretty interesting as well at the same time when he mentioned texas i said like oh i know texas for the people being very patriotic apparently in that video they didn't give any information about texas they kind of skipped texas and some people from texas are kind of mad at that let's look at some comments a lot of people from texas have been commenting uh which is really nice so thank you if you're from texas today i'm going to learn about your state so i'm super super excited about it um okay spiral swift says seriously nothing about texas i am a native texan seriously nothing just watch a video about just texas i'm sorry today that's exactly what i'm gonna do i'm going to watch a video entirely about texas which is going to be very interesting and the texan texan people are going to be happy about that hopefully so if you're from texas let me know give me some more information about texas because i am very curious what texas is like um the only thing i know is one like i said very patriotic people and the second thing i would say is the second largest state in the united states after alaska that's all i know no one really recommended me which video i should watch in particular so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go i'm just gonna go with this video called 10 mind-blowing facts about texas and it says at the end amazing texas yes let's talk about some good old-fashioned texas weirdness already the accent is so american obviously texas is a great state and in my opinion if you're looking to start a new life and you don't mind the heat it's probably the best state for most people thinking about doing that they've got a good economy jobs decent crime rate on average and friendly people what's not that's why i was going to say like friendly people is what comes in mind as well when i think of texas what did he say the love other than their blizzard and subsequent utilities oh yeah he said heat um i do mind the heat actually um now that it's august right is absolutely boiling hot here in the region of ibaraki where i live in japan it's so so hot it's like 35 degrees every single day and when it's hot it almost goes up to 40. i don't know how high it gets in texas but texas is just a decent state that's doing things the right way in most cases at least compared to other states people and businesses are moving to the lone star state and i get the feeling this movement is only going to gain steam in the coming years today we're going to take a look at some of the mind-blowing facts about texas let's go texas let's see what we found number 10 bugs bunny's catchphrase bugs bunny used to say what's up doc well that phrase originated in dallas the looney tunes anime um the problem is i've never watched this cartoon before tex avery who attended north dallas high school introduced us to that phrase he later said he didn't think much of it because it was a common phrase used around the parts where he grew up it was just normal he just added it into bugs bunny and it became like his catchphrase that's what he says if you're gonna do a bugs bunny impersonation that's what you say what's a doc that's what they say number nine the deadliest natural disaster in united states history in the history of the united states we've had some serious hurricanes wildfires earthquakes and tornadoes but nothing compares to the great galveston hurricane of 1900 the great galveston hurricane killed between 6 and 12 000 people what that's crazy i just can't even imagine having a hurricane ah because it doesn't happen in japan it's only typhoon and obviously hurricane's way worse right it wasn't the wind and the rain that killed him for the most part it was the storm surge that was up to 15 feet galveston had an elevation at the time of 8.7 feet and the storm confusion brought a surge of over 15 feet that means the water was around six feet deep across the entire city bodies were washed out to sea and then they would come back in in some cases days later that was crazy that's exactly like tsunami isn't it that's scary so they had to go out on the beach and collect bodies that been floating around the gulf of mexico for a couple days which you know that was a pleasant experience number eight a time capsule worth a bunch of money now besides the fact that where they buried this time capsule is kind of weird that they have a monument like this that's not the weirdest part it's called the helium centennial time columns monument and it was built in 1968 to honor the 100th anniversary of the discovery of helium of all things you've built a monument to that i i i'm so confused what is this monument about the balloon or the time cup honey i don't know one of the time capsules sealed on the monument is set to open in 1 000 years from the date that it was buried which is in 2968 29 60 hey oh can i just say something i don't think the world would exist in 2900 whatever the year that was just saying number seven a town called dish dish is a town in denton county texas the town has a population of about 201 people that was at the 2010 census now this community hasn't been around that long it was actually established in june of 2000 it was originally named clark in november of 2005 the community accepted an offer to rename the city dish from the company dish network yeah now part of the deal is all the residents receive free basic television service for 10 years and free digital video recorder which you know their big thing you know like a tivo dvr that was all part of it all they had to do was change the name to dish there was no formal opposition to renaming the town of clark to dish 12 citizens attended the city council meeting and they all supported the measure so it was no problem everyone's all right we'll do it so yeah they that is funny so people in this town called dish gets free tv that is weird in 2005 energy companies began drilling natural gas wells in dish town residents complained of the foul smell and health issues that were linked to natural gas methane and benzene emissions from the wells the town spent 15 000 on air quality tests which found elevated levels of several chemicals okay my noise is running i think ac is a bit too much let me just turn down a little bit ow so far all these that this guy has given me not so interesting come on texas i think texas is way better only in texas will you find a town that'll actually change their name so they get some free basic service from a satellite company come on number six texas gave six flags its name wait so six flags is in texas is it well even in japan this theme park is very famous wow okay cool decided to open his first theme park in 1961 and he wanted 1961 that is a long history that's like 60 years ago cool now i need to go to texas to six flags i love roller coasters there's one place called fujiki highland in japan i absolutely love going there i don't think it's as crazy as six flags but still really really fun to pay tribute to his home state of texas the name six flags comes from texas entire history and the state being owned by six different countries over its recorded history those countries were the kingdom of spain the kingdom of france the republic of mexico the republic of texas the confederate states of america and the united states of america wow that is also very interesting number five texas is big texas is larger than any country in western europe is it i like that fact as a matter of fact you could fit switzerland belgium austria liechtenstein denmark and luxembourg into texas and almost have room for the netherlands that's absolutely incredible like look at that canyon number four they're the king of tornado alley more tornadoes have been recorded in texas than any other state by far the state of texas report okay so that's a bit confusing sorry i thought hurricane i was thinking of tornado when i was talking about hurricane sorry they're different so hurricane is something like typhoon i'm a bit confused here so tornado is i think what i was imagining like the thing that they averaged 132 tornadoes per year that's one tornado roughly every three days the weather channel says the average is more and blows the number two state out of the water this is from their website the two most active states for tornadoes are texas with 155 annually and kansas with 96 annually they're both scary like located in the heart of tornado alley a nickname given to the area in the plains between central texas and south dakota that has some of the most tornadic that's a word activity in the world yeah you have a bunch of tornadoes going on it's called tornadic tornadic number three number three sammy hagar loves this place at 85 miles per hour texas has the fastest speed limit in the united states texas state highway 130 better known as pickle parkway has a 41 mile section that has a marked speed limit of 85 miles per hour it's located it's unfortunate because i we go with the kilometer thing i don't really get to know how fast that actually is it can't be bothered to even check kind of explains though isn't it because texas is huge right people need to get around in austin 85 is their speed limit in a lot of these areas but when i've driven in texas when they get out on the highway they sort of treat that like a suggestion instead of a law that's always the cases now wherever you are number two nothing interferes with football one texas town rescheduled halloween because it conflict football in the united states is not like soccer is it like fast i think of soccer but football is uh thing right i day night football game yeah no kidding in 2014 halloween was on a friday night the town of decatur voted to reschedule halloween to october 30th because like i said october 31st conflict with the high school's friday night football game if you know anything about texas high school football you know some of these towns take this game seriously i mean honestly they have stadiums that actually can hold up to like 50 000 people number one last one number one i think they're training for a sumo competition texans like to eat i just did a video talking about how they have more great barbecue places that's true many people commented about the american food culture the dawns of visiting the united states video and i think many people mentioned about the food in texas and their tacos are worth the price of a plane ticket from oregon and that's why in texas there are more obese adults than there are people in minnesota yeah that's the weird stat there's more obesity that means the food is good yeah let's hope people in texas than there are people in the entire state of minnesota that just seems kind of weird per capita they're not the absolute worst that would be mississippi but texas has so many people that it's just a weird stat that they have that many big people now i'm not ragging on anything you know obese people or heavyweight people i mean i'm not the thinnest dude hovering around the internet myself but i just think that's outrageous 65.9 of the adults in texas are overweight and 34.8 percent of them are considered obese very interesting fact especially coming from japan growing up in japan uh as you probably already know you don't really see that many obese people also the way the culture works the society works uh the obese people kind of get accused by the way they are which is not good yeah i think it's to do with the food as well japanese people are usually very healthy and very low fat usually um but yeah like what's the most famous texan food is it just barbecue as the guys showing me here or is is there something else with a population of about 18.2 million so that means around 12 million of them are overweight and about 5.6 million are considered obese interesting so that's it for this video i'll link the video down in the description so go ahead and watch the original video if you'd like i think i'd like to watch a video where they show like the nature of texas that's that's something that interests me more than all these random facts still very interesting uh but yes i would love to get to know more about texas as well as other states thanks again for commenting on my videos i do really enjoy reading through all the comments especially because you know so many people try to give me lots of information and stuff it's really really fun and i do appreciate it because you know they're usually quite long and i do thank for the time that you spend commenting if there's any more cool videos that you want me to watch then please do let me know because i was confused which video i should watch about you know these different states but anyways thanks for watching and i will see you in the next video god bless bye ciao
Channel: Timothy James
Views: 16,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American school vlog, school vlog reaction, American school, American school vlog reaction, Japanese react, Japan reaction, Japanese people, Japanese schools, Japanese school vlog, Schools in America, Schools in Japan, American people, USA school, Reaction, America japan, why american schools are free, USA is good, Japanese people react to, Reaction to school vlog, Japan school, America school, Why Japanese are smart, Why americans are smart, Places to go in america
Id: Sv7-Ffh0ApU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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