August 26, 2018 "The Truth Factor", Rev. Alfred Charles Sharpton, Jr.

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[Applause] giving honor to God our pastor and to all of the ministers of the gospel and to all of us that come and worship at this hour we thankful to God for another day that he chose to give us among the land of the living and certainly I'm happy to be with you at Alfred Street and so many of our friends I know Rosalind Brock is somewhere in the house former head of the n-double a-c-p that we worked down through the years together and Heather Foster who was one of President Obama's chief aides and so many others and if somebody here works for President Trump we will call you all to call after our prayer [Applause] we want to turn your attention to the book of Saint Luke the sixteenth chapter beginning at the tenth verse Saint Luke 16 and 10 and it reads whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much and whoever is dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much if then you have not been faithful with the dishonest wealth who will entrust you the true riches and if you have not been faithful with what belongs to another who will give you what is your own may God add a blessing to the reading of his word I want to use for thought the trust factor the trust factor this week this nation will honor the memory of Senator John McCain who passed last night this Friday I will join others in funeral izing the Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin in Detroit as I thought about both of them this morning I thought about the one attribute that they shared among others is that they had built a trust among people that could depend on them to be and stand for what they represent not an always agree with Senator McCain and we would debate issues and we would take issue but he was consistent and he was persistent and would he believe I did not like when he didn't support the dr. King holiday in Arizona but I remember that when a woman in the 2008 presidential campaign and called Barack Obama and Eric he stopped and took the mic and said no that's not true so I respected him and he and I got to several exchanges his daughter used to come on my TV show as a guest Megan and he stopped me at the President Obama's inauguration and said I appreciate how you treat my daughter would respect and I told him well I've learned that you can disagree without being disagreeable so I thought it was important in all this acrimony and rancor that we are getting today from the present occupant of the White House that we honored John McCain on my TV show this morning not changed our view but looked at the fact that he was consistent and he could be trusted to say what he meant and meant what he said Brida Franklin goes without saying was greatest vocalist that we've seen but aside from that a committed civil rights worker and a committed freedom fighter and a committed person that never lowered her standards just to get a hit record some of us would do anything and do everything just to get notice all considered relevant a Reetha never lowered her boss she raised it and what makes you a queen is not to go down but to make everybody else rise up so here we are in a time where in one week just one week we see the president's private attorney plead guilty to eight felonies in one week we see his campaign champion convicted of eight felonies right here we see his CFO given immunity to testify and we hear that the head of one of the tabloids who also is given immunity has a safe full of all kind of stuff on the present that's just in one week [Applause] and the president comes out and says they ought to be a law against flipping that people are not being able to become cooperative with government now mine he appoints federal judges he appoints federal prosecutors he appoints the Attorney General but he tells folks that you ought not flip and cooperate with them undermining the very tenets of how prosecutors have to function yet people wonder why people like us question him and it goes to the basis of my texts and the basis of why I opened up with Senator McCain and the Queen miss Franklin and that is that you can't trust people that are not trustworthy and people can like you but can they trust you you can be related to people but can they trust you you can be people that go way back but can they trust you you know I've had friends that I've known since we were kids but I know that if they visit me to lock my wallet up I mean I enjoy hanging out with them and I enjoy commit but I know who they are so it goes to the text that many of us today are asking God the blesses but many of us God can't trust with a blessing I look at our currency it says In God We Trust was easy to trust God he'd been the same since the beginning attack easy to trust God you know that which is so he's gonna reap easy to trust God every day 24 hours every week seven days he hasn't changed since the beginning of time question is not trust in God question is can't God trust you what do you mean right now well when you were broken when you will having a hard time making ends meet you had church three times a week [Applause] made prayer-meeting make quadrants made bible-study made and the service on Sunday as soon as you got a little job little income little car you start coming to church if the weather's right you go golfing this Sunday the more he bless you the less he hear from you can God trust you you want to make more money when you mess up the money you already make you won't stable relationships when you violate every relationship you ever had can you be trusted the way you get more is you got to be trustworthy with what you already had can God trust you you need to do an inventory on whether you're worthy of trust to go as high as you want to go read the Franklin come out of the black Baptist Church of daddy Reverend CL Franklin was one of the most preeminent ministers of his time he grew into being a great artist but she never left the faithfulness of being a black Baptist young lady in the height of her career she cut albums amazing grace she could be trusted and that's why God could elevate her and trust her and you and I are challenged that we are not only tried at our lowest moments but we're tried at our highest moments some of you can't handle success which is why you can't be successful and you need to be able to say to God that if you bless me I won't forget you I will keep my stability same thing that would black folk a lot of us we could be trusted the more empowered we got the more reckless we got the boy amnesia we got you got a little degree and you forgot grandma because she wasn't sophisticated enough you got the go downtown to work and the stay in 5-star hotel and you forget that went to jail and pay the price and open doors for you you can't be trusted with that that is why every once in a while God will allow something to happen to tap you on the shoulder to remind you where you come from to remind you where he brought you through every once in a while after the heights of an Obama there's a trump that touch you on the shoulder don't break the trust I remember at President Obama's second inauguration and I was one of the guests with modern the third and Ben Jealous was then hidden ACP under our chair lady here rising and rocking Martin Maria we won the fourth row in the platforming I remember when mrs. Obama came out and brought the Bibles for President Obama to be sworn in the second time and heaven them had us in up there right behind Supreme Court justices and when President Obama put his hand on the Bible to be sworn in the second time I remember senator said to me about two rows back say right now it's a great moment I said yes it is said it's an awesome moment I say yes he said but to think that we are watching this black hand on these two Bibles Abe Lincoln and dr. King who would have ever believed we would have lived to see that I said this unforgettable moment but don't be confused he said well you mean I said those are two identical Bibles same amount of chapters same amount of books same verses but they took two different routes to get here abe lincoln's bible was on the mantel place at the white house his estates captains of industry military leaders looked at that bible but dr. king's bible didn't come that route that the king's bible came from the backwoods of Georgia through the bayous of Mississippi and Louisiana if you look at the inside cover you'll see a cell number in his Bible because when they locked him up in Birmingham they checked his Bible in his property and sent it through the system to bring it to his cell as a prisoner but little did the correction officer know that one day that Bible would be on the steps of the Capitol playing in the President of the United States if you be faithful over a few things he'll make you ruler over many things can you be trusted I remember I remember when I started to get a little known a guy called me from the New York Times and said he wanted to do a profile on me I said well what does that mean he said well I got a runaround with you for a week and see everything you do and I said all right and he ran with me went to meetings went to strategy sessions went to radio shows went to gatherings went to rallies I spoke at the college got to my Saturday morning at a National Action Network meeting and my staff said to me after the rally said now you know you can't bring him to church with you tomorrow I said why not he said they said because he won't understand how kind of church and I thought about it long and hard and I say yeah but he can't write my story unless he goes with me to church I can't get so big that they don't know where and what I come from we we I told him I'm gonna pick you up early tomorrow morning and when I picked him up we got in the car and I brought him to church we came in through the back door standing in the foyer he looked down he says uh I want to ask you questions uh I've always been intrigued by the black church I said what'd you mean by that he said well y'all are so passionate and emotional and my church was so quiet and reserved explained this to me I said well what is it that you don't understand he said well I'm looking down in the congregation there's a lady on the third row on the right she keeps doing this with a hand he says well what does that mean I said oh you don't know that lady's story I said that lady was diagnosed with cancer five years ago doctors told her she had four months to live she came to prayer meeting one Friday night I was sitting in the platform and I heard her get on her knees and pray and she said Lord you've been a doctor that never lost a patient there's more healing in the hem of your garment in any pharmacy in town if it be your will I want you to save my life and that was five years ago and she's still here and every time she comes in the church house she think about it should have been her funeral and she just waves a hand he said I he said I got that but what about that man jumping up in the front I said that man lost everything he had but God brought him back and when you've been down and counted out and when everybody thought you were losing and God picks you up and makes the way out of no way it'll make you jump up and how long I told him I gotta go to the pulpit now he said I got one more I gotta ask I said what's that he said there's a lady on the other side about six rows back she keeps jumping up out of seat she kind of leans to the side it looked like she gonna fall over but she don't fall over and she can't stand up and she keep jumping up and down what is that all about I said you don't know that lady's story her and her husband built a business from the ground they ended up doing so well they moved out of Brooklyn New York in the Queens had a nice home and had a two-car garage and he bought a new Cadillac every year but one morning she woke up and a husband had run off with another woman left her a little girl and a little boy in the big house she couldn't pay no bills they'd come and repossess the Cadillac they'd come and cut the lights off in the house finally they put out the house and she took a little boy little girl moved in the housing projects in Brooklyn then moved into a tenement and early every morning she walked to the subway and she used to hole of children's hands and pray to God Lord if I never drive a Cadillac again it'll be alright if you take care of my little girl and little boy if I never have a house again it'll be alright if you take care of my little girl and my little boy if I never have a bank account again it'll be alright if you take care on my little boy and my little girl and she lived to see a little boy and little girl grow up and be somebody and every time she fakes the body she jumps from out of seat thanks to the sack I told them I forgot to go now as I made two steps away I turned back and told him the reason I know that last lady storage is I'm her little boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] when I was [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Alfred Street Baptist Church
Views: 47,646
Rating: 4.6791444 out of 5
Keywords:, Alfred Street Baptist Church, 2018, Rev. Al Sharton, #rev.alsharpton, #asbc, #truthfactor, #truth, #factor, The Truth Factor, #church, #trump, #trumpneedsprayer, #prayer, #deeproots
Id: mYiWupL_MXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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