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[Music] hello everyone welcome to my youtube channel my name is Johnny will today and want to show you where I'm at this is Jamie Foxx's house before me wondering what's in there right let me show you so this is Johnny whoo we got Jamie Fox in the building thank you so much for having me at your house anywhere in the world I wanted to just think of one location okay got it no this is gonna be like a mom-and-pop shop like an ice cream shop in Germany no one knows the name of it can be that specific among the world just make sure the title it's in English not even a city but like a small place okay okay by yourself a small place anywhere your place yeah it can be make it meaningful okay there's gonna be someone born at this hospital this can be like a parking lot we met someone or like a restaurant that you went to that so not the city but a place yes now we're talking about gazillion oh okay okay not oh my god all right I got it right here I'm gonna go to maps.google.com yes what's this entire world stuff that's right yes I'm gonna iron did you know I'm a iron box you're a hairball no one can get in here lock him out you're him ladies you try afterwards lock him out okay okay I got it I got it do I have to tell you to see and the place is just a place look at me I won't do that just think of the place okay you've been there right obviously there are yourself over someone else I've been there by myself okay good really imagine you can see maybe choose your memory why you picked this place why is it important just imagine there's a TV frame right here you pick this place maybe even the name with this right here we go you're right you love music okay so right now we're just gonna go to youtube.com which is the browser version okay if I click search there is no browser history it's the browser version you know any song in the world that means a lot to you if you want to think of your own song it's not a job I know them home don't think of think of a song a song any song I got it you got it yes would I be able to guess it no no okay facing outside of the box now cuz he might I might know the category that you like me R&B you got it okay I'll lock it look at me I wonder though sing it to me in your mind now I'll out now with him out in your mind to me ready protect it okay starting now a little bit louder keep going great voice here oh yeah okay good thank you it's at I love this song okay I want to just imagine you see the youtube search bar right here see the words just the title of this song okay right here starting now visualize the word done right here where you down right here [Music] I got it I'm gonna search a song right here on her phone okay this is on YouTube I'm gonna mute it mute it loading on YouTube oh man it's very emotional foxy yeah why did he says why did you pick this song good normally magic you have to see it to believe it this one I wanna change it up I wanted to hear it to believe it [Applause] thank you that's crazy that's crazy I'm gonna try something one more even better than this okay let me try this this is extremely difficult you have that Pascal in your mind you do it's a pass go so that means I no one should know look at me first digit three good second digit oh this is good are you really thinking about the third digit you should mr. boss lemme fourth digit 3 digit 4 you are thinking of someone's birthday it's not your birthday right it's someone close to you King things that person do you know that person is star sight yes or no zodiac sign you do interesting so I don't know who that person is if that person a more logical or emotional logical or emotional emotional more outgoing like extrovert or introvert xover emotional I want to try this so I was talking to Kareem that I think real magic you see I haven't taken a deck of cards yet that's what everyone perceived magic eyes cartridge a lot of hands but these are so like just so straightforward right I want to take a chance on this this is a Apple timer if you squirrel like this is kind of like a roulette table you don't know where we're gonna land on that is 1154 right I'm gonna try this one more time we got 11 again 11:53 okay so you're gonna get different numbers 11 means that it's November and this one is the day anything the birthday I'm gonna scroll to that birthday on my next try okay so look at me think of the birthday who really think hard starting now I'm gonna try to make this stop wait [Music] that's over here thank you so much thank you thank you so much once again you've done it see they're such a great job super sweet oh yeah definitely this thank you this right here thank you thank you I've seen them all thank you thank you actually I can top that one next time [Music]
Channel: Johnny Wu
Views: 341,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chris ramsay, magic tricks, magician got talent, agt magician, professional magician, professional magician tricks, professional magician performing, real magic tricks, mind reading tricks, mind reading prank, easy real magic, jamie foxx, jamie foxx reacts, richard sanders, street magic, david blaine jamie foxx, jamie foxx magic, reading mind, david blaine, emotional, crying, mind reading, corinne foxx, jamie foxx house, celebrity
Id: 9YopnbOnWsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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