Gesshin Ginga Knives- Japanese Knife Imports

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hi my name is John from Japanese knife imports and today we're gonna show you our gichan Ginga line this is a new series that we picked up and it's made by Aussie jamon oh we've been working with Aussie Hamato since we started this company a little over a year ago and we love them everything they make is just awesome and moreover they're just great people to deal with oh she's knives have been great sellers for us since we started but we got a lot of feedback from our customers asking for a few things they wanted harder steel and especially on the western handle knives they were looking for rounded spines and rounded soils and so that's what we did with this series so here you can see the gichan Ginga line that we have in stock and you see on these knives it has oh she's logo here and our logo gishy logo here so it's it's more collaborative work than anything else and when we do work with our makers we really want you guys to see who they are and what they're about and it's very important to us it's it's a large part of the philosophy that we have running this business so we hope you appreciate what ashley homeowner does here anyways I wanted to give you guys a feel for what these knives are people often ask about the profiles and sizes of these knives and how they all compare and sometimes the pictures make it a little difficult to see how things are so hopefully this video will give you a better sense of what these knives look like and hopefully you can take it from there anyways we have two versions we have the wat handle versions here and the western handle versions here and with cue toes we have both types available from 210 millimeter to two hundred and seventy millimeter we also have these 210 millimeter wah pedis in stock and I like these I like 210 millimeter wah patties or Wausau chi-chi's because they're kind of useful utility knives they work well for slicing and you can use them just all around and in fact I find for professional chefs they work extremely well as line knives all of the kitchen Ginga knives come with size and I have two examples of the sizes here the science for our wall handle knives will look kind of like this in the sense that they'll have a pinhole and usually they'll come with a black pin I mean Western handle knives will look like this there Silas do not have a pin hole and do not have a pin with them and the reason is is that for each size the western handle of knives will be a little bit longer and you can see kind of the comparison here as you look at the two 210s or two 240s western handle knives are measured from the heel to the tip versus hua handle knives which are measured from the handle to the tip and you can see if you line them up heel to tip and handle the tip they're about the same life there so let me give you an idea of what these knives look like this is a 240 millimeter Wagyu toe you can see the knives are very very thin and they have a kind of nice grind it's a slightly convex grind from the spine to the edge and they taper kind of nicely also from the handle to the tip hopefully this will give you an idea of kind of the profile of the knife as well and the Western handle ones are very similar they're equally thin and have the same profile and just slightly longer the grind is pretty identical you can see that it tapers pretty well kind of get a sense for what the profile is all of these knives have rounded spines and rounded trials over here it's the same on this as it is on this very rounded very comfortable very nice very comfortable in hand of course the wall handle knives will be a little bit lighter and part of that is just that there's less material in the handle to be heavy and of course the western handle knives have that little extra length there like I said before I find the 210 millimeter la petit is to be extremely useful knives as utility knives or line knives very nice very thin they don't get in your way you know often when you're working on the line of professional kitchen you have a very limited space to work with and so you don't want a huge knife you just need something where you can kind of use it as you need it and then put it to the side and it doesn't get in your way and 210 millimeters is about that size you can slice protein with it you can chop up some herbs you can do pretty much whatever you need to do with it and it works out pretty well you can see all of the one handled knives come with octagon handles and it's whole wood and buffalo horn and they have kind of a rounded bottom here and in fact it's slightly rounded here up top as well looks really nice and again is very very comfortable to use one of the things I want to point out about Aussies Western handle knives is the bolster here on many knives you'll see that the bolster is welded on and welding that's something denies it changes the heat treatment in that area because you're heating it up as you weld on the bolster ah she doesn't weld on their bolsters they press them together and so there's no heating up that occurs now you'd have to look really closely to see the seams just because the fit and finish is so spectacular but the way that actually goes about is specifically designed to make sure that you have strength all the way through your blade here and you're not gonna see your blade snapping off here around the tang around the bolster so that's kind of what these knives look like here they're really well balanced really comfortable really easy to use really easy to hold and they're just dim knives that cook very well anyways I hope that this helps you guys get a sense for our kitchen Ginga line what it looks like the profiles the grinds and you know if you have any questions we're always here to answer your questions thanks again for watching this is John a Japanese knife imports
Channel: Japanese Knife Imports
Views: 29,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gesshin ginga, ginga, ashi, ashi hamono, knife sharpening, Japanese knives, Japanese Kitchen Knives, Japanese Knife Imports
Id: 2X1RWfnWCeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2011
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