Jack Ma speech about failure | Listen before give up

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foreign years [Music] we grow from nothing to this size well my grandfather was a tiny landlord was considered after Liberation was considered to be a bad guy so I was I I I I know how tough it was when I was a kid through the key Primary School test for two times and I filled three times for the Middle School you will never believe in in Hangzhou my city there's only one Middle School no Middle School acceptance because we were too bad so apply jobs or 30 times got rejected I went for a police they said no you're not good I went to either even the KFC when KFC came to China come to I say 20 24 people went for the job 23 people were accepted I was the only one guy I applied for Harvard for 10 times rejected and there's no place you can you can learn English at that time there's no books English books so I went to the Hanzo hotel now called Hanson because that was the hotel can receive the foreign visitors so every morning for nine years I showed them around as a free guide and they told me English I got the internet in Seattle and my friend opened a small office which is so like only 10 bigger than this room and there are a lot of computers in there what is internet is that you know search whatever you want at that time they used Mosaic very slow and I said I don't use it I don't want to type because internet computer is so expensive in China if I destroy it I cannot pay you said just to search it so I searched the first the word of beer and I see beers from Germany beers from USA beers from Japan but there's no beer from China and I say okay type the second words China no data so I talked to my friend why not I make some something about China so we made a small very ugly looking page we launched it at 9 40 in the morning 12 30 I got a phone call from my friend who said Chad you know you got five emails people so excited where are you this is the first time I see a Chinese website on that how can we kind of when can we do something together so I think this is something interesting so we should do it internet is global we should have a global name and a name that uh interesting like at that time the best name is Yahoo I can so I've been thinking from I was happy to be in San Francisco that day I ended up did have a lunch and their waitress come I asked do you know about Alibaba you say yes I said what is Alibaba she said open sesame good I could ask about 10 20 people they all know about Alibaba 40 thieves and open sesame and I think this is a good name for first or three years Alibaba is just like e-market places for for information uh what do you have what I have we talk a lot of time but don't do any business because there is no payment I talk to the banks no banks want to do it Banks say ah no this thing never works so I don't know what to do because if I start to launch a payment system it's against the financial legal laws because you have to have a license but if I don't do it e-commerce will go nowhere so then I went to Davos I listened to a leadership discussion leadership is about responsibility and after I listened to that panel I'll give a call to my friends my colleagues in my apartment do it now you need to if something wrong the government not happy about that if one body has to go to the prison Jack might go to the priest because it is so important for China for the world to be able to trusted system and if you did not do it I said and do not do it properly stealing money money wash no trust record I send you to the prison people don't like it so many people I talked to at that time for alipay they say this is the stupidest idea you have ever gotten now we have 800 million people using this alipay I think if the company always think about it picking money from all of the government off Pockets that companies is rubbish 1999 year 2000 and even at the Yahoo time a lot of people say this Jack is crazy he's he's doing something that we don't understand a lot of venture capitals give you money because there is such a American model already there but they say Alibaba we don't see this kind of motto I remember my first time in Time Magazine they call me crazy Jack and I I think Chris is good we are crazy but we're not stupid we know what we are doing but if everybody agree with me if everybody believes my our idea is good we have no chance I uh at the beginning I never thought I thought when I was young I I said everything's impossible now I know not everything is possible we have something you have to think about you have to consider about the others you have to consider about the customer Society your employees your shareholders so so there are so many things that I think if you continue to work hard there's there's possibility I just feel that I'm enthusiastic about what we are doing at the beginning for the first five years I just want to survive but later I think wow so many people's lives changed I was so excited you know for the first three years we made a zero Revenue but we we are so excited to continue to work you know what happened I remember many times when I go to the restaurant after dinner somebody came when I was trying to pay the bill the owner of the restaurant came to say sir your bill is paid by someone and the small note say hey Mr Mark I'm your customer of Alibaba group Alibaba platform I made a lot of money and I know you don't make any money I pay the bill for you if you don't do it nothing's possible you try to do it at least you have the hope and I remember the day when I studied Alibaba we won't have a mission helping small business doing easier so next steps today so many minutes of small business using our platform sell things and over 300 million consumers buy things from our site efficient believe what you're doing love it whether people like it don't like it be simple and like the word life is like a box of chocolate you never know what you can get [Music]
Channel: Tiptrack
Views: 53,971
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Keywords: Jack Ma speech about failure, jack ma speech success, jack ma, jack ma speech, jack ma motivation, jack ma speech about his life, motivation story of jack ma, jack ma news, jack ma missing, motivational video, motivation, motivational speech, why jack ma, missing jack ma, business advice, fear of failure, how to overcome fear of failure, overcome fear of failure, 2023 motivational video, role model, never give up
Id: TbNdvmE3QM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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