JAMIE'S SPECIALS | Italian Rolled Lamb (Lambchetta) | Jamie’s Italian

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Hey guys, so got a brand new dish on the new Jamie's Italian menu that I'm really proud of using lamb, British lamb. Brilliant quality and the technique of cooking it is quite interesting. I was trying to kind of like rift off of what would a lamb version of a porchetta be. Right, so the idea of rubbing the lamb with beautiful things like chopped up parsley, anchovies, ground coriander, seasoning, a little vinegar, a little garlic and then slow cooking it. Slow cooking it blonde so it's utterly tender but held together right rolled up and then our job is to get it really, really crispy. So then what we do once it's tender is that. Crispiness, you know really get that happening in the pan and you got that wonderful contrast of crispiness and tenderness. Once you've coloured this up a little bit we're gonna put this in the oven so we're going to just get that nice and crispy. To go with that there's a great Italian dish called Peperonata which is with peppers. So beautiful red and yellow peppers and we sort of braise it down with beautiful ingredients until it's sort of sweet and sour and that with the lamb is a phenomena. Right, so let me just show you how we do it we get a pepper I don't want to waste any so just push your thumb in the hole like that bust it open and then we wanna just lose the seeds and the stalk and then we're gonna hack it up into chunks, kind of like inch, random chunks but nothing too uniformed. We're gonna fry that off. Now keep moving it about half an hour sometimes a bit longer and you wanna encourage the natural sweetness out of the peppers. So I've got some nice red onions here just going to quarter it and chunk it up all nice and rough. For me, I love making Peperonata it's a wonderful recipe to master in your home. About sort of ten minutes in I'll add the garlic. Winning you some beautiful capers as well and a little bit of lemon zest just to freshen it up. Just the lovely yellow zest. We'll season this Peperonata with pepper and salt. But look at these colours. So now, what's gonna happen now is the natural juices will come out and it will start to soften and then we'll cook those juices away and the natural sugars will start to caramelize, delicious. And that is what we get. I did a small batch just before and that's how it looks when it's done so you can kind of see the difference in texture but beautiful colours and of course if you've got green peppers or orange peppers you can kind of get amongst it with all of that and then just a nice little wedge of parsley. Just by adding that lovely fresh parsley at the end it's a freshness that's just it's really delicious. Really, really nice and then we're gonna serve it with a salsa verde which is parsley, mint, bit of basil, garlic, capers, anchovies, mustard, olive oil and a bit of vinegar it's the most delicious green sauce. I'm just gonna wazz that up in a food processor and this is nice, we make this every day. Keep it fresh keep the fragrance of those beautiful soft herbs in there but it's great with any grilled meat, it's great with actually any roasted, grilled fish, beautiful grilled vegetables. Salsa verde is a real fundamental of the Italian kitchen but you got to keep it fresh and delicious. Let's plate up this lovely lamb dish. I think it's really nice that blend of soft, tender and crispy bits, we all love crispy bits, come on. The Peperonata you know, is deep and rich not just in colour but also flavour. Look at the colours. The colours are exceptional, look at that. So rolled breast of lamb, lot of love and care gone into that and then, salsa verde chef. So we just whizzed up those ingredients and then balanced it with oil and a little vinegar and that's it lovely people. A little bit of salsa verde over the top, simple but delicious. And some beautiful pea shoots to finish and they taste sweet and gorgeous and there you go lovely people. A delicious slow-cooked, crispy rolled lamb with Peperonata and gorgeous salsa verde and this will be on a special today and for the next week. I hope you enjoy.
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 312,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver
Id: SX-S3ectTXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2018
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