Jacksepticeye Animated | Don't Starve Together w/ Robin

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(Whoopsh~) Top Of The Morning To You Laddies! My Name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to Don't Starve But this time it's Don't Starve Together And I got a little freindo *awkward silence* J: ON WE GO *both laugh* R: Im just gonna get grass cuz that seems like a manageable task for me J: Yea R: Hey I found Flint!! Is that good?? J: Yes, flint let's you craft your weapons - and your - R: Hey there's a suspicious marble here J: You're on your own with that one, I've never found a suspicious marble R: *gets attacked by marble* Oh! It's on my back R: HELP *runs in circles* J: WHaaat R: WHAT DO I DO J: I DONT KNOW - I'VE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE R: Don't go near that - it's bees J: I know it's bees!! R: Im gonna examine it J: DON'T - YOU'LL GET STUNG BY THE BEES *carries away his baby Robin* J: Uh oh.........STICK with me R: How did you do that?? J: I made fire on the left *Robin is confused* J: CLICK THE FIRE ICON ON THE LEFT J: See? R: Oh WOW J: BEEFALO!! J: Okay, this is a good place for base camp R: Do we kill one of these and eat them?? J: NOOOO R: *is sad* J: They're really really valuable R: ..okay...Can I pick up his poo?? J: Yea - We - That's actually like one of the most valuable assets in the game R: *lights shit on fire* NO I PUT IT ON FIRE J: DID YOU LIGHT THE POO ON FIRE R: ...maybe... J: WE NEED THE POO R: ...okay.. J: Now I *shakes Robin* EWW NASTY R: Woah, that was a short night J: Yea, the nights are pretty short J: I needa make a fire so I need to go get some logs R: Mkay, so what do I do?? J: Ahh, keep getting - gathering grass and twigs J: There's a lotta fuckin rizzity rabbits over here R: Can I get em?? J: You can try *Robin tries and fails at trying to get a rabbit* J: You're not gettin it - I can tell already that it's not workin. You just needa stay home and make yourself a nice cocktail, Okay? R: Okay - I'll make a bunny and poo cocktail cuz that's all I have R: Hey what is this?? It's a little pond...and a frog J: Ponds good, we can fish there *Robin gets attacked by yet another thing* Ow - Gee - WHATNO R: FROG!! There's a frog and the frog is licking me J: Ah, get away from em - frogs are bad R: Okay *smacks frog with poor innocent rabbit* J: I'm building a science machine R: Sure, I'm gonna inspect this suspicious dirt pile J: SCIENCE.......ACTIVATE R: *is scared* It's really dark now. What's flowers for?? Other than.. R: BEING PRETTY J: You can craft a hat out of them - a garland J: LIKE A TUMBLR FLOWER CROWN R: Woah *get's bit by something* R: Something bit me... J: Was it the dancing fever of the night?? R: *is more scared* ...i don't know..i don't have...ow *Gravestone drops from the heavens* J: *reading* Pixl was killed by the darkness R: Darkness kills you?? J: YEAH!! Probably should've mentioned that that's why you need a light during nighttime R: Oh, I thought that that was just to see shit J: Ah, now you're a ghost R: Yea R: I'm gonna come haunt you J: NO DON'T DO THAT R: BOOOOOO *so spoopy* J: NOOOOOOO R: *Creepy but cute laugh* R: It's fine, I'll walk it off J: It wasn't the - it wasn't the starvation that killed you at least, you lived up to the name of the game R: I didn't starve.........and now I'm roasting.. J: BURN FASTER, GHOST BITCH R: THANKS Outro song - I'm Everywhere by TeknoAXE Captions: AlphaWolfBre
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,934,210
Rating: 4.9794793 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, don't starve, don't starve together, don't starve animated, don't starve animation, don't starve together animated, don't starve together robin, don't starve together co op, collab, online, multiplayer, don't starve multiplayer, jacksepticeye animated, funny, funny animation, cartoon, jacksepticeye cartoon
Id: WgIdIFjWcNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 2sec (182 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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