JAPANDI STYLE ENTRYWAY APARTMENT MAKEOVER! | DIY removable trim + wall panels (shocking reveal)

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just when I thought I was done doing all the major makeovers in this apartment I totally forgot about this one space that has been severely neglected I just have not figured it out and it basically is this giant wall that we have in the middle of our kitchen and our dining room we literally just put our packages there and it's becoming a problem so today we are going to do something about it at first I was thinking about doing a huge bookshelf that would span the whole entire wall from floor to ceiling but I honestly don't have that many books or Decor to stylish with so that was a no and then I thought maybe I could do a big Gallery wall with a bench underneath but honestly I think we could turn this into something way more functional so we are actually going to turn it into an office as a lot of you already know I work on this channel with Brian who's my husband he edits all of the videos and even though we do have an office upstairs that's mostly used for filming he hates being in enclosed spaces when he works so he's usually at the kitchen counter or on the dining room table it honestly is becoming a problem because all all of our work stuff is everywhere so before we sit down to have a meal we have to clear off the table so that is not something I want to deal with anymore I think it's finally time to give us a dedicated space to work and this just seemed like the perfect spot to do it here is the wall in question right now there are packages that we're actually going to use for the makeover but usually we do get packages accumulating here so I don't want that to be a thing that we keep doing so we're going to make this into our little office Nook and as you can see there is a lot of room here so I think this is a great space for a little desk a chair maybe even a little rug over here we still have the sideboard so I might switch it up once we get the desk into place but for now that is kind of our priority also I still have this Garland up still really love it um ah casually walked into a chair but yeah this area has just been so empty for so long so I finally need to do something about it and the fact that it's going to be a very functional area also makes me really happy at first I just wanted it to be decorative and maybe put like a big piece of artwork or a big mirror here but I love the idea of adding a little office Nook and Brian is obviously going to really enjoy it as well look at how empty this wall is so here is my mood board we're going for something pretty neutral because I want to be able to grow into the space as we kind of figure out the whole lay out the trickiest thing about this makeover is since we're in essentially one big open room it's an open concept everything has to kind of go with each other so as you can see I have a lot of earthy wood tones which I think is going to play well with our dining room our living room and our kitchen and to make it feel like its own space I was trying to figure out different ways to really section this off so I had ideas to paint a little square column or even do a half wall that would go across the whole entire length of the wall but I found myself being really gravitated towards Japanese wall paneling so I have some examples here and then I saw this photo which I just thought would go so well with the rest of the apartment so we are going to do something very similar to this and we're going to make it renter friendly I think these are like 16 ft [Music] [Music] good morning guys we are on to the first day of this little makeover and I actually feel pretty under the weather today I am not feeling my best I don't know if you guys could tell from my voice but I have a bunch of trim I'm going to cut it all down and then my goal today is at least to measure everything out paint it and then tomorrow we will wallpaper and apply the actual trim and hopefully it turns out as good as my inso because I'm scared it's like not going to give off the right Vibe I've never done black trim before so we will see how this turns out so here is the trim I'm using I think the price of lumber went down because I felt like this was going to be a lot more expensive than I thought it was I could be wrong though it also might be the fact that that it's been like a month since I've been working in the workshop so I feel a little bit Rusty since I don't feel the best today I thought that I could just avoid using power tools and just use my miter shears which honestly it does work for this wood it just was a little bit harder to do and I feel like the cut wasn't as clean so this will definitely fit in here but if you're going to use Miner shoes you definitely want to use something that is a little bit thinner than this and not as wide so I am going to use my miter saw today and luckily the measurements aren't anything crazy so this should fly [Music] [Music] by like I know they say time goes by faster as you get older and I am definitely feeling that this year we're getting closer and closer to figuring out our home buying Journey which is happening in the next couple of months and over the weekend we actually went to the most amazing open house we were just driving around in LA and I saw that there was a sign for an open house so we pulled over and when we went inside it honestly was one of the most amazing houses I've ever been to it was out of our budget but honestly it was so amazing just to be in a completely custom home it was very aspirational and also just gave me a lot of info on what I can incorporate great in our future place and speaking of budget we are definitely getting our finances locked down and with rocket money we have been on top of our game I've been a user for years and they are so kindly sponsoring today's video rocket money is one of those apps that I check almost daily so I know exactly what is coming in and going out of all of my accounts you can also set up budgets in here and smart savings accounts no matter what stage you're at in life this app is a must to help you save more and just manage your money better I love that you can see everything in one central place before I would have to bounce from app to app so this eliminates that and if you have not been checking your monthly subscriptions do yourself a favor and just go under the recurring Tab and you'll see everything that is upcoming and not only shows you subscription but also any recurring payments and bills that you have on a monthly basis you honestly will be surprised to see how many things are on there that you're not actually using so what's great about this is that you can go right in the app and just cancel them I also really like this monthly view under the spending tab it shows you different categories that you're spending your money on and you can kind of get a better idea of where you can kind of cut back so that has been really helpful and if you want to take control of your finances today you can download the rocket money app for free you can go to Rocket money.com or also click on the link in my description box so I will have all that info down below for you guys okay I'm feeling a lot better today I still sound a little bit congested but I am ready to work on our next project you guys already know I cannot do a makeover without creating at least at least one piece of DIY artwork so for this piece I've been really inspired by Patchwork fabric so I found this curtain with a really beautiful pattern on it I love the stitching on here and how geometric it is I don't know for some reason whenever I'm building more of like a masculine design I always turn to more geometric patterns so my original plan was actually to make two really long skinny panels but now that we're doing actual wall panel on the walls I feel like it's going to compete so I'm going to test out both options here and see how we feel about them I honestly should do this project after the wall paneling but I cannot wait so if we had these two yeah I feel like that would be too busy I think I'm going to save these for another project because after seeing these on the wall I feel like there's just going to be way too many long skinny rectangles so instead I have this canvas which will do it horizontally and that way it covers all three panels I'm ironing this out just to get rid of the fold lines but I don't mind some of the wrinkling in the fabric because I want you to be able to tell that this is a piece of fabric after cutting it the size I'm going to staple it from one end to the other on the back side and here is where I made a little bit of a mistake so I am just really used to pulling the fabric really top for upholstery so that's what I did here at first and I realized how much it made the fabric look stretched it was pulling the threads a lot because this is sheer so I actually ended up doing more of of a loose staple which I think just turned out so much better and I'm Waring you guys right now if you are stapling a piece of fabric with a geometric or a line heavy design make sure to check the front every now and then doing this will ensure that everything is nice and even and straight so please trust me on this guys because I've made that mistake way too many times we're going to frame this out so I just cut some trim pieces with mitered edges and to match the desk I'm going to stain this a walnut color to really pop against the black trim you're ready yes is it heavy yes look at how this box came you guys so I guess the delivery guy kind of just like threw this in whatever spot he wanted because this is how it came not beautiful but still work the people have missed you honey I know I've been reading all the comments saying where's Brian where's Brian just want to let you guys know that I miss you too wow so popular and thank you so much for actually making a spot for me Tina sees me EDI here on the countertop and I'm always complaining that my back hurts honestly we're building this because you're always hunched over and cuz I'm so tired of having all the stuff on the island all the time exhibit a so Brian picked out this desk so let's see how he did oops oh no oh my God ah ooh I could use this board later nothing like a Tina and Brian building session look at that wood color good Jer no Harry you [Music] can't we already started using this desk glass night which I think is a good sign that we're going to put this to good use all I really want out of this makeover is for our dining table and our Island to be clear at all times like that is my dream to walk down here and actually have clear surfaces this little area could become a work mess but if the rest of it is clean I will be so happy so we built the desk first because I wanted to be able to visually see where everything is going to be laid out it's never really the same with the mood board so seeing it now really helps me figure out the space better we're doing wallpaper and we are doing trim I've never done these two together before so I'm a little bit nervous and I were actually talking about the best way to do this because he thinks it's better to put all the trim up and then wallpaper it but I want to do the opposite because that will require a lot of cutting I don't know I feel like both ways could work it just depends on how you like to work so this is a very natural color it's actually very similar to the wallpaper that I just used in our primary bathroom again it has that beautiful woven texture to it I just wanted something that was going to be super neutral that would match everything and so far it's matching this table it's matching our dining table it goes well with the kitchen and all the other elements so I think this is a really good pick so we're doing the wallpaper first then the trim and I think I might use nails for that just so that it's super sturdy we'll see how it goes though if I do end up using nails they will be pretty small so it'll be easy to patch up later on this wallpaper is giving me japy Vibes and you guys already know I'm trying to embrace more and more of an agent style in my home when I can and I never thought that I'd be able to do so many beautiful wall treatments in an apartment but I feel like diyers have just come up with the most amazing Solutions I am totally here for it even though my apartment building does let us create holes and stuff in our walls I still want to make as minimal damage as possible first panel is up and I put on these little trim pieces just to test it out and it is giving what I wanted it to give so I'm very happy with this so far look at how beautiful this color looks with the black shm on top I am in love so you will see as I put up the wallpaper that I'm leaving a little Gap in between each of the panels and this is where the trim's going to sit with my command strips this is the most render friendly way to do it it's held up so well when I used it for the picture frame molding upstairs these have to stick directly onto the wall you can't add it over the wallpaper so that's why we're going to leave that little Gap I ended up using mostly command strips but for the horizontal pieces I did end up nailing those in I nailed it directly onto the wallpaper and this is going to be easy to remove in the future and patch up any little holes [Music] I can't believe I just made this like wow look at how much larger it feels in here now what the heck I don't think I'll over get over this because we were able to customize it in just one day I think it looks better than what I was even imagining now that I see this up close like literally no words it's time for Decor I ordered this light and I hope it looks as good as it does in the pictures it's a retan floor light so I think it'll go with everything but I'm kind of scared that it's going to look like a satellite dish so let's see also I didn't show Brian any of this Decor so I hope he likes it please let let it be good okay Moment of Truth ooh the weaving on this is so beautiful wow this is definitely a statement [Music] piece I got a really fun rug for this face so one of the best ways to differentiate different areas of your home especially if you have an open concept home it's with a rug so this this one actually is not a rectangle which this is a first for me I always get nervous opening rugs cuz I don't want to rip [Applause] it she is plush doing a makeover feels like Christmas day I swear so cute oh it just moved the whole camera do you see it how cool is this rug it's basically like a rectangle with a big blonde that pops out and I feel like it's perfect for a little office milk like this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] oh my g I can see myself right here got the laptop oh do you like it babe this feels expensive right doesn't it look good it's literally just an extension of our living room it really is how is this in our living room you know how Ikea has like the showrooms this amazing set right here and then you got the kitchen work get a snack you did a good job honey with this desk I didn't do anything you did it all you always did it all great job it is done and I'm honestly kind of mad at myself that we didn't do this sooner because we've been using this every single night so far I still I'm not over this wall paneling because I honestly was so scared to do the black trim but now that it's up I think it just fits everything so well and this is actually inspiring me to tie everything together because I still struggle with the open Concept in here because because we have the dining the living and the kitchen and now an office I feel like I did my best and I'm very proud of this makeover but if you guys have any tips for that let me know in the comments I also would love to know your thoughts on this makeover so leave them down below in the comments I'm so jealous that Brian gets to work here every day and I probably am going to start working here as well if you want to see more updates on the space and lots of behind the scenes make sure to follow me over on Instagram I post on there every single day and that's it for this video thank you guys so much for watching stay inspired and I will see you in the next one bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tina Le
Views: 35,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tina le, home decor, diy, apartment makeover, renter-friendly hacks, diy hacks, diy apartment hacks, apartment diys, office makeover, office nook, small apartment, small home, affordable home, peel and stick, removable trim, removable wallpaper
Id: bLnY00VFt7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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