Japanese Food Court at Tokyo Shopping Mall

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this is a tendon which is tempura on a bowl of rice i just got this at the food court here in tokyo this is a lala port along the seaside tokyo bay it came with miso soup on the side check this out if you never get these open just squeeze it a little bit and the air will come out then you'll be able to open it up so instead of a drink you have the option of a small coca-cola or miso soup i kind of went with the miso soup it is piping hot check this out they do have takoyaki here but this tempura was just too good to pass up put a little bit of pickles here on the side this big uh shrimp there just came out of the fryer um came with chopsticks here but before i eat this tempeh is pretty good i thought it would take you inside of the um inside of the shopping mall so you could take you know a quick look at the food court it's kind of interesting now this is hey paul s keep up the great work you got it my friends in australia i'm going to take you inside and this is this isn't a great time so i'm going to be speaking in a low voice i have a microphone right here so you'll be able to hear me okay but we got to be safe by the way for any canadians that truck over there just some food trucks is a poutine truck with canadian food maybe we'll be able to get something from that food truck a little bit later on all right let's go inside mask on i'm just gonna leave the food here i think it's gonna be okay alcohol at the alcohol pumps everywhere now i notice a lot of the people that are eating kentucky fried chicken are doing so because they have an app that has coupons on there but the menu looks pretty good it's like a garlic bacon on there so it's an option but with so many other options i don't know why you would get that this is the tempura one that i got right here the edo mai tendon which looks so good this one is uh was a about 14 for that with the soup it's a good looking set the chefs are hard at work there i'm gonna take you over here and show you the ramen and tsukiman is also an option bowls of ramen you see the uh hanjuka tamago the half ajitama they got that on the menu it's pretty cheap it's about ten dollars per bowl some of the cheaper ones are about eight dollars on the other side there's some yakiniku some beef some more ramen the noodles are really popular the food court's changed a little bit over time look at the grilled beef here wow that's a ninky number one this one with with that eggs who's oozing on top of that beef bowl here's a little bit of um sushi and maguro this is um kind of a kaisen dome look at that that's a this is the best food court food court looking food that you can find oh man that's about 15 then we have some more beef stuff kind of hot pot action going on here it's interesting let's move on over uh they actually have a takeout menu so you can you can picnic outside which is really convenient um this is my go-to place because it's quick it's easy and it's delicious this is udon and you can they have tempeh there you can add the toppings that you like it moves super fast the line does but you can see the chefs are there making it on the side here you get a view i hope hopefully the signal stays stays okay on the side here you can watch making the the noodles let's see oh they're not actually making it right now but you can watch them making the noodles here which is super cool everything is fresh udon has to be fresh noodles and let's walk around the food court a little bit there's a freshness burger so if you want some western food that exists they even go in the distance here so you can see the plastic models there's takoyaki there's some ramen you got some burgers freshness burgers right there so the plastic models make it really easy to pick decide what you want you can just stand here and say that this one number two even kentucky fried chicken has plastic models look at that oh this is cool look at the way that the udon is suspended in mid-air by chopsticks there's my tempura place we're going to go and eat that that's from nihombashi a famous shop in the center of tokyo they have a satellite shop here and of course they have kids menus too for kids because a shopping mall is a kid-friendly place i mean a lot of kids come here to shop too everything is recycled this is for uh every this is for the typical gomi it's um burnable non-burnable we call them combustible which is burnable incombustible non-burnable plastic and and bottles and cans but you would just return your tray and usually the shop will do it here's gindako which is a takayaki place they got a new flavor out and i'm dying to try but the line is super long it's moving slow it's yuzu pon which is yuzu a citrus fruit whoa that looks so good [Music] and of course for dessert they've got krispy kreme here you can pick your i don't know what's different from krispy kreme here and krispy kreme in the united states maybe they're smaller oh wow they have a metal cream looks like a metal like melon pond that's interesting all right i like what they've done here so everything just partitions to keep people safe as safe as possible everyone's wearing a mask except when they eat when you do decide to eat they ask you to not talk to be quiet and this this stops the spreading of the anything that might be bad in the air there's a center in the middle for you to wash your hands it's been used a lot and trash is constantly being moved away but you would return your tray to the the restaurant that you you purchased your stuff all right let's get to that tempura hope this is interesting for you this is connected to the shopping mall lala port which is on tokyo bay you can see the tokyo bay straight ahead you can see the partitions here it's clean this is this shopping mall's been around for about 10 years now i believe so you can see in the distance there's tokyo bay you will get a shot of space boat going by maybe i like to come here it's not too far away from where i live but on the weekends they do have food trucks check it out and again if there's any canadians watching and you're interested this truck right there has poutine so you might be able to see some canadian food this is actually in toyota and there's my lunch this is what i decided to eat here so i put the tripod here and then i can eat and take some of your questions this is called lala port this is a shopping mall in toyosu which is not that far away from actually it's just uh four stops away from uh yakucho or ginza so it's not that far to get to um the center to toyosu from the center of tokyo oh that looks so good all right so you can hear me good and i don't have to be too loud so this is the the tempura lunch i'm gonna remove my mask now wow that's a lot of deep fried stuff this is not going to be good for my diet starting tomorrow all right let's try it with some of these shrimp here this is called edo mai hey michael cesano is here this live stream is making me so hungry for tempura if you're still hungry after this meal here's some okane for a sweet treat afterwards you got it i might go check out that poutine over there it's like a japanese version of canadian food got some canadians here i'll put that towards some more food thanks michael all right here's some shrimp it's not on the barbie oh man now i know why this place is popular oh that's so flavorful so they've added in here shane shane just bought some poutine they've added in goma oil or sesame oil to the to this to give it some extra flavoring which is interesting very interesting i noticed in osaka they will usually they will usually add in some sesame oil but it's rare in tokyo but they did did it here and it's so much more flavorful all right so what is this here some kind of seafood oh it's diced up scallops that is nice that is very nice right instead of instead of a drink i got um miso soup you want to see the miso soup so this is what a bowl of miso soup looks like here at the food court it's nice and hot it's got some vegetables in there um some leeks negi hmm oh that's good oh that's real good angelforever59th thank you no thank you all right here we go wxr wx wxr turbo in the house all right this one is i'm the most curious about i can't even lift it up oh my gosh oh my this is massive check this out it deserves its own shot it's like a ufo this is a shrimp how do they get them so big no it's not shrimp this is onogo this is eel oh my gosh this is so good this is so good wow usually when it's something long inside there you you just assume it to be eel this is assume it for it to be shrimp right like a tiger shrimp or something i don't know they have a way to make it longer with the batter that's eel that's good it's so soft so tender with the crunch of the the the tempura batter on there deep fried i'm spoiled rotten this is interesting this is um deep fried seaweed part of the tendon i'm gonna go as an eel it's a saltwater eel and unangi is a freshwater eel so that's the difference between the two i tend to like unagi more but it's harder to find good unagi the ones that are farmed are not as not as good at all oh oh you have to see this i just punctured it oh my gosh oh click the like button for some time for some egg look at her oozing i didn't expect that okay here we go oh my word how do they do that oh wow how do they get the tempura i'm going back to this place they deep fried it but how do they keep it so soft i need a straw for this i'm dipping in some of this scallops oh that's so good dip in some pepper here extra egg on there oh wow oh it's not spicy it's a more like a green pepper now i like the way the egg gets into the rice a little bit that is pure paradise right there all soaked into the rice look at that see irvin's here drooling i'm in heaven this egg this egg is incredible i'm gonna try to pick it up now try oh [Music] oh my gosh hmm oh look they got some um some some chili pepper i think this is the sancho put some on there it's good with the unagi the uh sorry the anagel um now that the bowl is reduced in size a little bit you can pick it up and then you can eat it like this and bring it to your mouth a little bit i would love to send this through the camera to you we're live right now oh man you know shane i know you don't like seafood but when it's been battered and deep fried it might be okay no [Music] for those joining us now i'll take you back inside um just take one more look around see if there's anything for dessert i don't know if i'm i'm into the um um i'm into the uh krispy kreme i'm not sure but um there was some other stuff in there but that poutine over there the canadian poutine is is looking at me i'll take you over to tokyo bay a little bit beautiful day shane right maybe not shane does not like the anything fishy although i can't taste anything fishy fishy you know wow so i'm a little bit nervous about i'm going out into the food court but um i don't know what do you guys think do you think you would feel safe knowing that like vaccines are still rolling out here how would you feel being here and i'm eating outside because is it a dad shirt i'm eating outside because it's just a little bit safer in the open air and i want to be able to talk if you're inside you probably shouldn't be talking at least not according to the rules there but um did you see after taking a look inside do you think it's safe enough would you feel okay eating at a food court with your family here um as long as you're vaccinated you're safe according to science rights and average joe i'm not so i'm not safe um again we're living in a pandemic time you can see they've taken the precautions inside there and uh it's it's kind of interesting to see that it was actually very crowded about an hour ago which is why i'm on this livestream a little bit later i wanted to wait until some of the some of the crowds went away and they did um that's the onago here's the shrimp it's a good looking shrimp and then there's just a little bit more egg there this on ago was so so good let's see if i can put this on the other side wow it's coming right through you look at the way the rice sticks to it that's so good i'll say that a hundred times because it's true archon 89 craving ten don i don't know i don't think it was from hanosuke it's um this is a famous shop in nihombashi but i didn't see the the sign it's an eight oh my ten film and it looks so good the miso soup is an extra dollar so you save 30 yen by getting us a set i would have gotten a drink but you know they didn't have green tea on on the the soda fountain it was coca-cola fanta you know the regular usual suspects here nothing healthy so i just went with the miso soup i can get a bottle of water or something later green tea from the vending machine no the tail on the shrimp you can actually eat it when it's been deep fried it's got a lot of good calcium in there the oil makes it crunchy and makes it able to break down kimura is very hungry nice to see you john i'm bringing back some stuff for kanai as well so i appreciate that no trunk yeah that's the one we have a branch in mitsuha in edgewater they're so good i don't think that's the one here but good to hear they have good tendon in in new jersey and california all right last piece of anago so worth it i would have paid double for this i was so hungry this meal was fourteen dollars i'm actually not going to eat all the rice you can eat it but we've got more to eat all right so i gotta go take this tray inside you guys can you guys stay here for a little bit i'll be right you know maybe i can take you with me and uh drop off the tray hold on i'll show you how to do that try to keep the mic safe here's a little ticket the ticket that i got here i was number 13 right there and uh i can tell you one more thing so um when when when you order the food they give you a buzzer i think they do this in the u.s too don't they excuse me they give you this thing and it starts to vibrate and that means they go pick up your food so it took um it took about 15 minutes i ordered it at 1 30 and it was finished at 1 46 about to take a good 15 minutes so it's certainly not fast food it's made to order which is actually not a bad thing all right let's let's go and let's take this inside now gonna drop this off and then and then i'll take you on a trip around around the town i did not finish it all i know just well that temperature place is real popular [Music] thank you sir and oh the tray returns on the other side okay there you go you return the trays here you can get them as a uh to go which maybe i should have gotten that you can eat it in the in the park i'll show you there too but as you can see like there weren't any really good drink options so no tea which is odd so i just went with the miso soup you can see there's this set there that's the one i ordered pretty good next time i think i'm gonna go for that yakiniku that beef bowl with the uh hanjukatamago on top there but i don't see any i don't see any um dessert that's really tempting me there's a krispy kreme over there let's go take a quick look on that side oh the line's too long for the krispy kreme shane we're just gonna have to go get some pouton pouten poutine i never know how to pronounce it because it's not a usual food it's the the metal donuts look really good but it looks like the line is just too long the line is just too long all right let's go get some putin poutine oh there's that melon donut taste of summer even kentucky fried chicken looks pretty good here right all right off we go thanks so much everyone for joining me here in tokyo on tokyo bay and toyosu this is the lala port let's go take a look at tokube we're going to wrap around and check out those food trucks over there but every food court every shopping mall in japan has a food court now and even the eon malls which are just about everywhere they're pretty ubiquitous in in japan but i like these lala ports there's uh one at toyosu one in um where near the uh ikea or ikea in uh on in chiba odaiba has some pretty good food courts as well odaiba's not too far away here's tokyo bay ryan k thank you did i see did i miss nagoya john i did it's pronounced poutine got it let's go go grab some poutine i always get a pan around here on tokyo bay from the toyota side from the la la port side if you so if you do make the trip out here it's four stops away from from yurakucho on the yurakucho line it's pretty close um yuck show is the jr station closest to ginza it's just four stops rainbow bridge is just over those two bridges there you can see the top of the rainbow bridge and on the weekends there's a lot of kids playing it's a little bit harder to social distance but everyone is wearing masks so you just have to do your best make sure you wash your hands wash your clothes when you get home try to take as many precautions as you can japan's still still uh very much in the pandemic space boat will make a trip in here see the drawbridge raised here spacebook comes in here uh twice a day i'll take you to odaiba so you could you could come from asukusa and come to toyosu this is what you would find shopping mall movie theaters there's a bubba gump shrimp if you're into like themed restaurants and lots of parks for kids to play in because this is a lot of apartments complexes here all right let's go get some poutine help out a local business from canada a lot of new skyscrapers here now can i didn't want to live here at first because um we don't live here but one of the reasons a lot of people are kind of suspect is because this land is is this land is made for you and me out of trash it's going to say a patriotic song so all this land right here is made from trash underneath us that has become an island there's nothing wrong with that i don't have any problem living on top of trash it's probably my trash as the yuri kami line uh it leaves going towards uh big site and odaiba just get the cheese curds really all right let's go investigate no pigeons or crows all the kids have chased them away all right so we have hawaiian food we have hawaiian food here pokey never seen that before i just have a cup of mochi kochi kim kochi chicken ah good chicken it's good yeah i like karate the hawaiians are charming and my pronunciation is awful but i'm getting off of katakana okay i love it they they take like mashed potatoes and make super long french fries here which i don't know if they're french fries if they do it like that but they put like mochi in it it has like a mochi mochi kind of a stretchy taste to it so you'll see this at a lot of festivals sometimes you just put like cheese on it and sometimes you just make it like okonomiyaki and start putting all the toppings on that on top of the fries that is a pretty uh hardcore all right we gotta try this poutine we gotta support our we got a lot of canadians watching we gotta support any company that's making american food or canadian food or any kind of weird food like stuff that you wouldn't normally find here all right i got a fiver how much is the poutine 650 better be good last time i eat poutine was with kanai we were in uh montreal and a friend of ours danny a couple of other people also suggested to get the poutine at a place we we we waited about an hour and a half to get into this restaurant all right let's see i have uh 6.50 this is the canada poutine all right we're next in line here i'm not that hungry i'm doing this for you i'm not that hungry i'm just curious i'll have to shove some of these through the microphone and to all you guys on the other side 650 yen is that the mascot it was maple flavored so that's what you get for poutine in japan uh okay let's go take you to this table here i'm a little bit curious join the round table um so this doesn't look like the poutine that i've ever tried before this looks pretty weak uh there's no gravy no maybe it's on the bottom we're gonna figure we're gonna dig in and see looks a little suspect here check it out it does look very specific where are the cheese curds huh that poutine is lacking big time for 6.50 6.50 that's pretty sad man jh is even scared jh writes in i'm scared are they wet i got ripped off should i should i complain is that the way to go you don't complain in japan i do feel ripped off all right you know what we don't have to eat the whole thing it's just for just for experimentation so i i think poutine is maybe it's on the bottom all right let's all right there is stuff here it's not it's not good it's not even hot it's kind of like there's a little piece of cheese there what is that the cheese hasn't melted at all you know what it looks like the mascot that's sad look at the mascot for this canadian poutine look at my face it's not tells the story look at the mascot just nasty looks like a a pulled tooth with some dude didn't brush his teeth and then pulled his tooth and showed the world is that canadian it's nasty i don't think they even want one i don't think it's legal to hold on i'm just gonna make a quick test okay i'm not supposed to do that let's see does he walk away no he eats it sort of help our friends out here i don't want to waste it i would have eaten the rice if i knew that this was it was going to be this i should call the canadian embassy and report this anyone have the number canadian members you need to investigate this you know what i'm gonna really go deep really all right you know what here you you canadians can make the call here i don't know 1-800 canada this is the best it'll get that's pretty nasty looks like a scab like a wound i don't know glenn's grossed out now i don't know it's not real poutine well what are you gonna do and we're like like thousands of kilometers away we crossed the world's biggest ocean maple syrup would would help this oh i can't do this anymore i can't do this anymore i'm sorry i quit oh man even the cheese doesn't taste like curd it's like it's a massive disappointment i should have gotten a sandwich here all right somebody called 1-800 canada report this can't eat this anymore so i just returned it and said dude really but canadians are non-confrontational so we would just throw it away and throw it away right in front of him that was awful all right i can't do this that's this is not poutine i've had poutine it sounds like that phrase to um dan quayle got butchered in the debate in 1992. he said i've met kennedy you know john f kennedy to quail and that one hurt real bad well i'm just gonna hurt that that's i've had poutine poutine is a friend of mine that was not poutine okay shame on you shame shame we're just having fun okay all right i'm going to show you a little bit around the shopping mall now more poo than teen what is that [Laughter] give it real it's a very deep reference those many of you were born in 1992 or check out that dog he's like i thought that was a i thought that was an old woman i thought that was an old woman it's got a hat on i thought that wasn't like an old lady like a obacha that's shocking didn't i look like you look like a woman i i didn't have to do a triple take even the second the double take didn't confirm it all right you're not supposed to pike your bicycles here people but if one person does it everybody starts doing it if you're ever in japan there's a red light okay and there's no cars coming it's in the middle of the countryside it's a hideous red light and there's a dozen people waiting one person crosses everybody looks at each other and then they start to cross if one person crosses then it the everybody falls so if one person parks their bike here everybody starts parking their bike here i mean check it out look you're not supposed to park your bike here they do it anyways do it anyways there's a crow he knows not to come in this area all right this is the lala port shopping mall i've done live streams here before this one was special because i thought um just wanted to check out the food court and get out a little bit on the weekend it's it's it's a nice warm day but it's not hot in june during the rainy season and it's not raining too june in the rainy season the temperatures are a lot cooler um last night i think it was down to like like 16 degrees celsius which is what like 60s wow check it out that's like one of those training things that the astronauts do look at that they should slingshot him up like really sling him that's what i would do that's why i'm not working there i bet i'd get slung if i did it all right yeah it's a pretty nice shopping mall there's a uniqlo in there like there's a caldi there's a food court there's a bubba gump shrimp like i don't know if you need any of these in your life but you know if you're a fan of forest gump get some of that bubble gum shrimp it's a thing dang a space boat will park here and this is space boats cousin so i don't know if the i said that the picture looks a little blurry i apologize uh it could be a dead zone this is a mini space boat looking uh speed boat okay i'm gonna show you the front you and you'd be the judge and then we're going to end the live stream right here because i got to go and see uh hang out with peter a little bit this afternoon it's got kind of a space boat feel to it doesn't it that one on this on the right side it looks like it's made with the same same stuff and it looks kind of spacey it's hard to see from here it looks like it could be the bat boat that's right yummy no games no clarity how do i look probably an improvement thanks so much for for watching as i burp up this poutine oh man i feel sick it's really starting to boil down there but i appreciate the support guys uh if you haven't already go check out that the um new episode i put on the main channel if you haven't subscribed to it please do because 50 of people watch the video are not subscribed apparently to analytics they probably don't even know it's a new channel um i appreciate that and uh i'll be back with another live stream tomorrow i'm planning to go if you can hear me maybe the quality is bad i'm planning to go to um akihabara tomorrow akihabara to check out some of the i heard that we lost some more businesses there that's a big deal so tomorrow morning i'm planning to go to akihabara planning to depends on the weather and um on sunday on the next day i'll do a travel update there's so many things that have been changing here in japan mainly because of the vaccinations and i have my ear to the ground and been listening to people in the travel industry about when travel is going to start up there's a huge demand for this to happen sooner than later so some some things are happening and i'll report to you um probably on sunday u.s time with this so travel update is inbound it's pretty cool and aki how about it tomorrow if i can get there in the morning curious to see how how everything's doing um if you have any questions leave them in the comments below i appreciate it so much everybody and i will see you tomorrow no more poutine no more poutine outside of canada that's that's the last one i'm ever gonna have see what they've done they've ruined five meters above sea level i don't think that's enough you write this in case uh tsunami does come so you know how high it is see everybody by the way that's the olympic village there's the olympic village and uh there's toyosu fish market right there so there are things around here
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 43,395
Rating: 4.9145002 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, food court, shopping mall, Aeon mall, Japanese food court, Tendon, Takoyaki, ramen, Tsukemen, Udon, restaurant, Toyosu, LaLaport, Beef bowl
Id: MBgpGjxir6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 57sec (2757 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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