Japan Costco Store Tour
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Channel: I Will Always Travel for Food
Views: 1,992,059
Rating: 4.8566828 out of 5
Keywords: costco, japan, japanese, tabieats, shopping in japan, shopping, shop, wholesale, food, fun video, ASMR, POV
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Ah, this is therapeutic! Thanks for posting!
As a side note. This is a secondary channel for this couple. Their main channel is TabiEats. They are wonderful people and do great videos of all the interesting food from convenience stores and vending machines in Japan. Highly recommend them.
Thank you for posting this. It was interesting and fun to watch. The mango soft serve looked delicious! Would love a tour of IKEA.
I lol'd at BIG ATTACK laundry detergent.
Very relaxing, ASMR-ish video. As someone who has been pretty much a complete shut-in since March, something about taking a leisurely stroll through a Costco was pleasant and comforting in an odd sort of way.
Was this a recent video? I couldn't help but notice that no one was wearing masks, which either makes me think that this video was BC (before Coronavirus), or that in Japan the virus is much more under control and not as big of a threat as it is un the US.
One thing I've always been curious about in Japanese grocery stores: it seems as if the language text on packaged items sold at Costco alternate between English and Japanese. Do most Japanese citizens know and understand both English and Japanese? If not, is there still a fair amount of confusion for single-language speakers when shopping, since not all items appear to have translations on them?
This is one of my favorite channels, not really any talking just walking around places in Japan.
I want that pineapple ice smoothie here
It really doesn't look all that different from my Costco in Kansas, and it carries a lot of the same products. It's fascinating to see the differences, though.
I noticed the 50-piece sushi tray came out to about $1/roll. Is that a good price for sushi in Japan?
what exactly is taco rice?