James Randi busts psychics in TV show. "Exploring Psychic Powers Live"
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Channel: M.RileyJunior
Views: 620,120
Rating: 4.6838722 out of 5
Keywords: James Randi, Psychics, Bill Baxter, Paranormal, JREF, Randi, Uri GEller, Sylvia Browne, Million dollar challenge, fake psychics, magic, mystery, misdirection, derren brown, mediums, spiritualism
Id: djKBUDg-v-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 24sec (5364 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2016
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James Randi...the hero we all need but don't deserve
The real mystery is: What happened to Bill Bixby's voice?
Pbs did a very good documentary about him. But I forget the name of it so I can't link it.