JaidenAnimations & Alpharad Toured My Animal Sanctuary

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they're called ball pythons because when they get scared they curl up into a ball mhm which honestly is not a very good defense especially not a good defense for poachers um because they'll go out into the wild and then find ball pythons and they're so easy to just then you can play basketball with them well hello we're here hi guys I don't really need to I mean you guys can introduce yourselves if you want I don't think you really have to but go for it go ahead you start I'm Jaden yeah oh that's it yes uh that's it I'm Jacob alpharad I make silly videos on YouTube Jaden also does I do do that there's your introduction and we just like animals we're putting on gloves because we're going to meet Georgie theyve already seen Georgie he has been leaked okay but that's cuz he's right freaking here and he's really hard to miss this is Georgie Georgie he's an African bullfrog I feel like him and Jaden in particular are going to get along really well I have so much respect for George you want to hold him I do I would love to hold him put your hands yeah I think one thing j and I had in common when we first met was Jaden's bird arri and my cat Frasier also have very big man energy yeah's got big man energy have big man energy I love how he's got like a little butt crack you know everybody mentions that everybody really likes Georgie's butt and you like see it he does have a butt little butt crack such a guy he's awesome dude he so cool look at his little feet oh look at those strong legs is he like average sized or like it's the second largest frog species in the world or like for his like species for his species honestly I've seen bigger ones I've put him in his dish because it's because it's time for him to eat which one of you wants to feed him I want to but I feel like you really want to no you should feed him if you want to just say it you can feed him okay I'll feed him okay so I'm going to give you it but it's kind of yuck it's a skin Mouse Okay cool so you're going to feed him with tongs because he doesn't have teeth but he does have bony protrusions that hurt a lot if he bites you okay chat if you don't like looking at the mountain don't look at it okay so you're going to hold it in front of George uh-huh and then like dangle it in front and then he'll take it and then you can let it go sometimes it takes a couple attempts he jump scared me he's Georgie is a is a sit and weight Predator I see that looking at like a popsicle he in the wild he come on he sits and he waits for the food to come to him and it really has to oh he's like pissed at me you're pissing love Jacob it's it's right here buddy two hours later oh my God you've done it yay yum Georgie delicious see look at his little teeth he looks so proud he's so cute won he's so cute are you kidding me that apex predator spaghetti time I think from the moment we walked in the room I saw Georgie and that he had big man energy it was an aura you know it just hits you and you go what is that where is it coming from next Ambassador ooh you're going to be excited I can't wait it's a reptile is it a skink he guessed it so fast I love skinks one day kind of skink I would lose my mind if you guys I want a blue tongue SK oh my God oh my God is it a blue tongue SK is it really a blue tongue look at this guy what's his name toaster strudel toaster strudel this is toast you can hold him oh my goodness T SK hello toaster strudel it's an honor I've never been with such reptile people this is so fun this guy is so cool yeah he's really cute hey buddy poer strudel look at his blue tongue Jacob I see it I love how tiny the the arms are you're going to die okay look at this I'm I was looking at those areen those his his little gloves his gloves his gloves chat you want to see toast gloves they're are prize possession toast the toast gloves oh look at him Slither buddy buddy what do you think the little mittens toast is blue tongue skink uh he likes to eat snails in the wild um and I tell people people that don't like snails are gardeners right cuz they eat their plant toasts PES toast dies so look for natural alternatives uh to pesticides if you guys can same with rodenticides if you use rat poison never want toaster to die that's what I'm saying so uh try to use natural alternatives to pesticides rodenticides where you can cuz what would you recommend I was just about to ask you know there's a bunch of different stuff for gardening people use like eggshells and cayenne pepper but it depends on the you're trying control all right guys toast has made some friends goodbye toast I'm your biggest fan toast actually you might so cute are you kidding me look at his little snagle mouth oh you love the snaggle mouths I love it toast actually has Mega fans here today it's really exciting oh toaster strudel and the snail drama I think he's which side is he on though I think to he eat snails though I feel like it's the same thing we humans say on like you know eating cows and stuff we can we can have all the opinions we want but at the end of the day we are the ones eating them well here's the difference though like we have like societal standards and like ethical moral internal conflicts stuff like that I don't feel like toaster strudel is bound to the same moral compass as a human being is but I think toaster strudel would want to be the best skink that they can be and that's eating snails and that is eating snails yeah next friend ooh patchy patchy wait she's only got one eye that's why her name's patchy patchy what happened in patchy's past lives so paty Life Of Crime a Survivor paty was bred for color for the pet trade um and when you readed for color sometimes um you get genetic defects so she was born with one eye oh she's so yeah um so then they couldn't sell her to pet stores and that's how we got patchy they're called ball pythons because when they get scared they curl up into a ball which honestly is not a very good defense especially not a good defense for poachers um because they'll go out into the wild and then find ball pythons and they're so easy to then you can play basketball with them well I had a friend in like Middle School who was like feing the the stocks of the pet trade and I was like looking back why but I mean reptiles go for a lot of money though yeah no he was rolling in it like aged 14 yeah I didn't even I just assume that you were fine holding the snake sorry I didn't even ask you I was just like oh it's okay I can hold anything okay cool you guys want to see how big patchy was when we first got her yes like a tiny worm I'm going to put it on the table I'm going to show you the first shed we have from little baby baty look how tiny she was do they like so is it more that they get bigger or longer or like both is that stupid no okay no they get they get both bigger and longer pachy can I do a comparison what a stupid question I mean I was cuz I was thinking like it's okay pachy definitely has a past life of crime am I just HP casting them cuz they only have one eye I feel like if pesy were to commit a crime it would probably be I think embezzlement embezzlement for sure yeah yeah it just feels right mhm plus it's like a pretty badass crime of all of them yeah of course you hear the the typical like murder murder kind cringe yeah yeah this is Barbara Barbara Barbara look at her little eyeballs she's so shy she looks prehistoric hello hey guys yeah this is one of the largest roach species in the world this one's like really big not all of ours are this big what is she named after uh she has little barbs on her legs you see those cuz they're here guys look at her barbs um they're really good at climbing they can climb glass like we have to put Vaseline in their enclosure so they don't climb she's very glass you see the little bars really funny beautiful woman she is that's very nice of you to say I she's empowering would you like to hold her I'm scared but I would hold her I would hold her too okay you can go first I hold them all hello how is she yay friends she's hanging she's a chiller they're so chill right they're so do what are her tinier arms in the front just for um and then she's got mouth Parts underneath it's kind of hard to see though she's like patting you yeah thank you they're kind of cool missb the nuclear explosion thing and cockroaches for me yeah um they can actually withstand I think about 10 times the amount of radiation that we can which is incredible but they can't survive the actual impact of a nuclear explosion Mak makes sense so that could the the myth comes from that they can withstand a lot of radiation yeah so put us in the radiation chamber yeah and they out me every time by a lot yeah big bird hi chicken stompy loves the rain he loves water a hello what a little wet dog look at his hair a little wet doggy he's nice you guys want to pet him yes normally he doesn't feel like this he's all wet wow he just feels like a dog yeah little dog Guy this is an emu I didn't say I don't know if you guys knew that um and emo is an Australian bird um and he likes hugs look can [Music] I so cute yeah he has only been raised by people so I got him when he was like 14 days old oh my God how big was he watermelon H you guys want to give him a hug I would love to I dropped a carrot I dropped a carrot um you kind of just goate and then I'll help guide his head on top of your shoulder okay oh that's nice looking in the camera hey do I crouch down for him you go oh hello buddy oh friend I think this is the most intimidating animal we have oh I think he's awesome he looks crazy I love his feet though dinosaur check out his wings the dinosaur track oh my goodness the wings where you what the hell I tripped oh how embarrassing if you guys want to feed the donkeys this is jalapeno jalapeno jalap I'm going to give you these and you can just hold your hand fat and kind of tuck your thumb like this like oh just like hold your thumb close to okay he's got a clipped ear um and they're real shy so you might need to let them come up to you um Serrano is much more confident the brown one I'll take s anything special do here Brave there we goo you want scared a little purple guy I'm sorry you can have this one if you likeo you want carrot come here come on a so much lip um so they were going to be sold the very very lucky ones the few lucky ones as pets um but most of the time for like cat kibble dog kibble oh no I'm sorry buddy oh it's just not going right oh no um or glue or or traditional medicine oh jalapeno I like how Stompy just kind of lurks he's like don't forget about me over here Winnie the moo this is Winnie she she'll have us come to her you can pet her where she reason she was so much smaller from so much further away she got like exponentially bigger the closer I got she's pretty big this is a Red Angus beef cow um so I got her off of a beef operation in Oklahoma so she would have been slaughtered for beef redus black us Angus beef so a Survivor Winnie oh a shoe she is a Survivor Nik it's amazing um for Winnie we teach people about the beef industry she burps and farts a greenhouse gas cows you know with methane um and so the beef demand is so high that we have so many cows we're producing a ton of methane um and it's a huge contributor to climate change so yeah I don't tell people to go vegan but I do generally um recommend that they eat less beef yeah probably the most green thing you could do yeah yeah um I don't I personally actually don't eat too much red meat MH or I try not to eat red meat at all actually but Jen is uh you you've been uh I've been vegan vegetarian for like seven years oh cool do you guys want to brush her yes I want to do everything possible I just like watching Stompy in the distance I'm so intrigued he's always just a little just around he's got things to explore he's got the world to see I think Stompy's my favorite guy so she's ready she looks like she's just happy to enjoy it oh wow she reallyy God what a beautiful smile it's an honor teeth check out these teeth oh my goodness here I'll get the other side you get the other side yay happy baby cow she's amazing a I love cows so much they're so so cute there's so much personality she's so funny I'm a huge Stompy fan I came back with merchandise he felt like everyone else it was a real Coming of Age film it felt like that everyone else knew where they were supposed to be and I just saw him Wander from group to group trying to find he was socializing where he fits in and I think that's beautiful cuz like on a surface level he truly doesn't but he's trying to find his place and I feel like we can all learn from that yeah I just love how we we met we met Stompy and then we started going to the donkeys and you're still talking about Stompy and then we went to the cow and you're like actions speak louder than words and every piece of his demeanor was telling a story and I was just there to listen surprise monkey so fun wao that is Tiny that's not even like a thing I've seen before Oh my God the face is Tiny that's Mom that's like the same Momo Momo like Avatar he's a black tufted Mar set his hairs don't always stick out straight like that it's a a treat for you guys hi buddy he's so little little pattern you got look at him he's cute you can't really touch him he looks so wise uh yeah look how puffy oh my gosh guy okay I can get behind this monkey he's cool huh this guy's awesome yeah so this is a common marma Set uh Momo's black tufted or this is also called a white tufted this one when we got him had almost no use of his back legs because of his Metabolic Bone Disease um so he's got can you like not hide so they can see you this is okay this is I like this guy they're cool they make terrible pets though I believe yeah they're they're seed dispersers so in the wild they're meant to eat a bunch of fruits and swing around and everywhere oh he loves the cameraman so he's going to try to come get the camera I like how he has like a mustache yeah their faces GP on that on the top the door frame yeah he's really good at climbing their faces are so small but there's so much going on you know so much expression hi little man I love how puffy the tail is yeah their tails aren't preh hensal so they can't grip things with them but they're really good for balance uh so they seed disperse in the wild they'll eat a bunch of fruit swing around everywhere and it helps with forestry growth MH um which is great for forests but terrible for your house um and then it's just terrible for their welfare to be inside you know they like the elements and the Sunshine he really wants the camera inching towards the camera he's a star my one thing we gave our cat our tiny little baby cat she's an iPad baby come over here but do you like to say hi there was just a game she plays that's just a lake and she just Taps Fish and that's it yeah they might to do that little man little man Opa he is Tiny I've never seen a creature's face so humanlike but so small PL and you can kind of roll him off onto there he does better with women I would put him on you but I don't fully trust him so ladies man well if he goes on you is what it is he look he thought about it he's like no oh yeah that's a no oh that's I've never thought about doing that that's so smart what is it I always just tell people like you can't see him cuz he's on the camera but yeah there he is oh oh he wants to see the screen oh okay he's like who's this guy who's this other monkey where wait where did he go is he still on me he still is the monkeys deserve iPad I think the more traumatic your past is the more the more Apple products that exactly you deserve I think especially the monkeys like I mean any backstory for any tragic character in film then they turn into an iPad character it's like either that or a life of crime so I feel like you know half of my teeth rotted out I'd be pissed if I didn't have a Macbook personally um so so two foxes they're both American red foxes he is gray though kind of like patchy uh he was bred for color for the pet trade so Finn was confiscated from the illegal pet trade in California by California Department of Fish and Wildlife um and so he was bred to be a pet someone had him and then realized that they couldn't yeah here's some treats an eager social guy B of yeah um Fox is also scent post so anything nice thank you for showing them anything new you put in the enclosure they'll piss on on um just marking everything yeah it's crazy too his face looks so different I know you don't see good job I round yeah they shorter snouts yeah when people breed foxes as pets they want them to be like a bunch of different colors and they want shorter snouts and they want like floppy ears and they want spots and they want them to not be afraid of you're being such a good teacher right now if you told me that this was a dog I believe you yeah they just start looking more and more like dogs it's like a a little husky yeah I'd say he's like kind of a weird looking dog but I'd go okay I'm surely not qualified enough to doubt you it's like there's probably just like a mix of things in there yeah what do I know right it's just kind of at the end of the day it's just like get a dog you know they just want them to be dogs yeah so just get a dog uh I just want to say thanks to Maya for having us out and the team it was it was such an honor to no meet so many animal thank you for showing me animals and giving me one to take home this has been a great day I think a lot of people say that they want to save animals save the world and all that stuff and I think it's really cool to see someone in some organization actually do that yeah cuz everyone wants to like if you give anyone the choice would you like to save animals yes or no they say yes yeah but it it then they go oh you know doing it the hard part yeah and she was doing she's doing it so well in such a I like how it's so online how people can interact and learn just at home and stuff she's in the right business she's going to go far I agree all right that's everything thank you very much thank you
Channel: Alveus Sanctuary
Views: 474,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal sanctuary, conservation, twitch, streaming, animals, wildlife, wildlife conservation, sanctuary, nonprofit, mayahiga, maya, organizationcharity, animalsanctuary, jaiden animations, alpharad, alveus, maya higa, stream, jaidenanimations
Id: W74Ub2HR1Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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