Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata - Animated Video

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now sorry a small town in present exam was for centuries home to parses of the priestly class who kept alight the sacred fire and preserved a tradition of asceticism of the several families that stayed there one bærum adopted the name Tata which literally meant one who is hot tempered in the air 1839 on the 3rd of March a boy was born to the family who was named Jim set G Masaru Anji Tata the boy was initiated into the various rights of his religion he served his novitiate and his name was inscribed among the priestly records when he was 13 his father took him to Bombay and admitted him to the elphinston institution in the 1856 Jamshedji joined the elphinston College where he'd received a liberal education and acquired a love for reading which lasted throughout his life while still a student at the college Jamshedji had a narrow escape from death his study in his home was in an attic tar very close to a rattling tile roof during one terrific cyclone his father rushed up from the floor below insisting that Jamshedji leaved the house the son obeyed and came down to the street filled with an excited and shrieking crowd suddenly the Nook he had occupied was torn away by the force of the wind and came crashing down at his feet in 1858 Jamsetji Tata passed out as a green scholar from the elphinston college then the equivalent of a degree he had intended to follow one of the learned professions and entered for a time a solicitor's office but fortunately for indian industry necessity compelled him to go into business in 1859 Jamsetji entered his father's firm Nasir Ranji and Kalyan vas by his mid-30s Jamshed ji had acquired a fair degree of wealth and a reputation of being a canny businessman he was planning a major investment in textiles and chose Nagpur to set up a mill to the dismay of many who felt Bombay was the obvious choice but Jamshedji knew not poor had easy reach to raw cotton was amidst a profitable market and both coal and water were abundantly available he struck good bargain for a piece of marshy 10 acre land from the Raja of Nagpur and filled it up with earth to start operations a local banker who had refused to invest in the mill later said mr. Tata had put earth into the ground and taken out gold on the first of January 1877 the Empress Mills started operations with the help of James Brooks be the technical expert with the mill he adopted the innovative green frame technology even before it was extensively used in England the move doubled the production share values zoomed and Jamshed his reputation as an astute industrialist was firmly established in Jamshedji was a benevolent employer and his ideas were well into the future he offered his people shorter working hours well-ventilated workspaces good living conditions performance incentives Provident Fund and gratuity long before they were made mandatory in India and the West this stocky man with a gruff voice was full of wooden humor he loved reading and his library had books on literature technology philosophy travel glassware porcelain there was no ceiling really his knowledge was encyclopedic and ideas flowed non-stop Jamshedji loved an ingenious device and was a born pioneer when the cinematograph first appeared he acquired one at once his garages were the first to be fitted with rubber tiles whose silent progress amazed the crowd on the streets as far back as 1901 he was seen driving a motor car in Bombay which used to have frequent breakdowns adding an element of adventure in the excursions all his purchases were made not so much for himself has to let India know of the developments happening the seas Sir George King chief curator of the Botanical Gardens in Calcutta acknowledged after a chance meeting that he had actually learned something on plants from Jamsetji Jamshedji loved Bombay the kindly face the snow white beard and the Parsee pogrom were a familiar sight at the sea front taking early morning walks by the end of the nineteenth century Bombay had started paying the price for heavy industrialization soot and grime from the textile mills were polluting the city Jamshed she began working on a new project to supply hydroelectric power for a clean and smokeless city only to Malone has agreed to tap the bar but he still went ahead with it what mattered to him most was that Bombay needed it once jump Shetty was invited to dine at a fine city hotel by a foreign friend when he walked in with his host he was accosted by a supercilious hotel manager with the infamous line we don't allow Indians in here Jamshedji chose to reply carefully to this insult he spent 3 lakh pounds to build the Taj Mahal Hotel one of the finest in the world many called it Tatas white elephant but as far as he was concerned Bombay needed a world-class hotel where Indians would be treated without discrimination [Music] it was the first building in Bombay to be lit by electricity jungchi's vision of philanthropy was almost radical he believed that creating opportunities for people would help fight poverty he felt it was important to support the talented and created a special fund to send students to go to England for higher studies later these thoughts translated into his vision for the Indian Institute of Science he left half his wealth amounting to 30 lakh rupees to set up the institution which opened its doors in 1904 stall words like the Nobel winner dr. CV Raman dr. whom abhava and dr. Vikram Sarabhai have a headed this formidable place of learning Jamshedji was an insatiable traveler right from the day he entered the world of business he travelled across the world in his quest for fulfillment of his ideas and his schemes when he was travelling on a ship to the US once he had a chance meeting with Swami Vivekananda who ignited in him the concept of Swadeshi and self-dependence the industrialist and the ascetic struck a lasting friendship and Jamshedji was to be a champion so they she all his life it was in a tiny lecture hall in Manchester in 1869 that Jamshed she heard Thomas Carlyle's fiery words the nation which gains control of iron soon acquires the control of gold from that moment onwards the quest for iron and the search for the man who could help find it became an obsession with him one late September he set sail for America and after weeks of perseverance he arrived at the cluttered desk of one Charles page Perrin a globally acknowledged geologist and metallurgist for a long time the two gazed and each other in silence are you Charles speech Bevin the metallurgist nodded at last I found the men I am looking for Jamshed geez communication was precise I have spoken to mr. Kennedy he will build the steel plant wherever you advise and I will foot the bill will you come to India with me Baron was so dumbfounded struck by the character the force the kind Linus that radiated from GIM Chi Chi's phase that all he could mutter was yes yes I will go with you it was tough going for Peron in the harsh and demanding land with temperatures soaring to 125 degrees and man-eating Tigers and rogue elephants as adversaries his team eventually struck what could perhaps be 3 billion tons of iron ore in the hills of Guru Mohini in the chota nagpur district situated within 150 miles from Calcutta imagine building a city in a place like this a hundred years ago but Jamshedji dreamed of providing a better life to his people he planned the city which is now known as Jamshedpur down to the last detail his instructions were clear be sure to lay wide streets planted with shady trees every other of a quick growing variety be sure that there is plenty of place for lawns and Gardens reserved large areas for football hockey and parks earmark areas for Hindu temples mosques and Christian churches for 30 years of his life Jamshed she had dreamt of an iron and steel plant and just when the project was beginning to take shape he passed away in Germany fortunately men like his son Dora ensured that the dream lived on tata steel Asia's first integrated steel company came into being in 1907 at the confluence of the two rivers Subarnarekha and kirk i in a village called Sharkey about two and a half miles from the station of Kali ma T on the Bengal Nagpur railway Jawahar Lal Nehru the first Prime Minister of independent India had observed when you have to give the lead in action in ideas a lead which does not fit in with the very climate of opinion that is true courage physical mental or spiritual call it what you like and it is this type of courage and vision that Jamshed Cheetara showed and it is right that we should honor his memory and remember him as one of the big founders of modern India [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Tata Steel
Views: 321,390
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Keywords: Tata Steel, J N Tata, Tata Group, Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, History of Tata Steel, Jamshedpur
Id: w5z04rGu7co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2017
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