James Bond will RUIN Nolan's Career

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I ordered my hot sauce an hour ago few things in Hollywood have felt as destined for one another as James Bond and Christopher noan however for as faded for each other as these powerhouses of Blockbuster Cinema have seemed their paths have never crossed by the time Nolan had made a name for himself in Hollywood Bond had already settled into a long-term relationship with Daniel Craig and although Nolan's style would have suited his take on bond quite well Nolan made it clear that he would want his version of bond to be its own thing unencumbered by other filmmakers take on the character but now the time feels right after 17 years Eon is in the market for a new Bond and Nolan on the top of his game following Oppenheimer has nothing on his slate for the foreseeable future this is the time and I couldn't be more amped my two favorite things in all of Cinema coming together at long last it's the stuff that dreams are made of but perhaps I should be more careful what I wish for because uh while this is something I've wanted basically my entire life the rumors regarding a potential Christopher Nolan James Bond movie and what it would look like raise a few concerns $20 says you're going to direct the next Bond movie $20 this rumor that the Christopher Nolan James Bond rumor I feel like actually has some weight to it whether or not it's going to go down the way that he's kind of uh indicating it is uh you know remains to be seen but the fact of the matter is bond is at you know a turning point now right they finished the Daniel Craig era they're going into uh this new era with a new actor New Direction all that stuff you don't really know what it's going to be like but it would you know given the fact that Christopher Nolan has expressed interest in you know James Bond I mean he's repeatedly repeatedly even said as much like multiple times that he's like shamelessly ripped off those films like throughout his entire career the influence of those movies on my filmography is embarrassingly apparent I've always loved the character in the movies and anybody's seen my other films it's embarrassingly clear how much I love the movies you look across his filmography he's not shy about it no attempt uh to to shy away from from that he also just so happens to be the biggest name in directing right now like no offense to Steven Spielberg Martin scori but like they're not drawing in crowds the way Christopher Nolan is it it sort of seems like this is the first time in Christopher Nolan's sort of career where the job's open for him to do exactly what he wants to do with it yeah and he's got so much he's got enough clout that he could literally ask to do it and they would consider it maybe he'd be ready to get back into franchise filmm at this point I mean at least this franchise I don't think he's he's not going to jump over to Star Wars or something like that it would have to be James Bond yeah and I don't think he's going back to superheroes anytime soon so God no I think he's actually said that he's he's never touching superheroes ever again and when when you've made that sort of statement you don't really need to make another one yeah I mean let's like let the work stand for itself T it's it's gone there's a deal apparently being negotiated for Nolan to direct two Bond films is writing both of them as well but the key points that are being made here are thaton and Amazon are pushing for Nolan and that he's on board in principle unless his need for creative freedom isn't met which you know obviously we know if Nolan doesn't get cart blanch with a Bond film uh I mean he's probably not going to do it uh another point is thaton wants a full reboot for the modern era with Nolan wanting to make adaptations of the Ian Fleming novels in Period settings this is very important because this is a big you know topic of discussion here here uh that stick close to the original Source material it's also unclear as to what the as to what Amazon wants apart from money it Chek Le says but uh this is the final Point here is that the goal is to get Nolan to do two to three films makes sense uh and then have him executive produce going forward Eon and Amazon are putting all of their eggs in one basket for Nolan due to the fact that he wants the job he delivers critically and commercially successful films and he's one of a few directors out there who can put butts and seats on his name alone as we've kind of already mentioned you go through the list of things in this article and like like yes Christopher Nolan they want him I want him too and yes make him do a couple you know two or three sounds great the big sticking point for me is the period setting I vehemently do not believe that Bon should become I actually think it would kill the franchise if they decided to make them period pieces going forward I think that that is you could say goodbye to people people's interest in this character he becomes a relic of a bygone era in the same way that something like shlock Holmes and whatever else like you you sort of pigeon hole him in this period um of time and beyond that I mean I feel like we're also at a point in time where because because you know the world is constantly changing where people are like well you know bond has some sort of like you know sort of antiquated attitudes they're sort of ingrained in some of the source material uh talk I don't see how you make that debate any better by pivoting into it by saying oh yeah you think Bon sexist we're going to adapt the [ __ ] books from written in the 50s and it's like H yeah this doesn't do I mean I feel like you're going to turn a lot of people off which I don't know if this franchise can afford to do right now just because you you look at no time to die which did very well at the box office but where it didn't do so well and where a lot of these sort of franchises it's in a similar position to Mission Impossible really where it's like people over a certain age love it and people under a certain age just don't go see them and yeah you know despite what Twitter will have you sort of believe but Twitter is not a good litness test for it is not it is absolutely but but you know what I mean like I think they need to do they need to do Outreach to younger viewers and this is just not how you do that uh in my opinion I get what you're saying because you're right like Bond like out of all of these literary characters literary works and whatever you mentioned Sherlock Holmes or whatever uh bond is really the only one that hasn't been trapped in the era he was conceived in um and I think that's part of the appeal of the franchise is its constant uh way of Reinventing itself with every era it's kind of they're like time capsules yeah yeah exactly it it evolves with the times the character kind of stays the same at the core of it uh but the world around him changes and that's kind of I mean you you've heard filmmakers talk about this all the time heard Daniel Craig talk about that all the time that is the big yeah uh sort of thing with the character here's the thing Christopher Nolan doing a James Bond film that is liter I I have wanted that my entire life like more than anything else with him be doing a60s adaptation of like I don't know From Russia with Love or moon raker be my ideal version of this no but I'm also down to hear him out on it because he's earned that Goodwill from me what if he did like a retro 60s sort of thing like a you know like like what we saw with The Incredibles where it was like it's clearly taking place in a period that is like in the past but there's sort of like this this weird like futuristic spin on some of the tech like I don't know like if they're going to go down this route that's where I'm like okay I could see like a retro 60s sort of thing working and and like we're taking advantage of that time period but we're separating ourselves from From Russia with loves an honor Majesty Secret Service a doctor no or whatever you know I think then it becomes a different problem for me where it's like oh this just does not take place in the real world at all this is an alternate reality where like you know like like The Incredibles where it's like like the 2000s and the 1960s at once and or or like something like Batman the Animated Series which does something similar with like the 1940s and people love that stuff though yeah people love that stuff but I mean I think it works a little better in like the the pulpy comic book kind of thing um and also I think Bond and this is the thing right this this is the the big issue I think bond exists as a he was he was created as a contemporary sort of figure and like when he was written that was sort of what made him stand apart like Fleming was writing this character when every other Action Hero in like sort of the that kind of genre was kind of this throwback it's like oh they they take you know turn of the century and they're all you know sort of old old timey man's man kind of guys and then Bond was this very contemporary very of his time 1950s which at the time was contemporary man who you know had sort of sex when he wanted to and he drank and he was a bachelor he didn't settle down and like all of these things that felt very new at the time and then was smart about the films is that they basically said that's the essence of this character and as we move away from his original publication date we're not going to deny him that bond is just going to change and become whatever um you know that version of modernity is in his time there's a really good quote from Barbara broccoli where she says whatever men are at the time the Bond film is made that's what bond is and then the same with the technology you start you know part of the the appeal of the Bond films is they have these cool you know cars and pieces of tech and you know all the clothing everyone wears is very contemporary and of its time and you just strip all of that away all the Tech's going to have to be stuff that you know my smartphone could probably do um and Bon's going to act like oh wow what a revolutionary piece of you know Tech Q this is amazing it you know I don't know I don't know if it would be I know you could make a wireless call what an incredible device I don't think you make a new generation of bond fans the way that like gold and I made a new generation of bond fans with a period set Bond film I think it becomes kind of this little little like cultural curio where it's like oh yeah wasn't that nice when they went back to the 60s I I get what you're saying that like keeping it modern is how you introduce new fans is how you get people on board to this sort of thing at the same time uh I mean I know it's kind of a different case but like Mad Men is and was insanely popular people were down for for it because of the characters it's like I I don't necessar I mean people love people love period the the crown was insanely popular I don't think you're alienating younger audiences just because you're choosing to set this film at a different time period I mean there there are younger audience members who are clamoring for a Fantastic 4 set in the 60s like there there is this kind of like yearning to have period pieces with these characters I'm not saying that like I I agree with it or that I think it's like the best thing to go about because I agree with what you're saying about we've we've had those films in the' 60s we've seen what that landscape looks like I I I don't want like the character to go back to that because the great thing about him is is being a man of the current times people already think of bond as being kind of antiquated anyway and then you you confirm that you're basically just saying yeah this is your dad's franchise and it's not like with your D like yeah like like it would be for like two or three films like I it would be but then once once the floodgates open I I just don't see how you go like okay now we're going back to you know modern day ones it's like remember those ones that were set in the 60s I don't know I just feel like it but like Nolan he did the same thing with Batman you know what I'm saying like there there like that was like a hyper realistic Batman thing and like we haven't seen anything like it since I just can't get past the pasti thing I it would feel like Austin Powers it would literally just feel like that it would feel like they're going to do the spect the boardroom exactly like it was in Thunder ball the only two films that I would be down to see reimaginings of I don't want them to take place in the 60s but I'd like to see reimaginings of or I guess 70s because these two movies came out in the 70s is like a a a true adaptation of Live and Let Die that is contemporary and moon rer I I agree I think actually with moon rck is the like that's my favorite of the books and I think it's the one that I yeah they probably could get away with doing more of a straight adaption of just because so little of it was used obviously they did a bit in D the day but they went off the rails there but um we don't talk about that yeah but but honestly this and this is another point in the favor of doing it contemporary Hugo Drax is just Elon Musk and you lose that you lose that bit of commentary when you say actually it takes place in the 60s and it's like okay I could see Nolan wanting to do an adaptation of moon raker because of its relevancy but because he wants to do an adaptation of Moonraker does not mean that that means that that that film is going to be set in the 60s or the 70s or whatever like that that movie could be contemporary and still be a a true direct adaptation of moon rakers I see what you mean so you you you think maybe that this is them sort of extrapolating on what the sources has said inferring like they're taking direct adaptation taking it to me period yeah because I just I just don't I just don't buy that Nolan would be like I'm going to do a period yeah like I I don't think Nolan would be like I'm going to do a period accurate James Bond Trilogy like I mean yeah I get Nolan is fond of of like old Tech he likes film he likes you know telling very oldfashioned maybe not old fashioned yeah he's a bit of a retro guy um he's an analog guy but I don't think that necessarily translates to his like thematic Pursuits or or or his film making Pursuits I mean kennet is about as like modern of a [ __ ] Blockbuster as you can get the guy who made tenet I don't think necessarily wants to go back to the 60 a direct ADT of James Bond I don't if you're asking whether or not I buy that aspect of it I don't buy it I mean if we're just entertaining the idea you know that's another conversation but I just I think it's more of a adaptation of one of those those novels that could benefit from a contemporary adaptation this is the thing about being a fan and this is you know it kind of poisons your brain a little bit but you do sometimes have to sort of balance like what you think is best for the thing you like and what you'd like to see and although here's the thing with this period thing I don't think it's good for the series and I don't want to see it so I just I have absolutely no reservations and as much as I want to see Christopher Nolan do this cuz I mean God yeah I mean the man is I know some people have complained and said oh he he'd be too tonally similar to the Craig films uh I don't think so like I mean I I I I don't know I maybe he'll be a little more serious than maybe like Roger Moore but I I I don't think we live in an era where you could have a Roger Mo bond anymore one of his favorite films is the spy who loved me he's got like I mean I just rewatched the Dark Knight trilogy in theaters for the Batman day and they're funny they're [ __ ] very fun so I mean a lot great on lers in there yeah I don't really know why people have this perception of him um as being like humorless will you be one in the back pter middle of the day Alfred not very subtle the Lamborghini then much more sh any in any case I don't think they would be tonally similar to the Craig films other than they might be they might have some like sort of psychological element to them cuz he likes to do that and that's a part of the character and you can do the character without that but you I don't think I don't think post Craig anyone's going to I think that's what people sort of expect of the character at this point if he were to go into this this this is uncharted waters right like these are this is something that's never happened before and I think think for that reason alone I'd be willing to give it a try if it doesn't work then like so be it I don't think like I I I don't know if I necessarily agree that it's going to break the franchise if they try this one thing like I I get your reservations atic but I I mean like like it cuz you have like 20 to your point when we talk about like people not liking no time to die and US loving no time to die we like there's 25 there's 24 other movies you could go back and watch if this film doesn't work there's 25 other movies we can go back and watch and at least like but but but at least all have gambled on something different and and interesting I don't think it's different or interesting though I think my argument would be the exact same thing I'd say if you want a bun film set in the 60s we have [ __ ] six of them go watch one of those and I agree with that I agree I totally agree with that I'm not saying that I want to see this but I am saying that if you're going to do that there's a way to look back on that time period through the con of a modern lens I I just don't think that like I I see an angle for it to work if it is if it does go down the road of being like overly reverent and just a direct adaptation of like Goldfinger or something like that yeah I I don't I don't want to see that it would have to be something more than that that would you know benefit from being told in the' 60s for it to work we don't need to go back there and do it exactly as we did it in the ' 60s because we've already done it it's done I mean like I guess that's sort of the thing is just like knowing the kind of filmmaker Christopher Nolan is like I don't think he would be doing something that is like overly like self referential or whatever be if if you said it in the 60s it there's no way it couldn't be I mean like yeah I to your point I get that but also like I I I would point to the new Godzilla movie that's coming out because and granted I have not seen it but that trailer that Dro looks fantastic really that's that's that's the only other franchise that has endured as long as James Bond um and they have a movie that's coming out I I that I believe takes place in um around World War II if not I think it's post war yeah I think it's it is post war which that's like that's the era of Godzilla like like when the character was first came into existence and they're putting a different spin on it that I think is making that movie really interesting and and it's it's also contemporary as well so like I could see James Bond doing a similar thing I want to kind of go into this which is ever since this news piece has dropped there's been a lot of uh interesting reactions from the fans and strangely enough a lot of people are on board with this idea and I'm curious like why do why do you think people are on board with a time period Bond film um I think part of it is there is a faction of and not there not everyone at all um not everyone who wants this is this way but I think there is a pretty decent contingent of people who are like I'm sick of bond having to be modern I'm sick of bond having to be politically correct I want bond to go back to when into a time period where he's allowed to be you know the smoking sexist whatever and I think for for for for not everyone very vocal minority of people that is the appeal of it it's the appeal of like well Bon doesn't have to take orders from a woman and do all of these things anymore that that the things that we you know the franchise has done to sort of keep itself relevant and modern we don't have to do that anymore cubby broccoli was incredibly smart when he realized that you have to just keep it you got to do exactly what Fleming was doing which is keep it contemporary and I think the reason it's this this idea is so popular with fans I think it's just a misremembering or or a misunderstanding I that sounds really condescending but it it's just I think yeah I think some people just think we can recap that if we just literally go back to the 60s and I don't think we can if this does end up happening if this is the route that they choose to take that Christopher Nolan chooses to take we know that he's going to get cart launched he's going to get just all like like as much creative control as Barbara Brockley will let him have and that will suit him um so like we know that we're going to be in good hands that it's I mean Nolan has never I mean you know you can ask me but like I at least this is just my opinion Nolan has never made a bad movie he's never steered me wrong before he I he he has earned my trust as a movie goer it would be a good movie whether or not it's your bond thing I think is like it remains to be seen whatever but I think the the core of what matters is like would it be a good movie would it get butts and seats and would it get people excited about James Bond butts in seats good movie I don't think you get people excited about James Bond as a concept I think you get people excited about that movie they go see that movie and I don't think it I don't think it does anything for the for the you know the the longevity of the series which I mean yeah I I I I just I got to push back on that man I I think it doesn't matter I mean [ __ ] dude he could make a Bond movie set in the 80s or the 90s and people I see I don't think I don't think that's true though I think that people would get excited for that movie I don't think it necessarily translates into making new fans I think it people become fans of that movie they say oh yeah the Christ he's got a very dedicated he's got a very dedicated younger audience like those kids make fan of that movie I think it's like he's going to make three of them I think it's like the uh sorry I think it's like the uh Snider fans you make you make like they they're not DC fans they are SNY fans and when SNY left DC they hate DC like I think that's what this is I think it's you people Yeah Yeah Chris has a Chris I'm good friends with uh Nolan has this Nolan has this really dedicated fan base and they would show up and general audiences would show up and people would probably like the movie because it's probably going to be good but I don't think you make James Bond fans out of them because there's nothing to latch on to there there's nothing there's nothing to to keep you invested in this as a as a sort of overarching idea I just the period setting I think is that that's where that rubs the wrong way but I do have one question for you before we wrap up because we we mentioned this we mentioned bar broccoli giving her him like sort of the the leeway to do this and whatnot How likely do you think this is that this if say she wouldn't let it happen no I and I think that's really that that's the an that's the answer we arrive at is that and that's why I'm going to sleep so soundly tonight cuz Babs has got my back I look look that that is the thing I don't I don't think uh I think that she would do a lot of things to try to get Christopher Nolan she would make a lot of um you know she would make a lot of concessions yeah she's not afraid to make big swings but I don't think that's but I think that is like that might be the one thing where she's like all right can we negotiate can we like you're allowed to do your thing but like can we just not make it a period piece and I think and and I genuinely think Christopher Nolan would concede on that I don't think I think I don't think a 60s bond is like his sticking point if he doesn't get this he's out I think there are a lot of other things that he would be more interested in and doing and exploring I guess to bring it all back do we think Christopher Nolan is going to do is going to be in charge with spearheading the next era of James Bond um and do we want it to happen um I think the odds are pretty good right now honestly I feels weird to say that because it feels like it's been such a nebulous thing for so long I think I if if I'd be shocked it would be such a coup if someone else got it at this point because he is been heading in this direction for so long and and and he's such a hot commodity that they all it makes sense that everyone else like Amazon and Eon would want him yeah I I want it as long as it's not a period piece that's my that's my C that's your sticking point you're with you're with Babs you're with Babs yep it's me and Babs right or die whether or not it's super period piece or not I'm I'm all in for this because I again I just he's earned my trust as a viewer as a bond fan I know that he cares about the character I know he cares about the franchise so I don't think he's going to give us anything less than exceptional whether or not it's a perod piece or not um do I think he'll get it I don't know I mean like I mean it remains to be seen but it does seem like a Nob brainer like why the [ __ ] like the dude is like he's he's just he's gold he's the manifestation of profit why would you not want this guy to make your Bond movie especially when you have this cleen break and can start a new or whatever and like yeah have him do a Trilogy like that would be great I love that idea yeah I think doing more than one great idea yeah the the the other thing that is that is interesting about this report that I swear to God we're going to end on is the him executive producing going forward Aton yeah fascinating like they want him to be in charge of this thing after he's done just to like help put it together do they want him to like take the place of uh Michael G Wilson is that what they're saying like yeah I don't know I mean or maybe I know yeah did they did they say indefinitely like just like going forward Beyond his films or I know Daniel Craig was an executive producer but well they they said the goal is to get Nolan to do two to three films and then have him executive produce going forward so post third film he would be an executive producer on those films and would help kind of shepher that direction so I don't know if that means they keep the actor and then he he executive produces that act the rest of that actor's tenure or if they like want to bring him into the family and like have him actually be a part of eon which would be also or could this be Amazon saying we need another person at the table cuz we can't win a negotiation between just us and the broccolis we need a third party here to S break up the argument a bit cuz I feel like noan is not going to side with the suits like he's going to 100% be on the side of eon so this is going to backfire on them and we're going to get great creative swings for like the next 20 not be the first time a studio made a terrible decision trying to win a fight yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure so yeah yeah no I that is fascinating and I think he'd be good at it I mean obviously he understands this he understands this this and not that an executive producer is heavily involved but like he understands this character enough that it's not like he's just some yeah not he's not a suit coming in and saying I'm now involved in these I trust him on that front but uh yeah no uh call me skeptical but if if if we can get past this sticking point yeah I'm all in let Chris do Bond let's let him do it just let it happen come on please for the love of [Music] God
Channel: FilmSpeak
Views: 49,297
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Keywords: filmspeak, video essay, ending explained, explained, christopher nolan james bond, bond 26, james bond, james bond video essay, filmspeak james bond, filmspeak christopher nolan, bond 26 news, christopher nolan video essay, christopher nolan analysis, james bond analysis, oppenheimer is a masterpiece, filmspeak oppenheimer, oppenheimer video essay, oppenhiemer analysis, christopher nolan explained, nolan james bond, oppenheimer is christopher nolan's best movie, james bond 26
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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