Jannie and Eric Emoji Vending Machine Kids Toys for Kids

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[Music] why am I so mad huh okay Matt [Music] [Laughter] Eric foreign [Music] [Music] that's okay I'll forgive you okay [Music] excuse me I was here first um are you sure is that how it works I was here why are they arguing I know what can fix this whoa these are new oh yeah maybe this will solve the problem I don't think so I think I was for her huh why are you laughing they stop arguing yeah what did I say about messing with other people's emotions Danny I was just helping them helping them I don't feel mad anymore yeah me too I feel so calm Danny look it went to stop fighting I'm so sorry I cut mine you were first go ahead it's okay you can go first Eric we can use this one great cause let's get more follow me yeah let's put the stickers to good use let's go yeah doesn't my picture look so cool [Music] wow yeah [Applause] yummy food [Music] go away that's right that's right oh yeah let's go look at me hey I was there no I was here I was here laughs three hours you all need to learn how to take turns and be nice to each other yeah thank you bye go ahead thank you wow that looks so amazing Auntie back what's wrong too bad my art is not nice at all down wow it's so amazing their emotion is not real ah I know what can help you this will help wow wow [Music] we're sorry wow I feel like I learned how to draw better now okay Auntie you guys draw the best picture you got it it is so beautiful wow thank you Channing and Aaron for helping me improve you're welcome [Music] Ellie stop playing with your food okay Emma wow this is so great Emma yeah wow this is so yummy I needed those watermelons to practice for my contest [Music] we'll go to the store and buy some more watermelon yeah that's a great idea yeah okay let's go okay here's none here here oh these are pears and there's only strawberries excuse me sir where's all the watermelon the farmer hasn't sent us any it's very strange maybe something [Music] about it where's all the water [Music] you're wondering if you had any watermelon sorry we don't have any watermelons um what happened to all of the Watermelons nothing we just don't have water to burn the watermelon where'd you get all your water from sir I get the water up the river maybe something happened at the river let's go check out the river okay [Music] [Music] this way I can hear it look there's the river oh what happened to the water look over there let's clean this up [Music] foreign [Music] 's getting bigger hey hey hey what are you doing to my house we're cleaning it yeah he was blocking the river stream no no no you're destroying my house but we need water for the plants can we share the river please share the river but I like my house on the water ah Let's Fold your house next to the river that way everybody gets Waters I never thought about that okay you have a deal let's build a house [Applause] wow this house is even better yeah now we can all share the river yeah thanks I love my house and I can still enjoy the river we fixed the water problem now let's go back to the fire let's go they got the water working we're gonna have so much watermelons this season this is perfect there's so many watermelons now I see you solved the problem yes we did thank you for your help check it out [Music] for you great thank you very much sir you're welcome thank you for solving my water problem s now I have all these watermelons I can practice so I can make you some healthy treats yeah first let's make the kids some smoothies [Music] so the blender they go next I'll add some blueberries now it's blending time [Music] watermelon very smoothy wow healthy and yummy it's always done the next recipe watermelon Pizza we can use the other half for the pizza crust next reviews kiwi and strawberries for the toppings [Music] now that we have everything prepared we can make the watermelon Pizza let's start with strawberries now for the Kiwi toffee once the top and then we can cut it into pizza slices wow this looks so yummy yeah and also healthy so yummy [Applause] Wendy can I play too no um foreign [Applause] [Music] so you were playing and all of a sudden your egg disappeared yes officer can you help me find it okay let's go look for some food okay what happened my Giant Egg is gone oh no let me help you thank you foreign oh yeah I was looking for that thank you gotta go bye I found a banana ah follow me Wendy okay let's go check over here Wendy [Music] it's gel time for you monkey oh that monkey is bad yeah this is for taking my eggs you didn't steal them then who hmm maybe he didn't do it Wendy let's let him go [Music] Wendy I think that monkey challenged you to a duel oh this is getting good yeah go Wendy you can't have that did it give it up we know it's you Michael Michael it's Michael Michael it's jail time for you Michael [Music] I'm sorry I only did it because you wouldn't let me play sorry for not sharing Michael that's right sharing is caring and always remember to share and play nice
Channel: Toys and Colors
Views: 26,777,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2gEeSRrRmgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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