Jane Austen Coverlet Quilt Tips & Tricks

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[Music] hi i'm cindy cloud with riley blake designs and today i'm going to be talking about the remaking of the jane austen coverlet quilt this is the jane austen quilt kit everything to make the coverlet is in this box there's limited amounts you can also make the quilt from the pattern so everything's in here to make the quilt but if you weren't lucky enough to get one of these quilt kits there's no worries because you can recreate the quilt with the pattern book and the template let me show you what you need to know to recreate the quilt so all the cutting instructions are in the book but i do want to highlight what you need to know to have a very successful time sewing this together number one start all your fabrics you're cutting a lot here's the template you're cutting a lot of diamonds which means you're cutting on the bias and you'll have fraying if you don't pre-start all your fabrics so out of the box right when you get them home spray start your fabrics that's a must the other thing i recommend is a smaller rotary cutter to fussy cut out your diamond shapes it seems like the large rotary cutters kind of get in the way so it's nice to have this smaller size you're also going to need a pencil or mechanical pencil to mark mark your fabric when you're using the template so the pattern is really well written and i love what the riley blake designs team did to make this pattern from the original quilt which was english paper pieced to a machine pieced quilt and we love our machines it'll make it so much easier this is tedious but it actually works up pretty slick and i think you're going to enjoy making this quilt so the details are all in the pattern and i'm just going to take you through some of the tips and tricks of making this quilt and highlight the things that i think are important in the pattern the first thing that is absolutely important is to really read through your entire pattern kind of get a lay of the land of what what's going to go on with your fabrics there is fussy cutting on certain motifs you'll certainly see um like these pieces that's from cassandra um like this is from emma if you want to be as close to the original you want to pay attention to the direction the flowers are turning but if you don't care you can cut out your pieces however you would like but i was pretty particular when i cut out my quilt and then when you're cutting them out um what worked for me you might have a better method and please share it once you're working through is i put all um my diamonds in a baggie and i wrote on the outside the baggie the number of it so it says cut 16 diamonds d22 so i put cut all my diamonds out and put them in baggies because you want to keep track of all your pieces and it'll make the quilt coming together so much easier so those are a few of the tips that i wanted to share that worked for me the baggy part the pre-starch is in the pattern the baggy part no it's not in the pattern that's just my own tip um so cutting out your panel so i did want to kind of highlight this how you cut out your panel again this is something you've got a panel and put borders on you could have a little piece of jane austen in no time at all but this really was created to recreate the jane austen quilt so right here it is meant for you to cut along the line of all of these so you don't need any spacing for seam allowance so say for instance you're cutting out your diamonds this is how you put it on your panel and that's why i'm going to just cut out one for you and that is why it's so important to have a smaller rotary cutter because then you can control how far your blade's going sometimes when you have a i have this sue daily rotary cutter under our rotating mat underneath and i love when working on these projects just kind of rotate it a little bit okay so that's how you cut out your pieces and again not every piece in the panel is used in the quilt but there's a lot once once you once you get all of them cut out it's going to look like swiss cheese so then you're kind of done with it so after you have um cut out all your diamonds and you could do this the same time there's little holes on all of these edges and there's two more that i'm going to show you what to do for the sashing and you're going to mark the diamond and you mark all four sides and again this is a great thing to do sit in front of the tv with your big rotating mat and just get all these marked then you're going to put them back in your baggies and these are all marked ready to go the next thing you need to do is take your sashing fabric and you're going to cut 35 one and a half inch strips with the fabric so you're going to be doing a lot of just straight cutting and you're going to get a lot of strips just like this again we recommend that it's all pre-starched and let me show you the next thing you get to do with this clever template now make sure the riley blake designs is you can read it on top it's not flipped over because if it's flipped over you'll cut all your strips wrong you're going to put it right along here and line up the bod or the middle markings with the top and you're going to cut your strips just like that actually flip it like that you're just going to get started on that one end and then all the rest are just going to move along now you're going to be really tempted since it's folded in half to cut it together don't do that because then the ones on the bottom are going to be turned the wrong way so you're going to just cut all your strips again this is something you could just do in your lap as you're watching tv as you're getting organized so you're going to be cutting many many strips how many i think it's 258 of those strips there you go so you once you've cut all your strips out you've got your diamonds you are also going to mark your strips so i'm skipping ahead use your mechanical pencil i do not use one of the pens that it vanishes when you iron don't use those because you need to keep your markings even after you sew together on a couple of these so mechanical pencil works great so you can see how that lines up like that and again the instructions take you through assembly but you start out with two then you jump to four but let me show you what you need to do to make sure you pin this together so you're sewing accurately and everything lines up perfectly you're going to take a couple pins and for this first one it's the the corner so you only have one sashing in between and i find my marking there's my marking right there this is how it's going to go over it's going to flip over like that so i find my marking like that there's my dot right there and i find my bottom dot or not my bottom top but the dot on the fabric that's going to be on the bottom and i lined that up right like that see how that works kind of line that up and then i can just pin it and then you make sure this lines up you don't have to do it the same way and you take it to the machine and sew now this is i before you've done your first stitch make sure you've measured out your seam allowance on your machine and you're sewing accurately i do a quick press again a little more starch or start substitute i do they do tell you in the instructions to turn it towards the sashing side so i'm pressing it towards the sashing side so that's lined up like this and again if you're using the invisible pen where it disappears your marks would have been gone so you still need those markings and this time this is going to be on the top so i'm going to pin it just right here and i'm going to find my marking at the bottom like that line it up just like that take it there just kind of do this little peekaboo make sure it lines up on the bottom there and you're ready for your next now you just repeat this over and over and i'm going to show you my two step outs that i've done so i've done this and that's what the corner piece looks like my first strip the next strip is going to be four instead of two and then it just grows until you make the side of your quilt so this is one big section all the way up here that's one big section this up to the baskets one section another section that's another section and then you sew that together one long section and then this is one long section two so you kind of sew this section to your middle section and then that to that section that's how you assemble your quilt let me show you how to do the sashing in between your strips you start on the outside so here you find the center of your sashing and you find the center of your outside piece just like that you line it up pin again lots of pinning just be patient this is not this quilt is not a race and really it is i think the holy grail of quilts and a bucket list quilt to make in your lifetime okay so i'm going to take it to the machine and sew okay so you've just sewn along there you are going to press to the sashing side so like this now this outside border is the i mean this outside piece is the only one that you put sashing on both sides the rest you are just when you do the sashing it's going to going to be on the i don't know the bottom side or the opposite side of where you started so this one has two pieces so i've already cut out to the fabric requirements my next sashing piece i'll find the center right there and just to check yourself you should have little pieces of fabric on both sides that are even extra you're going to cut that off later but you're just going to leave those little dog ears i always pin in the middle and then pin to my outside edges [Music] okay okay i've sewn that along there i think it's a little ski wampus because it's not perfectly sewn so it kind of hangs off the end and you've got it pressed there okay the next thing i do is before i sew the next piece on i'm going to sew the far side piece [Music] so now you're going to assemble i'm going to show you how to assemble your two sections together the goal of this is to have your sashing look like one continuous piece and there's a couple tips to make sure that's done well so it looks like it's precision piecing so um on the back side i've kind of already gone ahead and done this but i'll show you how i do it you're going to line up your stitching on the side of your diamond and you're going to mark on your sashing do that on both sides okay and then you're going to take your little mark where both your stitching intersect right here and on the other side and then fourth inch from the side you're going to make this marking now you can draw it all the way up but i tend to just draw it up from the side like that you repeat that right here fourth inch from the side mark it up like that so that's been marked take your next section that you're gonna be sewing and again you you mark on a diagonal from your stitching just following your stitching line across your sashing on a diagonal i'm going to mark it over here and then this way there we go so just like that and then they also um tell you to mark a fourth inch on the top of this so you gotta adjust this just take a fourth inch and you can draw a line all the way across but really you just need to mark your cross section of your where you've already drawn so again fourth inch down from the edge marking those cross sections and that's where you're going to pin okay so these are all marked but we're just doing this section first so you're gonna right sides together find your center which is right here this is going to be sewn right there and see this is your pin line you're going to take your pen and sometimes you can just barely see where you previously marked your fabric i'm going to pin it there again i always pin my center check out both sides so this the top fabric is going to go this direction the bottom fabric is going to go this direction the sashing and hopefully we if you got precision fourth and inch right in the middle it's going to line up perfectly and that is why you measure re-measure and you just line everything up okay let's take it to the machine okay let's take it back flip it back and voila it's magic not really it's just good precision pc so let's press it again i'll start press it down and then i flip it up and there you go that's how you do one section at a time you just repeat it and your strips get longer until you've finished a side and then you go to the next section and once all the sections are finished then you put together the center part of your quilt and then you're going to have all the the edges are going to have these diamonds and you don't trim those until after you put on your borders let me show you what i mean so it tells you how to cut the borders out in your in the pattern and they're all labeled top and side borders and this is the top border and what's different about the top border is there's you do the side borders first the two sides the top border does have this extra section so it shows you exactly where to piece it onto the side borders because this repeats on the side borders so this has been cut out but now what you need to do before we put it on is you're going to use your ruler pull it on here and you're going to measure a fourth an inch from your diamonds edge right here because that's going to be your cut line and then when you sew it on those points are going to match so i'm lining this up and i'm cutting this out and there is no room for error when cutting this out you need to cut out precisely so i make sure every and if you want to just do a smaller section at a time you can use a smaller ruler but i'm making sure each of my points is a fourth an inch and again the fabric's really stretchy so just be careful to line it up here i go there's one part of my border just pull it up just like that it's easier to see when you've got the white sashing [Music] okay so this is all my extra my border is cut out for my last and final border you fold it in half i do give it a press to mark that so i'm going to center it on my quilt and many of you know maybe some of you don't that what is so special about the jane austen coverlet quilt is it's symmetrical from light right to left top to bottom and so when you're putting this together you can see all the symmetrical pieces of how it works together okay like i mentioned all of these are going to be half diamonds and they're going to be cut off but in the meantime we are going to have to line up our borders so i always find the center of the quilt just like that i mark it because it's a big quilt and you can lose track of that center now what's interesting about even the original jane austen coverlet quilt these were little diamonds so the sashing went into this area they had all these again this is like the original coverlet quilt so you have to make sure that these diamonds are lined up from the border so it looks like one continuous piece okay so you can see that you need to line up this v-shape with the bottom fabric of your pieced quilt and what i found which was easiest for me to line this up before i went to sew as i would just take that bottom point line it up perfectly with that point right here and then just kind of roll it up and then i'm going to pin it so you can take that pin out and i'm going to pin it just like that and then i go to my next section so i'm working from the inside out on one side and i line it up so this next section see right here i'm going to find the point here line it up with the top point diamond there just line it up there and then i'm going to pin it and then i do pin in between the these are not as important that they're in the precisely the right place but they will be because it's just a little section okay now we're getting to the side where we meet the other border you're just going to have to be careful how you pin this up because these sections need to line up perfectly and if it feels like if you've done your work of doing a fourth inch there's still sometimes a little give room just stretch it stretch it out like that and pin it in place if if it feels slightly bigger it should meet almost perfectly but sometimes you just have to do a little tug for it to to meet where you want it to now we're going to line up the border and you see when you flip it back we have the matching the corresponding fabrics on both sides so again we're just going to line those up those points okay we take it back to the center and we're going to pin to the other side now [Music] okay it's all pinned we're ready to take the machine and sew our final border on okay now that i've sewn across all my border now it's time to take a look see how all your diamonds have lined up you can un-pick and make adjustments but hopefully they all line up they look pretty good i think it's ready to trim so what i do next as i fully press the top side all across once that's fully pressed this is the time if you feel like your quilt top piece is finished it's ready to be cut this is the last step you're going to line up along the top of the border piece and you're going to trim all the way along your top piece and you're going to press it one last time and your quilt is finished and you can enjoy it so i hope you've learned how easy it is to take the jane austen coverlet quilt step by step enjoy the journey enjoy the process of making this historic quilt and once you're done you have a little bit of jane austen history in your home you
Channel: Riley Blake Designs
Views: 28,927
Rating: 4.8528609 out of 5
Id: K_U838zltis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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