Jack the Fox - A Day in the Life

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if you want to learn about an animal you've got to get close to it you've got to learn how it reacts what it thinks what's its attitudes are towards all sorts of circumstances situations a fox looks like a dog purrs like a cat but in fact it's neither they their character their makeup is entirely their own yes they will do some things that dogs will do and they'll do some things that cats will do but again these are just odd things they have the nicest nature of any animal i have ever met they are considerate helpful particularly towards young foxes any adult fox will look after any youngster regardless of relationship they don't have to be their own children how does a fox view people and the only way to learn is to go with the fox and see how it reacts to people not invariably but quite often in children's stories the author gives the animals and the characters in the story human traits and too often the fox is painted as a villain the body and in fact that is totally contrary to his nature i can understand how charles darwin felt he discovered new knowledge and when he told people about it they dismissed it because they all knew differently they knew better they were utterly convinced of a different scenario all right it has taken time for that to become to his theories and teachings to become accepted but i discover things about foxes and i tell people about them and oh no they know they're absolutely convinced that the fox is a villain that is a a vicious predator and it's just not true foxes have never been classified as vermin they're not vermin they're not verminous and people who feed foxes in towns in fact are benefiting not just the foxes but also themselves boxes perform a very useful function in towns well and in the countryside they destroy a lot of vermin they destroy the rats that you don't want they destroy the mice that you don't want they've got to eat something the last thing is is is a villain yes he may do naughty things but not to those that are nice to him you
Channel: LPSCreativeMedia
Views: 2,551,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rehabilitation;, wildlife;, andy, langley;, go, wild, tv;, lps, creative, media;, fox;, urban;, unusual;, domestic;, football;, funny;, natural, history;, UK;, vulpes, vulpes;, red, fox, hunting;, Red Fox (Organism Classification), News, United Kingdom (Country), Television (Invention), Broadcasting (Industry), Day, Life
Id: n_YZ0ggpYJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2010
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