James Baxter Breaking Lines

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why gents topic breaking lines so you're gonna get in teams of three so three they're three Reds three yellows three Reds three yellows great you're over we're JP they met white okay marks out on there you can see it relevant on the board got me go and stand by babe stick it on quickly there we go once you're locked in to your areas okay so read such a little area there yellows reds yellows happy with that put it on max how people that yes good all gonna do start with nice and easy is I'm gonna play the ball into yellows yellows you've got to keep it in try and play between the lines through the Reds into your yellows so literally you're out the game until you win the ball first couple means just so you get a feel of what to do that makes sense what do we mean by breaking lines good but at the moment passing dribbling through ball who's running with a ball with it but the moment you're locked into your area so what's the main majority gonna be a breaking lines it's gonna be passing yes ready good edge no one said you couldn't just knock it off well good luck brilliant Reggie and relax straightaway what we noticed it's hard to get through so you're gonna have to take a bit of a risk okay if you move the ball and you're south quickly what's going to happen it's probably gonna give you more opportunity to find those little pockets and those Scouts to play through so have a think about that yeah you've answered that pockets of space move yourself in the ball quickly take risks trust your technical ability passing a football well done good can we work it out Matt you be good now can you keep it Red's good spot Toby well done casual touch misstep well darn clever Janko great tempo what works out yeah there's a light the tempo do that I'm relaxed the basics will it play in tonight now I'm going to give you a little bit of chance or a risk reward so what you can do now is if you're keeping the ball in this area here and then moving it there under poses a bit fault isn't it so one of your Reds can come out of that block if you want sir Toby come out but then what happens to the block it becomes stretched and it becomes less and now you need to make your decision eight if one comes out what you're going to do and then if you're the attacking team at you what you're going to do can you play random if you get past him what do you got more more space yes does that make sense so if you've seen Jack's one there one yellow can pop in there if you've seen this one here Jack yep pop it into Simon one red can come in here red yellow so using this one one yellow can go in there are you with me yeah play it's up to you your choice risk award when do you go do you go your choice great pass Simon could wait mister just about got away with max remember what we said about staying on the moon as well as the football game over plate good Marley great feet relax good time to go for Nathan - when with the times to be gone though we're looking at breaking lines but on the defensive aspect when would be the times to go bad touch bad pass back to play yeah what do we say well how do we try and play in the first three seconds sometimes right around in the first three seconds if that pass goes transfers over to max now you might take you might take in Toby Scott you know what we're gonna go for the first three seconds because that affects max how pressure that makes sense I just when you do this quickly Reds coming there it's gone they're yours gotten their deals done there quick we're playing the three two one when the time's right cuz I'm an eight but if you're overcooking look what happens cured now that's fine brilliant yeah there's a got it good choice Nathan good angle of approach did that go into your foot take care with these weights good choice time you're just knock it off hey thanks mate Jack whatever you in Jack don't force tubes okay racks two in a row Street waiter yes new I'm telling you one one hunter and you're saying to take Wis and then the other land I'm saying don't force it says you see how it's a fine line yes make sure you understand what you're gonna do before you receive it when we say paint one picture head the best one I've seen so far where's Janko we want because he knew so I'm playing it and he knew it was still split and what they do straight like that's back but he could only do that if he did what and think once they've had so he knew that balls coming to women he knew you know while complaining they're the same as those ones where Simon yes in the game where you go because they're painting the picture manipulate people and the football so I might drop mat short a little bit here because I know he can come onto the ball and play first time usually noggins a little bit yes play good knave that was the right choice Nathan well done good when's the time to go reg you decide good Nathan it's a great pass well tremendous good spot right time to go good clever Reggie Maji all done good relax clever yep nice so beaver stand still here now because it's no important as in the goal at the moment clever so we're playing sideways already threat to you at the moment no so are we going to force it did we force it No so then somehow at some point we probably have to go forwards because in a minute the goal is going to be introduced okay so how do we get through that block rotations yep how else what did you do there shape up there and then do what so a bit of a disguise or a fake brilliant any other way has anyone told you you can't do that so if you can't go through you might go and if you can't go through all over you might go round but if you're going to go round like we looked at last night you're gonna have to do it what because if that transfers slowly what's going to happen and they've got a great defensive shape does that make sense yes the other thing now that I'm gonna let you do is you can dribble with it okay so whether that's an opportunity to run with the ball when no one's in your way or risk and reward I might code you know what I think I've got the value if I get through kid keep it yep and then as I've come in here now what would I expect one that ever yell is to do in the game fill in and then go into there yes I was coming through Nathan you weren't involved in plaid expect you to go and fill in for me in there happy with that two minutes in this then the goals getting introduced alright play your choice how'd you break those three down gone away roads open that voice will tell me that yeah you're there sorry okay for me hey Alex come play on dude for taking a risk job well done good stay on the move they will once you play think about what you can do after you plays brilliant yellow sir playing through you now what might you have to do play from there max clever Reggie really clever watch that goal lots more success now risk of a ward think about how you need to get through ten post good I like your idea there Jack Nathan what a great touch that is Reds what might we have to do good Jack might be good words well it works out yeah those you might have to apply a little bit of pressure Reds when the time's right you pick when the time's right good Jack red ball play well last minute red ball game will I'm relaxed collection balls here for me quick drink and then we're back in leave your boobs on thanks man are they gentle why was it going alright just leave it over there by the kickback Thanks come on okay so from that first 15 minutes key things from that you tell me risk of a wart yeah what'd you mean by that yep good who makes that decision yep and you might get influenced by other players off the ball but it shouldn't be me telling you what to do should it you guys decide what goes on yes class forcing it would come under whisking wouldn't it yes i keeping one step ahead and having a bit of innovation or a bit of improvisation then you played definitely brilliance on the defensive aspect of it again it becomes a risk of award of well do I go to I not go yep which will come in more apparent now when we go with the goals okay here's the game so exactly saying you can still drive through with the ball now up and pass there now to break a line that we're looking at doesn't need to be a pass to be one with ball can be a dribble and also now you give me have to break the last line which is what the goal line the shot yes so here's how we're gonna go if Reds are on the ball they're gonna play in here so the Reds will always be shooting that way so if they're in this half here in this port here shot sorry they're in defense of Cour so they've somehow get the ball into there yes if they're going to get it back out and then if you can transfer again back in then they can turn and it comes half a pitch and you can play 3v3 in there does that make sense now it's quite confusing so these defenders can join in those two men's can't not at the moment good question though at the end if we get it because it's quite complex at the moment for again it would definitely do that Reggie right so blues play in get the keepers at the moment can you play that field play in yep play back if it goes back in you can turn it and then the pitch becomes in half and it's 3v3 are you happy with that yep does that link to the way that we try and get you to play by playing out from the back yes let's go so from that side which way red shooting good yellows we put the defenders in the defending slot and strike it and it's like it's like that come on you I'll give them all the Reds keep thinking about the things you were doing really well you have to get back in it's a 3v3 brilliant wall play get the ball clever knave Galax let's go back to nice looking in both aspects great innovations attacking to go over brilliant what's the ball in the air a long time was it loopy was it lofty might be trigger for register what ya think about a play on don't stop doing it though Nathan is on good take a risk if you've got Molly play from that wrench great face nation game over game over yep bull please oh wait that ball come from light how'd you react Matt what's your transition like dude relax hey Jackie on the ball Jack see only once - at the moment what's Jack doing do you know he will you she's used his noggin he's been quick clever with the wolves there's not many rules but the one is that you can dribble past whatever you want through there correct so go back for me so in your head at the moment you've got I've got a pass through where I've got to take on the whole team and dribble what does that do because that's the way to plays it'll come in here off the front foot then what happens it affects these things how are you gonna do this what why everyone do bullying now what's happened right so then if it's not all what does he do good way if you transfer that ball quick enough what could happen you could get out that way as they start moving the Maasai are moving you might get some in there like that etc yes take off the shackles yes play Simon Cowell I'll ski play now there we go good you can score free be free and lucky my all came from what will tempting him by coming forward and drawing them in yes play look after it map risk or reward good nice good you've unlocked it oh yeah it's gone again unlucky deal with it great first time passed they can watch their babe max yeah and locks again 3v3 I might have been a free-kick and I reckon what do you think yeah I think so change to change the game again Matt what can you do where can you go and relax Rach what was your rule that you boy okay so now when it goes into 3v3 the attacking team can have an overload of one by bringing one runner from deep and we're gonna call it Reggie's walk get in it okay make sense good angles Nate well done good feet is wrong mr. brilliant it's a lot Q it from deep reg clever well please well-played good you're back in now yellows well done reg what would we want off a red I'm relaxed now relax ed go back where you were mate go back where you were gonna be an over-critical here go in so you've got the overload there what would I expect one of the register do now barring him barring the man we were aiming to go that direction but we've got to go back there we just want to drop in and recognize that that make sense probably was you because there was looking at passing them striker syndrome and it doesn't want to get back on defense play maybe your chance we can get back out Jack and sure good you've unlocked it jack join him if you want there you go game over so now you might go ahead get off let me go there you go see great pass a good little pocket well good Nathan good choice great in transition edge you've unlocked it brilliant nice yeah and look next one challenge someone to take him on by dribbling through when the time's right I challenge one of you max has gone already let it's gone early it's unlocked you're in for me3 gonna be what's it come from max take him walk a risk and breaking the line with the dribble yes hope that makes sense look at me boy laughing River himself he's so tough right okay relax I see it let it go see if you can get out of it but how many people can go in at the moment it's one of the only rules of the game only one can go in how many was in like some deep let's do that great spot Jack look after that technique in depression a good tenten tenten great pass out max well done last night session done can I do now great transition though good recovery both you will underneath through well done you two good scrap great you still go back to go forward now you've unlocked it and relax you can here's what I want you to do grab the cones up just move to two goals off there and then I need all the footballs in both goals quick drink and then we'll go to the next part all right all done yeah and the flats just the ones that we've used pop them in the kit bag toads and Alex Nathan give your bib to Toby yes I'll say so can you put the red one on Toby and Alex can you put the green bib on well actually no beeps fine just have no babe no beeps fine no do you need to Nate noting is get into a red please my edge returns come on let's go just leave them in that rich you know gesture sessions on right so that's looking at probably the build-up of regularize play now middle third they're trying to pass through now we had a little bit men project now you're gonna bring it forward in further up the pitch now the the main breaking of line will be what you think finishing yep as well as pass in and that final what we call you know we call the red zone in those little pockets where you try and feed that last ball through bit disguise that we spoke about okay is that we set up so Alex and topes now and gold they'll be three in in one half in here of one team so that your registry Reds and then they'll be two meds in the other half and that will mirror exactly the same for the yellows happy set out and so we picture it okay so should be a three if three yellows in there that's defensive so three yellows two yellows in this half come on let's go gents come on three yellows in two listen you'll love the chance to rotate rounds not a problem so these three Reds in there Nathan and a brilliant doing it they find they're just come that way a little bit so we pick a picture you're happy with that so far yes so totally using gold for who thank you red goalkeeper yes if again out ball please it's gonna link to everything that we've just done so one of the things we said in there was always make sure what you you've got a picture and you're thinking one step ahead so here's the game overload - for me - in here including the keeper can you manipulate the ball to get a shot off to break a line so for instance if we can picture this if we went will and what's up Simon in a little bit just to paint the picture yes well good and then we get out - Jack they're brilliant hold it there now this is the bit where you get the fifty sixty million pound players do you strike have you got one of them where you've got a little disguise because nation made no smart are taking from that Burgess away edge across a lot I play one of them brilliant okay that's the breaking of the last line but don't be afraid Jack if it's here to do what what will be ten yards out 12 yards out don't be afraid to shoot but it becomes again that we looked at in there about risk or so if I'm about to shoot and I've got Simon coming up my backside and I'm off balance is it a good idea my eye coach you know what I might Simon can I get it can we get it come get it come get it come again brilliant yes and then I might shape the sheep it might make that little Ryan in there and we get me and he might finish or we might just do it once yeah happy gone off gone off start with Toby please the white cones mate that's why they're there max Mitch are you in kids faint jack did save Toby Curtis is your Matt well done good decision like you're Jack just look after one technique good idea okay nice new toast good save again Toby Toby's on a clean sheet bonus clever really well played clever okay up there Jack you won't mind me saying this Jack's like two shots in space at probably 30 seconds both going over the bar yes agreed a problem or not a problem not a problem why because that's the whole point of the session yes the whole point is now we're looking at breaking lines me at first they're good now we're looking for a close final third so for us to break that final line we're gonna have to do what - they view of the coach now what did you say the jack maybe try something different now we do try something different so rather than you two you've shaped up and really drove through and they've gone over the bar so we'd say look at this technique or we might say try something different what you like the old cherry from that song refinish here might be that next time also this time you had one in there what did you do turn down the shooting opportunity the whole point is to do rock break the last line let's go is play break the last line good Marley wrong dine unlucky Plato's max max leave the ball come here if you add yourself set you'd be able to paint the picture there rather than receive it close and turned in trouble I know you weren't expecting it but what would I tell you to do what am I gonna tell you to do expect it so you weren't set ready get yourself ready as soon as a bolt in play how can we help the person on the football think about it - nice - they're a Jew and I play movement off the football that's how we're going to help them save the game types Marley you creeping into there off by any chance I caught ya good just one thing I just want to paint a picture it's actually a little bit more in-depth is if you stand here yellows the strikes what's gonna happen you're gonna close space so no one's mentioned about offsides are we gonna play outside yeah we can but even with you doing this what's it gonna have an effect on the Reds they're going to come a little bit aren't they and if they don't come a little stays there then you just clap your shoulder happy goes for you too and then goes for you too up here as well yes try and stretch the game a little bit give the boys a bit of space give you add space there what they're going to do with it gents relax if they have space there what are they going to do with it get a chance to finish play good move great shift Solomon played Alex play on yeah well done Nathan jack-jack change-out stop hanging out on the right and getting that one open down shootings and then you get different shooting opportunity and next time you get you not to have the aim to make sure it's what makes yeah just make sure here's the target but change your angles don't keep coming from there one time rotate yeah Stacy weapons stand easy weapons your choice to press add while dying might want to go with him mouth don't let you on his own good idea unlucky naked little shift laugh the shoulders well well don't rush in there flame blind don't play blind all I know is thinking about it but I think just onside well done shuttle cross map well done Marley okay relax so what lines re breaking then well the goal lines one yet so if you think it allows you broken as an individual now or as a team and you drew it taut through them on hit on the pitch that's obviously one isn't it that's visual because you can't go into that half what buy any more lines there's lines people open all the time perfect example was Miley then he was just drove through did you pick the ball that they didn't you and Joe straight through the middle well he's put that line it's about it breaks that line when you passes the ball does that make sense so for you to break lines we need you to think in which direction for words yes keep thinking for words going out lap play last two minutes stay that's just don't still stand still take care of the technique come on like Malik good movement nice only a matter of time wasn't it yes Simon lovely young man making plate making paper though mourns max think you can't you can't three or five give me number three three key things that has gone on from that session to this session about breaking lives choosing the right time so if we put that under the umbrella of choosing the right times and risking rewards of what you mean yet what do you mean by that though yep so take the shackles off don't be afraid to go and change the game by dribbling passing and actually when we did do that my minsu sitting there and we looked it in here what happens what happens we create more opportunities yes you might turn the ball over a bit more but if no one's gonna take a risk then we're not gonna get anywhere well we're just gonna keep going sideways in which we did a little bit in there and that was why we start with that game is if you just keep going side to side this sideways we're not gonna get anywhere the aim of the game on Sundays to do what put the ball in the back in that to do that we need to come which direction good that's one two more yep see a pasture we'll shoot but to be able to do that before the ball arrives on your doorstep brilliant you need to do what paint the picture so you're always scanning so we have the one with you in there do you want mom you say in front of the boys is you weren't ready for it because it was out and you just received a ball you that and before you know it nation on top you tackles you see you asking for the ball why why are you asking for the football because you know what you're gonna do with it not because you seem to kick it you know exactly why you're asking for football so I know that I'm gonna drop Jack short here so he's gonna come this way to suck Alex in because he's gonna set me I'm gonna get Marley and beyond - one more movement brilliant so if we're going to play forwards if we're gonna take risks we need help from others so for us to play between lines and in pockets I need people to do what move and find those that were published space yeah if the ball doesn't move quickly from side to side what's gonna happen or forwards and backwards yeah they're gonna sit in a block and they're gonna creep so then we might have to go over what's the problem going over what takes a long time in the air and people can then do what press so if we don't even quickly we won't be able to go through around we'll have to go over which sometimes works and it's good and we want you to try that but the best ones I have to remove it quickly their shape happens to do what shift and then one person switches off then there becomes a happy really why don't I need all the kit picked up please let's go
Channel: James Baxter
Views: 133,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ju2HUW1lanc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 7sec (3067 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2016
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