Jan Frodeno's Final Win | Every Moment

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we have got a stellar cast here in Milwaukee we are all set for the start of the PTO US Open and let's hand you over to your starter there's the great [Applause] M on your marks we are racing 100 km of super fast Swim Bike Run here in Milwaukee for the PTO US Open teal cap will be Yan frino there's CHR bloomfeld oh he's having to redo his cap Yan is behind for Christian bloomfeld but this is going to be interesting because they're going to have to really Sprint to catch on to that front group there might be a little bit of a pack forming right now this will be interesting for Yan as I said he's going to have to pull down that swim skin and then pull up his race kit and you see him wrestling with it in the background um I mean I know he's practiced this a lot but it's still really hard to get that suit on when your arms are wet the suits wet these few moments here are going to be critical critical for Yan um you have those four men out right away Mark dubri I believe is in that fifth position trying to bridge up and then we'll see what happens to Yan here and these are the pictures of yan fro in transition and as you predicted reny we spoke about it he's really struggling there with his kit oh my goodness your hands are on your head I a veteran of of 20 plus years racing uh you know he was so busy trying to pull up his Race Kit trying to get his arms in he didn't even Z his his suit up yet before he got in the bike so he just forgot to take it off and um that was a costly error and as I said I think he's in no man's land right now one one interesting uh thing to to note is that F frino was about 25 30 seconds down out of transition so he did uh sort of lose a little time and he's sort of in between he's in no man's land so whether he's had to push and try and get up to this group of of seven or whether he'll be swallowed up quickly by it's around a minute behind for the second pack now so uh and as we mentioned some very strong cyclists in that second pack around a minute down grip it and rip it Rie we've been seeing him do it for so long now first man to win gold at the Olympics and the IR man world championships as well whenever you speak about Yan frino you need to put catlock cat locks for his name he is an outstanding athlete and it's beautiful to have him with us here today obviously he's pushed the spot forward um three-time IM world champion as you mentioned two-time 70.3 world champion Olympic gold medalist this man's done at all and he's 41 years old and still racing at the top level I think his longevity is the thing that really is the most admirable and to have that hunger for this long I mean he's got many other opportunities outside of the sport but he still he says you know he still has the fire he still has the fire to keep racing and you're seeing that right now he's pushing he's in this race he's uh third right now um and amongst the best in the world Yan in IA wouldn't have been able to go with this move I don't think so the talk that we heard leading into the race about Yan being back and Yan Being Fit that there was a lot of talk about that from people in his camp and who know we're seeing now that that's probably true and he is in better shape than he was in IA and I think from here very hard to see him not on the podium I know that's a long prediction but he he's in the perfect position as his Christian obviously now look Yan frino has two races left this year this race at the PTO Us open and then the IM man World Championships Yan's known for victories at the Iron Man World Championships at the Olympics but talking to him he wants a PTO title because this is his last chance and I think he sees how big these races are going to be in the future and wants to be able to look back and say well I did win one of them so he will be disappointed if he can't do that before he retires this is massive you can't underestimate how big this is Yan is dropping back it's not a good sign Yan frino if he's fit if he's feeling 100% he probably gets that like he gets into that group with with Mattis and Christian he probably follows that move he historically always has he doesn't let the front of the race go unless he's forced to and remember when Mattis come around Yan we said it looked like he was working really hard clearly he was Magnus is going to go around him Magnus is there's no way Magnus is going to want to take Yan with him so I doubt that he's going to just go past him and you know Hold Steady I think he'll put in a move and Yan's going to have to work really hard so in in 10 km time from now we'll know if Yan forino can Podium this race or not um if he can't go with with Magnus here this could be the race getting away from them Yan's going to have to really put his head down here and it's going to be really hard work for him to stay with uh with Magnus dlif here what we're seeing here on the screen is what I'm really fascinated by though Yan can't hold this wheel he's not he's not purposely letting that Gap uh blow back Magnus is probably holding a power that Yan never holds and probably can't hold and he's going to do it for another 5 to 8 minutes it's it's how Magnus makes his attacks this is um it's just a brutal way for Yan forino To Race today he I don't like how his race is playing out I don't think it's good for him he had to work really hard in the swim there was a period where he nearly lost the feet in the swim had to work hard to catch it back up he then had to work really hard to hold on to to mattius on the bike you could see how much he was hurting himself and now he he's having to do it again he's having to put in another surge with with Magnus here I don't like this for Yan and that's Yan frino actually still I believe hanging on to Magnus so the goat don't count him out just yet uh yeah I mean that's just gritty racing that's gritty racing from the the greatest of all time and he as we said that Magnus dlif is the strongest cyclist in this Sport and he is putting down big watts and for Yan to be hanging in there I mean he's working very hard for it and and maybe he'll take it take it some out of him on the run but um yeah this is just him just digging deep and like you know just going for it just put putting everything in there and trying to hold on cuz this will Bridge him back up to the front if he can hang with Magnus and then he still has a chance at the podium he is racing very well here he has his work cut out on the run and he has had to burn some matches to stick first of all you know in the swim there was a little bit of a gap he had to sort of bridge halfway through the swim there and then on the bike uh the start of the bike he forgot to take his speed suit off um even a veteran of the sport can make small small mistakes but forgot to take his speed suit off off at the end there lost about 30 seconds to that front group had to bridge back up and then Magnus came around him and he had to bridge with Magnus so he definitely has um had had to work very hard to stay with this front group but that's the grittiness that Yan frino a champion has he he can do that he is has the ability and the and the willingness to to just keep fighting until the very last moment and I I would never never count him out are we seeing this Gap open up to Y here Christian looks like he managed to get back onto the the front two in in mattius and Magnus and Magnus looks like he has pushed pretty hard YN back I think that's probably about 200 M at this point which is the biggest Gap we've seen from Yan all race he let the first one drop back to about 120 M then caught it back up up on the hill he hasn't been able to do that here it does look like Yan is now struggling here we see Yan foro making his way back to the front of the race this is because Magnus sat up so Magnus sort of made the decision we saw it when he was going up the climb on this last lap he sat up he looked around he sort of zigzagged off to the right hand side of the road and you saw then it was a decision I'm not getting away from these three I'm not going to push hard anymore I'm going to settle in i' I've made my big attack he's actually made two massive attacks throughout this race keep his powder a little dry he he sort of just realized hey I'm not going to break these two here I now have to back my run so he sort of made a decision okay I'm going to test a little bit I'm confident in my run and then he ultimately said no I have to back my R here but do you think that was a mistake because now frino has gotten back on and so now it's back to a pack of four and now it's a four four-way running race instead of three the question reinie is how hard has Yan had to work and how is he feeling right now cuz I think we can now no doubt say that Yan had to work the hardest as he either just spewed or spat a little bit had to work the hardest of these four we've seen on screen transition time now they're getting ready for the Dismounts how key is it this is smooth John this is the most exciting part of triathlon for me T2 when you've got a league group of strong people coming into it like we're used to seeing Christian sort of take things easy out of T2 and and then work his way into the Run we we're very used to seeing Yan frino take the race by the Scruff of the horns in T2 mattius oh Christian's cramped not again way Canada all over again this happened to Christian the exact same quad Canada last year at the PTO Canadian open suddenly this race is Magnus Yan and mattius is to lose Yan looks good to me I I sort of expected Yan to look a little heavier and and maybe a little bit more propy through T2 there he looks great but we have Yan here running up into the shoulder of Magnus didli um mattius still leading out front but here we go y looks great like we talked about like like we have talked about the whole coverage there was so much rumor going around the padic that janino's run was back now Yan has always run won races like this he's got where he needs to get into T2 that is with the lead group maybe not always leading into there he's got where he needs to get he establishes himself early in the r and takes over this is typical Yan frino what we're seeing now very different to what we saw in IA where out of T2 he looked he looked cooked and you could sort of tell oh this wasn't Yan's day now Yan doesn't go to the front of the races just to Big Dog people he doesn't really go there if he can't like sustain that pace he's not going to just go there for that and inuendo and say and Bluff it he doesn't Bluff like that if y's moving to the front of a race like this it means he's feeling good and it means he's fit he does look in control right here uh and he looks great look at Yan here we we keep talking about it his his run form was apparently there and he looks so smooth you can tell with Yan I reckon like like we talked about IA you could tell he wasn't there but you can tell when Yan looks good and he looks potentially as good as he's ever looked running to me here he looks smooth he looks in control you didn't quite see it on camera but he CLI he clicked his watch he did a split on his watch he looked down hit the split and then went so I think what that says to me is Yann made a decision here to make a move I don't know what that is but I think in his head he said something to himself like okay 3 minutes or 1K at 250 per K I'm going to break this race open see how he's he sort of he looks like he's running with purpose and that's because of that so watch this sort of next 3 4 minutes here because I believe that's what he would have said to himself in his head I'm going to push for 1K 1.5k maybe 2K and break this open the goat I mean as you said if if he can win here today then I mean he solidified that greatest of all time and honestly I mean he is the greatest of all time and to race at 41 years young um the career that this man has had coming off you know crazy year last year with injury and being in the hospital it still looks great yeah it looks great I think if um push come to sh and he did could go fter he could go faster yeah I think he's running within himself he's gonna get that kind of where on the course do you think he gets that kind of information to he'll have he'll have some people on course telling him everything that's going on I'm sure um I'm not sure where his people station but he'll know where they are station and they'll give him that information um so I don't think he'll let it come down to super close with Jason West but uh I think he's running within himself he's well within control of this race and um and doing what he has to do to to get to that Finish Line could you imagine could you imagine if he wins I oh John I think don't imagine I think we're seeing it happening in front of our eyes back with a front runner Yan frino looking comfortable to my untrained eye yes he just so is so comfortable in that position ding out almost almost annoying how comfortable he looks to be honest like it's he's a beautiful Runner isn't he oh I'm happy for him but I'm also annoyed at how good he looks like it's like how can someone look that good at this stage in this race at he laughing already he's he's happy about this he's got a minute lead he's got one lap to go before he gets to cross that finish line and and break the tape to me Yan looks in control and and it looks like that if Jason and Christian did come up on him you know got if he turned around and looked and they were 300 M behind him or 200 M behind him he would be able to give a little bit more he is sort of ring that that path bit of the path where he's just out of their line of sight they can't quite see him and he can't quite see see see them but in about 200 me that changes and when he turns his head he will be able to see them Olympic gold medalist five time world champion talked about wanting to keep the fire alive it is burning bright here in Milwaukee there is no denying his motivation the smile uh I don't even think Yan knows those people I think they were just some randoms cheering to him and he's just feeling so great Yan's now he's entering this state of like Euphoria of like look at me I'm the greatest of all time stop talking about alist brownley in the same sentence as me I'm the greatest to ever live this this is a career defining performance that cements him as the greatest of all time for me and I think for everyone watching today John this is unbelievable stuff look at him Yan frino is coming down the blue carpet what a moment it is for Yan frino the Olympic champion multi-time world champion he is about to add the PTO US Open to his very long list of credentials what a performance and what a man the greatest of all time Yan frino is about to cross the line and win the US Open congratulations that man John this is insane what he's just done today he's won all the biggest races in the world he's won the IM man World Championships three time two time 7.3 world champion Olympic champion you can still see how much means to him like winning a PTO open before he retires is it's everything it ticks off everything the PTO here to stay these PTO races are going to be bigger and bigger and bigger and they are going to be talked about as the Pinnacle the sport for Yan to have a PTO open win on his resume it's everything for when we reflect on his career in 5 years time and talk about him as the greatest of all time
Channel: T100 Triathlon World Tour
Views: 24,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTO, Professional Triathletes Organisation, Triathlon, PTO Tour, Triathlon Training, Triathlon Documentary, Triathlon Motivation, Beyond Human, PTO Hub, PTO Triathlon, Ironman Triathlon, Triatlon, Triatlo, Ironman Training, triathlon 2023, ironman motivation, jan frodeno, jan frodeno pto, jan frodeno final win, jan frodeno olympics, jan frodeno ironman, jan frodeno kona, pto milwaukee, pto highlights, triathlon highlights, greatest triathlete, GOAT, jan frodeno milwaukee
Id: mF-3GtjSvoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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