Jacob Wheeler @ Lake Guntersville - MLF Practice

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good morning good morning my friends I like Gunnersville practice is here this is actually day two yesterday day one I read it all over the lake this is the thing Lake Guntersville is notorious for having big fish it is arguably the best Tennessee River Bastion like one of the best fishing basket bass lakes in the state of Alabama has been for years um but anyway we ran around like crazy yesterday and so with that being said we got to jump in the boat real quick here and go get some gas because to fix your body let's go get one microfiber towel and a whole bunch of do they will wipe down I've wiped down Stephen C what am I see I've got the grass I actually have two microfiber towels but I don't know if I wanted to use it quite yet all right oh yeah you can try to get out there for that that first by the morning it wasn't tied up it was tied up no stories [Music] oh dang I forgot something I broke that yesterday was it you could do it it's a little bit more pain in the butt dropping the boat if we're dropping in a little bit more it's gonna be a little bit more of a pain [Music] you should already get named by by now except for your garage steel grass protects these bags you can't throw nothing at home without getting hooked I mean they're already obviously educated they know what's up you hit the OK button on low fuel you just ignore it um I think you just I think you just ignore it because I think we're not that I mean listen I was running it was saying like bouncing me out because when it gets real low like that it bounces between like like you need fuel now to like ah you've got a couple miles you know that's where it's at right now so we just don't know we just don't know exactly what we got we don't know we just sort of very we're gonna let this one sort of slide but do you know where you're getting gas I I think I do I think I did it's marching somewhere over there I don't know exactly to be honest all right I want to get I want to be over the line before DC gets there so you get gas before him today I wanted to catch you guys one before we got gas starting a video out I'm just like getting pumping gas is probably not all that entertaining but running out of gas now I'm practicing that would be more entertaining for you otherwise but it just would suck for us do not already have a fight Shad spawn coach spawn Warm Morning grass line come on we're on Commercial I mean there's literally a thousand bats on this one little Edge guaranteed that's fun I ate all right that's the one thing that people don't understand sometimes is like a shots one happens at night like they they do it in the middle of night which is why it only happens for a little bit in the morning typically typically now I've seen it happen during the day but day in and day out Sun hasn't gone over the Treetops like Bill Dance Now like [Music] white bass gosh Russia on um I'll do it I would rather Point going to the dog okay we gotta go I don't know that is that a bad thing like catching your first fish not being a bass I don't know I mean there's there's like a deal like you know behind not catching there's like a deal behind like not catching one of your first cash but like what if the first fish is that a bad luck like I don't know like the first fish you catch is not the species that you're actually going after is that a bad a bad luck thing I don't know I'm just ah damn hey I'm gonna teach you guys if you don't already know handy Pliers are great when you break your because you have to actually get in there and like push that on board to be fair that was my fault because I didn't put that big ball at Bob's machine shops Big D hand on there and that is some breaks so just get it there just crying we got at least half mile it's dead big dog you ain't got one starts out a little bumpy then you start getting like good Rhythm and like let's hope for the rest of the day that they're doing that projected path you just sort of hope you have some bombs that is you know turn your day off some um I don't want to run anywhere I'm sure some parking for gas we're gonna find out all right all right guys so Mark said there was a hill with about a quarter mile up the hill I mean you tell me is that a is this a hill look back there okay now look over here that is I see no Hill [Music] actually give me a favor and just put 300 on there 313 93 cents Let It Go through Let It Go through pass it on our credit card earlier sword we got all Motors up there we got a Johnson or Mercury we hopefully got our gas and I got some ice for the whole cruise I didn't think about buying this big bag before walking this morning though come hard let's not learning how to talk about this yeah small bills only huh small wheels only no they don't take cash they don't take credit pay for it but let me just tell you this ain't normal it's ain't normal oh man never had you paid for my gas then there's got to be like water into fuel or something hey let's I'm just trying to turn over a new Leaf higher than 347 a gallon you're paying for your gas more on the road than we did on the water think about that right now five dollars a gallon [Music] 52 hours we just pumped 50.6 oh 177. oh so we still got 130 left yeah oh we're good [Music] oh I got you ice too all right it literally says 50 gallons we have 50 gallons I told you I literally told you all we were all fused I was I was I was definitely playing it and playing it close holy smokes are going to win the lottery we got all the way back all right don't catch them all that I leave me a couple [Music] [Music] you have two options you have grass we have multiple options really you got shallow shout out super shell like bluegill bed eaters bluegill spawn bluegill you know that that does fish you have offshore fish Tennessee River you know fish are starting to slide out you have that going on which they're not out really good there's a handful of schools and so that's gonna fish really really small then you have like grass fish like main river grass fish that are shots one fish the or places where they used to get at they're starting to spawn they start to sort of set up on those places on the main river and then you have like the bluegill Swan fish which could literally be all over in the pockets and those fish will just you know they're focused on Bluegill they're bluegill eaters so that's really the three options we were looking at right now I mean you guys know me I love to fish offshore I'm trying to same point in time uh vibrant and jig s and stuff they're all up here spawning [Music] [Music] it's interesting I'm seeing like a little bit of what's up now they're like inside this is a perfect image right here if you can see this inside grass line we go spawn on the inside of it when I'm learning foreign [Music] there's a bunch there [Music] I know it's theirs [Music] well you could like run a crankbait through there well we just found a little group of them small little group it's a small ones actually actually quite a few in there but not the ones we're looking for baby bushes but there's a thing groups like that are very interesting to me because like they can actually sit on those places like that and there'll be a couple big ones mixed in not saying that's my number one spot but it's a place I might add to the rotation you never know a big one pulls up you'll be crankba through there and boom you know I feel like I'm covering water like this and if I can cover enough the best time for them to get offshore is later on you know and in like like five like three to four o'clock last hour of competition is gonna be the juice but um I'm sort of like looking in some areas that I maybe might not level up and realistically there's not that many Ledges that don't have a ton of grass on them so you know that limits the areas I feel like this place is going to fish fairly small so with that being said you know you got to look everywhere all right [Music] battle sucker all right so this is a way to definitely catch a limit of them if we need them see what's up that fish right there's like a two and a quarter let's replace it a lot better I'm wondering if there's more there so now that I sort of see that like I just wanted to [Music] dang I mean the thing is the tournament is still gonna I feel like if we want to ledge I think but foreign I said there's a two and a half pounder right there on the bed uh yeah two yeah all right two and a half maybe so look at this I literally bent my hook in it's been in unless I forgot it that's how my day's been going now I don't need that one right there but if a five pounder would have grabbed that I'd be like dang it because I'd have caught him oh about to step myself there too it's interesting so we just got up here shallow and uh there's a you know let this guy go a ton of bluegill responding which we said that you know and we saw that a little bit this morning but um man it's thing stuck myself um yeah we're just gonna sort of look around for a second just sort of keep an eye open man I think that I'd like to sort of at least have an idea of like what kind of stuff these fish are on up here so I can just roll with it in the tournament and of course it's not going to be easy but all right look at that right there huh that's why if your pointier hooks not even tight if it's not touching the actual like your point of your Hook's not touching Dash will shrink your hook s how to get offshore yeah it was spot not a million all right okay Largemouth huh [Music] pretty good one okay Mr Larry the large Mouse goddess one all right that's a good way to get started good fish and uh 53 pounder all right let's roll all right so we're back at the house and uh the one last thing before we wrap this practice Vlog up all right boys What's the guess over under on all right I'm gonna say some 31-12 cut that's 15 was that 15 and then uh half a day-ish this is toffee hundred dollars a lot 100. 15 and three quarters a day 15 and a half a day which is easier yeah it says uh 31.5 31 and a half right foreign marches under let's let's hope these guys catch him I might come over I might come down real quick 300 online if I if it's over 300 bucks in my pocket if it's under if it's under 300 gone like the wind bull hey DC you know a lot about Batman right you know like Alabama your guys baseball coach they know they know plenty about betting you know about your baseball coach no what happened yeah you're a baseball coach who is betting against your own team literally if you was literally betting against your own team he literally took in the star picture out because he's had a bet that LSU was going to win Hey listen obviously did he get in trouble all right he's fired he's gone for him he's fired so does Nancy Nancy Pelosi needs to be gone but hey look none of that even matters and we're putting this in his video we're putting it in there you're gonna be fired Nancy Paul's her husband he's over there like I'm gonna put 5.5 million in this and then next week it's like gold would stroke with that company and it's like wow you're really good at what you do [Laughter] hi story let me know what you guys think about this this this Scandal the sports Scandal you're happier that it's Alabama football they've done a phenomenal job Nick Saban that whole crew I got a lot of respect for that organization the Tennessee game who are you pulling for oh Tennessee all that all day that's awesome well yeah absolutely of course listen I love these Tennessee fans for one hey hold on better watch your mouth yes I was born there all the Tennessee fans in the world sunshines on the dog's ass every now and then look at the deal this is the deal y'all did beat us all right and honestly if Alabama would have won that game they would have been in the playoffs and they would have got their butts vote like everybody else by Georgia Georgia it was like it was there for they've been going down Hillary national championships when I was at College three out of four years that was like the craziest time that was my years of college you had a time yeah I had a lot of time I had a few headaches yeah I feel like that okay that's I got a lot of respect for Alabama football what I'm saying is Alabama overall listen I'm saying is just go balls that's all he's saying anything go balls so let me know what you guys think about this we'll see you on the next
Channel: Wheeler Fishing
Views: 21,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bass fishing, wheeler fishing, jacob wheeler, major league fishing, mlf fishing, fishing, jacob wheeler fishing, Brody McWilliams, BMac_Fishing, Fishing Vlog, travel, Outdoors, vlog, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, mlf, big fish, fishing help, Stage 4, Guntersville, Lake guntersville
Id: xSc5VM1MJEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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