Jaleel White - Full Panel/Q&A - Salt Lake FanX 2021

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foreign [Music] [Music] do so [Applause] [Music] please welcome away [Applause] oh wow awesome crowd yes good morning a fan x welcome to day three uh is this your first dns uh this is my first bandx in uh yeah in salt lake city yeah oh my goodness well welcome welcome this is one of my favorite cons the people are so good and have you noticed that it smells like fresh baked goods everywhere you are the hospitality has been nuts they're they're feeding us so much uh i think happiness they're still sleeping the same and also you know 10 a.m all right so first up i just want to say if you guys have questions please go ahead and line up and i am just going to go ahead and kick us off i love it so man everyone knows you from the iconic sitcom family matters [Applause] i feel like you became a master of physical comedy from that show so what is kind of the hardest stunt that you have ever done oh wow oh i broke this finger oh this is forever deformed in a wrestling episode um wow i uh i kind of what i don't think people realize about physical economy is you you kind of got to actually be an athlete to pull it off yes um so i was actually kind of the opposite of clumsy i pretty much kind of always land on my feet thank god um but it all kind of started on the first literally the first episode i ever did which is episode 12 of season one and rich carrell who was one of our rotating directors his uh he came from a quite the comedy background himself his father was one of the members of amos and andy and uh and so rich kind of comes over to me one day and he goes come here i want to see if you can do something and he teaches me to walk into this door and hit him with my foot first and snap my head back and he's like okay you do that well you do it without getting hurt and that's literally how the journey begins it's like we can teach this kid stuff and he doesn't get hurt i mean because it definitely looked like you got hurt in those episodes well now life is different with youtube now i don't even think people really fully appreciate physical comedy because now you can just see somebody get jacked up and it's like oh that stage that stage that stage oh my gosh so tell us a little bit about your audition process how did you even you know kind of craft the voice and the look and the feel of of steve urkel which sidebar i actually love stephon arkell so i like to switch out you know stefan was the gift that uh i never saw coming um i never wanted to play stephon or keller be quite honest i i thought he was boring i thought he was a one-note joke and i was just naive um i had no idea whenever after i read the script i remember the executive producer david declan uh i was like you know how do you like it i was like he's kind of boring he just kind of pat me on the head he was like people need to see the real uj and i'm like really i was like all right man and so when i came to the door till this day i've really never heard a scream that loud and this is before social media the ripple effect with people calling each other on their landline phones but like girl terms turn to channel seven he's not like that at all that was me calling my friends turn to abc look we got something new yeah but the uh the audition process i mean i've talked about it a lot you probably see it even online um i was a 12 year old kid everybody wanted to audition to be the cool kid that laura wanted to take to the dance because that character was almost guaranteed to reoccur and um you know my character was supposed to be just a guest spot but i had braces on my team so that means a lot to me and to kids out here too because you know how you feel when you have braces on your teeth you don't feel confident you feel like i'm not pretty you feel like i'm not you know it's like everybody's looking at all this steel on my mouth and uh and it's not like that at all it's just a you know it's just something you grow through but i had clear braces on my teeth and because of that there were a lot of rules that just weren't considering me back in 1990 and all i cared about was basketball and all of a sudden this role comes along to play a nerd and i was like hey wait a minute i got braces on my teeth and my parents had the coolest uh policy um anytime i got a job i could get one of anything i want now if you think about that that's genius because back then prices were very different so you're telling some kid that he can go to fedco circuit city or toys r us and buy one of anything they want probably gonna cost them about more than 200 300 bucks and the residuals from just being on the show and the salary were in the thousands so um i really wanted that job so i could get a second genesis and that's that's that's really that's all it was i was just it's a long story to say i was a 12 year old black hat with braces on my teeth and they told me if i played a nerd and i got the job i was going to get a second genesis so that was the first game that's important what was the first oh man and back then for me i only cared about the sports game so it was lakers versus celtics ah okay okay so i'm going to let you kick it off what's your first question i love your shirt what was it like on the set of family matters oh the set was great man you know i just again i lived in the air where um you were present you know and i just annoyed everybody because i dribbled my basketball too much i drove my basketball everywhere i remember the script supervisor joyce webb just hated me for it but um it was it was an amazing time this is before you felt like you needed to film everything um while you're filming everything and just a lot of basketball i had my own hoop on the set um i learned about star power when uh when the er asked if they could use our hoop and put it in between uh family matters set in ers then i quickly learned my who became george clooney's whoa um but um you know other little funny anecdotal stories like that you know it was just i woke up every morning and i started school early that was a policy my mom put in place so i went to school from like seven o'clock to ten o'clock and uh then you know you start rehearsing and i would get whatever school i could get in afterwards uh or in between so i probably end up with somewhere between four to five hours of school a day um and then a really cool thing was because we didn't have social media back then i used to go to actual school let's go to normal school oh yeah so i was like every every one week out of every month unless it was the springtime when we had reruns um i would go back and i would pop into my classrooms i used to love that because i had i was always caught up and so my classmates would look at me like how the heck does he know our lesson today you were like oh i'm still putting in work on yeah exactly studying academic superpower i used to like i used to like that so how did you know portraying steve urkel because it sounds like you had a lot of balance which is really great for a child actor yeah though you know how did portraying steve burke will really fundamentally change you as jaleel wow that is a dope question i'm going to take with me for something else i'm working on um it's um you do wear the scars of the character a little bit um only because there's always kind of like this preconceived notion about you so like for me biggest was basketball you know where it was just like my presence on any any pickup game or any you know summer camp situation my mom used to send me the summer camp you should go to duke basketball camp jordan's basketball camp any basketball camp i want to go to and she would send me in the summertime um you know there was this edge [Music] coming from the other side that it's like urkel is beating me and it's like no javilla's beating you and you know as you get older especially in you know guys we become guys we just start testing each other out pushing boundaries that much more you know by the time you get to college it's a thing but if you're good at anything and you're affable you're not a jerk um you know those are just those are just boundaries that you push past and you know people become used to seeing me on ucla's campus coming in on a friday to get my running and you know that was probably about that and just dating in general you know were probably ways where i was affected right yeah i mean i agree though you know if you were a kind person look at how far it gets you in life oh yeah and i mean look i'm a crack up on the court you know i got jokes so i got a job i there's two kind of trash talks there's there's one kind of trash talk between guys where it's like i don't like this guy and there's going to be a problem and there's another kind of trash talk it's like okay he's kind of funny yeah like i'm we're just having a little friendly competition exactly yeah go ahead uh well i was just wondering whether it was whether it's now or whether it was just right after filming stop did the voice of steve merkel like ever come out accidentally like with family or friends you know it would annoy me sometimes because i would get people who would um i would get people who would be like you know oh i just heard it and i'm like no you didn't i didn't do it um you know it would never really accidentally come out there is no accidental about it if i i want to do the voice i do the voice um the voice has changed a bit over the years because i did scooby doo and so we kind of heard it a little bit uh thank you uh hurt it a little bit and uh i'm actually kind of working on an animated movie right now with it so we'll see what happens but uh i think during i think between the ages of like 14 really 15 about 15 and 17. i used to do these like voice checks in the shower because i was like my puberty was just all over the place puberty was just wild for me i just had these giant feet and his voice there was just one octave here and we're not there um and sometimes i would get a note from the studio that was like we can't understand you can you please enunciate better and i'm like oh that's as good as it's going to get right now i don't know you're like i'm 15. like it right now exactly yeah okay well first of all uh welcome julian thank you very very much for uh coming out to see us this weekend we really appreciate it oh man for a turnaround like this this my question is well since uh steve urkel drove the urkel mobile i just wondering if you julia white has a car like a like a british mini or any kind of uh european model um no i just instead it was just in my contract i got the car so it's just at my mom's house in her garage um oh you got to keep it yeah i had to keep the car um so it's you know i take my mom's house in a garage and to me just it looks like anybody who won a really big trophy in high school you know i don't i don't want that in my main house i don't know what right but but it's cool to be in my mom's house i hope that answers your question i will say this okay i'll give you i feel like you're kind of fishing for a story and i love to give stories if i feel like efficient for what um i i never learned how to drive stick and uh no no i could drive stick now we fixed it we fixed it but i never learned how to drive stick until i was like probably about 24 25 years old and at least man-to-man that's a thing it's a thing amongst guys you gotta be able to drive a freaking manual right so okay hey hey okay i like that speak up speak up ladies okay speak up ways it wasn't always that way but guess what i'm gonna make sure that my daughter can drive a manual so i get where you're coming um but um but my my dad's like oh man he was so excited because i was in my mid-20s and it's like i get to teach my son something else and so he runs out to her to a car rental spot and he comes back with a um and he said yeah i got you a mini i got you a uh a a bmw so when he said bmw i'm taking a bmw my dad shows up with like the original mini cooper oh wow and i'm like dad i play steve urkel i can't drive around la in this car and it was like son they told me it was a bmw over the phone and i just didn't even think to ask really what kind of bmw until i got there to pick it up and uh so i would go out in la and i would learn how to drive my mini cooper and i would only practice and like ungodly hours like 11 o'clock i'd set my alarm for like midnight and i intentionally go stop the car at like sunset in los angeles for anybody who's ever been to los angeles that's like our steepest hill in los angeles so if you could do stop and go on sunset in la cienega you're not going to roll back into somebody and i'm literally 25 years old sunset los angeles completely empty street at two o'clock in the morning just stopping and going cooper but i did get an aston martin after that though so a little bit of an impression it was only used to learn i will say though you know okay so if that was your kind of biggest trophy that you took from set yeah what's the item that you took from set that's most sentimental to you oh sentimental man i didn't get to take what was sentimental to me i didn't get to take it um our customer was a guy named palmer brown and he passed away of hiv and he didn't even complete the run of the show but palmer was like one of those people who put his imprint on the character with his customs and i always actually felt bad that he never got any credit for that he never got any kind of you know uh costume emmy nomination or anything like that because everything he did for urkel was so badass you know i basically just brought a high-pitched voice and the glasses to you know to the scenario because they were my dad's i still have those were my dad's glasses um and so i always consider those glasses actually more jaleel than my family legacy didn't than the shows but um but but palmer used to do these sketches every week so anytime i went into the wardrobe room he would do sketches for what my next costume was going to be if i had to dress up in a night's outfit he had to get all that tent and everything put it together if i had to dress up his murder lyrical and then he would take the fabrics and he would pen them to the sketch and send them over to studio tailoring and um you know just actually putting and putting the outfits together and i always wanted to keep those because i would have had like 150 200 awesome badass sketches of every uh outfit that i ever really needed to wear that was um you know from the show and uh he also was responsible for streamlining the character so if you kind of notice in the beginning urkel's clothes were kind of plaid just not matching and kind of like these really tight-fitting granddad sweaters and then over time you know this is before everybody became so brand conscious man like it would be nice to go back in time to get a check from ralph lauren because you know all he wore was polo shirts and and you know um tight jeans and and suspenders so plumber is really responsible for really streamlining the character's look and i love honoring him and i wish that there was anybody ever out there that worked in costumes because he passed away and i know they have all his belongings man that's one thing i would love i would love to have oh yeah man i hope that you get one of those sketches at least one day go ahead i met when you were hosting total blackout yes my second favorite job of all time we love that show did you ever actually do anything that stunts and what was the grossest thing that they did on that show so oh man great question man give it up for this guy um so total blackout this is kind of this is awesome because i love speaking to kids too about doing things that we don't want to do in life sometimes i remember my my my then manager um told me he wanted me to be in a movie called mega shark versus crocosaurus right and i get the script for this thing and yeah i don't lie at the time i was actually going through a lot of stuff with child custody stuff and whatever too so i know what he was trying to do he was trying to like pat and help me out a little way but that's here northern that's part of my motivation for reading this script that's just what actors do i'm reading the script i'm like chris are you serious and he's just like oh jahlil people need to see you in uniform and it's like people really watch these movies and so uh i did it and i had a great experience actually with the the director chris wrap great great experience uh because he was going through custody stuff too so he was just saying another director who could just identify with another father in a co-parenting situation and new to it and uh when the movie came out it got really really big ratings on sci-fi like even i was like that many people watch that they really watched us fighting that fake ass shirt they did right and so because of that movie it was the only reason that sci-fi considered me to be the host of total blackout and so i like i like to it's a roundabout way of of of you know kind of speaking to kids about doing things that you don't want to do sometimes um but you've been you're being guided by people who have your best should have your best interests at heart so but getting back to total blackout that's how i got the job now once i got the job i fell in love with the job because it was really just putting people in pitch black darkness for time challenges and um so editing was our friend so what happens is we started be trying started with me trying to interact with the contestants live in real time but we actually stopped doing that because it would marry whatever they did to whatever sound was going on between us so we were stuck with the soundtrack of whatever happened so instead we let this diabolical icelandic dude name heinrich who invented the game interact with the fan live and i just sat in the poop and watched so the audio that you're hearing was actually layered over afterwards in post and editing became our friend so we would get people we put them in here for time challenges and they would freak out once we turned off the lights once we turn off the lights we get cussed out be like hey i want to back out of this this is not what i signed up for this just feels different and nobody would respond to them and it'd be like hey i'm talking to you and they just go off they just lose their minds for what nobody would respond to them and because bottom line once we got you in the dark room the show had begun so this percep so we would have people that would literally be like for up to a half hour 45 minutes sitting down refusing to move and it was like we'd stay here all day if you want and i remember one guy he had to guess the weight of four different objects and he he lowered his hand down and it was a it was a crocodile but okay but i know you go ooh it's tv if anybody gets hurt the show is cancelled the lawsuit is huge there's like two big white guys like got wrestling this crocodile from both ends making sure that this dude is not touched in any way but they want him to feel the tail right and once he feels that tail he doesn't see the two big white guys who cannot let this freaking crocodile loose right and so the guy jumps up and he's like the the profanity that just came out of his mouth you got me here with crocodile i have children but a lot of these youtubers just starts freaking out and it's like sir just wait and it's just you know we we wouldn't help them psychologically at all and it just it was one thing after another i think one of my favorite favorite episodes too was this was very european european sensibilities are different than american sensibilities there was one where the guy had to guess you know the smells of different things and um and the last thing he had to guess was it was a person's butt at plexiglass and um and he got the cheese and he got the socks and it's one of the funniest episodes you can see it on youtube still to this day um and i mean just the laughter in that booth and and and he actually got it though it was he was running out of he was kind of running out of time and he's like i know the smell i know he was like i know this smell i can't put my finger on it he's got his nose right up there and it's like at some points his nose actually touched the butt he was like oh my gosh we're freaking out i'm telling you guys the second favorite job i've ever had in my life and i'm like all i have to do is ask empathetic questions after these people have put through these experiences and they're like you're so nice thanks for being there for me i'm like they paid me to be here it's a good deal it's a good deal but it kind of sounds like even if they hadn't paid you you still would have done it because it's so entertaining oh man the only reason why the show only lasted two seasons is because of corporate squabbles the show is already formatted around the world so there's already a japanese version there's already several versions in other countries and you know i guess uh the universal wanted they wanted to participate in that business as well so it became a business thing and again i'd never seen a job go away where the ratings were amazing twitter would light up this is like when twitter mattered man it was like twitter would light up when total blackout was on it was like they really got this guy's nose in somebody's ass and the worst part about the show the worst part about the show was you would almost rather be eliminated immediately because then you could leave go enjoy the rest of your evening we were bound to american game show laws and american game show laws say that you cannot pay your contestants so if you weren't gonna win you didn't want to come in second place because it meant you were probably there until two o'clock in the morning trudging back to your car completely abused guessing the weight of crocodiles smelling asses and you got nothing no consolation prize whatsoever was that a thorough answer did i go off on a tangent hi hi my name is todd um what's your favorite memory of family matters i mean i have many but i can i can give you a top three or five um i think one of my top memories would be uh would be stefan just coming in the door because it's for me always been about the fans so whatever you guys enjoy i feed off of that and i was genuinely shocked you know when you're going through puberty you're confused about life you're confused about who you are you're confused about what you're going to grow into and i was genuinely shocked in my mind that so many people didn't realize i'm not this character i'm acting and so that was this moment for both of us for me and the viewing audience um so that's probably number one number two we had we did an episode where we had uh larry johnson on the show his grandma ma i wrote that i wrote that episode oh so um i got a story credit but i wrote that episode and i that was when i really caught the writing bug and i realized i wanted to be a i wanted to be a producer writer um we did another episode where we had all of new edition on the show and and yeah like i got bobby brown to come to work five days that week that was pretty cool and then like when the great whitney houston showed up and wanted to sit on our floor and watch the taping at video village like our producers were even star struck and didn't know how to accommodate her she needed like 10 chairs around our video village where our producers would sit and give notes and i was just again i was proud of those two episodes of larry johnson episode new edition episode because they literally just came out of my head and i was kind of oblivious to power i had ideas that were in my head in august and we were filming them by october and they were on the air by november and to be to accomplish that age 17 or 18 i didn't know how special that was so it's like those are probably top three then on a personal note um playing a lot of one-on-one with george clooney [Music] i guess i didn't realize how special that was either this guy dressed in hospitals scrubs and me dressed in suspenders and pants and we're really out here duking it out playing one-on-one um yeah i'd say that and i think the last thing would be um [Music] i miss being a teenager with a new car on tape nights the easter there's an area in la cold universal city walk it's attached to universal studios and it's really not far from warner brothers at all and that's when the excitement comes when the kids on television shows get cars and freedom and we start driving ourselves to work and so we would get a two-hour lunch before every taping and my mom didn't buy me a fancy car either when i first learned how to drive she made me drive the family acura and that's even something i'm grateful for because i got a chance to see how women can sometimes treat you when you're driving an acura versus an acura nsx but i would take my mom's accurate darius and i who would play eddie winslow uh we would run up to citywalk and all we wanted to do was just look at girls and some out he'd just scoping girls and it's like we got 10 minutes to get back to the set literally 10 minutes and i used to kind of emulate arsenio hall because he really would just run to set and get into position and i would kind of do the same version of my own thing where i would i would literally driving past the studio audience going into uh our stage and i'm rushing to put all my suspenders and pop in my contacts and and and jump into the intros that was my little adrenaline rush and i'm that i'm not sure we were going to feel that adrenaline rush again [Music] you know i'm glad you brought up that new edition episode i didn't realize that was your idea because what i miss most about 90 sitcoms are having r b groups coming come right thing and you guys were kind of like the first one i think to do it and then we should started doing it a lot and yeah and i missed that yeah fresh prince had the most they had the most musical cast yes but that's going to ask us well but um and that's because of quincy jones i feel like you know like nah that was real that was will yeah but i'm like i need that i need that in the sitcoms now bring back musical artists to sing on stage and you know give me a little prom scene i'm curious though i mean with just a smattering of just of crowd noise how many people really enjoy new sitcoms now listen i'm here for the honesty look it's just whatever i don't i can't explain it because these studios want to reboot everything that there was a magic about sitcoms back then that just doesn't translate now and i think part of the magic was also is that we really were you you guys have to understand as fast we really were allowed to play more back then um it's a much more data-based industry now with executives pushing buttons like you know george jetson working for spacely sprocket now and back then it was like some of our funniest moments in a show might not have happened until wednesday or thursday of rehearsal where it was like oh i'm seeing this now and you know some of our funniest moments also came you know from very old school comedy you know deadpan looks and you know just stillness between two actors or hearing the audience react and just milking a joke you know real old school jackie gleason type you know moves and if that stuff's not on the script for an executive to approve now they don't understand how that's going to work oh wow so it takes a lot of power to create that old-school feel and uh it's cool actually hearing that because i'm very passionate about the single camera stuff only because i would do sitcom tomorrow if i had the same freedom but i just i knew i wouldn't have the same freedom to create the way i the way i did yeah that's what i was going to ask is you know i mean they have tossed around a reboot you know of family matters and we know the fresh prince is getting a re-imagining so i'm curious to see what that'll look like on peacock but yeah i i hear you they're i never and free them i never you know i'll never say never i like for people to understand i don't actually don't have a problem playing urkel um playing oracle is is fun i don't i think this as i share stories even with you guys now just about my life you ask the story you ask the question that i believe people would like to see and they you said how did urkel affect jaleel's life and i think there's something there i think there's something if you get what i'm getting at i think there's something there yeah absolutely thank you for your question thank you i like your transformer t-shirt oh thanks um anyway uh it's great to meet you joelle face-to-face and uh as the original voice act a voice for sonic the hedgehog uh are you considering uh getting a cameo in the next sonic movie oh man that would be way fast cool [Applause] man um so i don't take any offense that i was never asked to be in the film um you know when these properties like i said change hands every executive wants to put their stamp on it this is my actor this is the one that i picked yadda yadda and that's just kind of the way it goes um i always like it when a director has the power to bring back people from the past that the fans would remember but that generally only comes with the power of a director who wants to do that like a tj abrams or somebody and sonic was much more of a producer run thing than it was a director thing so if they ever asked i'd be there in a heartbeat uh that was my side hustle in in high school i would be racing over to a recording studio in my mom's car again and it was so annoying because i would be like dude i got to do three episodes at once you know we just kind of take a long time uh but i'm so grateful again now that i look back on it because i'm grateful because i had no clue that fans would love my rendition of the voice the way they have all these years yeah thank you what's your question hi good morning good morning i love your glasses thank you you sparkly it's nice to meet you um i have a question concerning myrtle urkel i understand that was probably one of the very hard roles for you to play yeah and what was your peers reaction and your reaction to you portraying that so um i was kind of gassed up to play myrtle at first but there's always kind of been this thing about men in dresses and then in particular you know black men in dresses or whatever whatever and i think there was some chatter on the set that started to make me feel a little bit insecure about doing it and you know about is this appropriate and you know they're always putting a black man in a dress and i'm like i don't know what y'all talking about i just thought it was funny at first um and so as the week started to go on i really did start to get nervous that i was going to be made fun of at school but i have an interesting default and uh it's a cool thing for anybody to learn about themselves is when when you're put under the hot lights where you put under the hot seat you got it you got to deliver how do you respond you know games on the line you got to hit two free throws how do you respond i think anybody should put themselves to that test i didn't show dancing with the stars and uh that's another adrenaline rush that is like nothing i've ever experienced because it's like you know you know you're dancing in front of the entire nation and i pretty much kind of understood people were kind of waiting to see if i'm gonna fall trip do something clumsy um and myrtle was like that for me so my default tends to be to just pour myself even more if you're gonna make fun of me you're not gonna say i sucked too so um i by the time we were done with that taping that episode like i had damn near convinced myself i was a girl i mean from my mannerisms to you know i i savored every line of dialogue i had to give to eddie winslow um and um at the end of the show you go out for curtain call i was crying i was in my dressing room i was crying and um our executive producer david came back was like hey it was the only curtain call that i that i i almost missed um i actually did miss they just brought me out after a curtain call and they were like guess what well he does want to come out and say goodbye to you guys um and i didn't get that reaction at all i didn't get a negative reaction at all as a matter of fact everybody at school thought it was hilarious and um i i probably my dad told him after that episode i wasn't gonna do it anymore and so probably about three or four years later i was actually just kind of bored on the lot and i remember i just randomly walked into the writer's room and was like you guys might do myrtle again i can do it and that was me you know going from age 14 to 18 though so you know that's what i said my puberty was real you guys were watching that you're watching a young boy's puberty also um but again it's one of those things right up there with the mega shark right up there with sonic you know i'm happy i just forced myself to get do my best to give my best and now i get to look back on one hell of a performance yes thank you okay i am so so sorry we are out of time i'm gonna try to squeeze you in real quick give us the final question make it good yes uh sorry if i butchered your name i did got one question for you and this speaks to thousands of thousands of people across the world being herbal how does it make you feel speak to you being the person that you know that speaking to thousands of people across the world being the voice for us who are outcasts bullied harassed and some of us who have disabilities how does it make you feel being that person that you know that hey i got this and i can help you guys out because it helps so much of us out that's a really yeah listen man listen i i notice people you know i've been seeing you right up here front man from the moment i sat down um remember i was a kid too so i didn't when you're a kid you don't know how much you're impacting other people so it's really something i really discovered in my adulthood how much all of the characters and the portrayals and you know the show did for people who felt that way it's really been a revelation um to be quite honest in my in my adult life um thank you um thank you a lot um i think all of us have i think there's a person out here that doesn't go through periods in their life where they feel awkward or not accepted and um you know i kind of look at it as almost even bigger than urkel at this point where it was like somehow i became the face of black nerd culture and then just nerd culture in general and i think it's probably the number one thing i'm most proud of most proud of with the show is back then you know back then you know we were always kind of told what a black show was capable of doing before it even hit the air oh it won't sell here it won't sell there et cetera et cetera i remember even when we went into syndication the new england senate uh syndication market did was the only major market that did not pick up family matters and our executive producer called the gm of that affiliate and was like you know our show was performed very well and he was like i don't think it's going to work in our in our demographic here and so they had to give it to him for free for an entire year with the agreement that if it hit a certain rating then they would pay another they were paying them out the following year and you know kind of sucks that bigotry can get a discount but when you look at it in terms of progress i'm really really really really really really honored that i go to australia sweden all these different places and they just see us as a family and see colorado they just saw us as a family and so i look at this room even and that's why i'm here like if somebody tells me that they're going to assemble a room like this and i get a reaction like this for that show as the ambassador of just telling good universal stories i'm not gonna turn that down so thank you man for letting me inspire you [Applause] well thank you for a great last question thank you neil for coming to fanex i hope the rest of your time is fantastic and you guys enjoy the rest of your day thank you guys everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ammaross Danan
Views: 1,439
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: AmmarossDanan, AmmarossDanan494, AmmarossDanan.com, salt lake comic con, fanx, fanx21, steve urkel, urkel family matters, family matters tv show, sonic the hedgehog voice, sonic the hedgehog, ducktales, urkel, FanX 2021
Id: A4mvIIC4UWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 11sec (2591 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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