Jap5: The Hoover Rapper Locked Up For "Murder", Fights Crip Mac

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[ __ ] five was on his way up in the LA rap scene and wanted to leave the street drama behind but then he allegedly got caught up in a murder case and has been locked up ever since today we're breaking down the wild story of how he went from stabbing people with screwdrivers to blowing up as a rapper then allegedly catching the body and going right back behind bars [ __ ] five came up in South Central Los Angeles repping to 107 Hoover criminals La gang politics are crazy complicated we going to dive into some of the basics a lot of Hoover and [ __ ] sets in LA clicked up but the Hoovers have actually been around before the grips back in the 60s dudes from Hoover Street formed a crewp called the Hoover Grovers after the Crips were formed in 1969 by Stanley Suki Williams and Raymond Lee Washington it didn't take long for them to start breaking up and creating new sets there's all kinds of internal beef between the Crips out in LA and by 1978 there were at least 45 different [ __ ] gangs in the city the Hoovers are cool with some Crips but back in the day the Westside Crips allegedly murdered the younger brother of an original Hoover but instead of going to war right away the Hoovers and Westside had a meeting and talked about the situation both sides decided that it was actually a set called the Figaroa boys who killed the Hoover so they linked up and caught one of the figa leaders at a nightclub and brutally beat him in the 70s the Hoovers and Westside Crips were clicked up heavy so the Hoover coverers changed their name to Hoover Crips then in 79 the rolling 60s neighborhood Crips and the a TR gangster grips went to war and made everything more complicated sets who were rocking with the rolling six started repping neighborhood Crips and the crews were clicked up with the a trade started repping gangster Crips and that's when the Hoovers became Hoover Gangster Crips that same Year Raymond Washington was shot and killed in a driveby all kinds of people caught the blame for his death but the East Side grips thought the Hoovers were behind it and they've been Ops ever since during the 80s the Hoovers became one of the most feared gangs in La they were known for putting crazy pressure on all the Ops and a big part of that was their affiliation with Freeway Ricky Ross freeway came up in the LA play and wanted to become a professional tennis player back in the day but he couldn't get a scholarship to play at college cuz he couldn't read or write and that's when he hopped in the drug game freeway was hanging out with an upholstery teacher at a community college who gave him a little bit of cocaine to flip he took the money he made from selling the coke to buy more and within a few years freeway was one of the biggest drug lords in La history freeway linked up with a plug from Nicaragua and started moving over 1,000 pounds of cocaine every week According to some reports he was making over 3 mil a day and the Hoover got a lot of clout by being a with him but at the same time they were making enemies all over the city by the 9s the Hoovers had so much beef of GP sets in La that they decided to change their name to the Hoover criminals and started claiming ebk or everybody killer jab five reps the 107 Hoovers and he's been around the gang his whole life a lot of Street dudes get active at a young age but [ __ ] started way earlier than most his dad reps Hoover too and he's the one who taught [ __ ] how to move in the streets most Parents try to keep their kids out of the trenches but jep's Dad will take him out on the Block when he was a little kid so we could really understand the environment they were in Jeff's dad was going in and out of prison his whole life so we bounced around the city a lot and started getting into trouble jab saw how much respect his dad got from people around him and how all of it came from gang banging being taught how to move in the streets might have helped him survive but [ __ ] told no jumper that growing up like that is a curse he was always starting trouble but the first time [ __ ] got locked up was for stabbing another kid at school with a screwdriver according to him the kids at school were always slap boxing and one day [ __ ] beat a dude up pretty bad so the classmate came back with his homies and jumped him [ __ ] wasn't going to let it slide like that so the next day he took a screwdriver out of his bag and started stabbing the dude who jumped him luckily the kid wasn't too hurt and just got marked up a little but jab still got arrested over the situation and ended up in juvie he was already fighting a lot in the streets but juvie was even crazier jab started running into option some sets he never even heard of before and basically every day he was throwing hands with someone jab said going to juvie made him a lot more aggressive and when he came home he was getting deeper into the trenches after spending nine months locked up he was back out for half a year and that's when [ __ ] caught his first real charge and got sent to county jail for robbery and gun possession going to County didn't slow jab down though when he came home he got right back to the streets and not before long the cops had all kinds of cases against him [ __ ] never said exactly what they had on him but everything got rolled up together and [ __ ] got hit with a four-year prison sentence when he was 18 juy and County just pushed [ __ ] deeper into the gang banging but he told no jumper that prison actually rehabilitated him when [ __ ] went inside one of his cellmates was a dude in the 70s who already spent 50 years behind bars the OG told [ __ ] he needed to switch up how he was moving and not throw his life away and that's when Jeb's mindset started to change he used his time on the inside to learn how to rap and write songs [ __ ] was never thinking about becoming a rapper but one of his next cellmates wanted to make it in the industry and inspired [ __ ] to try it out going to prison also made him realize how pointless all the violence in the streets is while he was locked up jaff became a boxing trainer and even trained dudes who rep enemy sets they would all play basketball games together too and Jeff said it didn't make any sense because if they were in the streets they'd be shooting at each other not playing basketball when Jeff came home he knew he didn't want to go back to gang banging and end up right back in prison so he got a legit job as a barber and started dropping music but even though [ __ ] was trying to change his life for the better he still ended up going viral for all the wrong reasons one day he fought two dudes back to back who were robbing innocent Street vendors and the video blew up all over social media jab said after situations like that people wanted him to crash out and put hands on more people but after his music Started popping off he got better supporters online who actually wanted to see him win [ __ ] was getting some buzz on his name in the industry and it looked like he might be the next street rapper from South Central to make it out then people started paying even more attention to [ __ ] V after a d it PRM started beefing with him PRM reps the five5 neighborhood Crips and started going viral for his wild personality he was in out of jail a lot but in 2017 he caught a more serious case and decided to hop in the booth when he came out just like CH five did the first time kitm went viral he was still locked up kitm recorded a diss track aimed at cardi B that blew up he didn't have any real reason to take shots at her but the track popped off and had a lot of people paying attention to him Kitman kept going viral for taking videos with his cat and acting crazy but behind all that he has real life issues with the Hoovers in 2018 one of his best friends was allegedly murdered by a Hoover affiliate so kitm got the words Hoover killer tatted on his forehead after Jack five started blowing up kitm started taking shots at him and they went back and forth on social media a lot [ __ ] Jack go H you're another snoa sexual boy oh H what can I say see I got a mental problem on fight fight [ __ ] I do and I really D destruction on neighborhood [ __ ] what else you got to say fool oh Hood crime wanted to set up a boxing match but Jeb said there wasn't any real beef and he wasn't going to box unless he was getting paid for it I'm like man who is this weird [ __ ] and I seen he had to [ __ ] on his head I'm like this [ __ ] weirdo so posted them on my story and all my homies like what the [ __ ] they all start commenting like who the [ __ ] is that like this [ __ ] weird like look what he look what he saying he's saying [ __ ] jab like I don't even know this [ __ ] one of Jabs old Barbers was actually an OG from the 55 Crips but [ __ ] had never heard of [ __ ] Mac [ __ ] was just laughing at Situation off at first but things were different when he ran into citme Behind Bars [ __ ] F was getting his music career going trying to stay out of the streets but then out of nowhere news broke that he had been booked for a murder according to rumors online he had killed a rolling 60 [ __ ] named Shady blue and went down for the body everyone thought the story was true and that [ __ ] five was facing life in prison over the situation but it turns out that's not true according to Street TV [ __ ] never got booked for a murder it's not clear What charges he actually got hit with but jab pleaded guilty and will be up for parole in 2026 [ __ ] five hasn't been in touch with fans much since he got locked up but gitm gave everyone an update in 2023 after he got booked in the same place as [ __ ] according to gitm he wanted to throw hands with [ __ ] on site but had no idea did how good [ __ ] was with his hand so when I'm out there don't husters I come on my shirt I'm waiting for I come and I realiz that c had proper training I go in I'm swinging I'm swinging on husters I hit C with two on husters but it's five like it didn't f c on hood and then that's when C came with just a couple vicious punches the the chin con they would [ __ ] the temple and then C hit me somewhere right here cuz I couldn't breathe I fell someone told [ __ ] it was a n so he stopped and told KPM you ain't no Hoover killer so KPM hopped back up and started throwing hands again he admitted that jab definitely won though and after they fought [ __ ] showed him his tattoos from when he was a Golden Glove boxer they had a lot of beef while there on the outside but you can tell that KPM has a lot more respect for [ __ ] five now after they threw down there's not a lot of info about JP's case available right now but hopefully he gets his parole granted in 2026 and can finally leave all the street drama behind for good
Channel: Hip-Hop Daily
Views: 98,100
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Id: 4ZewZj_bi2o
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Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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