Jannie and Maddie Series About Playing with Their Best Friends

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ah you're tall enough enjoy the party yes have fun Jenny not you Maddie [Applause] you can't go to the party Maddie come sit with me [Music] turn it up yeah well I'm enjoying the party [Applause] later if you don't like partying have a bicycle Maddie huh it's really cool Maddie try it wait Maddie wait for me Maggie bicycles are really fun let's play basketball oh no [Music] ready your turn come on Mommy [Music] what's wrong Jenny Maddie doesn't let me play with anything Jenny come here no Maddie I'm tired oh Jammy you should try to understand Maddie Moore how magic magic Jamie understand Maddie [Music] a smaller now and now it's time for you to learn oh no huh you're getting smaller Jenny yeah how can you come on Linden Let's Dance [Music] now I know why Maddie left the party [Applause] [Music] huh hey Danny if you don't like parties let's ride a bicycle [Music] [Music] it's really fun try it bicycle is too big I really liked it hi Jenny huh you look smaller but do you want to play basketball fun right [Music] yay all right you tried Danny no I don't want to play oh you're back Jenny so how did everything go today now I understand Maddie now I should not be mean to her yes smaller kids need help Jenny now it's back to normal [Music] thank you huh I'm back to normal sorry Mighty I was mean to you earlier it's okay [Music] that's not how you play Maddie let me show you yeah [Music] this bike is slower so you can play with try it Maddie yeah let's go [Music] change [Music] [Music] what's wrong look sit down please okay okay open your mouth please don't worry your teeth just need to be cleaned I'll talk police officer thank you you just need to make sure to come here every six months thank you [Music] yep of course I'm the best dentist in town yeah you are bye [Music] wow it looks so fresh uh Emma you have to get in line no I don't need it because I'm the best dentist it's not true everybody has to get in line you might be a good dentist but there's other jobs that are also important anyway I'm sorry kids thank you [Music] oh no my house I don't know how to fix it what's wrong can you help me fix my house it's broken thank you okay I'll go Zach open your mouth so I can check your teeth huh my teeth my teeth but I need to fix my house not my teeth but sorry I did not see the teeth maybe I just need more toys I'll be back oh hi Maddie what happened my house is broken I don't know how to fix it oh I can help wow Maddie looks so professional whoa good job Maddie wow you're so fast Maddie oh so cool you fixed it so amazing thank you Maddie you're welcome exactly where to huh good work Maddie huh are you looking for something yes piano what happened with him well here you go Thanos thank you your money well when Thanos bought food from my store he didn't clean up after himself when he was eating it's done huh it's such a mess maybe it was Thanos and that's what happened I need him to go back to my store to clean up after himself I can help you oh really thank you Emma I'll go this way okay I'll go this way foreign [Music] [Music] is that one oh will you clean up please okay [Music] hold on [Music] good job clean up after yourself I don't know you need to time out for five minutes oh okay thank you Linda you're welcome Auntie Beth you are really the best police officer thank you Auntie what happened to share [Music] oh I can't fix it [Laughter] I thought it was easy but it wasn't sorry Emma and it can help huh go ahead [Music] wow she fixed it yeah Maddie is a great Builder Emma what's wrong I thought the dentist was the best but honestly I'm wrong you're not wrong Emma but you should know that other jobs are important just like dentists wow what is good at being a police officer and Marty's good at being a builder now I understand I'm sorry Elizabeth it's okay it's sorry Maddie it's okay all right you are important yes Auntie all done thank you Maddie let's go but you can't play with it in the hallway oh sorry Auntie best that's okay can you please it up please okay foreign next time don't play in them [Music] wow another couple really kids listen you can't play with the cops in the hallway sorry Auntie bed clean it up please okay Auntie Beth [Music] come on buddy not yet kids you still have this you have to clean all of the cups okay Auntie Bass foreign [Music] [Music] good job Maddie foreign [Music] I'm gonna take these away but please remember next time don't play in the hallway don't worry hey kids both of you have to finish this list for me clean up the room do homework okay Maddie clean up the room do homework and wash dishes okay let's do this foreign [Music] perfect [Applause] [Music] [Music] Audrey we finished the list okay let's go and check [Music] it looks clean good job oh auntie look wait good job now Maddie's turn it looks clean uh-oh mommy what you didn't clean up Maddie the room is not clean yet next dishes this is how you clean up all of the the dishes still have germs it's not clean yet did you do your homework no more playing Oh Daddy okay I'll help you let's clean up first come on okay first we're gonna make the bed now we gotta clean your toys from under your bed okay baby pull the covers all the way up clean all of the stuff out Maddie gotta put the stuff down on the bed okay let's put the books in the bookshelf Maddie can we pick up the colors let's go wash dishes come on I'll show you how to do the dishes Maddie let's grab a plate turn on the water and watch your turn Maddie all done thank you good job Maddie all the dishes are done look now it's time to do homework okay Maddie let's study your shapes we have a circle a square can you put these where they belong at the correct shapes good job do you know what this shape is Daddy welcome wow good job huh Emma looks sad Emma body didn't finish the list so now we both can't play Cups Emma Maddie's little she needs your help I remember my brother helped me when I was a kid what's wrong little Zach I cannot finish my homework don't worry big brother will help you thank you brother huh let me see that's easy look you just connect the lines to the matching picture see oh oh let me try Apple to Apple alligator goes to Alligator yay is this correct brother let me see yeah you finished your homework good job so can we play now yeah but we have to clean up the room first but it's a big mess I can't do it by myself I'll help you little Zach let's do it oh there this one goes here and this one goes down here yay all done brother good job now we can go play brother is the best you're welcome Emma now go back to Maddie bye good job sorry Maddie I should have helped you earlier that's nice of you Emma but it's okay I already helped her oh really Auntie can we play now sure yeah here are the cupcakes you can play thank you no more playing in the hallway remember oh I forgot sorry Auntie Beth but where do we play [Music] all done look Auntie it looks like a princess chair [Music] yeah [Applause] awesome auntie thank you oh Maddie appearance nice job Maddie okay ready now one for ammo [Music] good job now it's Maddie's turn you having fun yes auntie thank you okay
Channel: Toys and Colors
Views: 14,056,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jannie, emma, maddie, lyndon, best friends, friends, playing, play, kids play, dentist, kids dentist, colorful cups, building cups, pretend play, kids pretend play, friends play, toys and colors, jannie pretend play
Id: dpNDMbhvABM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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