Jacob Collier discusses Negative Harmony and How To Learn Music

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because we got a we got ha ha we got this is important the world has to know right very right oh you see you're saying Oberon yeah we're on Oh we'll go we'll go horizontal okay there we go negative harmony and fruit yeah well yeah you can go about that you set up two different directions I believe one is approaching from the portside succubus and then the sensations of these two different cycles are very different the perfect side feels a bit more brighter than the Peggle cycles will be reassuring what negative army knows because it transfers every single every single court around please enter to its inverse state so if it's major it becomes my universe dominant it becomes a minus six court if it essentially every interval in that in that every interval that makes up that chord is inverted round what that he said to it so for example if you're in D major again D and a that is your basis that's what key Center bases and so you actually think about what that axis is the rotating it about it's between F and F sharp that's that's what I don't understand I think this what a lot of people don't understand that why is the third it confusing but it's not that it's not the third it's just like if you have it's halfway in between if you have DNA talking why why is the access to fit will be there is just the fact the concept of the axis being a bit is a philosophy this going out slip okay and so most has this had this philosophy and I think it's kind of right because if you think about the most reassured that key could be another review done in your ranging yes you play a chord you have a fit in the bass that Vic is like really thick and really reassuring so the root and the vent was like a stable place to be for the piece I was concerned that's my philosophy as to White's new estate choice of the core of George Russell living over years but Eric is good about and essentially the fact that legion is the most biased and ways you can describe he is something in Midian and I disagree because I feel like Lillian's biased upwards in up to towards the mid size of things legal is something towards the top side so you take seat been deployed you seat seems like C pentatonic that's fairly balanced and then if you add a B to that then he wants to rise the V was horizon if you hadn't acted as an air force to sink yeah and so the pentatonic is balanced was a pentatonic and otherwise and what's this thing in my opinion that I only in the major scale that's the most balanced form at the key right and then when you approach that game if I know I can make that feel dark phone rap in on itself on a mythical brighter so if I have C major and then I go right guys insidious right so I put the top on the fourth yeah all right if I go then I flattened to the beat right and for that reason it becomes like more indexer right so mix it lady yeah and then obviously I can continually flat notes in that scale and all those notes are actually fit the part it's like flattening you see this up the circle of it is fattening one fifth at a time so rain the next one to fly at is c major c d e f g a b [Music] Yeah right all the way into Locrian all the way until what pastor or past like at Morgan I said did you get back to where you started that's what I mean by super super super Laden or Super Bowl right right I think that that's what I understood the most I think I think so just to cover for what negative harmony does emotion is it changes everything that is given doesn't move becomes the axis of dog what was the question I think I get what it does emotionally I think I don't understand like functionally like what I'm saying exactly I think every we find it becomes like a back door to five but the two becomes a five in the 5 becomes the two like essentially so then how to punch is the sequence is okay so if you have a two five so you're in teheran see the two is a D and then the five is a Jeep so we've got the chord of D like D Seth if you would take that quality table around the edges of c-major shop come to see shop [Music] the diva companies so what that is is the fun is the place yes yes so important essential that becomes just a flat minor and the D has it began its life is major the negative version is minor but it's also the equivalent point weekly series on it as you see and you see your body Lucien Judi Romani see everything back and the B flower is the equivalent to the D right and then you sow into that one so D add arms B flat minor and it's the same gravity to T sin to the f-sharp head the f-sharp has the same intention the same like the same amount of gravity to see from rising to G as the as the firing it is the D flat B flat minor does to sync to see right so you gravity is improving I get like on the individual voice leading like what chord but like holistically like a three six two five one in deeper like a whole you know chord progression that that on its own we'd expect to function one way in the negative at least the way I've been inverted it functions a totally different way yeah so that's I'm just asking like how do you approach that like you just throw out what you'd expect normally like how it would function like how a dominant seventh chord we'd want to go around well 714 I mean essentially what this is is it's like a philosophy that enables you to gather more tools more toolbox right and once your tools in the toolbox there aren't certain questions you use them out just emotionally you think I wanted to feel like this I want to feel like this I want to champion towards see on a shy way from C we saw the right there you know I want to ride and see after a long journey on drivin C after short journey I want to have been in see all along much but that's the use of it yeah so you know once you've explored negative varmint like it's all very well I can say okay theory theory to do all this stuff you can no that's fantastic and that's like not the whole point that's the whole point once you know something you make emotional choices with your knowledge it doesn't matter how much of a language you can speak until you start with you much more choice in that language so B flat minor to C like play that and see how it feels everyone should find for themselves how that feels because B flat minor to C it's like really interesting just like psychologically you know it's like everything about that brightens because B flat D flat F it's like wow d7 is you know being the positive you say the positive reflection d7 is ordered all of the directions of those notes are going the opposite way so D is you know C and a D V flow and then F sharp sprightly and then it's dark he felt like a thesis sensations that's what it is it's sensations so think about that when you when you gather a skillset it's like to commit to emotional representations of those and that's like how I like music right I didn't have teachers I had a piano and I had like a room and I had my family who you know it was really my mother who empowered me to be creating things didn't matter what I was creating because I had to be creating something and so that gave me that gave me the power to I was empowered to be creating something not the results of what I was creating what that wasn't the point the point was I was making something and for that reason I think that's where education goes wrong it's like you merit someone on them on the results so you know I do this and then I get an a I get a D or all the notes but like the grades right that is like so destroyed for somebody both ways if I get full marks in an exam I make a judgement of myself I've got full marks in exam I deserve this I represent this I think I that I just you know and then if I am low marks on exam that like I think I've got that I have I'm low marks as a human being is that really a bad idea because the best thing about your life is that you it's a process of doing things where you participate in activities and activities that's what grows you that's what we as people around you so yeah once you've to kind of trace back to my to my to my original point if you invest in the exploration of these sounds as opposed to the information of these sounds then you hold on to it in a different way you know because if you hold on to information like this and then you do this to it you're going to learn about information a little more more information and I can tell you lots of information but like there's no deal is moving there's no there's no point in that without the basis of what you wanted like what you want to say you know like play a chord that's your mother they called that's your it's your sister you know play a chord that's like yeah what playing chord it's like it's just like those that's what you feel that's what a person feels when they listen to music is the gestures it's like the gestural way of making music as opposed to the a lot both I really love I love the information but it's just so it's more important I tell you guys to be emotional than I tell you to informational so negative arm is fantastic go and explore it find your own like find your own way of doing it but but gravitate towards how it makes you feel not what else you know that makes me [Applause]
Channel: Danilo8208SS
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Keywords: jacobcollier, inmyroom, musictheory, harmony, jazzmusic, jazzharmony, advancedharmony, musiclesson, jacobcolllierinmyroom, harmonywithjune, chords, scales, circleoffifths, circleoffourths, music, earnstlevy, theoryofharmony, jacobcollierinterview, jacobcollieranalysis, jacobcollierchords, jacobcollierexplained, jacobcollierflintstones, jacobcollierharmony, jacobcollier harmu, jacobcollierjazz
Id: e2nUoq3AqjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2017
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