Jacob Rees-Mogg's House Business statement | 05.09.19

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order business statement the leader of the house mr. Jacob Riis molar Thank You mr. speaker now I begin by apologizing to the shadow leader and to the Honorable gentleman the member for Perth and North Perth sure that this statement is later than it normally is to ensure us full information as possible for the house I understand this is called some travel arrangement difficulties and as a matter of regret the business for the week commencing the 9th of September will include Monday 9th of September if necessary consideration of Lords amendments followed by debate to approve emotion relating to section 7 of the Northern Ireland Executive formation Act 2019 historical institutional abuse followed by a similar debate for victims payments followed by under the same Act a debate on human trafficking followed by a further nation under the same act on gambling followed by a general debate on a motion relating to section 3 2 of the Northern Ireland Executive formation etc Act 2019 followed by if necessary consideration of Lords amendments followed by a motion relating to an early parliamentary general election the house will not adjourn until Royal Assent has been received to all acts a message may be received from the Lord's Commissioner and I will return to the House on Monday with further information if necessary battery bars Thank You mr. speaker and can I thank the leader of the house I was going to say it's the usual custom and convention to thank him but I appreciate that he's apologized at least I abide by custom and conventions and I do want to thank the leader actually for being vertical when he gave that business statement Mr Speaker I just have a couple of questions for that on on the Northern Ireland legislation the the opposition will cooperate with the government to make sure that that legislation gets through and obviously we are keen to see the Lord's amendments if they're already come back to the house to be debated all in the European Union withdrawal bill number six I wonder if I could ask the leader of the house when he was in his response to say exactly what the motion is relating to the early parliamentary election if it is a similar one under the fixed term Parliament act or and when he's likely to table that motion I raised the case previously of Nazanin de gaia radcliffe as I said I would do every week could he say it could he update the house on her case as things have taken a different turn and also those of the other UK nationals who are in prison kamaal Farooqi who was detained in May 2011 a new Shay are Cherie who's detained in August 2017 and British Council employee Aris Amiri who was detained in March 2018 has now been given a 10-year sentence for visiting her grandmother I would have to say that I asked the previous leader of the house about the Queen's Speech and I know that's been thrown back at me a number of times because we have had the longest part continuous parliamentary session since the acts of Union 1800 mr. speaker there was hardly any business legislated while the government at that time was going through a leadership election the government chose to have a longer session and no legislation was progressing despite me asking for that and opposition days which I haven't been given and it was we should have realized something was going to happen when the question was asked about when with the trade bill come back and I think the leader responded in these terms he said why would we want to do that that should have given us a clue now we've got a number of bills that are a coming that are stuck the immigration bill the agricultural bill the fisheries bill the financial services bill now we know they fall when Parliament is per oKed but not statutory instruments they're still alive so could the leader to house say what he plans to do what the government plans to do with those bills I asked the previous leader of the house the only member for Devin central whether he would wear whether we could sit during the conference recess and we on this side were ready to do that mr. speaker there is nothing convention about the government's plans for prorogation whilst most prorogation lost a few days and take place just before the Queen's speech this is five weeks it will be the longest in more than 40 years but I want to ask the leader of the house if he could clarify what he said yesterday during the debate he didn't answer when asked whether he knew that the house was going to be provoked on the 16th of August in fact he said he was at Lord's so I will ask it again did he know on the 16th of August when he was at Lord's whether the house was going to be probed whether he had seen that email two weeks later he was on a plane to Aberdeen Airport when was he told he was going to bow morale and when did he know what was in the proclamation mr. speaker the reason why we don't trust this government and they take their lead from the prime minister because he says one thing and does something else he wrote in a letter to all his colleagues when he wanted to be the prime minister he said I'm not attracted to arcane procedures such as the pregnant prorogation of Parliament and I'm a one nation conservative and yet he has probed Parliament and he has withdrawn the whip possibly sacked possibly expelled some of the most honorable and right honourable members who have given great service to their party and to their country and now we face the fact that the right honourable member for Orpington has resigned and no longer wants to stand the Prime Minister's own brother can't take it anymore and that's why we don't trust the government the Prime Minister he secretly agreed to suspend Parliament two weeks before denying it would happen he was treating Parliament democracy and the people with contempt 22 law professors have written an open letter and said the prorogation is clearly designed to evade scrutiny including legislation and preventing MPs from asking key questions on EU negotiations and no deal planning so what were the reasons for the prorogation at that time without recourse to coming to the chamber and explaining it mr. speaker an important bill was passed yesterday and it's making its way through the Lord's it stops a no deal and here are the reasons why that is an important bill the director of the CBI has said no deal is a tripwire into economic chaos that would harm our country for years to come is that scaremongering the general secretary of the trade union Congress said no deal would be a disaster for working families is that scaremongering the president of the National Farmers Union said you will have many farmers going out of business food and drink Federation has warned it would inflict serious and in some case cut some cases mortal damage on the UK food and drink industry is that scare mongering the British Medical Association has said in their report dangers of a No Deal could lead to the disintegration of the HS the fashion industry worth thirty two million pounds said no deal should be avoided the incorporated society of musicians said no deal brexit will incur major disruption to the music industry worth four point five billion are they scare mongering give the hofstadt coordinated for EU brexit said the only people who will prosper are the wealthy bankers and hedge fund managers who have bet on chaos I think the leader of the house also owes an apology to dr. David Nichol he was part of the operation yellow hammer when will the leader of the House publish operation yellow hammer or does he think the government are scare mongering mr. speaker they're like the Wolves of Whitehall they're marauding over our customs and our conventions it's absolutely outrageous the way they are destroying them and actually the Prime Minister only governs by custom and convention I think the leader of the House also owes an apology to mr. speaker I think he was heard on air to say that mr. speaker was wrong but I want to remind him of his bedtime reading asking me of the dedication that has compiled compiled by some of the officials both past and present and it says this the speaker of the Commons and in the Lord's and all the Commonwealth speakers on whom for the great responsibilities of guardianship of the parliamentary system we saw that this week and we thank you mr. speaker Thank You mr. speaker let me deal with the last point first because I would not have dreamt of saying that you were wrong I made the point the classic point that you have not eyes to see with your lips to speak except as directed by this house and I believe mr. speaker that that is what you do properly and you have consistently taken the view that the house should be able to debate what it wishes to debate though I will confess that sometimes if I were in your position I might come to a different decision that is not in any sense disrespectful to mr. speaker but let me come to this panoply of questions that we've had first of all thank you further I thank the Honorable native supporting us on all nine legislation looking forward to the Lord's amendments the early parliamentary motion will be put down tonight as it needs to be before the close of business and the very important issue that the Honourable lady raises every occasion our own as nians agari Ratcliffe the Foreign Office is doing what it can it is a very difficult situation it is so important that the Foreign Office in all these consular cases and the Honourable lady mentioned a number of them is as vigorous as it can be in my view the statement made by a former prime minister Lord Palmerston in the dom Pacifico affair is the right approach for governments to take in defending the interests of British citizens abroad we should be incredibly robust about it and I believe the Foreign Office is doing as much as it possibly can but sadly we cannot tell other countries what to do we then come on to the Queen's Speech what's gonna happen with the bills that are stuck the bills that are stuck will come unstuck because they will fall on prera Gatien that is the sort of D supergluing process that we are able to use and I'm glad to tell the house I'm glad to tell the house that all the bills that are needed for leaving the European Union on the 31st of October are in place and then we come into their diary questions what was I doing the ability to leave on the 31st of October all the legislation that is needed is in place and we've had 580 statue instruments to make sure it will all happen smoothly say that is all done it is ready it is prepared Her Majesty's Government has been a model of efficiency and efficacy in preparing this and my right honourable friend the trance of the Duchy of Lancaster is perhaps one of the most impressive administrative miss ministers this country has ever seen I was asked questions about my knowledge of the next Queen's speech the Honourable lady is aware that one of the main duties of the leader of the house is to prepare for the next Queen's speech that is what you do that is what you're briefed on from the very beginning bids for items in the next Queen's speech come to the leader of the house so that has been part of my briefing from the point at which I was appointed and that is the reason why this session is coming to an end it has gone on for far far too long as the Honourable lady rightly pointed out as indeed the Honourable gentleman the member from Rhonda who seems to be fidgeting at the moment in an uncharacteristically fidgety way Anthea teewe leader mr. speaker your knowledge of being able to fidget is so extensive but I'm sure you will be able to tell a house or make it a chapter in your memoirs in unfitting fidgeting that is that is the straightforward reason for the prorogation the prorogation is taking place to have a new queen speech to set out the really exciting one nation policies that my right honourable friends the prime minister which to set out mr. speaker I know we all know because we've heard you said many times that however much transferring there is from the other side you will make time for me to answer all their questions which I am looking forward to with eager anticipation but I will be better able to answer them if they wait their turn rather than making noises imitating a farmyard that I cannot translate because I'm not dr. Dolittle Amy I do a little life by Pisa say that is the routine part of my responsibility and that was why Parliament has been purged and I would say about the conference recess at the last occasion I appeared at this despatch box to answer these questions I raised the issue of the conference recess and sitting opposite me was none other than that really distinguished figure the leader the chief whip of the opposition party and not not the Honorable gentleman who is there that the chief will fight and when I said we would have the conference recesses the Chief Whip nodded and as we all know at a nod from the opposition Chief Whip is like the Nord of Zeus what it nods at is done and is viewed as authoritative say letters letters have no questions about that and then the honourable lady came to scaremongering and the honourable lady seems to wish to compete to become the scare monger in chief the preparations have been made they are in place and they have been done with remarkable efficiency but yes a lot of remainders a lot of remainders wish to make our skins crawl and I'm afraid it seems to me that dr. David Nichol is as irresponsible as dr. Wakefield what he had to say I will repeat it is as irresponsible as dr. Wakefield in threatening and threatening that people will die because we leave the European Union what level what level of irresponsibility was that but what I would say in conclusion to the Honourable lady and to the house is that this government this government has offered them the opportunity if they don't like what we are doing to seek an election and put themselves to the voters but they don't do that they are frightened of the voters and all they wish to do is obstruct democracy today ramus friend find time for debate on the future stage in a party conferences it seems to me that these conferences have changed out of all recognition and could easily be held in future over a long weekend on question I'm even more delighted than usual to have called the Honourable gentleman so early these are meeting some voluntary organisations which could perfectly well take place over the weekend the idea which would be away from our main place of work for this sort of indulgence will strike very large numbers of people across the country as bizarre believers Mr Speaker I wonder if you against just a job share perhaps I have said in speakers occasion and you should answer questions as leader of the house but I decided to say I'm sorry to say that I have a slightly different answer to my honorable friend that party conferences are an important part of the political process and I'm really glad to say that this year's Conservative Party conference is going to be primarily an occasion for members and we are going to get back to putting members front and central because they are the people who select us and for whom we work and who campaign for us so I think party conferences are important and that it is a reasonable time to have that this house has not been that busy it has to be said earlier in the session and therefore having a party conference is perfectly reasonable to be wish mr. speaker and can I thank that move off the house Esquire for and I think whatever misses supposed to be for next weekend and can I say - if ifs add feel a bit tax feel free to have all that or why don't per haps if he's going to do that maybe mention it to these honorable friends from Pudsey and Horsham it was video what why Oh once again so according to this there will be another attempt a general election on Monday and if you could just confirm that and it looks almost certain that straight after that's the government's intention to suspend democracy for that five weeks contentiously suspend them up to see much against the desires and wishes of this house and the people that were elected here to self we can I congratulate the the little house on what has been an incredible week not for becoming an internet sensation with his Victorian dad line don't stop but in a shrewd and stellar and steady management of the house business he's managed to lose every single vote for this Prime Minister know Prime Minister has ever ever got off to such a terrible start he's managed to lose his government majority by deselect and decent and honorable members of his own party who have served their country in part with such distinction is must control the business of the house and last night his unelected Lord stone the other place put up the white flag to what they call the surrender bill we've had the resignation to the right honourable member for orpington and his desire to spend less time with his family mr. speaker there's only one piece of business that I underworld gentlemen cleaves and that's to secure this general election while still being able to get the New Deal that they crave and to has great frustration and to the brakes account to occupy these benches they've been unable to get away with that his general election is coming but everybody has to be setted that their New Deal is dead and buried and the funniest thing about last night mr. speaker during that general election motion was the same a Scottish Conservatives tripping through the will be and favor of an immediate general election on that day that an opinion poll showed that they'd be decimated in Scotland if you want to see a demonstration of slavish loyalty to the New Deal breaks it can't cause you did look no further than these honourable gentlemen this isn't just touched his vote for Christmas it's Turkey slaughtering themselves in cranberry sauce and shoving the stuffing of their own fastidious feeling mr. speaker this probably will be the last chance that we'll have the opportunity to see the presence of the right honourable gentleman and his place he wanted a legacy mr. speaker how about the least successful leader of the hosts that we've ever had Thank You mr. Speaker I am grateful as always the honourable gentleman for his characteristic charm and mr. speaker what we have seen today is I think in history unprecedented unknown unseen we have seen a frightened Scotsman that people who are known for their courage their forthrightness and their sturdiness and they are scared of going in front of their own voters they have run away from an election they are what is it timorous beastie 'he's i think they must be called mr. speaker who dare not face their voters and i just wonder whether this is because of the narrow majority that the Honourable member for Perth and all parts are himself that he parades concern for conservative members he is worried that they may be in danger but surely if that is what he really thinks he should be embracing this opportunity for an election should be pushing forward for it and he mentioned as the Honourable lady does as well my right honourable friend the member for Orpington who has decided to leave her majesty's government and this is something that we know about across the country families disagree on brexit my enormous ly distinguished wise and good sister Annunziata has gone and joined the brexit party and not only joined it but got elected to the European Parliament so within our families these disagreements over an issue that is of fundamental importance to us Thank You mr. speaker is of fundamental importance to us all and that is why it is right to put this back to the British people in a general election so they can decide and say that the Honourable gentleman can restore the honor of the people of Scotland by saying he is not afraid these are richly enjoyable exchanges that would ordinarily be the case in the presence of the leader of the house in any circumstance but I believe that it is more so because unless I am much mistaken the right honourable gentleman is not the only Rhys MOG present and observing our proceedings today and it's a great pleasure and privilege to welcome little mods in particular of whom there are several and other members of the Rhys mod dynasty notwithstanding that joy one of the responsibilities of the speaker is to safeguard the rights of members in respect of business to follow and I make that point simply to underline the imperative of brevity from back and front benches alike in observing that exceptionally today may not be possible for everybody to be called on the business statement we will do our best and the quest for brevity can be led I think with distinction by dr. Julian Lewis may we have a statement or debate on the circumstances of the seizure of a British flag tank of Iran in the Gulf but if there isn't enough time for that would the leader of the house have a word with the Secretary of State for Defence because the Defence Committee on Monday has a session planned but the former sector state the right honourable member for Portsmouth North has so far not yet received the information arey she requires from the mo D to enable her to give testimony to us Thank You mr. speaker that as a matter of the utmost importance in I shall certainly ask my office to contact the Ministry of Defense it is only right the select committees should get the information that they require man's it's all mr. speaker and I thank the leader of those for the statement and follow his apology and was considering the delay in the normal timing of the business their statement this morning and I was wondering if the leader of the house was carrying out carrying on his normal practice of having a lie-in and I'm just wondering if the leader of the house will be aware though that with prorogation if prolongation happens that the backbench business committee ceases to exist nice to be reappointed re-elected and and therefore I will be rated to the target leader the house with a list of Asya own hood debates should any time become available after provocation or possibly after a general election and they include debates on women's mental health which is vitally important the role and sufficiency of youth work which we've heard so much about recently diabetes services with targeted prevention strategies the 50th anniversary the Open University and parental mental illness which with the impact on children's outcome so it's a list of things which are important I'd still need to be to be aired also by the way if if prorogation does happen and there is also an opportunity or an application in for a debate I'd be any loss Awareness Week which happens from the 9th to the 15th of October every year Thank You mr. speaker and may I take this opportunity to thank on behalf the whole house the Honorable gentleman for the wonderful work he does back bench business committee and in ensuring that the house gets to debate those issues which are at the forefront of its mind and the Parliament functions effectively and to take very seriously what he has said about that debates that may come up after an election or after a Queen's Speech that require attention before the backbench committee has been reformed and as to my recumbent position can i assure him my office is drawing up a position paper for me and is also coming up with a reclined take sweet wordly well you have indeed had a panoply of questions apart from the obvious one when the motion on the other general election is considered the end of Monday will the bill that the part that the House Commons passed yesterday on ruling out no dia well that I received Royal Assent the reason why I asked this is I distinctly heard that in the opposition say yesterday the once this bill became law he would have vote for an early general election and would my right or my friend agree with me that it would be quite extraordinary if our for this long session of Parliament which is clearly deadlocked it would be extraordinary if every member of parliament at least two-thirds did not vote for an immediate and election Buddhist other people oh thank you very much mr. speaker it is indeed an adult Parliament and is not able to get things done and the conclusion my right on for friend draws is is correct in terms of Royal Assent Royal Assent will be given speedily once the bill has completed its passage through the House of Lords and back to us if necessary with any amendments I obviously can't predict what their Lordships will do but if it completes those stages it will receive Royal Assent it will receive it speedily single sentence inquiries Jessica Morden graceful provoking of Parliament not only will honourable members not be able to scrutinize ministers on Brax here I also will be robbed with the opportunity to call for debate and press ministers following Tatas announcement that all the steelworks in Newport is proposed to close what will the leader the house do to facilitate a debate so that we can all fight to save our deal and it simply wouldn't have been time for these debates anyway because we're about to go on the conference recess we are losing four or five days of parliament and there will be a new session a fresh session of session full of interest and excitement and the opportunity for debates on a range of issues mr. speaker and peers across Staffordshire very concerned about news that that school transport provision will not now be available for those that have to pay for their school transport due to a ruling about the disability regulations I don't want to go into the technical details at the moment and I appreciate time appears to be short but I wonder if the leader of a house could find time for a debate much sure Mr Speaker I think it is an important issue I have a nasty feeling at some tar some EU regulation so after the 31st of October we may be free to deal with it ourselves consultation plans proposed additional 110 flights a day many of which would fly over my constituency we were already faced with noise and air pollution from the aircraft and given we're in a climate change emergency can we have an urgent debate in government about airport expansions City Airport is a fantastic Airport and very convenient to use and very well run but I understand that people have concerns about the increase in number of flights from from airports so I understand the issue that's being raised and the Honourable lady knows that there are many opportunities of getting debates adjournment debate stack bench business debates once Parliament has come back in October so I'm taking her speaker goodbye right on her friend agree with me that we need an urgent debate in this house about planning what we have seen recently is delays in various planning authorities particularly the planning inspector reviewing planning applications this leads to the five year lag in planning meaning that unapproved or groups of applications are not passed the planning process from the Borough Council are being put in and this is particularly affecting areas like the monastery and the non rain West mauling Thank You mr. speaker well I'm always concerned about anything that may affect a monastery but on planning debates obviously if we have a Queen's Speech we will have the normal days of debate after the Queen's Speech where I'm sure it will be possible to raise the important issue of planning mr. speaker just my constituent was heavily pregnant when our husband was stealing from her account she went to the bank they said because she's given her given him the pen that that was acceptable the police had nothing no legislation to support her Kirsty Ferguson was married they had homes when they divorced he refused to sell them against court orders she was pushed into penury and stress and emotional distress what can we do now that the domestic abuse bill is going to fall what are we going to do after para Grayson to support these women not just in Bali and spend but around the country Thank You mr. speaker the issues that the Honourable lady raises our fundamental importance and I think all of us have constituency MPs have had similar cases come to us and that the Prime Minister is fully behind the domestic abuse bill I can't tell you what is going to be precisely in the Queen's speech but I think I can give a steer that it would be a great surprise to all of us if this bill will not revive very quickly because I think the concern the Honourable lady has is shared across the house single sentence Henry Smith may we have a statement from the Health Secretary on when NHS England's new genomic medicine service will be fully operational yeah I will certainly pass that on to their relevant Secretary of State it was tangible all some of the hunger throughout communities like mine and across the country voluntary sector organisations are stepping in to feed our children why is the government not doing more can we have a debate about feeding our children in hot well I'm grateful to the Honourable gentleman for that point that the government carried out a pilot scheme of feeding 50,000 children over the summer that scheme is being evaluated and it's going to be considered whether it should be rolled out more widely Luke Graham the Honourable member for Salisbury and the Treasury been two previous made statements saying there's a debt owed to equitable life victims can the leave the house explain one we would have some time to further debate this issue and make sure this debt is repaid grateful for the honorable gentleman the actual life issue really ought to have been finished by now but of course it is an issue of concern to many members and many of our constituents and I was a part of the actual life a PPG so I share his concerns Judith Cummings meaning Kashmir is an outrage and UK government must do everything it can to bring around lasting peace stability and to restore human rights to the region so can we have an urgent debate in government time on the crisis in Kashmir I'm very grateful to the honourable lady I understand this was covered very fully in foreign office questions and the Foreign Office is taking this matter with the utmost seriousness and the ability to debate it will of course come through with the Queen's speech debate gave wreckage a friend asked a Transport Minister to come to the house to make a statement on the future of the southeast and train contracts the franchise arrangements the competition has now been cancelled and my constituents are keen to see the benefit of new trains that the new contract would deliver yeah Thank You mr. Speaker I will pass on what he says to the relevant secretary of state problems with trains always per set this house now fair if we debated them all we would never have time for anything else House has in the past suggested that all council workers should read bowler hats that Somerset should have its own time zone that he has apparently met a group thieving volunteer to party ation of black immigrants and her disputed climate change mr. speaker does he still believe these things but has he finally decided to live one planet here mr. speaker the first half of that question referred to jokes and the second half of that question is wrong thank you let me th T be kept Midway Hospital radio has raised a real concern about Hospital radios being able to get appropriate licensing from Ofcom preventing patients from getting access to radios in hospital that can't be right can we have no just ignore a debate on that please mr. speaker Thank You mr. speaker Hospital radio is very important to share people up in hospital and actually is a very good training ground for people who have careers in radio I think it is more suitable for an adjournment debate with Westminster Hall debate than taking tart time in the chamber and jury go mr. speaker the little house has been extremely coy about when corrugation will actually happen here he hasn't announced that it will be Tuesday or Thursday so if the general election motion falls again will prorogation be extended so he can have a third goat mr. speaker the Privy Council determined that a commission should be established under the Lord High Chancellor and under the Great Seal should be able to probe Parliament on Monday Tuesday or Wednesday of next week Parliament will be paraded according to a decision made by that Commission that Commission has not yet made its decision Blackmun single Centre on Indian independence day families were attacked outside the High Commission by thugs but on Tuesday that more thugs stoned and pelleted the High Commission can we have a statement from the Home Secretary or a government minister or what actions can be taken to protect those diplomatic areas of our society for our own eyes and friends Mr Speaker I was unaware of that it is deeply shocking that so close an ally should have its representative office in the United Kingdom attacked and we should take every measure to protect the offices of all embassies in this country as part of our diplomatic obligations but particularly those of friends and it is a matter that I'm sure the Foreign Secretary will take my seriously listen Parliament act motion on Monday under the fixture Parliament act or other mechanism the motion will be put down as I said earlier later on today speak of the world's largest sporting event will be taking place in Japan later this month that's the the World Cup which wouldn't have taken place without the exploits of a certain William Webb Ellis in my constituency back in 1823 the town will be celebrating so can we treat that as an opportunity to have a debate on the economic benefits of sporting events Thank You mr. speaker my general view of the world isn't everything good that has ever happened started in Somerset that I have to confess that in the case of rugby it started in the Honorable gentleman's constituency which I cannot claim to be part of Somerset and that I know that the Honourable lady says regarding three positions she saw well I think it would be to geographical stretch for me to do but it is a fantastic sporting event and I know that many people will enjoy watching it and that absolutely we should encourage people to participate they Mr Speaker I think your prediction is for tennis and mine is for cricket so there are many sports people may be interested in marrying fellows just because the post office network is in crisis there's a government contract to expire in November which allows asylum seekers access to cash through post offices can we have a debate in government time on the number of government contracts that could be used to increase revenue for post masters Thank You mr. speaker I had a postmaster come to see me recently my constituency surgery on this issue and I know it is one that concerns many members and the wonderful work that is done by post offices as part of their community but the Honourable lady knows how to ask for debates and the many mechanisms that there are Rachel McLean has a great deal of personal experience of paternity as we see today does he agree with me we must have an urgent debate on the return of maternity services to the i-x Hospital in Redditch as demanded by my constituents I thank you very much mr. speaker I do indeed attach great importance to paternity and indeed to maternity services and I think it would be an entirely suitable subject though this is of course at your discretion for an adjournment debate Alan brown in January 2019 High Court robe is how he go for DWP to make universal credit deductions to people who receive two rupees with under payment assessment period when the government going to make changes to comply with law year he imagines government always complies with the rule of Lords is a fundamental principle of our Constitution the Charity Commission has asked abortion provider Marie Stopes a charity largely funded by public money white paid it's had four hundred and thirty four thousand pounds last year can we have a debate into the high levels of his ecute of paying the charitable sector described as an issue of public interest by its regulator Thank You mr. speaker it is indeed a matter of public interest and it is quite extraordinary that a charity should be paying somebody say much more than the Prime Minister earns or even even more shockingly than mr. speaker faith is paid when he stays in his seat for hour after hour in a very diligent way and I think it mr. speaker was paid on an hourly rate he find he was getting less than if he worked at McDonald's it is very impressive but I do the Honourable gentleman the member for the Rhondda will have to catch your eye in due course before we run out of time but I assure my honorable friends concern it is a matter for the department of a Digital Culture Media and Sport but charges must report on the number of staff paid more than sixty thousand pounds in income bands in their annual report and accounts and the Charity Commission has asked Mary Stopes international to provide an explanation of its CEOs quite extraordinary salary yes Phillips mr. speaker I'm afraid he's not gonna see any more but the right honourable member for old Beckley and Sidcup previously in this government promised ninety ninety million pounds to refuge funding that would be in the next comprehensive spending review I note this week there not a single penny piece was given to Refuge funding in the comprehensive spending review so I find it difficult to know what to believe when it's being said in their dispatch box now we'll hear today commit to me that that money that was promised and planned for and the domestic abuse bill will appear in the Queen's Speech Thank You mr. speaker the general principle is that if commitments have been made to spend money from this despatch-box those commitments are incumbent upon the government and they were taken and they continue however I cannot guarantee spending commitments I'm not the Chancellor of the Exchequer in case the Honourable lady hadn't noticed I share her concern that it is a very important issue and if it satisfies her I will write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to clarify Thank You mr. speaker mr. speaker my constituents in North High Camp suffer from dreadful levels of travel congestion indeed several hundred of them responded to a recent survey on the subject in my area the North hiked in relief Road is a key part of solving this problem could we have a debate on that subject please thank you very much mr. speaker and I know my honourable friend has been an amazingly effective campaigner for better transport in her constituency and his tireless in it I think she probably doesn't want a debate so much as the money a debate maybe easier to find sometimes with the money about this session by 140 so much briefer questions are now needed bauhaus has got a big family as I have as a woman in Tehran in Iran who can't see her husband who can't see her little daughter when the house is not sitting why doesn't he lead would he lead a delegation in her arms I would be with him an all-party delegation to go and see if we get that woman release there on that delegation the leader mr. speaker this is a matter for the foreign secretary I can't constitutionally interfere in the Foreign Secretary's business but I completely share the concern if mr. speaker were to lead a delegation I think that would be very powerful but I do hope you'll make sure you get back on the principle work members always speak the truth in the chamber I have to assume that the right honourable gentleman is sincere but he's just saying speaker on the Chancellor's desk since last July I has been a short list of candidates to succeed Mark Carney as governor of the Bank of England is he aware of the Chancellor's plans to make a statement on whom he has recommended be appointed so that the Treasury select committee might scrutinize this appointment Thank You mr. speaker I'm not aware of the Chancellor's decision or the timing of the Chancellor's decision but as a former member of the Treasury select committee I think it is of the utmost importance that the Select Committee carries out proper due diligence and scrutiny of appointments that is hugely beneficial to the good running of the country even Doughty to speak with a leader that has clear things we're all born yesterday and because we're not going to fall for trickery around a dissolution motion or any sort that allows him to crash us out with a No Deal breaks it for the 31st of October so why doesn't he publish the motion now so that we can see it can you answer whether it's amendable and when is he planning to table it I'm very grateful for that question mr. speaker the Honorable gentleman has just said he expects his party to lose the election because the party opposite the party opposite not only as it passed a surrender bill it's now decided to surrender as a political force because what we have just heard what we have just heard is that they don't think they can have an election on the 15th of October why because they would lose if they're so confident that they where they can win and cancel brexit which is their real purpose but they don't trust the people so John has a sentence because it's barely a life in this place or beyond there our constituencies perhaps through family or friends that hasn't been touched by cancer and its treatment and you mr. speaker and the leader will know the critical relationship between detection diagnosis and definitive treatment so will the leader of the House rate for either a statement of debate or early diagnosis it was a sweet fear prevent pain and hopefully stop people dying this is a matter of great importance and one where actually a debate can be very useful because they help where raise awareness and so I'm sure the Honorable gentleman the chairman of the backbench Business Committee will have heard that request they may I point out that plentiful billion pounds more is going to be provided for the National Health Service and I'm sure some of that will be used to improve cancer treatment services Brian now that the government thinks it may need to invoke these civil contingencies act after the 31st of October if we leave without a deal and that act presumes that Parliament is sitting is it not therefore vital that we do sit through the 31st of October and will he make sure that the motion is published as soon as possible before 2 o'clock so that we can all decide what we're going to do on Monday mr. speaker there's no question of the house not sitting around the 31st of October nobody has proposed that Hugh Merriman mr. speaker will the government support and give time to cross party calls for the financial service industry to provide or maintain at least one free to use 24/7 cash point machine to every High Street that supports 5,000 residents Thank You mr. speaker my honourable friend had a 10-minute rule bill on that subject and he may want to introduce a similar bill in the new session or go into the lottery for a private member's bill which could give him a great deal of time to discuss it but I share his concern about ensuring people have access to cash the closure of the bank branch in Brewer means that shortly we will have only one only one bank branch the whole vast country of Sullivans can I request please humbly request a debate in the government's time about the continuing closure of rural bank branches I've asked for this before but in the language car tempest omneya habit said young Sparrow Sparrow the Honorable gentleman is breathing and hoping which is always extremely beneficial for all honorable gentlemen and indeed all honourable members and right honourable ones to I'd honourable members I said that includes and at all honourable members I thought members included everybody but anyway I am to apologize if didn't the point is an important one but I don't think government time is likely to be the right arena also I may be to some extent partial representing a rural constituency and I don't think I should advocate debates in my own cause there are some person during the summer recess I met their wonderful international volunteers at Simeon care in my constituency so can we have a debate which celebrates and recognizes the important role of international volunteers in our communities so that charities like Simeon can flourish well can I'd first of all congratulate my own boyfriend on the amazing charitable work that he does because I know he has great personal concern and is very supportive of his local charities again I think it's suitable for a backbench business debate and that my honourable friend knows the forum for making application for those policy area because the major agree with me that it's about time we had a further debate or a statement from government regarding the women who have been affected by the state pension increase he's okay for the leader to lie down on the job but many 1950s born women have been forced back into work by his government yet or face poverty I think mr. speaker may I begin by thanking the Honourable lady in the Honourable member for Rhonda for their very kind words last week when a protest was proposed outside my house I was very grateful for that and for their bipartisan approach I think we all have a concern that members houses should not be affected and I'm genuinely grateful to come to the issue she raised it is a very serious one and I have great sympathy for the waspy women it is difficult it is difficult for them but the situation we inherited in 2010 in terms of the public finances necessitated it and though I am NOT unsympathetic to a debate I very much doubt the decision is going to be changed I very much endorse what the leader said about the Honourable lady member would use briella member for Rhonda I've made that point myself before but I take the opportunity to do so again people who have political disagreements with public figures should not demonstrate in a way that causes real anxiety and fear either to that member that public servant or to members of his or her family that is intolerable Jeremy Lefroy Thank You mr. speaker could we have an urgent statement on UK government support for the people and government of the Bahamas in their very difficult situation here Thank You mr. speaker the Department for International Development has sent a team of experts to help deal with the devastation and destruction caused by Hurricane durian in the Bahamas the team of humanitarian experts are working with the Bahamas government to assess the situation and provide support the Department for international trade along with the Foreign Office and the ministry of defense and monitoring the situation and getting support to those who need it so the government is doing whatever it can but the op my honourable friend is absolutely right to raise this issue Nick Smith constituents are contacting me regarding proposals for a breeding kennel in Blaine I grant many residents have emphasized the importance of good animal welfare so can we have a statement from the government explaining what action is being taken right now so dogs get the best possible protection in the future Thank You mr. speaker I know this is an issue that concerns many people and the government has a particular concern for animal welfare in the new session of Parliament there may well be time to have a debate on it Hugh Gaffney sentence well I've changed a loft partial force as I said business communication workers will be ready to strike and take action within a possible election coming up what would be a statement from the government mr. speaker I'm sure that no responsible person would go on strike to interrupt the democratic process of an a general election against the government on Monday Tuesday or Wednesday but wouldn't it be reasonable for the official positions have the courage of their convictions and do likewise mr. speaker what has happened to the men of Harlech I thought they were meant to stand steady and instead they're running away from an election is very disappointing Ian Mary mr. speaker small family-run dress my constituency was hit with an eye-watering home office Fame for a mainland administrative error in their staffing I don't want the debate at a statement could you please get me a meeting with the Home Secretary so I can ask her directly to resolve this issue and why she hasn't responded to my letters I'm sorry to say mr. speaker that arranging meetings is not the job of the leader of the house I'm here to organize debates to point people in the right direction of getting parliamentary responses not I'm sorry to say to be diary so true Rossum oiled the leader of the House assure me that during probation the Home Secretary will not lay down a stack the instrument to make it illegal to enter Kurdish Syria so we continue to be able to support our allies in Kurdistan Thank You mr. speaker the rules relating to the laying of standing in statutory instruments when the house is sitting are complicated and detailed and without knowing the precise form of the statutory instrument I would not be able to give any guarantee seen jardine free movement as we know it is to end on October the 31st during the referendum campaign the current prime minister made a great deal of decisions not being made without the Democratic agreement of this Parliament can we be assured that in the current circumstances the biggest change to immigration in this country in a decade will not be made without the approval of Parliament a mr. speaker let's have an election let's let the British people decide stop running away from it not you mr. speaker but others in this house it is so ridiculous to say that this government is outrageous and it's undemocratic and it's shocking and it's terrible because it's offering an election an election gives the choice to the British people and validates whatever we do I've ever House agrees to an election date on the 15th of October on Monday the leader of the House is very knowledgeable about procedural issues is there any device that the Prime Minister could use to move that date to be on the 31st of October whilst their house is prorogued in order to take the country out with no deal the date of the election flows from the date of dissolution no no it's not the election follows 25 working days from the date of dissolution and therefore if we are dissolved on Monday then but that is done that's the process for that no it's not that's a mistake it is not a minimum once the dissolution day is set it is 25 working days from dissolution know what the Honorable gentleman is confusing is when the day of dissolution is set and that is done by Royal Proclamation but what I can assure the house about is that the date will be set and the date will be stuck too I think everybody everybody in this house wants to see this issue settled it is the one thing we have agreement about and the best way to settle it is through a general election and a general election before the 31st of October we're stringing doesn't the leader of the house understand that such is the lack of trust in this government because of its behavior but we simply will not vote for a general election unless and until an extension of article 50 has been secured guarantee in this country cannot be dragged out with no deal that's the condition but Mr Speaker the condition seems to change because the condition was that the legislation was passed now if and in a and enacted given Royal Assent if given Royal Assent is the point at which it's enacted its what becomes an act now if that is the law of the land that will be the law of the land and if members think it through the government would not want an election after that law had taken effect and we'd had to ask for an extension the last thing this government wants to do is to ask for an extension therefore then win an election that's the easy part of it if you really have confidence in what you say then go for an election that is the obvious point and this weasel wording that we get to try and pretend they want an election but they don't want an election and they're not going to vote for one because we might leave is all about stopping brexit by people who don't trust their own voters Jim Shannon one sentence playing the speaker in July of this year they there was a number of types of : Christian colleges in the Protestant of Nigeria 75 houses burned three Christians killed their father and a son of seven year old the nailed of the church brutally Bree Herod we had the theater this anise and the chamber here back some six weeks ago where we discussed the persecution of Christians on the trail report could I ask this at leader of the house could we have an update on where we are because it could make the murder of Christians is continuing across the world thank you mr. speaker this is a very serious issue and I share his concern for the persecution of Christians across the world and we should do whatever we can and indeed the government is doing what it can to help them and I believe Maya the Honourable gentleman met my predecessor quite recently to discuss the matter of freedom of religion and belief and I know he is in regular communication with the prime minister special envoy and freedom of religion or belief at the Foreign Office these incidents are dreadful we must do everything we can to stop them but I'm happy to take this matter up further if the Honorable gentleman would like to write to me one sentence Thank You mr. speaker a hundred 1187 drug related deaths in Scotland last year but the home office is still yet to dispatch a minister to the drugs tap to the drugs summit that the Scottish government wishes to hold why well there is an issue as to exactly where power and authority lies within this and what parts are devolved and what parts are not what parts are not devolved but I will happily take this matter up with the Home Office for the Honourable lady and I will send a reply when I get a response from the Home Office and see mr. speaker putting aside the vested interest so many of this government members relatives and chums in the other place and in light of the work of the noble Lords last night could we have to be in government time on the role of the upper chamber mr. speaker the Honorable lady may recall that we had a couple of days second reading debate on the role of the upper chamber an attempt to reform it not so many years ago and it didn't get very far the problem with those debates is that so many people have so many different ideas that nobody can come to conclusion as to what ought to be done so I would suggest that if people want such a debate they have a word with my above the Honourable gentleman to the future high streets from Desmond port wasn't one of them which was hugely disappointing but then I saw that the majority of successful bids were from conservative constituencies the relevant minister to assures that this isn't a political fix ahead of a snap general election of course it isn't a political fix no no garden would ever behave like that it's this twit Thank You mr. speaker on Tuesday this week the Office of National Statistics produced the suicide data for 2018 showing an increase of 686 suicides over the previous year's figures suicide is preventable no inevitable so can we have a debate in government time as soon as possible on the figures and what we can do to reduce thank you mr. speaker it is obviously a very or Tintin worrying issue and one where any policy initiatives that can be made to help reduce the suicide rate ought to be made but I do think it's a suitable amount of the backbench business commercial field for mr. speaker these slowly and constituents Aaron Campbell who's our member of the Scottish Youth Parliament runs a keep in mind mental health campaign to reduce the stigma of young people's mental health and ask them to talk about it if the space next we can we have a debate on the role of young people helping their own mental health through de special and conversation I think fitting it in next week might prove a little difficult please apologize to the doctor who he compared an hour ago to another now disgraced former doctor whose actions and misinformation led to the loss of this country's herd immunity to measles earlier this year know I'll reiterate it because I think this doctors behavior was disgraceful and to scare monger and to say that people are going to die because of brexit is thoroughly responsible and unbefitting to his role except when it comes to members of the medical profession but I wonder if he can help me I wrote to the right honourable member for Oxbridge 76 days ago about the contaminated blood scandal and the fact that 19 people have died in those 76 days without receiving any compensation can he assist me in getting a response from the right honourable member for Oxbridge which I can then pass on to everyone who's been affected by this Mr Speaker I wonder if the Honourable lady could send me a copy of her letter because of course I will trace it up but 76 days ago and my ride home boyfriend was not yet Prime Minister and and therefore if he was she were to send it to me I absolute precise and try and get her an answer as soon as possible family total House confirm if it's a government tactic to cause reputational damage to experts such as dr. David Nichol who dare to challenge the government warrant diva reads legitimate concerns of the impact of nor deal frankly I think when people start saying people going to die because of brexit their reputations are destroyed by themselves I'm extremely grateful to the leader thousand to colleagues for their brevity I think it's a point of order very briefly point of autumn agreement introduced a negative message just three days before the summer recess for a pilot manage migration to universal credit and paints severely disabled people who lost out Secretary of say said that the government had been advised by the Joint Committee on statutory instruments to use a negative si but my office has since been informed that the committee had not reported on the instrumenting question and that therefore no such advice have been given mr. speaker could you please advise on how she could set the record straight well to the Honourable lady for her point of order and to her for her courtesy giving me advance notice of her intention to raise it ministers are of course responsible for the accuracy of their answers in the house I'm sure that the points made by the Honorable lady will have been noted on the Treasury bench he's open of course to the Secretary of State to correct the record if she thinks that that is the appropriate course of action moreover and I think there is a salience about this I understand that the Joint Committee on statutory instruments has been alerted to the statement made by the Secretary of State and will be writing to the Department about this matter in light of that I think we have to await the sequence of events and people must draw the appropriate conclusions both from what I've said and more widely if there are no further points of order we now come to the Select Committee statement mr. Norman lamb will speak on his subject colleagues thank you for up to 10 minutes during which no interventions may be taken at the conclusion of his statement the occupant of the chair will call honorable all right on the members to put questions on the subject of the statement and call the chair of the sand
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Keywords: The Sun, news, breaking news, tony blair, blair, iraq, corbyn, jeremy corbyn, brexit, uk, uk politics, politics, brexit deal, deal, no deal, eu, europe, european union, may, prime minister, britain, backstop, hard brexit, soft brexit, WTO, EFTA, vote, boris, boris johnson, pm boris, pm, live, watch live, live stream, feed, salford, brexit speech, jeremy corbyn speech, select committee, annuziata rees-mogg, jacob rees-mogg, rees mogg, mogg, funny, business, leader of the house
Id: uvMX7U0FnpM
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Length: 62min 51sec (3771 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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