Jannie and Ellie Learn School Bus Rules with Friends and Other Funny Videos for Kids

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wait wait oh wait oh oh it's Danny please [Applause] thank you Jenny don't run behind the bus sorry respect I overslept okay come on in come on put your seatbelt please all right let's go [Music] thank you [Music] Ellie stop you shouldn't play with play with it while waiting on the bus why Mister well because [Music] sorry that's okay now let's get on the bus [Applause] [Music] thank you okay [Music] we should open the window so we can get butterflies you shouldn't put your hand out the window it is dangerous okay sorry [Music] I'm so bored ah I got this [Music] oh no huh stop [Music] you shouldn't disturb other people on the bus thank you [Music] no eating on the bus [Music] and don't throw your trash on the floor pick up after yourself I'm sorry mister [Music] thumbs up [Music] oh my God [Music] oh please I told you don't let her on the bus or even as fast [Music] wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round [Music] all through the town [Music] up and down up and down the people on the bus [Music] okay we can't distract the bus driver okay [Music] huh you should always remember to say thank you to your bus drivers thank you thank you we really appreciate it no problem remember to always follow the safety rules on the bus I am first me [Music] good morning kids stop kids get in line please Maddie [Music] you cannot take toys to school put it in here now you can go where's your bus pass [Music] Maddie hurry up we're late uh just be prepared next time Maddie come take a seat sorry [Music] Maddie seat belt please perfect time to go [Music] oh Maddie Jumping On The Bus oh a toy Maddie playing with toys is not allowed on the bus [Music] can you share foreign [Music] also candy and chips are not good for you what happened wow [Music] wow can I play [Music] too loud Maddie Ellie stop please [Music] music Ellie Maddie you shouldn't disturb other passengers give me the toys please okay Ellie [Music] read a book or check your homework before school [Music] okay show me zero one two three zero one two seven no zero one two three yeah [Music] don't argue on the first and be nice to each other but she asked for help you're not nice [Music] hello hey stop being nice and say sorry to each other Maddie first now Ellie sorry [Music] [Music] ready stop you shouldn't put stickers on the bus sorry take it off and clean up please foreign good job Maddie don't do it again please [Music] thank you who's Maddie Valley Maddie Ellie time for school next time be ready when the bus arrives okay good job kids have fun at school thank you Uncle Jason you're welcome next time follow the rules when you're using the bus please okay bye [Music] all right time for school let's go the wheel on the bus go round and round what happened with the bus guy I don't know the person broken Wendy so how can I get to school I don't know wow any road Southern car Wendy over there okay okay because our bus is broken yeah looking for you guys I still have one left right here look [Music] wow Hello Kitty bus I love Hello Kitty yeah that's very good chicken we want to buy it how much is it Anthony get a thousand dollars huh a thousand dollar that's so expensive I don't have that much money sorry no money no scuba how can I don't know what happened what happened I had a better idea how about I pick this one and I discovered this one for you wow that's a good idea how much is it Anthony only a hundred dollars please just a hundred dollars wow that's so cheap thank you I hate the money and I hit the bus bye guys wow it's a lucky day guys where's the bus [Music] can you bring me to school sorry Liam the ball is full now I haven't checked Wendy to school yeah um don't be sad Liam I come back later okay wait here okay let's go okay we're here Wendy okay Hamilton sorry Wendy you're too late today you cannot come not have fun and go team the school boards are broken so that's why we complaining oh really okay you can come in now I will go pick up Liam guys [Music] huh what happened guys oh my boss says oh God guys I have to find a gas station oh the gas station over there wow it's all done guys let's go to pick up Leo guys get on the bus Liam okay I'm good John here you go are you ready Liam I'm ready Uncle John okay let's go foreign [Music] Wendy's late and you're super late you can't go to class huh that's my fault again the bus run out of gas so that's why we lay okay Liam you can get in come on hang in Uncle Tim bye bye bye I feel very bad guys because when they live with life I I got an idea I will make a surprise for that let's go [Music] let's make the surprise for them guys [Music] [Music] Liam did you have a fun day at school yeah wow [Music] you guys okay let's play guys okay [Music] that's so much fun ride do you like it Liam [Music] thank you that's so much fun right Wendy oh I got an idea guys how about we sing The Wheel On The Bus song okay okay let's do it Uncle [Music] the wheel on the bus go round and round and round and round the wheel on the bus go round and round whoa what are you doing Emma I'm playing with my school bus oh you want to pretend to play with the school bus yay okay let's do it [Music] the bus what should I do [Music] Emma what she's doing here I miss the school bus you made the school book oh I had a lot of coral let me drive you to school go go with me here Emma I hear a lot of cars foreign [Music] let me help you hello school bus driver Emma Mr School Bus can you hear me please she missed the school bus okay I'm back [Music] hey Emma I'm back get on the bus [Music] are you ready Emma I'm ready Uncle let's go let's go okay [Music] the school bus doesn't work what should we do huh what happened what happened first let me check okay let's get out [Music] oh auntie I got a tool okay excuse me thank you [Music] I think it's okay now let's try it Uncle okay [Music] uncle can you try to start a bus okay oh it's work now cool come on [Music] okay let's go [Music] we are at school Emma [Music] sorry teacher I missed the school bus okay sit down okay [Music] welcome to my class today we will learn about sizes good job okay Emma do you know what this is I know that is a school bus now she picked after me small small big bigger bigger biggest biggest good job now I had a test for you Congress the birth size with the work okay teacher foreign toy for you now I have pizza surprise for you bye-bye [Music] now I'm a scuba driver are you ready yay now let's see the wheels on the bus stop the wheels on the bus go round round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus [Music] [Music] good idea Maddie [Music] oh no Daddy come back [Music] you okay Maddie so scary [Music] be careful Jenny [Music] what oh no my boat [Music] so smart Maddie [Music] [Music] oh no oh [Music] no yeah [Music] huh pop it's cool cool [Music] whoa let's save him but wait where's nice laughs [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the bathroom [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ah Legos Auntie best I need your help oh okay Jenny [Music] [Applause] we don't have enough Legos we need the costume I'll be right back okay this is the last one I'm so lucky how much can I can I see it no it's fine [Applause] how can I help the Little Bus oh no it doesn't fit me please if it doesn't fit can the kids have it they're all fine you can have it thank you it's ten dollars here you go what else is there this one does it fit me [Music] I think it might just fit Maddie Maddie catch this [Applause] oh straight yeah [Applause] thank you everyone [Music] studies [Music] [Music] [Music] Ellie now we're going to study about the colors okay this is red green yellow pink blue orange purple and brown you got huh where's Ellie ah oh no oh how can I play if you want me unblock the Legos you have to study okay this is red green yeah huh Ellie what happened is this so boring I don't like Ellie look okay green blue and yellow wow cool do you like it Ellie yeah then listen and repeat red red green green blue blue and yellow yellow surely wow I can play now [Music] wow Ellie really likes the bus [Music] do you like it yeah Emma's so cool how about we study a little bit and play again Ellie no no I only just want to play with the bus [Music] if you continue to study I'll bring them back [Music] now I'm going to teach you how to count okay Ellie listen one two three four you got it yeah okay one two three four good job Ellie okay how about this Ellie can you count okay one two three four five good job Ellie okay at least can you count this no it's okay Ellie I'll show you one two three four five six seven eight nine ten yeah okay wow so cool now can you count it by yourself yes one two three four five six good job Ellie have fun now can you bring back the ball pits [Music] [Music] yeah it was so cool [Music] remember to study before playing hi Wendy hi Uncle K why your bus is so cool yeah I just bought this for Jenny wow where did you buy it Uncle K I bought it from Uncle Team Store over there oh I'm late Wendy I have to go bye okay bye oh that bus is bigger than mine I really want it [Music] what happened Wendy can you buy me the Barbie camper I don't get any money left Wendy sorry okay oh hi guys Wendy why you look so sad I want to buy the Barbie camper but we don't have enough money I got an idea Wendy I'm biting all toys do you have Auto to sell yes I have a lot of old toys okay go get it we got Santa's toys I'll give these old toys to Uncle John [Music] how do you want to buy Uncle John he has my old toys oh let me check it first hmm I think I can pay 20 Wendy you 20 yeah can you pay more because they're good toys really let me see I think I can buy 25 I think that's okay here you go thank you bye guys bye hey Wendy we had enough money now yeah can we buy the toy now sure let's go welcome to my toy store how am I help you guys today I want a Barbie camper Uncle Tim Barbie camper hold on is it this one yeah I want that one how what is it Uncle Tim the camper is 25. here you go guys thank you yeah then you put the slide out like that oh and Auntie there's a bathroom love a closet for storage so cool wow Auntie the camper is so cool but we don't have any dolls to play with no money Wendy and we get a dog for you we're here okay wow she's so cool let me try her auntie here you go [Music] oh oh she's too big Auntie do you have any smaller dolls I just have only one doll Wendy can you buy smaller ones but we out of money Wendy ah I got an idea we could change this song for smaller dolls at Uncle John's store okay [Music] hi hi what you got here we want to exchange this doll for smaller ones do you have any smaller dogs I have two right here so cool can we exchange them now sure here you go thank you thank you bye guys let's play okay hi do you want anything to eat or drink alcohol we had anything to eat okay also wait a minute let's go to the fridge and see if the rice is in there there it is let's go take it back [Music] thank you radio no problem do you want anything else sure can I have one orange juice let me go get it let's go to the Garden to get some oranges here they are let's make orange juice for Elsa [Music] wow the Orange is so yummy it's so hot today hot area yeah do you want to go swimming yeah let's go okay [Music] let's go screaming hello okay also let's go come on yeah here I come [Music] please it is fun yay so Mom that was fun Elsa but time to go home yeah [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] a 17 for boat oh here you go thank you very much [Music] bye see you later hi guys what happened Uncle my school bus broke down okay go [Music] we need these Uncle yeah can you put it in for me okay uncle good job Chutney I got the tour [Music] thanks guys for helping me you can have this we're done bye [Music] bye okay Jenny just play with your buses I had to clean up [Music] Mom this is big this is oh I want to play with the biggest tile just press tires button red yellow green blue let's check the numbers oh fire truck a bulldozer ambulance dump trucks [Music] can I help you Auntie sure can you help me to clean up these things [Music] I'm done Auntie nice let's go Jenny okay let me see oh I think they took like the group oh did you see a b c d e yes check another group okay what this Jenny tell me what it is [Music] [Music] lion elephant rabbits tiger what's up your name they play with the buses [Music] all right [Music] please remember to subscribe our Channel see you guys next time bye
Channel: Toys and Colors
Views: 23,068,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toys and colors, bus, school bus, school bus safety, school bus rules, kids learning, back to school, children’s education, student safety, parenting tips, road safety for kids, educational videos, fun, funny, bus toys, videos for kids, ellie, jannie, wendy, lyndon, emma, maddie, kids pretend play, pretend play, for kids
Id: Vix-kqM-W_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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