James Spann Reads Mean Tweets - 2019 Edition

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hello friends this is James Spann it's time to read some mean tweets and thanks to all of you for sending in the mean tweets I really appreciate them for my heart it involves the snow or the lack of snow in the state of Alabama this morning and by the way it did snow you probably slept through it but it actually snowed for a lot of places the snow is between 1 & 3 a.m. for some places between 5 & 7 a.m. and by the time a lot of people woke up this morning it was gone in the Sun was shining but that's what it looked like early this morning it was actually pretty I stayed up all night last night doin live television and we saw these videos live and it was just marvelous and some of the kids had enough to play in today I'm not kidding these are not pictures from the Snowmageddon this was like this morning in Alabama we had a quarter inch in a lot of places we had enough for a snowman true we didn't get one to two inches we got a quarter inch in a lot of places in some places got nothing but that's the bust value we give the big range but that's okay and people really probably didn't read what we had to say here not everyone in a winter storm warning will see a lot of snow some will get nothing at all I wrote that like over and over and over but that's okay that's okay so let's go to some of the tweaks now this is Johnny Parker Johnny's a good friend Johnny survived the ef5 tornado in Smithville Mississippi and Johnny's a meteorologist he went to college and I graduated in the meteorology program in Mississippi State but he tweeted this out and I'm thinking oh oh span is trending on Twitter that can't be good so I checked and sure enough span is trending on Twitter this morning when you're a weather person and you're trending it's not good so let's review some of the mean tweets and I just will read them oh the south talk about brainwashed the whole city shuts down based on what span says I'm from Buffalo living in the south and I was 100% on target when I said it wouldn't snow and it's not even my job if span says the sky is falling would you believe into this I love this one governor kiv would be better off Consulting Nancy Reagan's psychic than span before declaring a state of emergency this is awesome I hear in trustful we have some unhappy kids eating their milk sandwiches Wow you're a worthless piece of poop worse worse forecast ever you blanking blank clown do you realize if other people were as bad as you at their professions they would be fired or in jail you're a disgrace you cost the people in the state millions of dollars by your poor forecasts I woke up today expecting snow I blame you James I got my dogs all excited for nothing James either you're the worst meteorologist I've ever laid my eyes on or you have the worst luck of predicting the weather I think it's time to step down brother everything you say it's going to happen the literal opposite happens no disrespect but I want somebody that's gonna let me know what's the truth oh yeah the memes are good that face when you shut down the entire state for rain Teachers Union pays span breaking news I'm waiting on that check cooter Brown's ribs in Jacksonville 100 percent chance of ribs sorry James span man its I'm hungry thinking about that you blank-blank I hope you choke you lying I think you meant to say sack back of blank burden blank okay once again it's not a matter of if span will get it completely wrong but it's a matter of how completely wrong he will be thanks for shutting down the state again hashtag underperforming the ostrich my favorite me going to measure all the snow we got with that microscope right there I still love you span but that doesn't mean I have to like you right now that warms my heart whoa kids take it easy hands off true story I'm a bread man and suffered an injury yesterday making my deliveries during the civil emergency and my haste to ensure every home had bread during this apocalyptic event I smashed my finger on a lift gate your bad forecast almost cost me a finger thanks hey James I know you stand to make a lot of money or at least get lots of attention that you seem to thrive on boldly by lying about whether you know won't come to pass you cost people like me a whole day of business when you do that though I know just by looking at you that you are full of poop but for some reason people like you and trust you you're probably a total sociopath but could you try and be more responsible I knew by looking at the Weather Channel website we wouldn't get snow but you release a post that essentially assures we will you are a bad person enjoy all of the attention while you have it I suppose I suppose snowman spotted in Pelham today it makes me hungry James spand predicting the weather bird box-style Oh and finally feeling like a victim of weather bad weather reporting false weather reporting call the Alabama on that note we're wrapping up this edition of mean tweets thanks for watching mean people and nice people bye
Channel: ABC 33/40 Weather
Views: 33,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: James, Spann, ABC, 3340, 33/40, Alabama, weather, Brian, Peters
Id: jZVZZrgj--w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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