JADA Pinkett TELLS ALL about SINGER August Alsina, their RELATIONSHIP & how she helped him! DETAILS!

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watching daytime daytime it's time the port is to use their this team set to see let's get right into it hey guys is Candice all right you see that title so you already know we're about to talk about Miz Jada pinkett-smith and her red tabletalk alright guys so today's episode was about facing addiction Jada pinkett-smith discussed her past with having a sex addiction her mother Adrienne discussed her past and having a 20-year addiction to heroin and there were also two special guests that joined them at the read table there was R&B singer August Alsina who discussed his addiction to weed and percocet and Will Smith's sister Ashley Marie who discussed her addiction to weed y'all it was a very very powerful episode the episode started with Jada Pinkett Smith reminiscing on growing up with a mother addicted to heroin I think I didn't find out my mother was addicted to heroin until I was in my teens I could tell my mother was high she couldn't make it on time to pick me up from school well she's nodding off falling asleep in the middle of something you just realized oh that's not being tired that is like a drug problem I couldn't hide the unmanageability of my life and the emotional damage and the spiritual damage that I did to myself and to her you know that that was devastating when they actually sat down at the red table Jada Pinkett Smith's mother Adrienne was so overwhelmed with tears that she was actually unable to get some of her words out but she was still able to tell her story and express the real reasons of why she decided to get cleaned after being addicted to heroin for 20 years she explained that it was her love for a man that helped her to change what made you decide all right I need them this is it 27 years ago you know I I hate to say it I'd have to put it on somebody else like I it wasn't about me I had already lost my mother I had already lost a husband I had already lost another relationship my friends were already frustrated with me my sister was frustrated with me you know I knew that probably my job was in jeopardy and at that time I didn't think I was anything without a man right and so I had this man come back in my life and he actually said to me you know I heard that you had been in the treatment and I started you know communicating with this person and we had an opportunity for a relationship and I thought that that would not happen Wow so it's sad to say that I did it for a man but hey but at the end of the day you get to wherever yes yeah right and then hopefully yup the light will go on and you'll realize that it's about you that's right that's right and I had to come to the understanding that yeah there was a power mm that got hit yeah that got hit mm yeah through all it and I just had let go and surrender yeah so that I could receive what he was a people can't even get yeah you proud of your guess okay no tears no tears that's exactly you've made it over yeah tears of triumph yes well I guess I'm just sad thinking about the fact that I wasn't even at that time doing it for myself oh my goodness y'all that part brought me to tears it just was so sad I definitely understand that she regrets that she was unable to become clean on her own and that it actually took a man and her desire to be with him to make her once a change I understand that that makes her sad that she couldn't make that decision on her own but I have to say to anybody dealing with addiction it does not matter what helps you get clean it just matters that you get clean there are a lot of drug addicts that end up getting clean because of their children because of their husbands their boyfriend or girlfriend's mother father people they love encouraging them and that's okay because that may be the initial reason that you get clean but what helps you stay clean is your own personal will and desire to stay clean and I hope that Adrian knows that about herself and she should definitely take pride in her own personal strength for being clean for 27 years because that is an amazing accomplishment okay so moving forward R&B singer August Alsina discussed how he became addicted to percocet but before he went into detail Jada pinkett-smith actually explained how she and algis Alcina became such good friends August let me ask you first cuz I'm really proud of you to let me just start there real quick because how I decided to come up with the to do this particular show was really listening to the conversations between my mother and August August Alsina is an incredibly talented Peron B singer he's had many many many many hits he came to see willow and Jaden perform in 2015 in London and that's where we met and he asked me that day he was like man I could really use some help dealing with life you know and then come to find out that he was abusing percocet August and I and my mother and the family as a whole has been pretty much on this journey with August towards us healing alright y'all I'm sorry I'm sorry but I gotta be a little bit messy I have to throw it out there that Jada and we'll have a very special type of marriage and relationship the fact that Will Smith can be comfortable with Jada being friends with such a delicious young snack like August Alsina that's amazing because I'm telling you my husband would not be here for that okay y'all see Will Smith in the selfie with him that's all good and nice and then the selfie with Jada he look a little bit too comfy next to her I'm just saying I'm just saying alright y'all let me stop being messy okay let's get back to the seriousness of addiction moving forward August actually goes into detail about how he fainted during one of his performances he was then hospitalized and eventually prescribed percocet for his pain he ended up becoming addicted to those prescribed percocet pills so uh I want to talk about your I'm trying to think how to say let's talk about the pills cuz this is interesting to me cuz you had an accident where you fell off the stage yes I was um pretty much just like doing way too many shows not taking care of myself I was drinking so much liquor smoking so much weed and just one night that is showing up I literally passed out and like in the middle of a showing fell off the stage it was a pretty serious accident because you went into convulsions and three days Wow yeah and you said also that they had to bring you back to life yeah flatline like twice my security so you were giving percocets in order to deal with the pain of the fall yeah I literally had an in the supply of perks like if you asked my brother anybody they like yeah I know I'm like raining perks off my body off my house I was literally raining pills like skittles for real Dana went forward asking him how many percocets he would take a day and you can see that he got a little bit uncomfortable with that question and he didn't really answer how many pills he took a day how many perks did you take a day all right so I do six perks a day my buddies do 20 I was like that's when it was an eye-opener for me he said I'm not addicted okay so as you can see as they're reminiscing about that moment where Jada realized that August Alsina was addicted to pills because she noticed that he was hiding the pills you can see that there laughing in there chuckling but it's definitely not a laughing matter they actually discuss that they're able to laugh and giggle because he's gotten through it already you know how people always say now you can look back at that and laugh because you're happy that you made it through let me just say that we're laughing and no it's kind of chuckling because of the situation but it really is very serious everybody's because he's coming please he's in a new place okay so speaking of recognizing when you are addicted August Alsina actually goes for it to explain that he never really felt like he was addicted because he felt like a person who's addicted to drugs is somebody who does crazy and outrageous things like selling your house or selling your car so you can get drugs he felt like he wasn't doing crazy stuff like that so he must not be addicted also oh did you not have like in your mind this stereotype idea of what an addict was actually that's actually a good point I did because my stepfather is addicted to crack my father was addicted to crack and an alcoholic so my my introduction to drugs was that and seeing my stepfather pounding the whole house with some drugs pawn to car whatever and my idea of an addiction was debt and I remember my stepfather would come home off of his badges and I would see him sweating and shaking and really happened to get us his life back and I went through that experience thinking I have it under control just always thinking that I could I can be exact right I was like wow I'm a junkie cuz it's coming from a doctor you feel like well what am I doing wrong yeah so it's a tricky like situation so on one hand I'm like it's coming from the doctor knowing nothing I'm like well yeah obviously addicted to the and but what typically happens is you get to the point where you can't get the prescriptions anymore and then you start seeking out the in the drugs on the street okay so this is the part that really got me August went forward to explain how he actually decided to make a change and get treatment for his addiction and it turns out that Jada pinkett-smith caught him crying in her caring for him so much and crying about it is what made him change this is the part that really showed me how close Jada pinkett-smith and August Alsina are what was the Hmong that you decided you needed to get clean I don't know I was on tour or something but you you caught me and like literally broke down about oh yeah about it and I was just like oh something's gotta give you have like we can't love you warning you love yourself I can't ya see that was the thing right sort of to feel your emotion here you ballin I was like that was really a reality check for me because I was like wow if someone else can love you that much that it hurts them why doesn't it bother you that you actually hurting yourself and yeah that moment really that was about changed the trajectory of my life just to start walking away from me like I said guys this part definitely showed me that Jada pinkett-smith and August Alsina are very very good friends if she's calling him and crying desiring him to get through his addiction only real friends and people who love you do that okay so Will Smith's sister Ashley she goes on to tell how she is currently dealing with breaking her addiction to smoking weed I at first when I decided that I wanted to take a break like a week ago right I said Sam you know me just go for two weeks I'm just not gonna smoke for two weeks any marijuana substance I'm not gonna have it for two weeks and the first day I had to take you know I'm not gonna do it in the morning time right you know and then once I got past the morning I'm cool afternoon I'm not gonna do it in the afternoon but the first day I found myself not being able to make it through the night actually how often were you smoking today I was always high but no how often like I would wake up and smoke okay I would go to work and on break time and smoke again if I had to run an errand or something I was smoking in the car coming down we're smoking again you know vape pens candy blunts and it was always a way for me to just like make it through the moment make it through the tiers but is that part of the reason why you smoke is so that you don't have to feel your emotions yeah like I'm sad because I lost my mom my hams gonna always be going why so how can I ever be like okay with that pain right I mean like daddy-o is going right both of her parents have passed on yeah and he's gonna always be gone it's crazy because a lot of people feel like you can't be addicted to weed but I have to say I disagree with that I believe that people can definitely be addicted to lead anybody who's been around a real heavy weed smoker you can tell that they're addicted because sometimes they cannot even go a couple hours or a few hours or a day without it and if you can't do that you are addicted and the same thing goes for food snacks cookies cakes meat if you feel like you can't live without that then you must be addicted yes people actually don't feel like weed is a problem right right so I just find it like very interesting to hear you talk about it in a way like enable to admit that it is because I lean on it yeah like I say to myself the only way I can calm down from not being buck is to smoke right but is that really true right and that's not a decision that we can make for you I would love to listen to you guys and I'm like oh my god just don't yeah don't do this I don't want to hear nothing about we comes from the earth it's a lot soda poppy seeds okay so does the poppy plant I don't want to hear all that but I know that it's your journey cuz I had mine yeah yeah it took me six years to get one year clean cuz I had been a revolving door for so long a couple you know once clean and then I'm going again sometimes it's hour by hour by hour yes if you can't have a lot of free time no people could not have a lot of free time especially when you're trying to like wean off of something and stop doing something but the other thing is for you to think that you can do it by yourself you yeah and you don't have to August Alsina actually agrees with Ashley because he feels that he was also addicted to weed as well as the pills and he explains that he used the weed as a crutch to escape a lot of the issues that he didn't want to deal with I feel like so many times I I was smoking weed really using it as an escape and it's really just one big illusion of life of this thank you and that's what I keep telling people it's an escape you're not really dealing with your own reality for whatever reason the discomfort mm-hmm you know and you have to be willing to learn another way to to cope with whatever is going on with you because at the end of the day when the weed is gone that problem is still there the red tabletalk ended with each of them answering some questions from the fans and Jada pinkett-smith answered some questions about her addiction to sex you ever had an addiction yes I've had several when I was younger I definitely think I had a sex addict some kind yes that everything could get be fixed by sex yes you know what I'm saying okay y'all I'm sorry but I gotta be a little bit messy again just for a minute did y'all see August Alsina face when she was talking about being addicted to sex he was like yeah thing could get be fixed by sex yes you know what I'm saying but let me stop let me stop be a messy okay moving forward okay y'all so lastly they talked about growing up around addiction and how it affected their own personal addictions were you around drugs growing up absolutely both of my parents were alcoholics and I've had uncles and aunts who were crackheads and drug addicts and addicts in so um yeah it was just a lot of alcohol and a lot of reddit Ariella me in it all this is a fight this is deeper than just myself this is a fight for my father died from from this yes he took him out yeah that was so so powerful I do believe that there are hereditary connections to addiction as well as generational curses but with that said I truly believe that just because your mother or your father or grandma or grandpa struggle with a specific addiction that does not mean that you have to as well I believe that every person can make a conscious decision not to fall victim to their parents or grandparents struggles I know it's easier said than done but I do believe that there is power in your tongue there's power and the things that you speak so if you continually say well my mother was addicted and so that's why I'm addicted my father's addicted so I'm gonna be addicted then that's what's gonna happen to you but if you speak power into your life and you say I will not be addicted even though my mother was addicted I will not be addicted like her then that will happen for you as well every person should definitely be careful about what they speak into their lives your parent struggles do not have to be your struggles find strength within yourself find strength from your friends your family your loved ones but most importantly God and everything will be alright all right y'all I'm done with theirs I need to know what y'all think have you ever personally dealt with any addictions if so comment below let us know how you made it through if you're currently dealing with addictions and you're trying to make it through calm your thoughts below so we can encourage each other let me know what you guys think if you haven't already make sure you hit that subscribe button hit that like button and I'm gonna catch you in the next one alright [Music]
Channel: Daytime Tea Time
Views: 891,686
Rating: 4.8033142 out of 5
Keywords: The Real, Adrienne Bailon, Loni Love, Jeannie Mai, Tamera Mowry, Tamar Braxton, Tamar and Vince, Wendy Williams, Red Table Talk, Jada Pinkett smith, august alsina, Will Smith
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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