James Bond Style Rules - Menswear Secrets from 007

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Welcome back to the Gentleman's Gazette! In today's video, we'll discuss the 11 rules of dressing like James Bond. James Bond is one of the world's most famous fictional characters. His style is admired, copied, and adored by men around the world. Even though there are entire blogs and channels dedicated to the style of James Bond, it's not that easy to copy his look because on the one hand, you need a lot of dough, on the other hand, you may not look like James Bond. Just because an outfit works well for 007, doesn't mean it will work well for you, and your style, and your surroundings. At the Gentleman's Gazette, we think it makes more sense to figure out what style rules Bond abides by and then use those to adapt them to your unique situations rather than just copying him to the tee. 007 has been on film since 1962 when Sean Connery embodied Bond in Doctor No. Bond is now entering his seventh decade at Hollywood and as you can imagine, his style has changed quite a bit throughout the years. Bond has worn everything from dinner jackets to traditional tuxedos, Scottish Highland dress, formal morning dress, as well as one-piece ski suits in yellow, as well as tropical shirts. While James bond was a fan of disguises, which luckily the current one is not really a fan of anymore, instead he has developed a sartorial reputation that shows him as being effortlessly dapper at all times, always prepared for the situation, and dress appropriately. And of course, Bond has worn many bad outfits and admiring them or imitating them is just not stylish at all. For example, in the 1970s, it was, in general, a really dark era for classic men's style and fashion and that was also true for Bond. Ian Fleming's literary James Bond was not nearly as stylish as he is made out to be today. To learn more about that, please check out this in-depth guide here. Of course, over the course of two dozens of Bond films, different costume designers and choreoographers have changed the way he looked. On top of that, product placements play a much bigger role today than they used to be 40 years ago. So just because Bond now drinks Heineken and shaves with a Gillette, doesn't mean that you should. If you want to learn more why a Gillette is simply not cutting it, check out this video here. Daniel Craig has been playing Bond since 2006 and he definitely has brought him in to a new era of Bond style. Even though we think it's impossible to distill James Bond style down to one single concept, we came up with 11 rules that we think he lives by. Number one, he respects the power and style of clothes. Obviously, Bond is an intense character who's more a man of action rather than words. As such, his clothes are an important part of who he is and how he wants to be perceived. In the 2006 Casino Royale movie, we can see that Bond utilizes his clothes as a tool. In the opening scene, he wears a tropical shirt whereas later in the movies, Vesper comments on his disdain for the suit and later on, he changes his dinner jacket for a traditional tuxedo. By the end of the movie, Bond is embracing the power of clothes, wearing a three-piece suit for his final show of power. There's no real purpose for this outfit other than showing that Bond has fully grasped the power of clothes and his new identity. Bond fully understands that great clothes, especially more formal ones such as a suit, add to his air of competence and authority. He fully understands that he's not going to earn respect or elicit fear if he's dressed like the average American suburban dad. Two, Bond knows exactly what works for him and he sticks with it. What does that mean? Well, he expects his garments to perform and so he doesn't use cheap substitutes. He also keeps his color palette somewhat limited to keep a harmonious look that is somewhat of a signature for him. Three, Bond's style never overshadows him. The same is true for you, the clothes shouldn't be wearing you, you should be wearing your clothes. That means the clothes shouldn't be so bold that they overshadow your personality. Bond has understood that and he keeps it simple. Bond sticks with muted colors, white shirts, subtle patterns, and nothing is overdone. Obviously, his style is deliberately not flashy at all. Four, Bond moves with the times but leans into classics. Fashion has changed radically since 1962 and every Bond has found a way to move with the fashions. Roger Moore wore a safari suit and flared pants in the 1970s, Pierce Brosnan's Brioni suits and jackets lean more into the looser fit of the 90s versus Daniel Craig in the 2000s used Tom Ford suits with a slimmer and trimmer silhouette. So even though Bond goes with the time, certain elements like the classic suit are always part of his repertoire. The same is true for you, you don't have to buy period garments but you can buy items that you can wear now or 20 or 30 years from now because they're subtle in the pattern and they're not flashy and you can just wear them all the time. Now, that being said, you don't have to stick to bones color palette and if you're into clothes and you like to play with colors, you can certainly explore a little more, all that matters is that you find something that works for you. For example, I'm a clotheshorse and I have all kinds of different patterns and colors in my wardrobe but when I wear them, I try to do so sparingly and not everything at once. No matter what your style is, you should never look like you're trying too hard and it's exactly what James Bond is good at. Six, functional wear doesn't mean it has to be athleisure. Bond is always on the run yet you never see him in Lululemon pants. He' still manages to be double O agent despite wearing the clothes he chose which are more in a foreign side. Now, Bond sometimes chases terrorists in a suit and Oxfords, I am, by no means, suggesting that you should wear a suit to the gym or go fishing. At the same time, please understand that just because you do something that is functional, doesn't mean you have to resort to athleisure wear. In the same vein, you don't want always have to wear sneakers, a well-fitting pair of leather dress shoes will do the job and they look stylish too. Number seven, know the style rules and then break them as they suit you. Bond definitely breaks certain style rules and we don't suggest you make all of them but still, knowing what it is and then intentionally deciding not to follow it is much better than not having a clue in the first place. For example, Bond wears knit ties with formal dark suits. 20 years ago, people would have maybe thought of that as being incorrect but in this day and age, it's ok to add a more casual tie with more texture to the otherwise classic business suit. By the way, for a selection of excellent silk knit ties, please head over here. On the other hand, the new Bond sometimes wears a three-piece suit with a belt which is obviously wrong because it makes your vest bunch up in the front so a pair of suspenders or side adjusters in your pants are preferable. Personally, I think it's just the costume designer who doesn't pay attention but at the end of the day, it still reflects the Bond style. For example, look at Bond's watch selection, he pretty much wears sport watches exclusively even with his tuxedo. Now, that decision is not so much driven by his style, I think, rather than the product placement and if companies pay a lot and their best sellers are sports watches, that's what they want bond to wear. That being said, his status as a special agent makes it more suitable for him to wear a sports watch that needs to perform at all times. He also wears a lot of black on black which makes his character recede sometimes into a background which again, for his role and be advantageous but in general, black and menswear is one of the most overrated colors and I explained why in this video here. On occasion, Bond also skips the waistcoat with a single breasted tuxedo which is not the norm even though more and more people are doing it in Hollywood these days. It doesn't mean it favors your look simply because an exposed waistband just looks unfinished. Style number eight, dress for the occasion. Bond is typically well attired. He wears a tuxedo when it calls for it, he wears a suit when he shows up at MI6, and he wears a down jacket and boots when it's cold outside. Understanding your surroundings and the purpose of your clothes always help you to dress through a right level, depending on your occasion. Number nine, the basics will always look good whether it's a pair of dark denim, a dark suit, a white shirt, a white pocket square or a knit tie, these are all staples in your wardrobe that you can combine with lots of different outfits and they work for Bond and they will work for you too. Why? Well, all these are classics that have stood the test of time, they have been around for a while and they will be around for a while and Bond fully embraces that. Rule number ten, when in doubt, wear a jacket. I would say that Bond, more often than not, wears a jacket, whether it's a suit jacket, a blazer, a sport coat, a safari jacket or maybe a down jacket. He just wears something because it pulls his looks together and he's more complete that way. Finally, last but not least, James Bond embraces the suit. In 2020, the suit is in many ways dying as a requirement in the workplace and people don't have to wear the suit anymore. At the same time, James Bond chooses to wear it because it gives him dignity, authority, and competence. Bond chooses to wear the suit because it's the classic hyper masculine garment that communicates power and authority, at the same time, I believe he wears it because it makes him feel good and respected. Now, the same is true for you. If you like the way suits make you feel and be perceived, then by all means, go ahead and wear them even though people around you may not wear them anymore. So in a nutshell, rather than copying the style of James Bond or relying on product placements that pay a ton of money to be featured in a film, it's better to take those concepts and apply them to your unique situation so you look the part so you're confident and you feel your best. In today's video I am wearing a typically Bond inspired outfit it is a dark suit I chose a navy one you could choose a gray one I have a white shirt with barrel cuffs no cufflinks and a prince of wales check tie in a dark pattern so it's just very muted but overall it provides enough contrast it looks elegant with my white linen pocket square from Fort Belvedere which you can find here just like the tie even though James Bond now wears slim fit suit pants they don't work for me because I have bigger thighs and so I have pleated pants with cuffs at the same time I'm going with the sleek black whole cut oxfords that James Bond would wear with a suit no broguing no eccentric or excessive detail just clean pure lines
Channel: Gentleman's Gazette
Views: 183,184
Rating: 4.8844886 out of 5
Keywords: Gentleman's Gazette, Fort Belvedere, james bond, james bond 007, 007, james bond look, gentleman of style, gentleman, classic, menswear, bond film, what to wear
Id: xsZ5QBGkWfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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