Jackie Hill Perry: How to Live a Holy Life in Today's World | FULL EPISODE | Better Together TV

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god's holiness is the only source of true morality his ways always will be higher than our ways today on better together we're learning how to walk in obedience with jackie hill perry lisa harper nicole c and jada edwards come on and join us one of my uh favorite bible stories is luke 4 when jesus was in the wilderness tempted by the devil and how um the devil comes with all of these like things like hey like go up on this like thing and jump and it's like why are you telling jesus to kill himself and then he says hey take the turn those stones into bread and if you look at the greek he's actually saying loaves like overindulge yourself utilize your power your deity your sonship to do what you always done which is to turn to use regular means to do supernatural things and it's just fascinating but jesus's response constantly was the word of scripture deuteronomy in particular a man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god but i think what we see in that passage is you see the first human being ever to consistently remain his righteousness yeah to never at any point give in to the whims and wishes of the evil one and i think it's fascinating that jesus both god and man shows us what moral purity actually looks like and so i just want to have a conversation about that like what does it look like for god to be holy in the way he lives his life and how is it for us to like how do we even benefit from that you know that i think a lot of that is jesus spoke truth to a lie absolutely and so if we know who we are in christ you know and i think jesus i mean that was him basically modeling spiritual warfare and then he finally said you know what you get behind me i'm not going to look at you any longer but he spoke truth to a lie yeah and i think that's where we need to get find our foundation and who we are in christ and when we are tempted when we do hear these voices we have the truth of god's word of who he says we are what we have in him our identities found in him yeah you know i'm so glad too that jesus didn't just throw positive sayings back at the devil you know what i'm saying yeah and positive saying you know i'm saying like right you're like i mean like i mean they have their place but you know but they they don't have the same way i need a little self-care you know what i'm saying and i'm glad he didn't just start throwing insults because from some of our faith coaches we've heard you know slew foot and just you know you think if you just call them names that's going to be enough to to get you through that but he used the word he did use the it is written back to deuteronomy in different places you know quoting what was already you know a part of what he had originally said right so it's super powerful that jesus god god in man could have given new revelation could have declared a new truth could have done something else to display his power other than what was being requested just to say i'm not doing what you said but i am jesus yeah yeah about to show you my family would like to do that right yeah and to jackie's point for him to do what i could do i can do that yeah yeah i can call on scripture that i know yeah right in the face of it right that that that passage for me is matthew four i like his version a little bit but it's the same heart i that is fascinating and sometimes it leaves me speechless and more importantly without excuse since we're talking about you know god being perfectly holy but we're called to holiness even though some days we're a perfect mess is i love that you've got the temptation immediately after jesus was baptized and god sent the dove and said this is my son in whom i'm well pleased and when they put scripture into this readable form and translated that greek and aramaic to english they segregated that and put it in chapters but it's not segregated in the original original greek he goes immediately from god's delight to difficulty and i think we tend to think or i'll just say i i'm the chief of all summer sinners like paul oh i'm not a smart spot i'm more like the chief of all sinners like peter because he's he's my favorite because he's always stepping in it but we tend to think that being delighted in and suffering fellowship or suffering or difficulty are segregate and you go jesus just showed us you can have the delight of god and very difficult circumstances and that can be synergistic yeah yeah just like even yeah go along with that psalm 23 he leads me in the past with righteousness first namesake and yeh do i walk through the valley of the shadows yes following right behind it yeah you know sometimes the right path will lead you to the world that's right that's right it says the holy spirit took him immediately into the wilderness yeah when we consider jesus's obedience uh for 33 years it's that he perfectly obeyed the moral law of god as legislated uh to israel in exodus 19 to 20. right but when we as christians teach that law right then it is confused often as legalism right or graceless to say that we should live righteously right and so how do we also balance i think we talked about this earlier but i want to draw out some how do we balance that tension of no yes grace is the thing but there is a law that god has called us all to obey but it's that grace that helps us to obey that law it helps us and he did break the law a little bit because remember he healed on the sabbath he did up to him he wrote it wasn't he broke ceremonial law he 19 and 20 that he's my mind can't wrap around that he's transcendently unique perfectly holy but he's also perfectly loving yeah and so the law was never punitive the law was always for our protection and our provision so you look at even as he explained the law at the end of exodus 20 he goes this is for your good this is because i want to be in relationship with you this is we see it as we see it again as as a way where god is killjoy and we've got to do have this whole checklist in order to please him it's like that's not even the reason he gave it that's not the context he gave it he gave it to go this is for your good you were formerly slaves and you worked your behinds off for seven days a week 52 weeks a year and you were under the assumption in egypt that the sun god was raw and he beat down on you mercilessly and and then you died at about 31 or 32. wow and so i'm going to reframe your identity with creation we forget he gave him the creation story after they came out of egypt well you know we tend to look at that chronologically and it's like no they didn't have the word when they're in egypt so it goes let me reframe the story i created the sun for your good to warm your body and you're not going to understand it now because you still have a slave mentality but as i give you a new identity i'm giving you sabbath shabbat not so you can't mow the lawn or wear you know a bathing suit on sunday or t-shirt over it i'm giving you shabbat because you're not a slave you're my children i don't want you to work yourself to death i was trying to explain the difference between law and and love and how they're synergistic when god does it to missy and i said she's 12 now and i said honey because she had said something and she said or i'll get in trouble and i said well but god didn't set those parameters so you'll get in trouble i said you know how when we go bowling bumpers come up and when the bumpers come up your ball won't go in the gutter and she's like yes ma'am and i need them too i'm a terrible bowler i said that's what the imperatives or what we would call the commandments in scripture are it's god's divine bumpers so we won't bowl gutter balls or sew our bumpers in our gutters get crushed in the gutter they're for our good and i think all that but all that goes back to belief when we go he's a holy god do you go he's a holy loving good god we tend to think or i tend to think used to think grown up holy meant aloof angry dispassionate it's like to get holy and loving man that's the jam yeah and to and to know that that question of the grace and righteousness that tension to know that grace is this this undefinable gift that god continues to bestow me number one to give me access to even believe in jesus yeah and then it's the it's the thing that says when you sin the consequence eternally that that sin should bring my grace keeps you from that that's my grace doesn't say that's right don't try to the grace is not saying don't live righteously that's the thing yeah when you don't live righteously the consequence you should have got you're not going to get any more yeah and there's a possibility that if you are of the sword that wants to take advantage of that grace you may not actually be living in it that that's exactly right paul said do we sin more so grace could abound right yes right and actually implies uh throughout a few of his letters that if you continue in his lifestyle you don't know then we might need to check if you really had the grace to begin with right because i don't know about y'all but i've been in the listen let me tell you something i've had some good worship moments that wasn't in a church and no music was playing i'm talking about in the midst of foolishness yeah and god is like i'm not going to expose you that's right but do you do you see what you're doing that's grace to me when i'm like ooh lord and he's like yeah yeah get up wash face and get your life together and so i think there there has to be a burden for this righteousness i cannot discount that moral purity is an impossibility yes jesus showed me that it is um i have to absorb truth i have to saturate myself in truth right and and know that this is god's divine instruction for me and grace i mean it's wrapped up in the thing i mean it is and it's it's present and it's ongoing and it's lavish and it's abundant and it's all these things but it's not an excuse right it's not a past to not then pursue righteousness it actually is it's the vehicle which you can pursue right and so he was like without grace y'all it didn't go so well so you have to have it so that you can be so you can pursue right 100 yeah john piper um i think said it so concisely he said grace is not leniency when we sin it's the power not to say i think i grew up the first time i really tasted grace i was it was right after college i moved to nashville and had this pastor who preached grace a fabulous preacher but i was so grace deficient that when i first got a hold of grace i thought but then i got in the wrong ditch because i thought well i mean let's go by grace let's go by grace and and it took me a while because in my spiritual maturity i saw it as leniency instead of power and now i go boy it's not god accommodating human foolishness right it's god he we are the created yeah he knows that we're just dust it's him it's it's both and it's i'm going to forgive you here i have unmerited favor but i also have favor to make you walk right here's the way that i want you to walk for your good and my glory yeah i think one thing that's helpful too is even going backwards which is um i think we live in a society and always have where people attempt to live holy without the holy ghost and so i think we also have to establish the fact that conversion and regeneration needs to happen that's right before you are actually able to live righteousness that's right it says that i was born in sin shaped an iniquity my heart is hard my eyes are blind i don't see nothing right right right god has to do a work where he has to regenerate me convert me make me a new creature then empower me to live righteously yeah to do it the other way around that's right what i love about jackie is she makes it so clear that you cannot survive life without god and i was at a church for a long time uh where they didn't tell us that yeah it was it was all legalism yeah it's yeah you know you owe like you you talk on the phone for five minutes and you don't give the gospel you aren't saying right you hug somebody you're a sin right you don't witness the strangers you're in sin and so i lived in this culture where i'm always feeling like i have to be this perfect person and they never said to me god has already made you new right god has already done the work he's already filled with life just live as you are which is ephesian just live out your spiritual condition in christ jesus and then ultimately your favorite verse to him who was able to help me keep you from stumbling you know so i think conversion is something that we need to talk about more what is actually happening and how that's a part of our ability to live like jesus yes and it creates such a deep frustration for people i've had a few conversations uh my husband and i have the privilege of leading a church in the north texas area and um there's been a few times more times recently in over the over the maybe the past five years well i've been talking to people they want to talk meet they're experiencing some frustration something's going on in their relationship with god um or i actually had somebody specifically tell me i feel like i'm not connected in the worship experience and we're just talking and every i cannot tell you how many times i'm sitting there praying like god what's going on yeah and he's like they're not a believer what what i mean he's like that worship is for the believer or this person what they're talking about and i actually talked to a young woman i'll never forget and i said tell me you cannot ask people or you're a christian i can't say all right you're saying everybody i asked her tell me the last time you heard the voice of god tell you to do something that you know you didn't want to do wow yeah well i know i should i said i want to know when internally right you felt a conviction right right and she could not tell me she could tell me times that she tried to act right dad was a pastor that's a good grandfather was awesome i have to tell even when i disciple women like this is how you find this is how you tell me when you've heard the holy spirit say something tell you to apologize give that you know you that you would not have been on your own and she could not tell me a time tell me tell me when you came to know the lord well i was at youth camp y'all she's giving me all this stuff and i was like experience oh my gosh it broke my heart because then the lord was like you need to present the gospel to her right she she fifth generation passed this child she should know about whatever yeah she was like she don't know me she knows about me yeah huge difference so i just said it and i had to try to find a way to frame it i said could it be that you've maybe not had a defining moment of surrender mm-hmm have you had that moment yeah and she was like i mean i know i'm saved and i was like but how how do you know we had a long conversation it wasn't until a week later she came back and she said do you know what happened to me this week what happened i was in the bathroom coming out of the shower and i just broke down crying and i don't know what happened no i mean i think you got saved it was just really for real and yeah now over these past three years watching that growth yeah that hunger for righteousness not now hunger for righteousness not sadness not just do the right thing but something in me actually wants to do the right thing it's still somebody who wants to do the foolish thing too but at least there's a battle and um that that conversion thing is overlooked oh yeah and i think yeah the the pandemic exposed the church that we had attendance and gathering and people who were churched and not just disciples they were not they were not believers and then they didn't know how to navigate this time where they weren't coming in every week right because they didn't have any any dotting spirit any hunger for the word of god that conversion thing i think has been one of the most overlooked things in this grace-based way that we do church right now we're just assuming that everybody knows the gospel has accepted it and now we're starting from the same side and we're not yeah we read a history journal article recently that was talking about how the greatest change if you not taking jesus out of the picture obviously that's the greatest change historically christian non-christian but he said other than the incarnation the greatest change in humanity was the printing press because it opened us up to all this information and the article concluded that we have more information very easily accessible about god than ever in the history of humanity and we have less intimacy with god as a result i think we've got a whole lot of people who are podcasts have podcast fatigue but they haven't been alone with god in his word in a long time because the the holiness of god if you sit in the presence of god himself through the working person the holy spirit and you will want to move toward him in a response that's holy i think we've got a whole lot of people have a whole lot of information yeah about god so they can use the terms use the semantics but they've never had that experience of going i can't make it by myself which is the trajectory of okay i was evangelized to convert it now there's discipleship that's right there's a need for community and help and guidance on how right to live righteously yeah absolutely i should tell my kids all the time like i'm really not interested in you being good kids you need to be godly kids yeah there's a difference right and one has a relationship rooted in christ the other sister a lot of deeds yes no yeah dudes don't i know i pray for my kids salvation every day yeah like jesus what's the earliest age yeah how do we define it because the rich young ruler comes to jesus and says hey good teacher jesus says why do you call me good only god is good yeah and most of the conversations culturally are technically around goodness ethics it is a good thing for me to be myself right it is a good thing for me to transition that's right it is a good thing for me to vote for this person right like all of our conversations and arguments are about goodness and so like where do we look to when it comes to the nature of god and in his word to actually define what is good because that's a holy conversation that's right well jesus answers the question by saying only god is good uh or if we even go back to the garden when god made the heavens and the earth made adam and eve and all the things he looked and said that it was good right meaning he judged it good because he had the authority to define goodness on his own terms and so i think the way we base goodness is by looking to god right wisdom perfection lovely the spirit so kindness is good gentleness is good self-control is good forbearance is good that is good we cannot let tick-tock and the culture and our feelings or even our circumstances define goodness because if we define goodness on things that are not rooted in the bible then our definition of goodness is mutable right it's always right absolutely and therefore our hope is very inconsistent right like suffering ain't good who said that right right not the bible still didn't mean it ain't good right right and so it's like okay if something is happening in my life that is hard but it's pushing me towards jesus i can't say it's bad i must say it's good why because i know god better yeah and that's a good thing and so i think our definition of goodness really does matter yeah but that that idea of goodness um jackie i think is very powerful that only god is good yeah and then guess what we got in acts we got god not with us but in us and so now you have the fruit of the spirit yeah and there's so much freedom in galatians that if you walk in the spirit like that's the only imperative in that passage he's not saying don't carry out the flesh don't be immoral don't do this he's not even saying be loving be joyful be good he's only saying walk right if you walk in the spirit that's right you can't walk in two directions and if you walk in the spirit the evidence yeah is the fruit that he bears that's right and it's one fruit it's not apples and peaches and grapes right it's an apple that's round and red and crisp and juicy one thing that this is how we know we're walking through the spirit so i feel free that i don't have to try to be joyful that's right i'm really having a stank jay right if i would just yield to the spirit he's going to tell me what to do what to say and that's where the righteousness come in right because now i'm not trying to conjure up goodness right if god who says love me love your neighbor when you listen to me you will see joy and self-control and kindness right i don't have to try to manifest those things if only god is good why am i trying why am i not walking why am i not yielding right it's that effort apart from god that gets you in trouble that's right when it's really the yieldedness which is only the only way you're going to bear fruit and so i think that's a powerful reminder that only god is good so i must yield to god in order to exhibit goodness in my life and anything i'm calling good must be affirmed by god yeah it must be loving him and must be loving my neighbor he's not doing one of those and it can't be good that's right and we are his workmanship absolutely created in christ jesus for good good work you know and so that's our identity that's our call uh and it's through the power of the holy ghost that we are able to do good things at all but i might add i must add that the beauty is that at the end of the day even all the good things that we've done they won't be in vain like we'll stand before the good god and be rewarded right and then we like but thanks but glory be to god for you because everything i did came out of you it's a man this whole thing is just good good and all about him yeah let's pray lord we thank um you thank you for your goodness we thank you for your kindness we thank you for uh your providence and making us children of god uh we pray for everyone for us for everyone watching uh that you would continue to form us into your image that you would give us a community of people that love you to love your scriptures that you would give us a conviction and a zeal for righteousness a true authentic biblical righteousness and that we would bear good fruit and do good things in jesus name amen amen i hope you enjoyed this video subscribe today and you'll never miss a new upload and don't forget to check out our better together shop thanks for being a part of our community
Channel: Better Together on TBN
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Keywords: jackie hill perry, jackie hill perry sermon, jackie hill perry interview, jackie hill perry bible study, jackie hill perry spoken word, holy, holiness, jackie hill perry holiness, jackie hill perry holier than thou, grace, gospel of grace, live holy, what is holy, holy living, how to be holy, what is good, is god good, Laurie Crouch, Lisa Harper, Nicole C, Jada Edwards, better together, better together tv, better together tv full episodes, tbn, BTTVTBN, B2T8, B2E3T8, T8E3R7, L5C2
Id: GpTY2vwDSoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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