Jack Ma Davos2019 Meet the Leader with Alibaba Executive Chairman

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please let's welcome mr. Jack Ma and Jimmy hello everyone are you excited you can feel it thanks again for taking the time to be with the global shapers young global leaders and the technology technology pioneers in this session welcome to our friends who are watching us online as this session is livestream Jimmy you have a tough job but I'm sure as a shaper in a fashion way you will be excellent in moderating this session so I'll leave you to Jack thank you thank you thank you all right hello and welcome everyone ladies and gentlemen I have the pleasure of introducing our distinguished guest for our meet the leader session today Jack Ma started his professional life as a teacher and has said that he's the unlikeliest of technology entrepreneurs he's the executive chairman of the Alibaba Group the leading e-commerce and Technology congruent with headquarters in the People's Republic of China this year on April 4th the Alibaba Group will celebrate its 20th birthday having been founded in 1999 by Jack and 17 of his former students in his living room in China Jack believed in the power of technology to level the playing field for businesses around the world and Alibaba is a testament to that Alibaba has transformed the lives of scores of millions of people in China created more than 30 million jobs recorded 1.4 billion transactions that's a 90 percent of them through mobile on singles day in November and really the dream doesn't end there Jack's aspiration for Alibaba is to create 100 million jobs and reach 2 billion consumers globally Jack also has a long history with the World Economic Forum he first came to Davos at a young global leader in 2001 and now serves on the boards of the world's Economic Forum and the global shapers community we are indeed extremely lucky to have Jack with us today so Jack thank you so much for insisting on creating time out of your very busy schedule to meet with the young communities at the Forum today ladies and gentlemen please join me in giving a warm welcome to Jack Ma so Jack today we have the global shapers community the young global leaders and technology pioneers are seated in the room today and an eager really to engage with you but let me start off with this question so now in 1999 you recorded a video of your speech to your co-founders at the launch of Alibaba and in that video you were very resolute and confident I mean you seemed so confident that the company was going to succeed yet we know that there is no such thing as a risk-free business so did you have any moments of doubt or fear or launching Alibaba or what you oil and really did you have any concerns that maybe you wouldn't make it and if you did how did you manage those fears and doubts and what was your support system like thank you so much thank you it's my great honor to be with you and thank you for asking the question I was scared there are technical guys here don't ask any technical questions but of course I scared I was scared I had feared doubt it again again but one thing I never sort of doubted about is I believe somebody if not us if not me somebody will win somebody will be there but the thing is that I think it's the early stage of the internet 1999 everybody has a fair chance there's no expert at that time even to today there is no expert of tomorrow there is only expert of yesterday nobody would say well then tomorrow would be like this so this is what I think we don't have a system to to support that how I can overcome my doubts and fears but I tried to be transparent to my team and actually I did everything I worried everything I I'm confident I worried I'm not sure I want to getting the team input insane so they know that if they know I'm hiding something worried they got even more worried right so I tell this is what I worry but of course when I go home I think more I experienced more and so at your age our age you know early days everything when you still want to do something for sure you know if you create valley there is opportunity but the thing you worry to make are you work will probably will warriors if somebody would do better oh quicker or more you know complicated then you are on what suspect sophisticated thing you are you probably lose the chance so when you do business my rule is never be a fear never worry about a competition never worry about you know the de precios if you worry about the pressure you will worry about a competition if you're worried about this don't be don't be a businessman and today the good thing is the whole world worries everywhere people worry about data people worry about privacy people worry about security people worry about and anything that normally is best means great opportunity comes because you know you can never stop this the internet time is coming mobile time is coming back data is coming you cannot stop not worry with the only thing is you embrace you change yourself they started doing and a dirty system no if you have a system you never worry nobody has a system ask you go president he doesn't have a system all right if your human being your worries your doubts but the only difference when you doubt you will you fix the problem you change yourself you fight again tomorrow great thank you let me follow on with that on asking about your team you talked about just now how transparent you were with your team how did you build your team a lot of us here are building businesses and organizations where we want to have similar impact or even greater than what you've been able to achieve so how did you build your team how did you know when you have the right team well today the 18 founders of Alibaba a lot of people think they're legendary something wow you all about that founders you must be super good other honestly most of us cannot find the jobs the early days we're not that smart none of us graduate from it you know a great university but the thing is that we are ready to learn we believing in the future if you work together if we will learn we if you improve we'll be there I told them for the first year everybody forget about that you will be VP vice president right you will always be a tiny manager in your life because if we're successful people we are high they would be smarter than us if we're only high people who are stupid than us and then will be trouble right so when we're high people who are smarter than us the company will grow and you will be happy because this is the mission that we have so I would say there's no best to people in the world that is suit ready for you the best of people is always if you find the right people working together training him developing him and a heat training you he develop then you have a chance to build a team there's there's no there's never ever think about it wow that guy used to working dad a Google Alibaba Facebook he must be good no not necessary so what qualities then do you look for at the bare minimum to bring someone onto your team quality number one he should be smart smart is if is stupid that even worse than cancer can be cured smart wait you stupid good oh you know wait you know I'm saying right will you be smart and should be smart than I am when I hi people I hide the people who smarter than I am and I think people like him for four five years later he can be my boss I love to work for him that's the best and second I like his personality always person you know positive right and don't easily give up talking about so very simple I don't I never say well I will hire you and let me see your diploma which university graduate that does not nothing mmm not that not that important right the important is are smart people smart thing you are you like his personality and I like the people who never give up and I've been proved this for so many years I've seen so many great leaders in the world in many many fields those people are always optimistic they don't complain I know because of this because that no did the the thing that completely company ah I was not that smart I do not think about that clearly so I under the need to change so if we find the people who always complain the others because inner success though hi him don't work him with thank you so as a Nigerian entrepreneur I've been intrigued about your comments on the potential on the African continent I mean you've been engaging very much in recent years I know that you just came from a session with president Paul Kagame of Rwanda and you've also invested about 10 million u.s. dollars in the net preneur prize what has propelled your interests in Africa for African entrepreneurs in the technology space can you speak to that yeah actually year 2017 was my first trip to Africa before I went to Africa I was scary cuz a lot of thinking of poverty disease and you know a lot of unsafety security all these things and then I say let's go there so I visited there I visited the Kenya Rwanda Namibia and I think just you know I think the first of three countries after that oh wow it's so different first I get the feeling it looks like China 20 years ago when I started my business so many young people passion for the future and one thing the Europe always wore is by a future Africa you don't worry about the future because they don't have something that is good Europe always want to keep yesterday Africa probably don't have yesterday the most difficult people to convince in this world is successful people right in this world the most difficult to change a successful people to fall off is very complicated so Africa you see they want in birth they want to change they have a passion they're young people and the good thing is the infrastructure was bad because the infrastructure was bad there's opportunity right china white china mobile phone was so good because china full was too terrible 30 days nobody very few families have the phones so when mobile come we suddenly grab it so I think the opportunity there young people smart so I said the hope of Africa there are four things which I think I would be focused down the first to technology for internet technology for the first day when it was bought Internet it was inclusive it's it's suddenly cover all the young people poor people right you see a credit card when comes only rich people can have credit cards while the mobile payment rich people don't believe that they build credit cards we young people accept the mobile phone payment immediately because we don't have money we wanted we can transcend ourselves right so I think the four very important the thing in Africa first is entrepreneur it's the intrapreneur that's going to change Africa there'll be because they have braved up the courage they'll never worry about the future now as an entrepreneur if you're worried about the future you will never be an entrepreneur right you always believe this things are going to happen there you start to prepare so you African entrepreneurs Africa needs education right education if you don't have the education the good thing is today's the u.s. a non-western education European education system is good but it's going to face the challenges because the new technology coming this education system today we have was designed 200 years ago for the industrial time now the data time comes what's the right education system for that that is to embrace the challenge change that is innovation creative so Africa the second education II the third is if restriction not infrastructure to make everybody in Africa to be able to reach the internet using the force not using the phone for only four gaming's Twitter's you have to do business using phone buy anywhere sell anywhere do business communicate and very important last is eat government you put the government on E the government has to be transparent and the governor will never shut down the internet because if they shut down the internet they shut down themselves so for is that is something they're making a developing countries as the opportunity to leapfrog great thank you so much I'll now open the floor to questions I'd like to ask a few things first please make sure to introduce yourself with your name and community they're part of I will also ask that you please do not pitch to Jack Ma he's also me I know the temptation is there but please make your questions succinct so that we also give an opportunity to everyone to ask the questions yes hello my name is Kai Olson I'm a young global leader from Sweden and I'm also the founder of stellar capacity which is the education company and we train professionals and digital leadership and I'm not pitching but I wanted to ask because just as you mentioned very wisely is that the education systems are designed for the previous industrial revolutions the Industrial Development now when we are designing new organizations and the education system how do we also change our leadership what kind of leadership is needed for the new economy thank you so as I said the education area is in as huge potential and also most of the universities will face challenges most of the business schools will face challenges I think we should folk the resources developing countries like our China Indian or Africa we put more resources on the back end on the PhD Master Degree Research Institute which I think we should put more resources on the early-stage kindergarten primary school middle school because it's you create and and the second thing is education that the past education system was trying to make for China or we teach kids to be like a learning machine they remember everything they calculated faster if you remember everything compete compete with computer computer never forgets if you have to be calculative faster you don't have any any chance right so if you want to teach people hard-working computer when electricity is all they never stop work so what's the things that we have to teach that the kids that to be more creative innovative that do the things the machine cannot do but when you have a lot of smart people leadership is the key to manage smart people you have to use in culture the value system they believe what they do but if you if you want using just the principle rules or laws and documents and to control that's control anomaly you can show stupid people you know what stupid people is a weight online go to toilet they go together got the right but that's that work the next century most people should be educated as smart then you know they're wiser than machines then to manage a wise like Ali Baba we're like a zoo all kinds of animals right first so to manage them the best thing is self management how can the self manage themselves it's the valley they believing the mission the machine in the future they have chips but the human beings have the heart the heart is where the valley the mission so this is what I think the education system we need to move to that direction I hope is your question all right I this shot from global shapers dahab in Qatar my question will be on enrollment perspective how alia our group is working on supply chains to be more sustainable and working on impacts of climate change so how you think business leaders can work on climate change the weather the environment yeah first as a technology company we believe in technology is great for human beings we believe technology can create a lot of jobs because human beings every technology revolution create more jobs but when the early stage every technology create worries worry if you do not have manage them the well it's going to be a big problem as I said the first world war because of the first technology revolution second technology revolution cause the second award this is the third technology of which we are coming then as Alibaba we believe in the future we believe tell technology will be inclusive sustainable and the people worry about environment using technology to solve the environment we only have one earth this is we can rise we own everyone well people using all your codes if we think earth is it's a human you're digging the oil and burning them you're digging the coast that's the bones you're digging them the Earth's will revenge don't be painful so yes we will do that the student needs oil with still near the coast when it's too near the wood but if the data scan tell us how to use it efficiently smartly and that is what we think we can do and the other thing is when you delete giving everybody every country opportunities so I'm a believer I'm not technology person but I'm a believer that techno is great for human beings and as a technical company don't be evil it's not enough you should be do good things for the world do good things for the future and believing young people and environment it's a big issue it's a big problem the earth probably can handle 3 billion people will be probably the best now we're going like a 7 8 billion you can either stop but probably gonna have a 10 billion or 12 billion more problem comes but using technology to foresee the problem comes solve it this is why I think alibaba's a lot of things to do not only for making money making money it's not it's something early days it's important for us now making money's are not very important how we can using technology to change to improve to be inclusive sustainable and green that is why we're still at our age at our you know sort of harden for 20 years time to rest we're still fighting that's that's the meaning of the technology hello and thanks for this opportunity I am Leticia Gasca I'm a global shaper from the when Osiris Hall the World Economic Forum we talk a lot about their skills for the future of work but I was wondering about your thoughts on the skills for the future of humanity future of humanity what is your view in fact this couple of days have been thinking about that probably the most relevant skills for our future as mankind are being more empathetic and more mindful which are not the typical soft or hard skills we talk about okay thank you well one of the things our feel very proud in Kali Papa values we have a six values there's two things which is very unique and I think in the future no matter whatever Alibaba Valley changes these two will never change the first value is custom number one in pride number to share her number three that means enable others make other people better one of the reasons why we survived for twenty years because I was teaching as a teacher you always expect your students better than you are you feel proud my student become a mere banker you don't want your student to be prison trained you always want them to be the most successful than you are so number one rule number wise the humanities hope the other people you know your parents your kids your colleagues you the better than you are second is embrace change that no matter whatever comes something you unexpected to come embrace it if you cannot I change it in person so this is are the things that I think leaders or any but wanna serve I do better you have to do might pick other people better and embrace the change whatever challenges come when people start to worry you think this is opportunity when people start to complain you think the opportunity if I solve it hi I'm Dana Freitas and the CEO of sway we do regulatory soccer I don't start pitching I'll do that another time very effectively one of my questions - we employ Millennials and I guess I'm a millennial myself and one of the realities and criticism sometimes is that the workforce of Millennials tends to actually change very quickly and goes from one job to another and the job hopping is actually something that maybe other generations didn't really have so would you recommend me Daniel's - job hop or to actually stay for a few years and learn certain things when it comes to jobs yeah I think one thing that the really change to me a lot was I was trained to be a high school teacher and I hate to be a teacher ah you know how can a boy be a teacher so every day in the school of thinking about him hmm one day when I when I graduate I would never get teacher because China's system that time is that when you are teacher trained you have to be a teacher so when the day when I left that they went and finish a graduate I was taking my luggage out my president of the University he was at the gate he's a jack come on plays I can't say sir what are you is that you I know where you will go because he assigned me to a school to teach it's a promise me six years don't leave I say all right that's it all right and I never thought it because I I thought I think he gives me a good place to go but presidents at six years ago that promised me that promise I'd kept I become a teacher in the university for six years I calm down I learn how to be a teacher I start to communicate with my young people students changed my mind and I learn all the good things of being a teacher and then I start to move six years later there are a lot of great opportunity come to me in the six years I said no I promised and after six years I started leave and build up the my internet career so if I were giving an advice to young people when you graduated from somewhere you're looking for a job the first job is the most important not necessary a company that has a great name you should have find a good boss that can teach you how to be a human being how to do things right how did you think properly and stay there give yourself promise I will stay there for at least of three years then you start to move a lot of people that's no good I've seen a lot of disasters a lot of problems mistake stick to one fun so normally I say when you're twenty thirty years so you don't know what do you do you have a lot of ideas you think you can do anything but you actually to get to know so you fall in person follow one person when you have 30 to 40 years old if you really want to try to do something of self try it while you're 40 years to 50 just to focus on the things you're good at when you're 50 years old to 60 enable young people to do better where you're over 60 years old spend time with your grandchildren yourself right that's the life normally like that yeah hi good afternoon I'm Miriam Robinson from Jamaica CEO of a bank in Jamaica so I like you believe that technology is good for human beings and it actually helps to democratize access to markets which is relevant for very small poor countries but there is also this concern that as we innovate there's no one standard managing that innovation and that these small poorer countries could be left behind so I wanted to get your thoughts on should this be more standardized and managed at a global level and can that help to bring along small poor countries to ensure that growth is inclusive yeah that's a good question this is what I'm doing almost every day for small company countries developing countries better not to think about standardization rules regulation don't think about it the first thing think about is let the intrapreneurs come up let's the innovation come up when they come up now you know how to regulate last century big size big money standardization is the rules this century or next century personalization customized that's the rule so when you're talking about standardization it takes by the years to do still fighting debating but when you as an entrepreneur when you start to do it within three or five years you already make big changes so for developing countries dumb comings in them like today Europe the more you discuss about standardization the more concerns come up the more worry come up right so today happily are good for for developing countries you see in Europe so many countries worry so many countries start to talk talk talk about regulations its opportunity for you for small countries move faster hi jack my name's Sudarshan I'm a global shaper from Pune and I work to KFI education but one of the things that I found interesting in the global shapers community is that I've found a place where I can be vulnerable share failures and share my fears now I'm interested in knowing what are the communities that you feel comfortable which is the circle that you feel comfortable using Wallner ability you mentioned how the eating co-founders were the people that you shared your failures with I'm also interested in knowing are those eating co-founders till the people you share your fears and failures well and has that changed thank you yeah yes I think first it's a young global leaders shape personally this is a very good community right this is why I come here year 2001 I was young global leader and I was sitting there listening to Bill Gates Cullington at that time you know the debate that most of things I don't understand what they're talking about but the things like I understand as I go back and I test it so this is why I said because of Davos that reformed me now every year I come here the payara team one of the own if there's only one thing I would do I would spend time with the young global shapers to share might I think and then the best the other thing is you can partner but don't do business together all right there are a lot of people you can do business together but doc not not on the same group most of this is this is no good this is my advice and why is that i i have not researched that about seeing a lot of classmates you know in a business school mba when they start to do business together they break the friendship and they break the visitors because they way look at the others all the beautiful where you get closer it's not business is like a marriage but business is not a marriage right so don't invite your friend to join in your company to be partner because be friends it's always good it's more precious or giving you advice my 18 founders he always do keep up contact and some people go you know as I said we're 10 year anniversary this is 20 University ten year anniversary I told all the 18 founders to that tonight everybody write a letter res resign because you don't Oh company company do not own you anything have you been working hard you got what you want you can go be yourself and then if you think about a join the company again right in 40 hours later think through write a letter of application to join the company as a normal employee we will never consider you as the founder if you're not qualified you're out now it's the rules there's a lot of companies have founders and then follow getting problems that company get problems that was we did and I'm feel proud for the eighteen founders they all live well which did contact my my I have a trouble a lot I see a lot of friends and I make friends of every different industries that is that is strong leadership and a unique and and they love to sure visa I have a lot of friends you know they put cars and drinking together but not easy now but but I think very important to have a friend I'm a I'm a very a person believed in the friendship I make a lot of friends and people see Jack how could your friend in the prison so why not he was my friend he commits a crime he is in prison he's got a punished but he was my friend when he came out if you changed we support him are some people are very government officer somebody been prop they you know it's a friendship it's not about when how successful you I would believe your person I believe that when I'm in trouble it gives me my advice none that's what gives me money that's what I think hello my name is Mustafa I mean I'm from Egypt and I feel so lucky being a global cheaper direction thank you it's a very short question like what keeps you awake at night in today's world what keeps me awake in the night in today's world nothing I sleep on the Hara well yes I am you will get used to that when you go through life like this like company like Ali Baba people always seek good side but there are so many scary times Juarez and then and you have to overcome again again again now I know if I cannot sleep well problems do there if I sleep well I'm each have a chance tomorrow to fight against the sleep against the problem sleep well no matter whatever happens right so I don't have it the today the world is that when I wake up I see I go to Africa today I go to Europe today I hammer on the United Nations panel say this is what we believe we think it is a whether they accept or not it's not important the important you go tell the truth you go tell your opinion now you go change that's what we do yeah don't worry hi mr. ma my name is Natalie Chen and I'm a shaper from the Hong Kong hub so I know that you're a great leader but most importantly you're a really great teacher and I know that the education system is inherently quite broken and so I've been working a lot in the education innovation space to connect students and do 21st century skills and job opportunities when I talk to a lot of students I noticed that a lot of students just have no idea what they want to do in the future they have they have just really confused the school world focuses on very different things in the real world so I'm just wondering in terms of like industry relevance in terms of what the education world is right now is quite separate what are your thoughts about bringing more of the private sector and creating a curriculum perhaps under Alibaba for high school students to understand more about entrepreneurship ecommerce because I know you do a lot of work in supporting Alibaba entrepreneurship fund but what if it there is an opportunity to work with younger students and create a school for them what are your thoughts about that thank you I already created a kindergarten a primary school a middle school and a high school because I think we have to do something to change because we see I changed and then people say Jack well how do you changed what the school look like so a bit of a school a kindergarten as primary school first and I say in China because it's all about schools if they're good school we gotta go this is a very Chinese you know way and I say my school the people who joining we interviewed the parents so we this school when this finished they will not be able to when they have a testing they will not be successful like the other school kids are you willing to send them here so at the beginning people worried aha Jack you know if you train the students like this way no people would coming as I don't worry about that because Ali pop I have a 40,000 employees in Hangzhou enough right and then I say if you finish the primary school in your school and then they cannot go to middle school so I would be as they oh that's good a bit of school and then they say if you've finished middle school cannot do the high school let's build a high school and then the university and I say I don't worry about University I believe 10 years later University will accept my students the way training them to be real human not learning machines so we're testing that as a that's the kindergarten you have to teach the kids singing dancing that's to bury the seats of culture inside primary school we teach the kids the value Western Eastern I don't want a kids educated in Western they don't like the Eastern and their Eastern and they don't like the Western a lot of people complain about China and I say have you read Buddhism tourism Confucius no right there you don't know them a lot of people complain on Western nobody have to read the Bible how can you complain I mean if you know Bible you know we're generally coming from a lot of people don't like a user to me but they don't have to read that so from the middle school guys they have Judy a bit of secret they have to working hard the senior high schools they have to build interest today the problems most of senior school students the only dream they have my parents want me to go to a kiss University and what do you want I don't know but I just to go to University of first that's a problem so we need to do something and I'm happy to hear that you're doing something on that yeah Alibaba is testing that good news is that we're getting more more interest we only accept a few students you know 100 students every year but the application was huge the way we teach with the bad news that we have not proved that we will be wink in 10 years but I think if you teach your kids to be a real human they will win if you teach your kids to be a machine you don't have chance hijack Renoir from Singapore YGL we met a couple of years in your office so and when I asked you for advice you said to me very clearly you say Renoir don't study you know the businesses that succeed you study the businesses that fail yeah so fall of us I mean to to from a specific dimension obviously alibaba's problem on the most successful businesses of the 21st century and probably yourself along with Steve Jobs have created you know something which is very visionary to last for another generation if you were to start a new company today hypothetically so the Jack Ma today 2019 if you to start a new company today from scratch if you were going to write you know pitch at Davos what were you doing how do you incorporate this philosophy of learning from failures over the last 20 years yeah first if I started again I will today I would not moving on the internet there's so many smart people there I go to the agriculture industry and these areas just to compete with these not easy the second is that whether I have a Jack Mars experience I mean experience means my experience that when problem comes I never scared when problem comes I'm sorry like wait a minute the West Gump do you need to be hired and they were mistake makes we see how will face it why I do encourage in every young people when you become a business leader do not always follow the successful stars for those people who are successful there are a lot of reasons behind it but learn from those people who failed for all the failure mistakes are almost the same study that not because you can avoid mistakes is because when the mistake huh what failure comes how you face it no I would my my next life would be a business people again and good spirits good experience it's not how much money you've made it's not about how famous you are it's about how much experience you have encountered I feel so proud for so many tough situation come my team work together we overcome that and we find a lot of mistakes silly mistakes we laughed we are writing a book right we tried to record and remember all the silly mistakes then share with the others don't laugh one day you will make the silly mistake like us again hello this is a little monster from a global sea but from reality hub Saudi Arabia you've spoken at the very beginning that to change Africa you need entrepreneurs and I think the same case for the Middle East because they're trying to move from an oil dependent economy to a more diverse economy my question is how would you advise on that and are there any plans to expand in the Middle East in in terms of how are you expanding in other regions second question is delivered as observation to what extent you think the Middle East economy or scenario is actually capable of absorbing a limited exposure of entrepreneurs or and soup renewal projects thank you yeah first and there are great entrepreneurs in in every way in the world but most of the entrepreneurs in the developing countries there are more professional management English in the West but in the East like Africa the Middle East China we have a lot of Indian box never a lot of entrepreneurs and second I think the government should if the government one economy to grow good do not trust themselves too much they should trust the market just a market means trust the Entrepreneurship any government spend resources of training developing encouraging make business friendly policy for Entrepreneurship this country will go up so I think Middle East I've been there some countries for two or three times I found a great entrepreneurs there the the thing is that they were the government's most of the oil come countries there are too rich they're not care about a small tiny this is no good they have to pay attention to small business last a century the bigger the better this century the small the batter last century you have to be a strong company this so you have to be a good company a good company means you care employee your family your friends your customers if you're comfortable not necessarily be that big not don't don't think about don't think about Alibaba Amazon Microsoft just to think about I enjoy my life this is some I come to this world not to make a career I come to this world to enjoy my life and I'd make a good company when the company is good with be strong so I think Middle East a huge potential but the technologies they have to embrace it yeah ok so we have time for one last question this is quite difficult ok I've been told we actually have time for two questions ok this is great hi jack I'm Alessandra Panerai from Damien Harbor global shaper so my question is what is your main personal goal and what you want to learn in the next five years from now my personal goal is that I hope for beautiful business-wise I hope the internet I would be we were built build a new ecosystem that using technology can enable every young people every small business that they can global by global cell global compete girl over delivery and anybody can buy globally deliver Google Excel go aboard its make the world really global and my personal is that you know when I you never you know one thing nobody can't decide which family you were born right but you can decide how you died I don't want to die in the office I don't want to die on a haas hospital or that peacefully on the beaches so so relax and do things I like because I've been working really hard before this year very hot I would still work very hard but I will pick up the things I only like this is because the first 50 years tough work can give me the rights to do something that I really like not do the things I have to do do something that I love to do I Carol from China ygl 2018 I produce and host an interview show global thought leaders like you I think China has been playing the catch-up game for a long time and now it's an exciting time for Chinese entrepreneurs because you know they can really be top of the world but you know they're very busy you know climbing up the ladder but also it comes at a great cost a family of friends of health nobody not dying on the beach as you said right and there are too busy to really think about you know the purpose behind all these technological innovation all these economic development or the value questions well I see the conversation happening in a lot of the case I interview in the West so how do we really start the conversation in China and also it's an important question that China contributes you know in the global conversation so how do we you know help with that narrative so that you know it helps the world to understand China and helps try not to contribute to the world as well okay thank you yeah give you another try to finish to a question yeah hi my name is Gabriela I'm from Amarillo paper from Caracas Venezuela and I wanted to ask you about I mean if you could share with us a challenge that you have faced and how did you embrace the challenge because um well all of us we are living in an age where where we we have found so many little challenge and most of us are facing domestic challenges and so I would I would like to know like what do you think that what's the diff but what was your difference among others you don't overcome those challenge thank you thank you first about China question yes China is developing very fast when you want to be the global leader it's not about your money it's not about your economic power a military power is about your responsibility it's about the valley you bring to the world we believe he's a leader not because he is here's a strong muscle because he's so he has a wisdom he has a heart he knows what he's doing and I think China is learning that it's not that this is this is like me I never thought about these questions you know honestly for 20 years ago and I started my business oh you're so smart than I am I was 20 years ago I mean I can never ask these questions slowly went to the certain size I take more responsibility I start to think and think differently right so when you think about a creative value for the others then you will think about a query value for yourself and Chinese Western the thing is there's a now you the u.s. net there's a comfort it's a good thing because through comfort if they're both rational they will learn each other oh that's what you mean today is more like a duck pockets chicken different languages so this kind of conflicts it's not necessarily bad it's a it's a helping understanding right so that's what I that's what I suggest china is learning Western is learning Middle East is learning Africa is learning we always have to keep on learning where you have a group way or keep on learning things will change about your question I faced a lot of challenges some challenges that I would never say I probably when I certain age right so painful regretful but you know the only solution is go to bed and sleep wake up do it again life is very shot you only have 80 or 100 years the thing you can do is 30 years if you're always in the bad mood you cannot pick up the second pick up one all life is a very long 100 years is very long don't think about today wake up tomorrow you would not I when I when I be rejected by so many people I say ah tomorrow there's somebody waiting at the corner wait for me he should be smart enough yeah also always be optimistic try to comfort yourself with your own hands yeah nobody can comfort to you you can warm you up only you can warm up yourself and if you want to be talk successful pay the tough cost thank you [Applause] I mean I don't have to say this but please let's give another thank you so much stuff much really an honor to have you with us and there's a tradition of taking a group selfie but but for that I will want to ask that everyone remain in their seats okay yes yeah and we have a selfie stick all right we'll be here first right yeah please remain in your seats yes so everybody right now II that will go well I would be there that's good thank you thank you thank you for patience I will do it I will do it yes that's good [Music]
Channel: SmartEvent
Views: 437,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Dly8WFf5ytA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 35sec (3515 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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