Jack Whitehall on Fat Shaming Piers at the Brits | Good Morning Britain

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our next guest ed thinks up at this year's Brit Awards reigniting foods making headlines and fat shaming is more planning to make go longer with the weather what's he like in Scandinavia let me just build up wine I have certain feelings to authors to Whitehall so every year I go to a lovely event whoo 10-year Awards in Los Angeles and it celebrates British acting and everything and twice he's been the speaker at this event the host and the first time he's his jokes included this one Piers Morgan said Whitehall Britain's answer to Donald Trump if the question America was asking was I wonder what Donald Trump would be like with less charm this year he said that my return to America was about as welcome as a return of a bullet from when the crowd gasps he said I shouldn't really have compared them very unfair to Ebola you shut up for a minute I wanted some beef with the Brits you know what is it what is a dutchie waist man what's inside ashore national TV what is it this is a dirty way do you think it's appropriate to factor in the current climate of political correctness and being nice about people is it appropriate to fat shame me on national - you know it's totally unacceptable I knew that you're you got a great sense of human you take it on your chins my favourite pantomime villain and I just know that like I know I shouldn't but every time I just end up talking about you but normally I'm obsessed with you know you know what is it normally you get a really good love this time what I love was the delicious silence nothing and as he went on and you buried yourself it got more and more excruciating as you realize that you'd actually crossed a line and that people don't in this country in America you got away with it yeah but in this country they don't like you criticizing a national treasure treasure you're a regional trinket at math did it really get frosty you mentioned his name we're not saying anything again about him but yeah and it will just reignite everything and all I wanted was for them to just swear or say something but they they'd clearly be like media trade now not to enter into it one of the more depressing things about the last few years has been your inexorable rise to global fame first I'd like to know well you can you let me know what's going to win but secondly be about a joke that I've made now it'll be about joke I've already made years ago well that's interesting isn't it if there's a Kevin Hart syndrome comedians are now being held to an extraordinary kind of historic account where any offensive joke they've ever taught look if you were picked for the Oscars next year which god help us may actually there might be there might be someone who says you know what joking about Ebola is so disgusting we can't have him as eyes I don't know what comedians can do in this climate right now it is terrifying it's terrifying but as I say because I've probably already said the joke that will get me in trouble next and so I guess you just have to get on with it and accept that you're probably going to be brought down by a tweet you're out ten years ago have you been through your tweets and deleted them yeah but don't be one that I've missed or there'll be like a myspace post or something I put on Bebo all social media delete all footage of any sign up gig I've ever done and never tell a joke again where do you think you learn about this it's the safe space for snowflakes making a joke about I don't I actually like the jokes about me I think it's funny but let me ask you this a Ricky Gervais he has a view about comedy that you should almost be able to joke about anything if ultimately you get that the reason you're joking about this is because you're on the right side of it and you're you're mocking something yeah I think so and I think you do have to hold yourself to account and make sure that all the jokes are coming from the right place and I think there's a general rule of comedy I think it's Chris Rock where he says you need to punch up and you need to make sure you're punching up and as long as you're punching up that tends to be comedian coming from the right place pick on national treasures like it's interesting you say that because you had a go at Trevor Noah you made a joke on his show about the conflicts between I don't see how that could possibly be funny he made a joke in the middle of a horrendous community last week between Pakistani ratcheting tensions he not only made I thought a really inappropriate mocking joke about it but he also mimicked the Indian accent now you know he's a black South African but had that been me mimicking an Indian accent and mocking the india-pakistan conflict I would not be sitting here now I would have been now but also there is hypocrisy actually in his case is that certain people get away with it because they're not me sitting here doing it and I thought that was you know that did cross a lot whatwhat does cross a line is your travels with your father which are hilarious like what your father well notice he's the funny guy and you're kind of the straight walk straight man I've created the complete monster I know he's gonna ditch me now and it'll go off traveling with a Harry Redknapp or something like that and we're saying you met someone in America you overheard in a hotel lobby someone in America who'd seen my dad and was trying to explain the show to his other American friend and he went oh it's about this esteemed British actor from the 1950s who travels around the world with his doofus son no I'm just the doofus son what you want to even live in a doofus to me so you may as well be a celebrated duper son well yeah I think I am a bit of a doofus on that show and he is he is very funny we just been travelling around America but the like previously we've always been someone where there's been a language barrier and I was like filtered yeah I was like Merrick will be easier with no language barrier I've worked out he is much better hidden behind her language take him out on tour with you I think I will do something with him in the in the tour I think I'll probably get him to maybe introduce me or be my hype man or just do the tour yeah I think he'll maybe do like the London dates or anything in the Home Counties but I think once we get north of Watford it might be a struggle to get him up there now how is your love life at the moment I'm not entering I do not want to be in a newspaper tour appears I do not want headlines into these games you like headlines I'd read no I'd rave you know I don't how vulnerable you feeling right how's that lovely weather man is there because also they didn't just sweat it out I am a man of complete destroyed seconds tick down as we examine go close to on his head please I've got some right in towards a sweat beads of sweat [Laughter] you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 1,680,971
Rating: 4.907093 out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, jack whitehall, jack white interview, jack whitehall piers morgan brits, jack whitehall piers morgan joke, jack whitehall fat shames piers morgan, jack whitehall brits 2019, jack whitehall brits
Id: zps4784ecYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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