January 14, 2018 Money Matters Part II "Tithing", Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley

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no one ever taught us what tithing was and because we've been encouraged to practice when we don't understand we've become vulnerable to other ways of giving that cause those outside the church to mock how we raise money I'm excited to bring to you some some just wonderful news of how good god is can can I can I can I give you on some good news I mean we've heard a whole lot of stuff that depressed us this week and I give you something that ought to make you shout it's just a few weeks in February 10th we'll celebrate the 16th annual historical black college and university festival that is sponsored by Alfred Street Baptist Church for those who don't know that festival began as a vision a four of our members sister Vance Davis brother Henry Thompson deacon Bob bogan Deacon Alton Wallace they believe that the legacy of our HBCUs are to be something that our children are exposed to and have an opportunity to be encouraged to apply and to seek enrollment and those HBCUs so we started 16 years ago down in the multi-purpose room all he forgot to put his hand upon it and grow and grow and grow had to leave the multi-purpose room had to go over to TC Williams biggest high schools in the city and God put his hand on it and it grew and grew and grew and grew and we have to leave TC Williams because it's bigger than that venue so this year's you've already heard we're headed over to the Gaylord Convention Center in Oxon Hill to go over to the Gaylord you know that there's a significant increase in cost that venue is much larger but we just believed it was God's will and myself along with a lot of church leaders and those within our HBCU committee and our Foundation said you know what pastor here's an opportunity we have to let the world know about this festival unfair which is the largest of the United States of America so he started searching out for partners corporate sponsor sponsors to help us with the cost and to give us the platform that could publicize the great work we believe the world ought to know about this festival this fair and our HBCUs we didn't want just any partner though we wanted someone with a global platform we wanted somebody that could write a big check amen and we wanted someone who shared our vision and our value and commitment towards education and particularly of our HBCUs and so we went around and we found and we're grateful to God that the integrity of our church and the name of our foundation and the work that we've done in this festival which is connected some 25,000 students with our HBCUs and over six million dollars in scholarship and assistance has been given a way to help young people many of whom are going to college for the first time in their family we found a corporate sponsor who this year is giving it to our foundation one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to underwrite the entire cost of our HBCU festival because they believe in the value of education [Applause] [Music] so this year we are proud to present to you on February 10th the 16th annual Alfred Street Baptist Church historically black college and university festival brought to you by Facebook Amen Facebook has decided to underwrite our college festival affair can you help me give glory to God for that great and wonderful partnership amen I hope you realized the magnitude of that partnership almost unprecedented it says a lot about Facebook that they would search out and believe in the value of HBCUs and in an unprecedented way would partner with a historically black Baptist Church to underwrite the cost of a mission and ministry that started in the basement of our church it says a lot about their commitment to education and to know that in an unprecedented way this partnership has been formed and they're looking forward to be long-term and ongoing for many years to come so we're excited about the future that God will give us with this partnership it says a lot about that festival didn't fare and I want to acknowledge and thanks God for those visionaries as well as those who volunteered over these 16 years eyes did not see in ears could not have heard nor was it even in their mind that one day we would be at the gate Lord there was no Gaylord Convention Center when this thing started and now we'll be over there and be funded by Facebook the world will know about our HBCUs because of the vision of those that started in the basement of a church and it says something about the integrity and name of Alfred Street Baptist Church the Bible says that a good name is to be valued above silver and gold because when you've got a good name and you've been faithful with the assignment God is giving you God will partner you with the right people to do his work and his will in the world I want to thank our HBCU committee I want to thank those who labor and volunteer especially when acknowledged by the John Rosenthal who was one of those diligent men men brothers out there searching for corporate partnership that pitched it we've got some friends and family in facebook I told y'all Alfred Street is everywhere amen and when it was mentioned there were some folk that said yep that's exactly what you all need to do so thanks be to God for all the voices and the hands and the heart that he used to make this partnership possible and we're looking forward to the great things that God will do going forward there are some amazing things happening at Alpha Street Baptist Church and to God be the glory for the great things that the Lord has done to God be the glory all the great things the Lord has done what about being parathion Lord we thank you even at the beginning of this year for the grace the mercy the favor and the faithfulness that has been blessing us we are not of our own but because you are God and the giver of every good and perfect gift pray now God should once again work the miracle of speaking through frail and fragile flesh she touched my mind in my mouth using my head in my heart loudly to begin no gap between your will in my words speak Lord for your servants are listening in Jesus name we pray amen I want to give into part two of the series we started on last week entitled money matters mining ourselves that how we use money speaks volumes about our character and our relationship with God today I want you to hear the reading of a passage of Scripture that ought to sound familiar to anyone that's ever been raised in a Baptist Church I'm gonna invite you to the Old Testament book of the Prophet Malachi now if you don't know where Malachi is go to Matthew and go back one page Matthew is the first book of the New Testament Malachi as the last book of the Old Testament and in the third chapter of Malachi there are some words that all sound familiar to us I invite those who are physically able to stand with me as together we reverence the reading of God's holy word from Malachi chapter 3 hear the word the Lord's from the New King James Version behold I send my messenger and he will prepare the way before me and the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple even the messenger of the Covenant in whom you delight behold he is coming says the Lord of Hosts but who can endure the day of his coming and who can stand when he appears for he is like a refiners fire and like launderers soap he will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver he will purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver that they may offer to the Lord and offering in righteousness then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasant to the Lord as in the days of old as in former years and I will come near you for judgment I will be a swift witness against sorcerers against adulterers against perjurers against those who exploit wage-earners and widows and orphans and against those who turn away an alien a foreigner an immigrant from Cuba and El Salvador and African nations because they do not fear me says the Lord of Hosts for I am the Lord I do not change therefore you are not consumed o sons of Jacob yet from the days of your father you've gone away from our ordinances and you have not kept them returned to me and I will return to you says the Lord of hosts but you said and what we show you return here it is will a man Rob God yet you have robbed me but you said Lord in what way have we robbed you I'll tell you how in tithes and offerings bring excuse me you are cursed with the curse we have robbed me even this whole nation bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be food in my house and try me now and this says the Lord of hosts see if I will not open up for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it and somebody saying that's not the only blessing and I will rebuke the Devourer for your sake so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field says the Lord of hosts and all nations will call you blessed for you will be a delightful land says the Lord of hosts you may be seen the president the Lord tithing 101 I was raised as I shared with you multiple times and a very traditional old school sold out bonafide black Baptist Church and there's some things I know simply because in that old school Baptist Church there were some things we did every week there's very little to changed in our worship sermon title may change the choir that's saying may be different but if you went to lily Dell progressive Missionary Baptist Church 107 o six South Michigan Avenue on the south side of Chicago there were some things we did every week deacons at Lily Dale were not like the Deacons at Alfred Street no cuz at Lilydale deacons led devotion what no praise and worship team you had three deacons down front one would lie to him the other would read a scripture and the last one would pray a prayer and dr. Smith he prayed the same prayer every week we could pray the prayer with him God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob now who was before there was a was there shall be when is ain't no more God we thank you for lying our golden moments to roll on just a little while longer thank you for waking us with a reasonable portion of health and strength thank you that last night the four corners of our bed we're not the four corners of our cooling board Lord here we stand head bow and body bent he prayed the same prayer every week and when deacons were over done with devotion they would turn us over into the hands of the rostrum I don't know what a rostrum is but we were turned over to them every Sunday every Sunday after the devotions the choir would press s in and that took about 25 30 minutes because they practiced their choreography more than they rehearse their song once the choir was in the loft every Sunday we sang the Lord's Prayer not that quick version I'm talking about the 12 to 15 minute a remix extended b-side of the Lord's Prayer and afterwards we'd have a responsive reading out the back of that old green hymnal every Sunday sister Sadie Willis would walk from the back of the church the announcement table but she didn't read the announcements she read the entire bulletin and would end every week telling you what the menu for dinner was after church and it was the same thing every week fried chicken green beans mashed potatoes and rolls and because we were a bougie black church we would take some sherbert mix it with ginger ale Kevin that was called frappe the same thing every Sunday after the announcements we acknowledge the guests now you didn't just wave you know no you had to stand up give us your name and tell us what church you went to and in case we thought you were lying we asked you to pass his name just just to be sure every Sunday we would sing amazing grace before dr. Jackson got up to preach and every Sunday around 12:55 1256 p.m. sister Cordelia made John would get happy she caught the Holy Ghost at 12:55 every Sunday she would stand up and started running around church hollering Jesus you could set Joe watch the sister Cordelia meet John every Sunday dr. Jackson ended his sermon at Calvary the sermon man started with Moses may have been about Noah but could have been about David but by the time it was over every Sunday he would say he died and they get good to me say I know he died and if you wasn't Holland he say didn't he die [Applause] every Sunday after that sermon was over we raised an offering cuz it ain't a Baptist Church if you don't raise an offering and we knew it was offering time because the same two things happened every Sunday the musicians start playing you can't beat God's giving no matter how hard you try because the more you give the more he gives to you just keep on giving because it's really true then you can't beat God's giving and ask they played a deacon would get up and every Sunday he read out of Malachi 3 now we couldn't find Malachi in the Bible but we knew what it said cuz every Sunday we heard this question and and you ain't got no old-school Baptists in you if you don't know the question that was asked before the offering will a man Rob God and you ask how have you robbed me in tithes and an offering and then they would call for the tithers to come no we didn't pass no offering tre the tither stood up and they walked down the aisle with dignity and pride and laid their tithe at the altar and then the rest of y'all whosoever will we're encouraged again we were a tithing church an amazing thing for as much emphasis as they put on tithing I can never recall being taught what tithing was we heard it we witnessed it but nobody ever taught us what it really meant y'all and it's a shame to be encouraged to practice something you don't understand I'm embarrassed to tell you that for the first 15 maybe 16 years of my life I thought it was a tide and that we were calling for the titers to come those who wash their clothes and special no one ever taught us what tithing was and because we've been encouraged to practice what we don't understand we've become vulnerable to other ways of giving that cause those outside the church to mock how we raise money everybody in here if you think about it you know at least one somebody that will not go to church ever again because they were in a service and the way they rose money left a bad taste in their mouths those who think it's gimmicks those who think this is a predatory environment those who had laugh at you and scorn you for giving your money to the church you've seen offering tactics and techniques you have been a church where they started with the hundred dollar givers and after everybody with a hundred dollars they call for the $50 line I've been in a church dig knows where they raise the offering they went in the back and counted it then they came back out and said we need to pass the tray warm again you ever been a church that raised building fund but ain't that built none have you ever seen a preacher proclaiming the Word of God and folk running up to the altar and throw money down and as a result the church has gotten a bad name because we've strayed away from what the Bible teaches is really the primary way to give to the Lord the tithe and so in this month of January I've decided by the guiding of the Holy Spirit talk about money matters last week in the sermon for the love of money we tried to answer the question why we give to God we give because the glorifies God we give because it governs our own financial life we give because it reveals the God in us we give because it's an act of generosity and an expression of gratitude that's why we give today I want to talk about how we give and start our journey with tithing when one searches scripture you'll find that even before there was a covenant with Abraham and there was a commandment to give that men and women instinctively brought offerings to the Lord make sure you see this before the Lord said to bring it we find in Scripture evidence that people brought offerings to the Lord all you need to do is read to Genesis chapter 4 that whole Cain and Abel fiasco started because both Cain and Abel realized that we are not the source of the goodness we have received and because the Lord has blessed us instinctively there is a desire to give something back to God because giving to the Lord should not be a matter of commandment it should not be an issue of imperative it should not be relegated to the law it should come from the heart that realizes that God has been good to me and because God's been good to me there's something inside of me that wants to give back to God I'll suggest you that it is the immature heart who can be blessed and blessed and blessed and blessed and blessed and blessed and never wonder what I should give back to God that it's the heart that wants to give to God to bring an offering and in Scripture you're going to find lots of different types of offerings a heave offering a burnt offering a free will offering a sacrificial offering a meat offering and then a very special and specific type of offering called a tithe what I want to do for the next few moments that I have your attention let's try to teach you about tithing by answering the 7 most frequently asked questions about tithe so the least you might understand what it is we teach and what it is God expects of us and our giving question number one what is a tithe where does that word come from that is not language we use in the world what is a tithe the word tired that we first see in Genesis chapter 27 speaking about Abraham's gift to Melchizedek is the Hebrew word ma chère and literally translated my shared means 1/10 so a tithe is a tenth a tithe is a tenth a tithe is a tenth of what a tenth of whatever God has blessed me with the children of Israel understood that the harvest is not up to us that if we reap a harvest is because God has been gracious and if the Lord has blessed us with what we know we could not get of ourselves then when we see what the Lord has given we need to take a tenth of that and give it back unto the Lord that my tithe is a tenth of whatever blessing God has given whatever resource God has given whatever income God has given whatever finances God has given whatever salary God is given whenever God has blessed me financially my tithe is a tenth that goes back to God and the Lord says the tithe is holy to me Leviticus 27:30 the Lord says you know what the tithe is not yours it's mine so technically biblically speaking you should not say my tithe it's not yours it is holy to God it belongs to God it is the Lord's tithe that I render back unto God that when I see God has blessed me I take a tenth of that blessing and write God on it and I give it back to the Lord because the Lord commands me to bring his tithe to his house now I mean in social intelligence but a tenth helps you to determine how much you're supposed to give it's real simple look at everything you've earned in a giving earning period and move the decimal one place to the left if you earned seven hundred and fifty dollars move the decimal one place to the left and the tithe that belongs to God is $75 if you earned $1,250 in your paper it move the decimal to the left and your tie there's a hundred and twenty-five dollars I don't mean insult your intelligence by on what you leaving here how much you don't know how to figure out your time if you earned five thousand dollars move the decimal one place to the left and what you Oh God is five hundred dollars a tithe is a tenth of what the Lord has blessed me with which leads to question number two that I already know you're asking well do our tithe from my net income or my gross income you've been waiting on that one that and I know what answer you want me to give you let me say this before we get into a biblical answer I fully believe God would be pleased with you choosing either one can you just start with one now I'll give you an A for effort if you just try to start with one obviously your net is less than your gross so here's the question I have to ask you to set up the answer why is your net less than your gross so what why is your net less than your gross it's not just taxes let me tell you why your net is less than your gross yes taxes but let me tell you why it's less cuz the government don't trust you they don't trust that if you get your gross you'll give them what they require so they take it from you first and what you have in your net is not what God bless you with it's what's left over after the government decided to show up first and you and I both know the easiest way to mess your life up is to let anything or anyone come before God your net can be less than your gross done because of taxes but retirement 529 college plans that lien you got student loans and what will happen is if you decide to tithe off of net although good what you're saying is the tenth doesn't come from what God blessed me with I'm gonna take a tenth from what's left over after I put other things above God and so the biblical answer is that my goal is to tithe from my gross because that's what God blessed me with it's not God's fault the government doesn't trust you God said I'd bless you with all of this the tithe should come from all of this not what's left over so I was supposed to tithe from my gross well well pastor our question number three then is what about unexpected income you know bonuses Commission's birthday money lottery mega million Powerball you name it MGM that does the Lord require me to bring a tithe from unexpected money the easy answer that I apply to my life is this if I can thank God for it then I ought to tithe from it because if I know the Lord is responsible for blessing me with what I need if God is true that he will go exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask her thing that means that when we thought we think we're going to receive is the budgeted amount but God has a way of surprising us with monies we did not budget for we did not expect and we did not see coming if I know that I can thank God that he went exceedingly and abundantly above what I could ask her thing then I am obligated to tithe from what I know the Lord blessed me with if I scratched it off and I got it it's a blessing from the Lord so I tithe from what I know God is given well next question but but what if I'm temporarily unemployed what if I have no salary coming in or if there's no income then there's no obligation to tithe you're not robbing from God if there's no income to take a tenth from you only have to tithe when there's income so if you're temporarily unemployed and not earning you do not have a tithing obligation but if you're receiving unemployment think you are obligated to tithe from the unemployment that comes in because that's God's way of blessing okay well how often do I have to do this with what frequency should you tithe this is really a matter of personal preference and financial management we have some members of our church who wait till the end of the year to tithe they want to see everything they've earned through the year and then take a tenth of that and give it away now some people can do that most of us don't manage money well enough that the end of the year you'd have a tenth of everything you earned you know somebody say he's talking to you he talking to you he ain't talking to me so the easiest answer is to align your giving with your pain if you're paid weekly tie the weekly if you're paid bi-weekly tithe bi-weekly if you're paid monthly tithe monthly because by aligning your giving with your pay you're developing the discipline necessary so you become accustom to giving so much so watch this there are those in this church who tell you you feel uncomfortable and out of order if you've been blessed and don't tithe let me say there's some of you right now you shut that off tell me supposed to be in church anyway there's some of you who you love Church so much and it's so discipline to coming how many people here by wave hand know you feel awkward when you don't come to church on Sunday like there's just something weird about sitting at home you some more you always you just just act somebody around I'm just getting started I'm just getting started but you can become so disciplined that's sitting at home on a Sunday feels awkward like we're not going on vacation I still go to church I go to somebody else's church I don't I don't dress up I don't want nobody know where I am and sitting back but I gotta go to church cuz I don't feel right sitting at home on the Lord's Day and you can be so disciplined and tithing that when the Lord blesses you your first instinct is to give it back to God because tithing is a discipline that you develop that every time God blesses I'm gonna tithe every time God sends income I'm gonna tithe every time a bonus comes I'm gonna tithe every time I find some money I'm gonna tithe the real discipline first person will find extra $20 bills in their pocket in the laundry and give two of them to the Lord I'm so disciplined that I give whenever I'm blessed alright question number six then I know you here's the question wanna know what about my charitable giving does my giving to other organizations count towards my tithe No it is good to give to charitable organizations it's good to support the n-double-a-cp it's good to so to the goodwill it's good to support Red Cross it's good to give to the monies that your organization's raise to change our communities but that money does not count towards the tithe your organization's don't take a tie the tithe is a specific tenth that is given to God to sew into the body of God that you belong to that God uses to change the world here's what he says in Malachi bring my tithe to my house so that wherever you go to worship wherever you go to receive a word wherever your life is being touched wherever your name is on the membership roster you have an obligation to take a tenth of what God has given you and sew it into the church where you belong can I tell you what damages the church those who are blessed but it won't give here's what God says because I know you mad at me now here's the Lord says if I bless you and you won't bring your tithe to the place where you're being blessed you're robbing me now where I'm from I need you know there's a difference between stealing and robbing when you steal you try not to get caught when you steal you don't want anybody to know you've done stealing is when you take that package of paper from the supply room because you need some paper for your printer at home somebody say that's stealing robbing is when you stand in someone's face and say I'm taking your stuff and there's nothing you can do about it God says that when I bless you and you come to church and refuse to render the tithe you are standing in my face and saying god I know it's yours but you can't have it and there's nothing you can do about it we had to debate Dustin the other day we're at CJ's birthday and we start debating who's the best musician prints are Michael Jackson they answers prints and we started naming some of our favorite print songs you know Purple Rain adore 1999 red Corvette I told them my favorite print song is thieves in the temple because I pass through a church and I know there's some thieves in the temple tonight some of y'all need let's take it home up so lord says list that has to be sewn in and that answers the last question which is the purpose of my tithe what happens with it in two weeks this car showed me the money and I'm going to open up the account of Alfred Street Baptist Church and share with you where your money goes so that you know what happens to the money you sew into the body of Christ it doesn't just disappear without any accountability right you need to know what happens with your money how your money is used to support the work of the church and here's the amazing thing that God declares that if my people would tithe my house would never be in debt hear me the Steep God's vision for our church matches what God knows the financial capacity of that church is God knows what he blessed you with god knows what your tithe ought to be we don't know it nobody here searches your w-2 we will never ask for your w-2 to find out whether you are faithful in giving or not because you got to give an account to God for that but God knows how much you earn and God calculates the tithe and gives a vision that he knows can be supported by the tithing of the membership of a church so I say to you that if all 8,000 members of this church decide to be faithful in their tithe we can build that building without ever borrowing a dollar from any bank can you imagine the witness to the world of a ninety five million dollar church being built without owing anything you think Facebook likes us boy Google to show up Amazon to come knocking that the Thai supports the work of the church and a full tithe in church doesn't demand you give anything else a tithing Church doesn't sell fried chicken dinners tithing Church doesn't wash cars to raise money a tithing Church says we've done what God asked us to do there's no fees to join anything in this church everything the church do it does will be sponsored by the giving of the members in the full tithe what happens to your tithe it supports the church what happens to your tithe here comes you ready to shop it comes back to you when you tithe hear me your tithing envelope is a self-addressed stamped envelope that when you give it to the Lord the Lord is already preparing to send it back to you the Bible says when you bring my time see if I will open up the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing on you that you don't have room enough to receive I have some witnesses in here that when I was faithful with my time God sent it right back to me he will cause you to overflow when you're faithful it comes back and some and causes you to overflow as long as you don't go buy a bigger cup here's the benefit of tithing when I'm content at my level I don't need a new car I don't need a bigger house I tired the Lord pours into me I start to overflow I bless those around me I'm leaving a legacy for my children and my children's children my debt is paid off it comes back to you and God says I will rebuke the Devourer you see the blessings that come you never know what he kept there were things God said I blocked from you because you were faithful that when you give the tithe it'll come back to you answer when you release the 10% got us into a hundred back alright I'm gonna give you an example to prove it um I've got an example something I want to show and I need to find an unemployed temporarily unemployed member of Alpha Street now I would ask if you're in the sanctuary but there's some other people that are worshiping that never get that it's just sometimes not not as fair for them so I've got someone in overflow right now looking in overflow some security people are there we're looking for a temporarily unemployed member of Alfred Street Baptist Church if you are a member of Alpha Street Baptist Church in overflow and you are temporarily unemployed I need you to raise your hand and security is gonna bring one of you into the sanctuary they're on their way there are no way even now someone's coming believing that so you man you got an assayer you thought you got lucky today alright got here in time to get in but I'm asked security bring me a member of the church who's temporary unemployed out of overflow I don't flow I want to show you an example of how God gives back when you decide to be faithful over the tithe there's no one there really there's no temporarily unemployed I was sure I was sure before hour before I go into different direction no hands raised in the States certainly I'm just balcony balcony any temporarily unemployed member of Alpha Street Baptist Church in the balcony not this the lower there's one where's the hand I can't see it come on down is a brother/sister so huh someone was downstairs see there I told you I apologize said I know who I'm trying to bless overflow you don't see me after church so I got something for anyway already bring them up so you sister unit come on come on this is our sister she's a member of our church temporarily unemployed what's your name Jasmine what's your last name Jasmine Coupland Copeland lazy unassisted Jasmine Copeland Jasmine we know that being unemployed is a tough thing and I know that you're searching and so what I want to do from my heart and the heart of this church is give you a gift this has ten five-dollar bills and it's $50 well yes and I want you to take care of Jasmine it down what you do whatever it is you need to take care of here ten five-dollar bills just for you Jasmine all right that's can I have a hug [Applause] a Jasmine Jasmine Jasmine do me a favor Jasmine I know your little motion right now I just gave you ten $5 bills so I'm gonna ask for what I know you already have I'm gonna ask you for what you don't have I gave you ten $5 bills would you trust God to give me one of them back if you would when you're grateful giving them one is easy if you just give me one not because you did that I'm gonna give you 50 more jasmine Javan what are you gonna do what are you gonna do I just gave you 50 more right God just blessed you again so what do you do with that just nothing right if you give me that five I'll give you 50 more all right you're gonna do what are you gonna do do it I'll give you 50 more all right what do you want to do Jasmine what you want to do how long you want to keep this going and give me five I'll give you fifty more all right this is how God works it alright that you came to church today with no expectation of what would happen to you but God knows you need and if you trust him and continue to give back even in tough times he continues to bless you Jasmina take care of yourself [Applause] it's all I want to close you let me tell you what the Bible says and we'll close God simply says try me it's the only place in scripture where God says I dare you I dare you to trust me in your finances I dare you to bring the tithe I'm from the street this world he really says I wish you would I wish you would step out and trust me with your finances and watch how I bless you now before we go to the table this is the third time we've done this this weekend and some questions were raised and needs to be asked someone said pastor was that was that staged and does she have to give you the money back that that's how much we've been taught to mistrust generosity in the church we think something is always suspect but God blesses us in ways that don't make sense this was not staged I didn't know jasmine and this is not Church money I didn't ask the Deacons our trustees for the money that's from pastor and I just believed that God can bring it back to me in amazing ways so I'm grateful fear I'm grateful for let's go take care of me how many people know God is faithful God is faithful and that's what brings us to our table this morning it's a reminder that by our God is faithful and that even when things look their worst God has something glorious on the other side that is our eternal hope the suffering doesn't last forever unemployment is not permanent we serve a God who says if you'll trust me when you're struggling watch how I bless you try me I dare you I wish you would and see what I would do for you
Channel: Alfred Street Baptist Church
Views: 28,240
Rating: 4.8224545 out of 5
Keywords: Alfred Street Baptist Church, 2018, Tithing, Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley, Money Matters Part II
Id: 9A4oomsGPgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 25sec (3025 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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